
On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 20:35, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <
iyer...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 06-2021-02*
> *Being  a compilation there may  be errors*
> Q1         Do I need to worry with 5.8 sugar level?
> A1          Weniarthy Lahasian February 23
> This test shows your average blood sugar level for the past three months.
> The test measures the percentage of blood sugar attached to the
> oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells called hemoglobin. The higher
> your blood sugar levels, the more hemoglobin you'll have with sugar
> attached.
> In general:
> An A1C level below 5.7% is considered normal
> An A1C level between 5.7% and 6.4% is considered prediabetes
> An A1C level of 6.5% or higher on two separate tests indicates type 2
> diabetes
> Certain conditions can make the A1C test inaccurate — such as if you're
> pregnant or have an uncommon form of hemoglobin.
> Fasting blood sugar test
> hours A blood sample is taken after you fast for at least eight or
> overnight.
> In general:
> A fasting blood sugar level below 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) —
> 5.6 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) — is considered normal.
> A fasting blood sugar level from 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.6 to 7.0 mmol/L) is
> considered prediabetes. This result is sometimes called impaired fasting
> glucose.
> A fasting blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or higher indicates
> type 2 diabetes.
> Q2         Was there something special about the horses of Arjuna's
> Chariot?
> A2          Himanshu Priyadarshi 3m ago
> They were carrying the weight of whole universe (Krishna Ji ) and lord
> hanuman as a flag on Arjun chariot. They were special
> Q3         Why do most of the Hindu gods have two wives?
> A3          Pranav K Prabhakar Former Human Resources3m ago
> Let's understand this from the higher perspective of the higher
> consciousness of the universe. As energy we experience is all information
> of the vibration it carries so the aspect is frequency of the being.
> In Hinduism, wife is said to the aspect of husband i.e. which completes
> the whole.
> Vigneshwaran is considered as God of wisdom so his spouse are Bhuddi
> (intelligence) and Siddi (Super Power)
> Karthikeyan is considered as God of war so his spouse are Devasena (Gods
> Warrior) and Valli (Natural Herbs)
> Sashthav (Ayappan) is considered to God of Yoga (Union within and
> without) so his spouse are Purna (Wholeness) and Pushkala (Flourishment)
> Balaji is considered as God of Consciousness so his spouse are Bhu devi
> (Earth) and Lakshmi (Abundance)
> Q4         What are the previous births of Devi Parvati?
> A4          Lakshmi Narayanputra Studied at 10th Class in India8h ago
> She was Mata Sati . Her father Daksha hated her husband lord Shiva. He
> did a yagya in which he didn't invite them both.
> Mata Sati went to the yagya and Daksha insulted her husband lord Shiva
> which made her angry and she Sacrificed herself.
> This made lord Shiva angry and he sent lord Virabhadra to kill Daksha.
> Later she was born as Mata Parvati the daughter of Him an and Mena.
> Q5         Is our flesh connected to our bones, or does it slide over the
> top of it?
> A5          Ken Saladin Former professor of histology (microscopic
> anatomy)May 25
> Almost all of the skeletal muscles (flesh) are connected to the bones and
> could not function if they weren’t. The other two muscle types—-cardiac
> and smooth—are not.
> Muscles not connected to bones are attached to other tissues that they
> move, such as the skeletal muscles of the lips and eyelids and the smooth
> muscle sphincters of the digestive and urinary tracts.
> Q6         Was Buddha an incarnation (avtar) of Vishnu?
> A6          Rami Sivan Priest, Dharma teacher, counsellor, Gov. Advisor
> (1998–present)Mon
> Maybe we should look to the Buddhist sources and see if Buddha himself
> claims to be an avatar - and as far as I know he never did.
> *The Pali canon mentions Brahma and Indra mostly with one of two mentions
> of Vishnu who apparently* had not yet gained popularity during the
> Buddha's times.
> Q7         Can British people buy secondhand clothes from Queen Elizabeth
> II?
> A7          Diana Coles Former Conservation Volunteer May 19
> Yes. Every first Thursday of the month she gets the footmen to put up a
> wee stall in the front of Buck house and then the local residents form an
> orderly queue to purchase whatever cast offs her majesty wishes to dispense
> with.
> Before you can join the queue however, you have to give proof to the
> beefeater in charge that you are a genuine resident of Inner London.
> Q8         Do Hindu gods punish for blasphemy thoughts? What are the
> consequences for the future?
> A8          Puduvail Ashokan Former Technical Director /Advisor
> (2017–2019)Sat
> Blasphemy is talking ill of your deity and faith. Hindus will never thing
> ill of their gods as they do not find anything wrong in the way they see
> God or worship God.
> Hinduism is a way of life and God is one aspect of this way of life .
