Keep us all informed of progress. Bet we can work something out if he is up
to coming.
Love to you both.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 2:44 PM Bill Steele <> wrote:

> Mimi,
> Maybe some bighearted Texas cavers have an RV they could bring to the TSA
> convention for Jim and you to use and they sleep in a tent. That would be
> nice of them.
> Bill
> On Mar 4, 2022, at 1:22 PM, Kris Pena <> wrote:
> Hi Mimi,
> Cave Without A Name rents out sites with RV hookups in the campground. Not
> sure if that's an option for y'all but wanted to make sure you knew about
> it. You'd still have to bring your own RV and the campsite has a separate
> fee payable directly to Cave Without A Name ($32 a night I think, but you'd
> have to verify with the park), but wanted to throw it out there as
> something for you guys to think about. We'd love to see you and Jim out
> there if it's possible for him!
> Kris
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 1:08 PM Mimi Jasek <> wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> What a lovely and generous offer! I had spoken to Jim about the
>> convention already and was trying to figure out how to get him there. He
>> had expressed interest in going. Let us see how rehab goes, and if a
>> possibility I will reach out. We no longer even have a workable tent
>> anymore or cots. Maybe still an air mattress?! Last big trip to Big Bend
>> kind of messed up equipment due to extremely high winds!
>> I am sure he would love a copy of yhat map
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 4, 2022, at 11:05 AM, Bill Steele <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Mimi,
>> Please give Jim my best regards and tell him that the Texas caving family
>> misses seeing him and we all want him to recover fully and come to the TSA
>> convention at CWAN in May. We’ll organize a Jim Jasek haul, like we do
>> Honey Creek tank hauls, to carry him into the cave down those many steps
>> for the talks and back out again.
>> Has he seen Bennett Lee’s nice map of Adam Wilson’s Cave? If not, I’ll be
>> glad to send him a paper copy of it. James worked on mapping that cave.
>> Kindest regards,
>> Bill Steele
>> Irving, Texas
>> On Mar 3, 2022, at 3:03 PM, Mimi Jasek <> wrote:
>> Jim’s surgery went as expected. Will stay in hospital till blood
>> thickness back to normal and PT/OT and doc say he is medically ok for
>> rehab. Had major questions from family, so put this together.
>> Here are better images and Jim's actual X-rays. Left hip area fracture.
>> No actual hip bone, but top Femur where turns to go to connect to pelvis
>> called hip bone. Three surgical arthroscopic small  cuts - one at top, one
>> part way down, and one lower. Used short rod - not all the way to knee.
>> Pulled on leg, rotated till bones knit in place, then this which explains
>> X-rays.
>> An intramedullary nail is a metal rod that is inserted into the medullary
>> cavity of a bone and across the fracture in order to provide a solid
>> support for the fractured bone. Intramedullary nailing is currently
>> considered the "gold standard" for treatment of femoral shaft fractures
>> (Rudloff 2009).Feb 2, 2018
>> Nurse also just told me way less pain than with replacement or other hip
>> area fractures. Reiterated what doc said - best place to break hip if get a
>> break! You can see from first X-ray how bone at almost 90 degree angle, and
>> in last one of fixed bone how in correct position. End of anatomy and
>> surgery lesson 😊❤️
>> Sitting in chair today hopefully till after supper!
>> Just got word got accepted into rehab docs like which is right by
>> hospital and close to home and docs. Looking up.
>> Mimi
>> <IMG_3251.JPG>
>> <IMG_3253.JPG>
>> <IMG_3256.JPG>
>> Sent from my iPhone
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