Dear friends,

Many Malayalam soaps recently Icould see the scenes of holding the legs on 
compulsion or get something done. 

To know the value of leg, justthe curing period of a very small fracture/ wound 
in a leg is much sufficient. 

I am including thigh, foot andlower leg of humans including toe while writing 
in this posting. Repetition areavoided. 


Gopala Krishnan 21-04 -2021 

2. Duryodhana – strength induced in to body. 

We know Gandhari was tying acloth covering her eyes, intimating, since the 
husband is blind; she too didnot require sight. On account of this she had very 
much will power (Thapobalam).She desired to induce strength in the body of 
Duryodhana her eldest son usingher will power. 

One day she asked Duryodhana tocome before her after bath, without any clothing 
in the body. Completely nude.  She desired to open the eye for a moment 
andinduce the strength in to his body. 

Obeying his mother Duryodhanastarted to take bath in the palace pond, and 
Gandhari sat on a big chair in thenearby Hall. Duryodhana was hindered by sage 
Narada on his way and he advisedDuryodhanan that though Gandhari is his mother, 
he should not go with his loinuncovered being a man now. He should wear a small 
piece of cloth there. 

Taking advice of Narada he wore asmall towel covering loin area and appeared 
before Gandhari. Gandhari untiedthe cloth from the eye. She could pass strength 
to all part of the body exceptthigh because of the clothing. It was in thigh 
Duryodhana was beaten with Gada (mace) and defeatedby Bhima. 

In a recent quora QA it was told,it was Lord Krishna and not Narada asked to 
wearcloth in the loin. 

3. Mahabali and the foot incident. 

The legend about Onam is wellknown. Upendra (Vamana) could not measure the 
third foot of land and Mahabalaibow down and showed his head Upendra placed his 
third foot on the head ofMahabali and send Mahabali to suthala- the nether 
world.  I was curious to know what Upendra didwith the land. I could read in a 
posting by Dr Ravisankar sangem that he gaveit to Indra. 

4. Radha and charanamritham.   

Once Lord Krishna felt severepain in the stomach while in Dwaraka. It was felt 
by him that charanamritham (water obtained by washing the feet)of any lady 
could relieve his pain. Which lady will give the watercleaning her foot for 
drinking of the God?

Rukmini, Sathyabhama or any womenwas not ready for such a deed in Dwaraka. 
Finally people were sent to Vrindavanif any lady is there to offer. 

Fortunately Radha was there. Withoutany thinking she washed her feet with 
water, filled in a vessel and handed overto the people. For her Krishna’s well- 
being was important.Immediately on receiving thecharanamritham Krishna drank it 
full. Eaam. One or two minutes lapsed. Krishna got relieved ofstomach pain.

 The incident shows the affectionof Radha to Krishna well over Rukmini and 
Sathyabhama had to Krishna I have read in later readings ofIskon publications 
that Radha was part of Krishna.  

5. Navagrahas and Ravana. 

Ravana made the navagrahasobedient to him and made them in idol form to lie in 
the 9 steps which heclimbed to go to his thrown.   He used to climb over them 
withhis foot to reach the seat. 

Narada noted Navagraha wereupside down in the steps. He devised a method. He 
asked Ravana to keep them in normal position and climb.Without thinking, Ravana 
obeyed him.  Nowthe planets could do their jobs, from that instance the curse 
of the planets fell on him and his badperiod began. 

6. Pada pooja 

In marriages pada pooja is performedto the bride groom, consideringhim as part 
of Mahavishnu. Pada pooja is done by girl’s father. 

In sraadha also the ankles of thefeet of   the sraadha Brahmins (Bhokthas) are 
washed bythe performer before the function welcoming them. 

I read in one of the postingcalled sraadha niyama in our groups by G Bala 
subraminaim  that only ankles has to be washed and notentire foot. 

I am not sure any sasthrikals sayso today to the performer. Now a day I am not 
seeing his postings. 

