
Is your birth a cosmic phenomenon? Phenomenon is plurality or duality an
appearance to the projection of the mind. Every specie in any universe
,seen and not seen ,heard and not heard, is only a manifest of Brahmam
alone; THERE WAS NO CREATION AT ALL; everything already existed; viswarupa
dharsanam in B G denotes only that; hence Brahmam releases, rewinds  and
resituates the prakriti the matter; prakriti needs the purusha another form
to protect; Purusha and Prakriti are divisible in many forms; the unfolding
of Maya aligned with the purusha are superimposed into one Brahmam. What
goes in goes out; GIGO; therefore, VISHWA the COSMIC is also a MACRO AND

             All the bowdeekam  Ancient sanskrit or modern physics were in
existence with HIM or who knows, EVEN WITHOUT HIM. (Rig Vedam Nasadiya
suktham 10.129). How bowdeekam became the chemistry, botany, biology,
zoology and so many other sciences is as good as multiplication of the
cells or ATOM. Hence Tirumular said (andathilulladhu pindathilum ulladhu)
what was macro is also micro. So science is not new. As old as the earth
and all other universes.

             Scriptures say that this universe is in existence starting
from sound AUM, expanding in physical status across the space with the
 first Sapta rishi to Agni light, air, “aaapa” or water and earth with the
specie from fish to various growth -enlightening from Rig vedam till
brahmanda puranam . So for 27 chatur yugas passed and 158 Billion years
spent. Modern science studied the subjects within 400 years, revealing the
same ; but claimed as their IP as if only they inaugurated all of them.

           The process of life is not start and end as in the linear scale
believed by the westerner. The concept of Prakriti IT IS CYCLIC. There is
no birth and death as our human eyes visualise; perception of the senses is
different from the perception of the mind and soul, abstract which is
relevant from the cogent facts assigned by the ancient Rishis. If there is
a cyclic of life seen and life unseen periodically, the body science might
be according to the Dr Sushruta Bowdeekam; but why does the rule of
principle applicable to one body, does not apply to another body, born
under similar circumstances.  Then there is a force behind cause and effect
in life. Where everything is equal the resultant is not. DNAs are similar
in all births. But why are there variations in the living standards. Again
GIGO. Or even GOGI.

           This is Karma which alone gets in recycled births in different
bodies, which is constitutionalised in the Brahma Bowdeekam. Then Karma
created by the body when entering the new body writes the program for that
body. All are not cancerous; all are not diabetic; but those provocative
programmed uniformly exist in every one’s body. Pre-determined programmed
life as per DNAs mutations function as programmed. To avoid disappointments
only it was said that you do not expect *only that reward* for the work you
have done. You have the right to work. Even when you do not work, good and
bad might occur. Freewill is one’s motor but energy differentiates the
motors. So birth is a cosmic phenomena only.

          These cosmic observations by the ancient rishis, provoked to
analyse the relationship and the inter-connectivity between every atom
around. The West in science termed it as Chaos theory. That study of the
Astronomy cycle with the life cycle of the Prakrithi pushed them to
scientifically determine the truths of the future already conceived.  That
is astrology. If everything is a manifestation then relativity must exist
not only under mass and energy but in all which singular theory, modernity
is trying to discover. Science and Mathematics were part of astronomy and
Astrology. Calculation of the future has one more part termed as INTUITION
in which ladies far exceed the males. Again, intuition is an analytical
mind also. And again, that mind acts according to KARMA. Freewill is
action; the result is Karma.

        { In the words of CHEIRO a palm-astro, “The success I had during
the twenty-five years in which I was connected with this study was, I
believe, chiefly owing to the fact that although my principal study was the
lines and formation of hands, yet I did not confine myself alone to that
particular page in the book of Nature. I endeavoured to study every phase
of thought that can throw light on human life; consequently the very ridges
of the skin, the hair found on the hands, all were used as a detective
would use a clue to accumulate evidence. I found people were sceptical of
such a study only because they had not the subject presented to them in a
logical manner.

There are hundreds of facts connected with the hand that people have
rarely, if ever, heard of, and I[Pg 2] think it will not be out of place if
I touch on them here. For instance, in regard to what are known as the
corpuscles, Meissner, in 1853, proved that these little molecular
substances were distributed in a peculiar manner in the hand itself. He
found that in the tips of the fingers they were 108 to the square line,
with 400 papillæ; that they gave forth certain distinct crepitations, or
vibrations, and that in the red lines of the hand they were most numerous
and, strange to say, were found in straight individual rows in the lines of
the palm. Experiments were made as to these vibrations, and it was proved
that, after a little study, one could distinctly detect and recognise the
crepitations *in relation to each individual*. They increased or decreased
in every phase of health, thought, or excitement, and were extinct the
moment death had mastered its victim. About twenty years later, experiments
were made with a man in Paris, who had an abnormally acute sense of sound
(Nature's compensation for want of sight, as he had been born blind). In a
very short time this man could detect the slightest change or irregularity
in these crepitations, and through the changes was able to tell with
wonderful accuracy about how old a person was, and how near they were to
illness, and even death.

