    The proof of the pudding is in the eating; yes sir as you said; let it
be Arnab or cho; the wrong note is seen when the incident occurred; when
the bell rang?; Location ios Maha; involved is cong; generally the police
of AP, TN and Maha are always on the ruling side; I do not wish to say
about today's one of the pillars out of the five with the vedams in hand
and folded eyes; some time time back, chief editor and a part owner of the
Republic TV, ARnarb a former "Pande- like" quizzing celebrity of the
country famed one, during the course of the election, as any other media,
during the Rahul canvassing of the brutal murdr of a young girl, chopped
into piece, as election speech,broadcasted all; however, it did a sting
operation, with the right hand cong party wala of Rahul, who bragged, that
the incident was planted by them only etc which went in air for many hours
only in RTV and south DMK TVs did not even spoke about it till date; BJP
had the vision of that incident as it was canvassing why else such
incidents that took place in cong ruled states were also not visited upon
by Mr Rahul; now the drama unfolded; one of the 5  columns criticised the
Arnab broad casts in general, POlice took a case of fabrication of the TRP
ratings, power center abuse dthe TV and the Arnab, Times of India like took
cong side stand -so on so forth; police commisiioner involved himself; and
finally all these fizzled out; BJP also supported Arnab; election started
the polling in states; Arnab started the attack on the police commissioner;
then the axe was thrown; 2 years back closed case of suicide abetting case
on Arnab and early morning forced arrests and threat etc; now judicial
custody; to day bail moving; FM, and many BJP ministers hailing Arnab; and
sir, what wonders me much is 1 why the suicide case 2 years back on arnab
was closed; if he is the abettor, then all thos who closed it including the
Judiciary are also abettors but they are not arrested in the early
morning?; There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio. Mr Srinivasan
Sridharan may understand now. K R IRS 61120

On Thu, 5 Nov 2020 at 19:43, Rangarajan T.N.C. <>

> Here is an objective view
> "Tactically speaking – despite our momentary glee at seeing someone we
> dislike intensely getting his comeuppance – his arrest, on grounds that
> are unlikely to be sustained in the court, is more likely to make a
> political martyr of the man than diminish him."
> The grounds for arrest also seem tenuous if the suicide of an architect is
> being blamed on him, as the bar for abetment is quite high and requires *mens
> rea* as reported <>
>  by *The Wire*: “In January 2010, the Supreme Court had held that for a
> case of abetment to be made out, there must be *mens rea* or intention –
> so the accused must have intended for the person to die by suicide. Given
> that, a suicide note is not enough to file abetment charges, several legal
> experts have held.”
> On Thursday, 5 November, 2020, 07:32:18 pm IST, Narayanan Ramachandran <
>> wrote:
> RK (Retd.) IRS
> I have no Mask normally but in Covid-19 times I do wear one.
> You may be speaking from experience of wearing a Mask.  People
> always rally around a Winner and people like you are no exception.
> I do not support a Sonia or a Modi.  I have always held balanced views
> ever since my maturity.  All are interested in only Votes some are Minority
> appeasers and the others Majority.  All those who support the present
> dispensation
> do not do it out of love but out of opportunist tendencies. Every Party
> under the
> Sun at least in India indulges in corruption and corrupt practices and
> this one
> is no exception imho..  Only the discerning observer will be able to
> understand. The line
> separating falesehood and truth is so blurred beyond recognition that one
> cannot make out
> what is the falsehood and what is the truth.  But always remember nothing
> remains
> permanent in this World and everything passes!!!!!  That's the way of
> Nature. So,
> rejoice while it lasts!!!!
> Thank you,
>  .
> On Thursday, November 5, 2020, 10:31:56 AM GMT+5:30, Rajaram Krishnamurthy
> [Pattars] <> wrote:
> 1 I am not a late entrant since I am there since just <2 decades observing
> and writing; 2  andI read many politics in this group perhaps you had
> forgotten; 3  If you write scriptures of dharma, dharma is action in
> politics; and if you write B G it is preaching in the midst of the
> politics; if you don't like BJP and unless you are screening with
> another mask you suddenly may not erupt on Arnab as if it is the first time
> you are seeing; I can quote many in this forum Thank you K R IRS I also
> don't want to talk about .
> On Thu, 5 Nov 2020 at 10:10, Narayanan Ramachandran <>
> wrote:
> RK (Retd.) IRS
> Everyone who is a Member in this Group has agreed in the beginning itself
> not to discuss politics and therefore, it is the bounden responsibility of
> everyone including me to abide by the same.  You are a very very late
> entrant to this Group and so you are unaware of the understanding. Hence as
> a Member I informed you. I have nothing more to comment!!!!!
> Thank you,
> Ramachandran N N
> On Thursday, November 5, 2020, 09:53:08 AM GMT+5:30, Rajaram Krishnamurthy
> [Pattars] <> wrote:
> Dear YM I am checking and I shall come back to you
> Mr Narayana Ramachandran Your note is quizzical or disapproval?. What is
> politics?. If you mean siding someone or in the party you are at a loss.
> Politics is an individually fed votery concept without which when you go to
> the polling booth, you commit a blunder.  If you are governed and not
> rustic as wandered once in the forest, you have the politics. What you
> write with appreciation or contempt is politics. Ramatyanam had the
> Politics of Kaikeyi and Kooni; Mahabhartham is out and out political
> gambit; Rigvedam from one meaning is a politics between the Devas and the
> asuras where the Vishnu, Rudran, Devi are all were on one side as a
> politicians. Narayanan Ramachandran could not have come up this distance
> without any politics in his life to write or speak about. Is there any
> class agreement in our communication not to? Or if u belong to sonia Gandhi
> then again u are in politics. By all means our misconception that it is
> politics about Arnab, shows you knew nothing about from day one in republic
> TV the sting operation came about; this I wrote but none opened their
> mouth. If brahmin is being hated because, he always wants to save his skin
> pulled in by his dharma patnis as safe zone living and yet wants all the
> govt protections, without in majority not paying ANY taxes or paying taxes
> but demanding too much without any action, foregoing the footsteps of
> dharma taught to him. 98% of the population expects the 2% to lead in front
> but action inaction and inaction in action is wrongly interpreted to get
> the rights without the performance of the duties. Thank u Uthishta
> jakradha K R IRS 51120
> On Thu, 5 Nov 2020 at 09:21, Narayanan Ramachandran <>
> wrote:
> RK (Retd.) IRS
> So, you have effectively made this a platform to discuss Politics.
> Ramachandran N N
> On Thursday, November 5, 2020, 07:44:05 AM GMT+5:30, Rajaram Krishnamurthy
> [Pattars] <> wrote:
> *Action requested: Arnab arrested and attacked - Need PM to intervene
> NOW!!*
> *Just three simple taps from your phone = 10 seconds.*
> 1. Tap this link:
> 2. Tap "Allow" or the link in the page that follows
> 3. Send the email it drafts...
> Please do the needful.  India must speak. *Please forward to others.*
> _EkBharat US team in collaboration with many like you_
> __._,_.___
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