7. Kalu kazhukichu Oottu 

I have seen this functionperformed in the temples inviting Nampoothries and fed 
after washing theirfeet. Cooking is done in the temple. Today I am not sure 
whether the functionis arranged by Nampoothiri families or by other communities 

I had one Library in chargeNampoothiri in my home who very often used to attend 
it asking me to see thelibrary for about one hour in my boyhood days if I was 
free. On those days Icould not clarify about the performer details. Nampoothiri 
used to inform inadvance to me, so that somehow I should make out time. 

8. Following the foot steps 

Literally it means follow somebody’s path. It is used during good and bad 
practices followed, but mostlyabout good practices.

A teacher’s son like to become alecturer, an ordinary engineer’s son will like 
to become an IIT or Ms and theway. Normally in the field of arts it is seen 
very much. It is passed throughgenes. 

I have seen it in the field ofwriting also. My daughter writes nowadays, 
probably getting more time. 

9. Un noticed Paduka by Arjuna

It is a story from Mahabharatha.It was the period Dharma puthra living with 
Droupadi. Arjuna had kept hisweapons in a room crossing Droupadi’s room. A 
Brahmin approached for help fromattacking people on him and Arjuna agreed. 
Dharma puthrar was there leaving his paduaka in front with Droupadi.Arjuna did 
not notice and entered the room. 

Dharma puthra welcomed him.Arjuna took his weapons and the Brahmin was saved. 
Feeling guilty of enteringthe Droupadi’s room, Arjuna went for seclusion  life 
outside. During this period he came across ulupi- Naga Kanyaka. 

Though I have written the incident, I have one doubt. It wasthe period 
Yudhisthira spending one year with Droupadi. Arjuna clearly knew it.How his 
weapons could be in Droupadi home? All Pandavas lived separately andthey had 
other wives also. 

10. Gaya sraadha and Vishnu Padam.

 I write repeatedly about Gayasuraand yaga story at Gaya. The place where 
Vishnu stood, his feet is preserved andPindas are offered and worshipped during 
Gaya sraadha. 

In Gaya most shops we getthambalam in different sizes with engraving of Vishnu 

All the people performed Gayasrardha would have seen the bhokthas (Exclusively 
Gaya Brahmins) eating verylittle food from the leaves. The bhokthas distinguish 
the kartha by themselves beforeserving and smile at us. During the time I 
performed Gaya srardha, another 9 family’salso performing srardha on the day. 

It is my contention, our pithrus distinguish us and eat less, since theyare 
getting ready for LIBERATION. Enough for them calling as Pithru 

11. Stair case and foot steps 

While designing steps theengineer take atmost care to ensure foot length is 
covered in the width ofsteps in the stair case. The height between steps is 
kept medium so thatclimbing is not felt through the steps. 

 Both these aspects are not looked in to morethan 40% in ladders. Hence we feel 
the climbing in ladder tiresome andunbalance while standing on steps. For 
permanent working for hours henceladders are designed in the form of stair case 
in factories with hand rails. 

In the cross bar exchanges wherethe equipment installed to 10 feet height, the 
travelling ladder was designedin such a way, while sitting and working we would 
not feel either height orimbalance. 

12. Mukkali and nalkkali. 

Furniture with four legs willhave more balance. Hence our table, chair etc. are 
all having for legs.Additional legs if there it should be in pairs. Furniture 
with threelegs is called Mukkali. Some stools, dining tables round in shapeare 
designed with three legs. Their balance is very less. 

On seeing the appearance Ipurchased a designed stool having only two flat legs. 
There was clearinstruction- It should notbe used for climbing or heavy weights 
should not be kept over it. 

In yester years there used to besome equipment with three legs. The offenders 
were tied to it and given blows.It was also called Mukkali. The earliest water 
purifying stands were alsohaving only three legs. It was called Mukkali arippu 
in Malayalam. Biggeroffices had Mukkali. Water filtering using Mukkali was a 
lesson in middleschool, and many schools also had MUkkali arrippu. 

I will continue in next posting

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