> Sanatana Dharma is imbibed from birth as a way to live and no practicing
> Hindu finds fault with it.
> Secondly .Hindu gods are really forgiving and do not follow the either or
> situation like other religions. There is no 72 virgins or eternal hell fire
> in Hinduism. Without this Damocles sword hanging over your head .
> Hindus have little reason to entertain thought of blasphemy. Even if they
> do the Gods are all forgiving.
> Q9         How did humans learn that we need to cook certain foods to eat
> them? Was there a time in history where we were just eating raw meat?
> A9          Matt Riggsby MA Archaeological Studies, Boston UniversitySat
> The use of fire was developed about 1.8 million years ago, and we didn’t
> do it.
> *This was early in the existence of Homo erectus, our immediate
> predecessor species.*
>  What followed was probably less a case of discovering that this or that
> food needed to be cooked and more one of the new technique, cooking, being
> applied to many potential foods.
> Cooking softens foods, letting individuals with weaker jaws to consume
> them. This had a massive impact on our evolution, since being able to get
> by with weaker jaws while being able to eat more different species of foods
> let our erectus ancestors develop bigger skulls and bigger brains.
> Cooking let us get smarter, which meant that we were better at hunting and
> had more diverse foods we could get by gathering, which meant that we got
> more food, could grow even larger brains (which are metabolically
> “expensive”), get better at getting more food…and so on until, about
> 300,000 years ago, our species developed.
> *One of the things that means, then, is that there is no* time at which
> we, by which I mean our species, Homo sapiens, had to eat raw foods. We
> always had fire available to us. *Indeed, fire has been around for about
> six times as long as we have.*
>  Before that, erectus’s ancestors appear to have eaten a mostly
> plant-based diet, probably resembling that of our chimpanzee cousins, which
> probably means a few insects and maybe a little (raw) meat on very rare
> occasions.
> The development of fire changed that quickly and profoundly.
> Q10       What does it look like to live in a Hindu temple?
> A10        Devala Rees ·Hindu practitioner and scholar of Pagan religions
> May 27
> *Usually no humans live in a Hindu temple, but priests and their families
> may live immediately adjacent,* sometimes in the same building.
> My local Hindu temple (actually one of multiple, but I’m talking about the
> public one) is simply in a large structure built onto an old townhouse, 
> connected
> by an interior door to the house of the priest and his wife and kids. So
> after they shower, they can go in the temple every morning and do the
> rituals - Ganesha Puja, Rudra Abhishek, Puja to all the Deities, cleaning
> the altar, etc.
> A Hindu temple requires a lot of rituals that have to be performed every
> day, so if the priest is ever away, or ritually impure due to a death in
> the family, etc., then he must find a substitute for that day.
> At larger temples there are multiple priests so this is easy, but smaller
> temples may have just one priest, especially outside India or other major
> Hindu countries, and *so they must train multiple substitutes in advance
> in case they’re needed. *
> I myself am such a substitute for a couple of temples, so I know the daily
> procedures firsthand, and they’re rather elaborate. There’s a reason that
> being a Hindu temple priest is ideally a full-time job; they’re in there
> performing rituals for many hours most days. *Indeed at large temples it
> may be a full-time job for a whole team of priests.*
> Q11       Why did Draupadi have no grandson?
> A11        Divya Singh Agni Mon
> Many answers are here for you but mine is bit different,
> *Draupadi had daughters too, they are missing in* some context but some
> flokees proves their existance…(Noo noo I m not referring to StarPlus’s new
> Mahabharat…I am referring to genuine historians……U can find their existence
>  if u do a cross check…..)
> Suthanu was married to Asvabhanu( Krishna and Satyabhama’s eldest son);
> Asvabhanu has a son n daughter too…..I m still researching on this so cant
> tell the names surely……
> So , i think it is not fair to say that Draupadi has no grandson.
> Okay, Not by son’s but via daugter’s  she had grandchildren
> i think you got your answer now…
> Lakshmana was abucted by and married to Samba, (Krishna and Jambavati’s
> eldest son)……U can search more by urself….
> Suthanu - Yudhishthir and Draupadi’s daughter
> Printha - Nakul and Draupadi’s saughter
> Samyukthana - Bhim and Draupadi’s daughter
> Sumithra - Sahadev and Draupadi’s daughter
> Pragya and Pragati - Arjun and Draupadi’s twin daughters
> {JUST FOR KNOWLEDGE} Lakshmana - Duryodhan and Bhanumati’s daughter
> Avantika - Arjun and Shefali’s daughter
> *All the above QA are based on Quora digest on 02-06- 2021. Quora answers
> need not be 100% correct answers *
> *Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 02-6- 2021*
> --
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    • Re: [iyer123] CULTURAL QA 06-2021-... Rajaram Krishnamurthy

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