I'm one of the guilty who has posted non-cave things. But in throwing out
magazines today, I ran across this article in the UT Exes mag *Alcalde,*
Sept/Oct 2019 issue, about Bill Stone's work, which might be of interest,
if it has not been mentioned before.


Carol Russell

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 9:26 AM Charles Goldsmith <wo...@justfamily.org>

> Howdy folks, most of you know me, some may not, I'm Charles, and I run
> this list.  Luckily, you don't have to hear from too often, but this is one
> of those times.
> Sadly, it's time for a change in how things are run.  We have a very few
> people who are causing problems and I'm getting too much email about it,
> and that's something that I don't like.  Most days, this list runs itself
> and I don't have to do much other than approve a message or new subscriber.
> It's been 10 years since the rules webpage has been updated, but it's
> about that time.
> *Rule Five - Postings have to be on-topic, about Texas caves or cavers,
> caves local to or close to Texas or relevant news about caving, preferably
> on Planet Earth (at least until we are exploring said caves on other
> planetary bodies).  Posts should not have a snippet about caving and then
> add in rider about personal lives.  Repeated offenses will get a suspension
> or ban from the list, as determined by the moderators.*
> This goes into effect immediately and in case you need to review the other
> rules : http://texascavers.com/rules.html
> I will have very little tolerance, abusers will get a warning and then
> suspension before being banned.
> We have 355 members on this list, most are cavers, some are owners of
> caves, and we also have some employees that work in relation to caves.
> This list is intended to have a civil discussion about caves and cavers.
> If anyone has a problem with this, write your congressman.  If you have
> constructive feedback, please let me know
> There will likely be a few other changes coming, I'll be setting up some
> moderators to help me run the list for when I'm out of touch of the
> internet as well as a software upgrade.
> Thanks for your time
> Charles
> texascavers.com administrator
> wo...@justfamily.org
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