CULTURAL QA06-2021-02

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         Do I need to worry with5.8 sugar level?

A1          Weniarthy Lahasian February23

This test shows your average blood sugar level for the past three months.The 
test measures the percentage of blood sugar attached to the 
oxygen-carryingprotein in red blood cells called hemoglobin. The higher your 
blood sugarlevels, the more hemoglobin you'll have with sugar attached.

In general:

An A1C level below 5.7% is considered normal

An A1C level between 5.7% and 6.4% is considered prediabetes

An A1C level of 6.5% or higher on two separate tests indicates type 2diabetes

Certain conditions can make the A1C test inaccurate — such as if you'repregnant 
or have an uncommon form of hemoglobin.

Fasting blood sugar test

hours A blood sample is taken after you fast for at least eight orovernight.

In general:

A fasting blood sugar level below 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) —5.6 
millimoles per liter (mmol/L) — is considered normal.

A fasting blood sugar level from 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.6 to 7.0 mmol/L) 
isconsidered prediabetes. This result is sometimes called impaired 

A fasting blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or higher indicatestype 2 

Q2         Was there somethingspecial about the horses of Arjuna's Chariot?

A2          Himanshu Priyadarshi 3mago

They were carrying the weight of whole universe (Krishna Ji ) and lordhanuman 
as a flag on Arjun chariot. They were special

Q3         Why do most of the Hindugods have two wives?

A3          Pranav K Prabhakar FormerHuman Resources3m ago

Let's understand this from the higher perspective of the higherconsciousness of 
the universe. As energy we experience is all information ofthe vibration it 
carries so the aspect is frequency of the being.

In Hinduism, wife is said tothe aspect of husband i.e. which completes the 

Vigneshwaran is considered as God of wisdom so his spouse areBhuddi 
(intelligence) and Siddi (Super Power)

Karthikeyan is considered as God of war so his spouse areDevasena (Gods 
Warrior) and Valli (Natural Herbs)

Sashthav (Ayappan) is considered to God of Yoga (Unionwithin and without) so 
his spouse are Purna (Wholeness) and Pushkala(Flourishment)

Balaji is considered as God of Consciousness so his spouseare Bhu devi (Earth) 
and Lakshmi (Abundance)

Q4         What are the previousbirths of Devi Parvati?

A4          Lakshmi Narayanputra Studiedat 10th Class in India8h ago

She was Mata Sati . Her father Daksha hated her husband lord Shiva.He did a 
yagya in which he didn't invite them both. 

Mata Sati went to the yagya and Daksha insulted her husband lord Shivawhich 
made her angry and she Sacrificed herself. 

This made lord Shiva angry and he sent lord Virabhadra to kill Daksha.Later she 
was born as Mata Parvati the daughter of Him an and Mena.

Q5         Is our flesh connected toour bones, or does it slide over the top of 

A5          Ken Saladin Formerprofessor of histology (microscopic anatomy)May 25

Almost all of the skeletal muscles (flesh) are connected to the bones andcould 
not function if they weren’t. The other two muscle types—-cardiac and 
smooth—are not. 

Muscles not connected to bones are attached to other tissues that theymove, 
such as the skeletal muscles of the lips and eyelids and the smoothmuscle 
sphincters of the digestive and urinary tracts.

Q6         Was Buddha an incarnation(avtar) of Vishnu?

A6          Rami Sivan Priest,Dharma teacher, counsellor, Gov. Advisor 

Maybe we should look to the Buddhist sources and see if Buddha himselfclaims to 
be an avatar - and as far as I know he never did.

The Pali canon mentions Brahmaand Indra mostly with one of two mentions of 
Vishnu who apparently had not yet gained popularity during the Buddha'stimes.

Q7         Can British people buysecondhand clothes from Queen Elizabeth II?

A7          Diana Coles FormerConservation Volunteer May 19

Yes. Every first Thursday of the month she gets the footmen to put up a 
weestall in the front of Buck house and then the local residents form an 
orderlyqueue to purchase whatever cast offs her majesty wishes to dispense 

Before you can join the queuehowever, you have to give proofto the beefeater in 
charge that you are a genuine resident of Inner London.

Q8         Do Hindu gods punish forblasphemy thoughts? What are the 
consequences for the future?

A8          Puduvail Ashokan FormerTechnical Director /Advisor (2017–2019)Sat

Blasphemy is talking ill ofyour deity and faith. Hindus willnever thing ill of 
their gods as they do not find anything wrong in the waythey see God or worship 

Hinduism is a way of life and God is one aspect of this way of life . 

