
Q1     One who does not have a course discipline, may face problems, not
only diabetic; this is apart from karmic conditions; the best course a man
can endeavour without expectations are: 1. Consume quantum and qualitative
food acceptable periodically after studying one, s constitution;
periodically because, starving will shoot up the glucose in blood; neither
overeating nor fasting; small quantum periodically. 2 Walking or any
exercise for 30 minutes daily; not fast walking etc; ability to do so; also
it need not be in the morning or evening; it shall be after 30 minutes of
eating or drinking; it can be even 5 or 10 minutes with a gap too.  Basic
character not too much pondering with the stress; stress can shoot; lack of
sleep may cause. Beyond all these remember HIS GRACE and our time.

Q2      Janaka's words to Rama:

"इयं सीता ममसुता सहधर्म चारिणी तव।
प्रतीच्छ चैनां भद्रं ते पाणिं गृह्णीष्व पाणिना॥

That is the utterance of king Janaka, who escorts his daughter to the
marriage pandal, makes her stand before the scion of Raghu, the best of
Raghu's namely Rama. “This is my daughter Sita. She will be your partner in
life in *discharging righteous responsibilities.* Take her. All good for
you. Take her hand in your hand."  That is all. Those who discharge the
righteous responsibilities are Makhalakshmis and Ramas.

Q3     Uncertainty:   अनिश्चयः
; mitya; adrishta  maya. Philosophically, epistemologically, scientifically
, literally, with all due respect the uncertainty is the life. We have to
act krutham always but what we will get may be lucky or unlucky; hence B G
Karmanyevadikaraste ma paleshu kathachana. Theory of uncertainty is that.
Tirukkural also says:  குறள் 336
<>: நெருநல் உளனொருவன் இன்றில்லை
என்னும்பெருமை உடைத்துஇவ் வுலகு.    நீண்ட நாட்கள் இருந்த ஒருவர் இன்று இல்லை
என்ற பெருமை படைத்தது இந்த உலகம்.
English Couplet 336: Existing yesterday, today to nothing hurled!-
Such greatness owns this transitory world.  Couplet Explanation: This world
possesses the greatness that one who yesterday was is not today.   nerunhal
uLanoruvan indrillai ennum
perumai udaiththuiv vulagu

