Dear friends, 

While I was surfing the net I could get astory  about Birth of Arundhathi wife 
ofsage Vasistha. I thought of sharing the same with you. The matter has 
beensuitably edited 


Gopala krishnan 7-6-2021 

1. Birth of Sandhya and Kamadeva 

 Lord Brahma narrated the following tale tosage Narada- 

"A girl by the name  Sandhya manifested from my being. Her heavenly beauty 
amazed me.She influenced me to such an extent that I forgot that Sadhya was my 
daughterand got infatuated by her." 

"When I became infatuated by thedivine beauty of Sandhya, my infatuation 
resulted into the manifestation ofanother Manasa-putra. 

I first named him Kamadeva. His beauty and qualities wereincomparable. 

2. Kamadeva salute Brahma

Kamadeva made salutations to me and askedas to what was his name and purpose of 
being. I gave him again the name 'Pushpavan' andinstructed him to help in the 
process of procreation. I also blessed him that nobody wouldremain unaffected 
by his influence including myself and Lord Vishnu." 

After being named by lord Brahma as'Pushpavan', Kamadeva was also given various 
names as Manmath, Kama, and Madanetc. by sages like Mareechi. 

They also said to him that he would be married to 'Rati' the daughter ofDaksha. 

3. Kamadeva test Brahma’s boon 

Kamadeva himself was infatuated with thebeauty of Sandhya. To test the 
authenticity of Brahma's boon, Kamadeva took outhis five arrows and wanted to 
examine their power. The names of their arrowswere Harshan, Rochan, Mohan, 
Shoshan and Maran. 

These arrows had effect on all the people present there including lordBrahma 
and Sandhya. Getting affected by thosearrows, forty-nine types of thoughts 
emerged in Brahma's mind. Similarly, flawswere clearly visible in Sandhya's 

Kamadeva became convinced of his powersand capabilities. But Dharma - the 
manasa putra of Brahmawas saddened by this event. He prayed to lord Shiva. 

When Lord Shiva saw the condition of Brahma,he became amused and made fun of 
him and his Manasa-putras. Everybody wasashamed. 

4. Birth of Pitraganas and Rati 

Due to his shame, Brahma got perspired profusely. From his perspirationwere 
created the Pitraganas. 

Similarly from the perspiration of Daksha Prajapati was created the 
mostbeautiful woman-Rati. 

5. Brahma curse Kamadeva and modify the curse 

Brahma was very angry with Kamadevabecause of whom he was ridiculed by Shiva. 
He cursed him and said- "You would be charred to deathby the arrow of Shiva." 

Kamadeva became very scared and said thathe was only testing the authenticity 
of his boon and he had no other evilintention. He also requested Brahma, not to 
curse him. 

Feeling Pity on him, Brahma consoled himthat, although he would definitely get 
killed by the arrow of Shiva's sight, yet he would regain his physicalbody as 
soon as Shiva get married. 

6. Kama deva marry Rati

Daksha requested Kamadeva to get marriedwith his daughter Rati. Kamadeva was 
very pleased at this proposal. BothKamadeva and Rati got married. 

7.Sandhya does penance 

Sandhya was very ashamed of herself. Forthe atonement of her sin she decided to 
do penance. She went to Chandrabhaga Mountain andcommenced her tremendous 

8. Vasistha appear as Brahmin before Sandhya 

Lord Brahma then instructed his sonVasistha to go to her in disguise and help 
in getting her initiated. He went toChandrabhaga Mountain in the guise of a 
Brahmin and gave the mantra - OM NAMAH SHANKARAYA OM toher and also told her 
the methods of doing worship, and then he returned back. 

9. Sandhya receives boon from Shiva 

After sage Vasistha who was disguised asBrahmin went away. Sandhya did penance 
as per his instructions. After the passing of one Chaturyuga,she had a darshan 
of lord Shiva. 

Shiva being pleased by her devotion askedher to demand anything. Sandhya said- 

"Nobody should have lust towards themember of his own clan. 

There should be no virtuous and chaste woman greater thenme in this whole 

Anybody other than my husband who looksat me with evil intentions become an 
impotent man." 

Lord Shiva blessed her by saying- 'EVAMASTU!' 

10 Sandhya go to Yajya of Medathithi 

Lord Shiva then categorised the life spanof a man into four parts - Childhood, 
adolescence, youth and old age. 

He than told her that it was written inher destiny to die by burning. He also 
advised her to go and surrender her bodyin the sacrificial fire of the yagya, 
performed by Medhatithi. " 

Before jumping into the sacrificial fire, just remember anybody, whom youwant 
as your husband, andyour wish would be fulfilled in your next birth, you would 
take birth as a daughter of Daksha Prajapati. 

Your father-Daksha Prajapati would marryhis 27 twenty daughter to Moon, but the 
moon would have affection only towardsRohini and rest of his wives would be 
neglected by him. For this reason hewould be cursed by Daksha. Allthe deities 
would take your refuge." 

 After blessing Sandhya in the way lordShiva went back to Kailash Mountain. 
When lord Shiva went away. Sandhya got upand went to the place where Medhatithi 
was performing his yagya. 

11. Sandhya resolve to have the Brahmin as husband 

She made a mental resolution to have thatBrahmin who came to her should be   
her husband, who in reality was Vasistha and then entered into thesacrificial 

12 Sun God divide Sandhya to three parts 

 The fire of the yagya burnt her bodyand carried it to the solar system, where 
it was divided by the sun god intothree parts and established in his chariot. 

The names of these three parts werePratah-Sandhya, Madhyanha-Sandhya and Sayam 

Sandhya Vital force was absorbed by lordShiva. 

13 Arudhathi emerge from sacrificial fire 

When the yagya ended, the sages weresurprised to see the presence of a girl, 
who was radiating like gold in thesacrificial fire. 

 They took out that girl child from thatyagya-kunda. The sages then brought up 
that girl with love and affection. She was named Arundhati.

 14 Arundhathi get married with Vasistha 

Whenshe attained the age of five, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara arrived and 
marriedher with Vasistha. Arundhathi enjoyed a happy life and became famous for 
herchastity. (I recollect my narration- Arundhathi was very young comparing to 
sage Vasistha inKnow sages 1 and I got the reason now)


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