he grew up in Bryan, and his dad was a geology prof at A&M.  Before there WAS 
an A.S.S., he apparently dug his own cave and covered it on top so he could be 

On Apr 21, 2019, at 6:45 PM, David 
<dlocklea...@gmail.com<mailto:dlocklea...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I seem to recall Bill Russell subtly telling me in 1987 that "I was once sort 
of an Aggie Caver."   Mentioning to me that he took a class or a semester at 
A&M.   Someone else would have to clarify that.  I guess one would have had to 
pay A.S.S. dues or write A.S.S. under his name to be an alumni of the A.S.S. or 
be active in the A.S.S. for at least a few months.  Right ?
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