KR IRS 29421

On Tue, 20 Apr 2021 at 12:18, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 04-2021-20*
> *Being  a compilation there may  be errors*
> *Q1         Recently, I came to know that I have a very high blood sugar
> level at about 290. What should I do?*
> A1          Selta Selin March 3 Lives in Multnomah County, Oregon
> (2019–present)
> *Everyone with diabetes is bound to experience high blood sugars.* There
> are simply too many variables out of our control to prevent high blood
> sugars from ever happening.
> But the best thing we can do when they do happen is to help them come down
> as quickly as possible.
> *Here are four things you can do to bring a high blood sugar level down
> quickly.*
> If you take insulin…
> For people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes who take insulin, insulin will
> always play a major role in how you correct a high blood sugar. There are
> several things to keep in mind when you use insulin to correct a high blood
> sugar.
> *First, check your ketones*
> In people with type 1 diabetes, high blood sugars can put you at risk of
> developing ketones. Blood sugar levels over 250 mg/dL with too little
> insulin can quickly turn into diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) if it continues
> to rise.
> *Take a correction dose*
> For those who take fast or rapid-acting insulin — Novolog, Humalog,
> *Apidra,* Fiasp, Admelog, Afrezza — you can take a “correction” dose to
> bring a high blood sugar down.
> A “correction factor” is determined with support from your healthcare
> team. This number tells you how much 1 unit of fast or rapid-acting
> insulin will lower your blood sugar.
> *For example, a correction factor of 1:50 means that 1 unit of insulin
> will lower your blood sugar by 50 points.*
> *How Does Eating Healthy Stabilize Blood Glucose Levels?*
> 6 Simple Lifestyle Changes Anyone Can Do To Help Maintain Healthy Blood
> Sugar
> Diabetics face a daily struggle of keeping blood glucose levels under
> tight control. But you don’t have to be diabetic to benefit from
> maintaining a steady supply of glucose in your bloodstream to provide your
> body with the energy it needs. *When blood glucose levels are unstable,
> you risk experiencing a dangerous condition called hypoglycemia in which
> you feel lightheaded, confused, slow, shaky or fatigued*. By choosing
> healthier food options, including whole, fresh foods with a low glycemic
> index, you can stabilize your glucose levels to avoid glucose crashes.
> *Excess Sugar*
> Many Americans consume too much added sugar in their diets, sometimes more
> than 22 teaspoons or 355 calories a day from various sources*. To
> increase shelf life and enhance flavor, food manufacturers add sugar to
> many processed foods, from cereals to sauces to frozen dinners*. Sodas
> are also loaded with sugar. These hidden sugars add empty calories to your
> diet, leading to overweight and obesity, which in turn are risk factors for
> prediabetes and diabetes. Avoiding processed foods in favor of fresh,
> whole foods leads to a healthier diet and greater stability for blood
> glucose levels.
> The Glycemic Index
> Glucose is your body’s main source of energy, derived from foods that
> contain carbohydrates. *Researchers at the University of Sydney came up
> with a carbohydrate-rating system called the glycemic index.* This system
> ranks foods with carbohydrates according to how quickly they are digested
> and turn into glucose in the bloodstream. *Foods that score 55 or below
> are low glycemic,* digesting slowly and providing a steady stream of
> glucose over time instead of a quick burst of energy. Foods with a score
> over 70 are considered high glycemic, causing your blood sugar levels to
> rise quickly and leading to crashes.
> Whole Foods
> Low glycemic foods include many fresh fruits like citrus and apples,
> non-starchy vegetables like broccoli and green beans, legumes and beans,
> nuts and seeds, whole grains like barley and brown rice and low-fat dairy. 
> These
> foods also tend to be healthier choices overall than heavily processed, 
> low-nutrient
> foods, such as snacks, sodas, white bread, baked goods and boxed cereals,
> because they offer vitamins, minerals and fiber in addition to energy.
> Also, foods that are primarily protein and fat, such as meat, eggs and
> fish, have no glycemic ranking because consuming them does not cause a rise
> in glucose levels.
> A Healthy, Balanced Diet
> To keep your blood sugar levels stable, choose low glycemic index foods
> most often. Serve them with lean proteins at every meal, combined with
> healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. For breakfast,
> try yogurt with ground flaxseed, fresh berries and some whole-grain
> granola. Lunch could be a serving of albacore tuna with asparagus and
> walnuts on a bed of mixed salad greens. A 3.5-ounce turkey burger and a
> three-bean salad with olive oil-based dressing makes a satisfying dinner
> that also gives you a good combination of protein, carbs and fat. For a
> snack, choose apple or pear slices with a tablespoon of nut butter. The
> Institute of Medicine advises adults to maintain a daily breakdown of 45 to
> 65 percent of calories from carbs, 10 to 35 percent from protein and 20 to
> 35 percent from fat.
> *How to Keep Your Sugar Level Even All Day*
> During digestion, the foods you eat, mainly carbohydrates, are broken down
> into glucose, a type of sugar. Your blood stream then carries this sugar
> to your body's tissues and organs to use for fuel. Maintaining stable blood
> sugar levels is not only crucial to providing energy, but can also reduce
> the risk of developing diabetic complications. Whether you have diabetes or
> just want to eliminate daily energy slumps, what you eat and when you eat
> is key to avoiding blood-sugar spikes. *By making a few adjustments in
> meal planning, you can help keep your blood sugar level even all day.*
> *Start your day with breakfast. According to Clemson University, breakfast
> replenishes blood sugar after your night's sleep and energizes your body so
> you perform better mentally and physically*. Cooked oatmeal with low-fat
> milk and fresh berries or whole-grain toast and peanut butter with an apple
> are good choices.
> Create meals and snacks that combine carbohydrates, proteins and a small