The study of these corpuscles was also taken up by Sir Charles Bell, who,
in 1874, demonstrated that each corpuscle contained the end of a nerve
fibre, and was in immediate connection with the brain. This great
specialist also demonstrated that every portion of the brain was in touch
with the nerves of the hand and more particularly with the corpuscles found
in the tips of the fingers and the lines of the hand.

     It is a well-known fact that, even if the skin be burned off the hands
or removed by an acid, in a short time the lines will reappear exactly as
they were before, and the same happens to the ridges or "spirals" in the
skin of the inside tips of the fingers and thumb.

     Whether or no these ancient philosophers were more enlightened than we
are has long been a question of dispute, but the one point and the most
important one which has been admitted is, that in those days the greatest
study of mankind was man. It is, therefore, reasonable to suppose that
their conclusions are more likely to be correct than those of an age like
our own—famous chiefly for its implements of destruction, its warships, its
dynamite, and its cannon.

         During my stay in India, I was permitted by some Brahmans
(descendants of the Joshi Caste, famous from time immemorial for their
knowledge in occult subjects) with whom it was my good fortune to become
intimately acquainted, to examine and make extracts from an extraordinary
book on this subject which they regarded as almost sacred, and which
belonged to the great past of the now despised Hindustan.

As the wisdom of the Hindus spread far and wide across the earth, so the
theories and ideas about this[Pg 5] study spread and were practised in
other countries. Similar to the way in which religion suits itself to the
conditions of the country in which it is propagated, so has it divided
itself into various systems. It is, however, to the days of the Greek
civilisation that we owe the present clear and lucid form of the study. The
Greek civilisation has, in many ways, been considered the highest and most
intellectual in the world, and here it is that Palmistry or Cheiromancy
(from the Greek χεíρ, the hand) grew and found favour in the eyes of those
who have given us laws and philosophies that we employ to-day and whose
works are taught in all our leading colleges and schools.

     In the original Hebrew of the Book of Job (chap. xxxvii., ver. 7), we
find these significant words: "God caused signs or seals on the hands of
all the sons of men, that the sons of men might know their works."  }

     KR   Does nature know in advance that your parents will fuse in sex?
YES.  Are the lines on the palms and the DNA related, and awaiting
investigation?    YES.      K Rajaram   IRS   7621

On Mon, 7 Jun 2021 at 07:02, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <> wrote:

> --
> *Mar*The Exact Time and Process of Your Birth
> In the ultimate bliss of sex, your father contributed 23 chromosomes and
> your mother another 23 chromosomes, total 46 chromosomes to create you as
> the Zygote. Instantly in the Zygote, very small and microscopic zygote,
> your whole time table of life, the DNA molecule, six feet long with
> billions of base pairs, the link chain ladder, the AT and GC junctions or
> links, will be there. Now how did you happen as the zygote with the DNA
> time table of life covering every aspect and every micro second of your
> life, so instantly in a micro second? Does nature know in advance that your
> parents will fuse in sex? Are they led into sex by nature, which determined
> the exact time, which was ready with its DNA and also the organism, the
> mitochondrium, which lives in the cell, the zygote, to create the fuel for
> the cell division of baby making, billions of cells, each containing the
> DNA molecules and also the Mitochondria? The Mitochondria convert the cell
> into electromagnetic fields. As an assembly of cells, you live because of
> electromagnetism, the basic force of the Universe, the photons or the
> electromagnetic radiations travel through even the vacuum, where the
> temperature is absolute zero. Is your life, the continuous photon synthesis?
> The photons of the photon synthesis, you, are subject to quantum
> entanglement that is, if anything happens to a photon, its twin will also
> get affected at a speed faster than light or photons, converting the
> Universe into the gigantic nervous system. Does it mean that every action
> of yours has ramifications covering the whole universe, just like you
> instantly acting even at a small prick on your skin?
> Is your birth, a cosmic phenomenon?
> On the earth you live by breathing, the inhalation and exhalation creating
> emotional fusions among the organisms of the Biosphere. Every organism, of
> the Biosphere is emotionally bonded to every other organism, because of
> breathing. And all of them are basically electromagnetic fields.
> The emotion fusions and the electromagnetic fusions are so closely
> related. Our emotions are thus moulded by the Earth, immediately and by the
> Cosmos ultimately. Your food is the result of the photon synthesis or the
> photosynthesis. Your bones are built by the D vitamin, another photon
> synthesis. Understanding enlightens you, another photon phenomenon, there
> is electricity functioning as the Brain.
> In Astrology they are studying, life as a macro process. But our
> Newtonists, whose Newtonian physics is now valid only, say as the first
> chapter of the Physics, thumb their noses at Astrology. Are the lines on
> the palms and the DNA related, and awaiting investigation?
> YM
> --
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