Sanatana Dharma is imbibed from birth as a way to live and no practicingHindu 
finds fault with it. 

Secondly .Hindu gods are reallyforgiving and do not follow theeither or 
situation like other religions. There is no 72 virgins or eternalhell fire in 
Hinduism. Without this Damocles sword hanging over your head . 

Hindus have little reason toentertain thought of blasphemy. Even if they do the 
Gods are all forgiving.


Q9         How did humans learn thatwe need to cook certain foods to eat them? 
Was there a time in history where wewere just eating raw meat?

A9          Matt Riggsby MAArchaeological Studies, Boston UniversitySat

The use of fire was developed about 1.8 million years ago, and we didn’tdo it. 

This was early in the existenceof Homo erectus, our immediate predecessor 

 What followed was probably less acase of discovering that this or that food 
needed to be cooked and more one ofthe new technique, cooking, being applied to 
many potential foods. 

Cooking softens foods, lettingindividuals with weaker jawsto consume them. This 
had a massive impact on our evolution, since being ableto get by with weaker 
jaws while being able to eat more different species offoods let our erectus 
ancestors develop bigger skulls and bigger brains. 

Cooking let us get smarter, which meant that we were better at huntingand had 
more diverse foods we could get by gathering, which meant that we gotmore food, 
could grow even larger brains (which are metabolically “expensive”),get better 
at getting more food…and so on until, about 300,000 years ago, ourspecies 

One of the things that means,then, is that there is no timeat which we, by 
which I mean our species, Homo sapiens, had to eat raw foods.We always had fire 
available to us. Indeed, fire has been around for about six times as longas we 

 Before that, erectus’s ancestors appear to have eaten amostly plant-based 
diet, probably resembling that of our chimpanzee cousins,which probably means a 
few insects and maybe a little (raw) meat on veryrare occasions. 

The development of fire changed that quickly and profoundly.

Q10       What does it look like tolive in a Hindu temple?

A10        Devala Rees ·Hindupractitioner and scholar of Pagan religions May 27

Usually no humans live in aHindu temple, but priests and their families may 
live immediately adjacent, sometimes in the same building. 

My local Hindu temple (actually one of multiple, but I’m talking aboutthe 
public one) is simply in a large structure built onto an old townhouse, 
connected by an interior door to thehouse of the priest and his wife and kids. 
So after they shower, theycan go in the temple every morning and do the rituals 
- Ganesha Puja, RudraAbhishek, Puja to all the Deities, cleaning the altar, etc.

A Hindu temple requires a lotof rituals that have to beperformed every day, so 
if the priest is ever away, or ritually impure due to adeath in the family, 
etc., then he must find a substitute for that day. 

At larger temples there are multiple priests so this is easy, but 
smallertemples may have just one priest, especially outside India or other 
major Hinducountries, and so theymust train multiple substitutes in advance in 
case they’re needed. 

I myself am such a substitute for a couple of temples, so I know thedaily 
procedures firsthand, and they’re rather elaborate. There’s a reason thatbeing 
a Hindu temple priest is ideally a full-time job; they’re in thereperforming 
rituals for many hours most days. Indeed at large temples it may be a full-time 
job for awhole team of priests.

Q11       Why did Draupadi have nograndson?

A11        Divya Singh Agni Mon

Many answers are here for you but mine is bit different,

Draupadi had daughters too,they are missing in somecontext but some flokees 
proves their existance…(Noo noo I m not referring toStarPlus’s new Mahabharat…I 
am referring to genuine historians……U can findtheir existence  if u do a 

Suthanu was married toAsvabhanu( Krishna andSatyabhama’s eldest son);

Asvabhanu has a son n daughter too…..I m still researching on this socant tell 
the names surely……

So , i think it is not fair to say that Draupadi has no grandson. 

Okay, Not by son’s but via daugter’s  she had grandchildren

i think you got your answer now…

Lakshmana was abucted by andmarried to Samba, (Krishnaand Jambavati’s eldest 
son)……U can search more by urself….

Suthanu - Yudhishthir and Draupadi’s daughter

Printha - Nakul and Draupadi’s saughter

Samyukthana - Bhim and Draupadi’s daughter

Sumithra - Sahadev and Draupadi’s daughter

Pragya and Pragati - Arjun and Draupadi’s twin daughters

{JUST FOR KNOWLEDGE} Lakshmana - Duryodhan and Bhanumati’s daughter

Avantika - Arjun and Shefali’s daughter

All the above QA are based onQuora digest on 02-06- 2021. Quora answers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 02-6-2021

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