> amount of fat. When these foods are combined, the digestion process takes
> more time, providing your body with slow, even-burning fuel that maintains
> stable blood sugar levels. A skinless chicken breast with brown rice and
> steamed broccoli or, low-fat yogurt with fresh fruit and a slice of
> whole-grain bread are two excellent carbohydrate-protein-fat meal
> combinations.
> Q2         Does Goddess Lakshmi send wealth and prosperity to the house
> where a daughter is born?
> A2          Bhanu Kiran ThuInterested in Indian Epics
> Mahalakshmi herself answered this question to Rukmini. *Mahalakshmi
> resides in following places:*
> 1. People who are truthful and follow dharma.
> *2. Women who are forgiving, generous, good in conduct, well-attired,
> devoted to gods*, Brahmanas and to their husbands.
> 3. In the houses where oblations are offered to the fire and *where
> cattles, Brahmanas and gods are worshipped.*
> 4. In the houses where flowers are offered as sacrifices in rites.
> *5. In the houses of Brahmanas who are engaged in studying.*
> 6. In the houses of Kshatriyas who are devoted to *dharma.*
> *7. In the houses of Vaishyas who are engaged in agriculture.*
> *8. In the houses of Shudras who are engaged in servitude.*
> ‘O beautiful one! O eloquent one! I dwell in men who are truthful and
> accomplished, who are engaged in deeds. I do not dwell in men who are not
> good in their deeds, or in those who are non-believers, cause a mixture of
> varnas and are ungrateful. I do not reside in those who are violent in
> conduct or indulge in perverse conduct. Nor do I reside in those who are
> thieves or malicious towards seniors. There are those who are limited in
> energy, strength, spirit and essence, who are incessantly delighted and
> enraged. I do not reside with them. O goddess! Nor do I reside with men who
> hide their true intentions. O goddess! If a man does not desire anything,
> has no natural enterprise and is always content with whatever little he
> possesses, I do not reside with him either. I dwell with those who follow
> dharma in their conduct, great-souled ones who know about dharma, those who
> serve their seniors, are great-souled and restrained and spirited. I dwell
> with women who are forgiving, generous, devoted to gods and brahmanas,
> truthful in their conduct and naturally restrained. I avoid women who do
> not look towards the broken vessels in their homes, who always speak
> against their husbands, who prefer the houses of others and are shameless.
> I avoid women who are fickle and unclean, who lick the corners of their
> mouths, who have no patience and are quarrelsome, who are addicted to sleep
> and are always lying down.
> I always reside with women who are truthful, beautiful to see, united with
> good fortune and qualities, devoted to their husbands, good in conduct and
> well-attired. I dwell in vehicles, maidens, ornaments, sacrifices, clouds,
> rain, blooming lotuses, nakshatras in the autumn sky, mountains, pens of
> cattle, forests, lakes, blossoming lotuses,rivers that resound with the
> calling of swans and the beautiful cries of cranes, with extensive banks
> and beautiful lakes, frequented by ascetics, siddhas and brahmanas.
>  I always reside in large waterbodies where the water is agitated by
> lions and elephants. I am always there in mad elephants, bulls, kings,
> thrones and virtuous people. I always dwell in houses where oblations are
> offered to the fire, where cattle, brahmanas and gods are worshipped and in
> houses where, at the right time, flowers are offered as sacrifices in
> rites. I reside in brahmanas who are always engaged in studying, in
> kshatriyas who are always devoted to dharma, in vaishyas who are engaged in
> agriculture and in shudras who are engaged in servitude. Single-mindedly, *I
> dwell in Narayana. In every way, I am part of his body. It is in him that
> great dharma, the brahman and all delight exist*. O goddess! I am
> incapable of saying that my embodied form resides in anything other than
> these. When I dwell in a man in the form of my attributes, his dharma,
> fame, artha and kama are enhanced.’”’
> Source: Mahabharat translated by Bibek Debroy Shanti Parva Chapter 1692(11)
> *Q3         Is future uncertain?*
> A3          Anubhav Jain April 14 A simple human | Entrepreneur | Author
> There's a small shop near our house.
> We seldom visit there, only when we need something in urgency, otherwise
> we prefer to visit a supermarket.
> The shop is owned by a young guy in his early twenties. He is a joyous,
> and nice guy.
> My mother often interacts with him, whenever we visit there.He has a kid
> and his wife is pregnant.
> Yesterday, we visited his shop as we needed Daliya (porridge) urgently.
> This time it had been more than a month.His mother was sitting in his
> place.
> *My mother smiled and asked, “where is your son today?”*
> She said, “he is gone.”My mother replied, “where?”
> She said, “he died.”
> My mother replied, “What? Are you serious?”
> *She said, “He died of Covid a month back.”*
> The woman was speaking without any emotions; simply talking.
> It appeared that her fate made her indifferent to everything in this world.My
> mother had tears in her eyes and we returned.
> “A moment”
> This is what it takes to turn your life upside down, ruin your world;
> transform your story.
> We manifest the feeling of permanence, as if we are permanent here.
> We want everything to be permanent. We assume miseries to be permanent. We
> assume our loved ones to be permanent. *And worry about the smallest of
> issues as if life isn't beyond that.*
> Every second the world is changing, and any second your world can change.
> Use this uncertainty of life as a luxury to calm down, stay casual, and
> reduce stress from your mind and enjoy life, especially with your loved
> ones. Make them feel loved.
> “Come what may” Have this attitude, minimize expectations and give your
> best.
> *All the above QA are based on Quora digest on 20-04 - 2021. Quora answers
> need not be 100% correct answers *
> *Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 20-4- 2021*
> --
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  • CULTURAL QA 04-2021-20 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty
    • Re: [iyer123] CULTURAL QA 04-2021-... Rajaram Krishnamurthy

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