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Sorry for the delay in news. I brought Jim home Saturday, April 23rd later in 
afternoon since I worked that day. He caught the flu in rehab and was isolated 
those last days before coming home, so came home weaker, on Tamiflu - me too 
for prevention by my doc - with a loss of good PT those last days ☹️

It has been constant since he made it home. The things they said he could do up 
there did not follow him home well, but I figured. He is on HHC but different 
from coming home after stroke. PT and ST now, and OT will start soon, but not 
as intense as after stroke. But he did not come back from anesthesia memory 
wise too well, yet they did not work on the dementia aspect all that time in 
rehab! They kept asking about a diagnosis, said they had access to his records 
but did nothing? When ST said she could not treat Jim for that - only his 
swallow and eating problem - since no diagnosis, I told her to call his PCP. In 
meantime I looked it up on our patient portal and boom! Third one down!! All 
that time in rehab wasted!! 

Kitchen staff on weekend ignored his dietary restrictions and gave him a 
muffin. Was no bread and supposed to always have eating assistance. If he had 
still been eating in his room, I would have lost him. Dining room had reopened, 
so when he scarfed down that muffin and started choking the other residents 
called for help. They got to him in time and did Heimlich maneuver to save his 

I had work PTO blackout till after 5/3, so had paid sitters so I could work, 
then took week off from 5/4-10 with no sitters. Back at work, sitters back, and 
when money runs out not sure what we will do - but I will NOT put him somewhere 
and let them kill him! May be able to work staggered scheduled out at job so go 
in several times a day for hours without leaving him alone too long for his 
safety. Down the road with new phone system may also be able to work some 
remote hours. Met with rep from division of HHC Golden Age Hospice - not end of 
life. Just more care as needed. Does not qualify yet, but they are looking for 
better but private less costly sitter alternative, hopefully to keep shower 
aide after HHC discharges him, and other help. As rep said, help for now and in 
future as needed for me to be able to work and Jim stay at home where he will 
be safe but do better in his own environment. (That blessed man actually 
changed my top kitchen light bulbs for me! I had not felt steady enough for two 
days to climb the ladder to do it! Just too tired! The kindness of strangers!)

We have had a couple of forever caver acquaintances and friends come see us to 
visit and help me with some major handyman tasks, for which I will be forever 
grateful! When all this happened I was in the middle of some major stuff in 
house, which got put on hold while he was in rehab. I worked and took care of 
life have tos, and was with him period. Kind of exhausting!

I work this coming weekend and next, so no TSA convention. Not sure he could 
handle heat or trip right now anyway, but we had been planning on coming before 
he broke his hip.

We will survive one way or another. When days get really hard for me, I think 
of Katie and Jocie and their amazing care of Bill and Pete and others, and it 
helps. One thing though! While in rehab his phone was left plugged in too long, 
was older, and battery expanded and zapped phone. No good recent backup due to 
change of email and Apple ID, so lost all. I would love it if you used to be in 
his contact list if you would text him your info! His number has not changed! 
That way I can start to build a new contact list for him so if someone calls or 
texts we will know if friend or stranger. I depended on his list too!

I know we are not the only aging Texas cavers with problems, but hope most of 
you are safe and well. Go outdoors and underground all you can, and live to the 
fullest. Stayed up to get this off while checking on eclipse, but WAY past 

As Jim says these days, Adios!

Mimi Jasek

Sent from my iPhone
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