CULTURAL QA 07-2021-21

Being compilation there may be  errors 

Q1         What are the varioustypes of dry and wet types of corrosion with 
suitable examples?

A1         Anooja Mariya Antony, lives inKottayam, Kerala, IndiaAnswered 
November 23, 2020

Corrosionis a term used for actual deterioration of metals due to their contact 
withexternal environmental factors such as oxygen, chlorides, etc.

Corrosion is mainly of two types:

    Dry corrosion / Chemical corrosion

    Wet corrosion / Electrochemical corrosion

Dry Corrosion      

Itis the formation of oxide or sulfide layers on the metal surface due 
tointeraction with various environmental factors without any electrolytes.

Wecan take the examples of amalgam and silver containing materials.

Amalgamgets corroded by action of oxygen on it whereas silver containing 
materials getcorroded by formation of silver sulfide (black colour) with 
interaction withsulfides.

Wet Corrosion


Itis the deterioration of metals with electrolytes present. There will be 
anelectrolyte acting between the metal and gets them corroded.

Wet corrosion has three types under it:

    ***Galvanic corrosion

    Stress corrosion

    Concentrated cell corrosion / crevicecorrosion

    Galvanic corrosion

    This type of corrosion can happen in twosituations. One is when two 
dissimilar metals are used on opposite teeth andother is when a single metallic 
restoration has heterogenous composition.

    When two dissimilar metals are in contact,saliva acts as the electrolyte 
and causes corrosion of metal acting as theanode.

    In case of amalgam and gold, amalgam actsas the anode and corrodes.

    Stress corrosion

    Severely cold worked metals has a lot ofstress and is highly reactive and 
susceptible to corrosion. When cold workedmetal comes in contact with a metal 
that is not cold worked, corrosion happensto the cold worked metal.

    Crevice corrosion

    This happens when there is difference inoxygen content or composition of 
the restorations leading to corrosion

Prevention of Corrrosion

Corrosioncan be controlled by various methods.

Passivation. Metals like chromium reactswith certain factors and forms 
aprotective film over the metal thus protecting it from corrosion. So 
chromiumcan be added to these restorations to prevent corrosion.

Increased content of noble metals. Thisensures decreased reactivity 
withenvironmental factors leading to decreased corrosion.

Polishing. Restorations must be highlypolished and made smooth to avoid anypits 
or rough surfaces thus increasing corrosion resistance.

Otherfactors like making a uniform composition of the restoration, etc are 

My note-*** the  technician who came to attend washing machine not properly 
FUNCTIONING  found motor getting heated, due to inflow ofwater was less. He 
doubted water tap. What a wonder- My tap was giving very small quantity of 
water.The pipe though GI had corroded inside and gave a block. It was removed 
andwater flow became alright.It was the problem for not properly functioning 
ofwashing machine. 

Q2         If I have not mentionthe branch name to deposit a cheque in SBI, 
will there be any problem?

A2         Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Lawyer Mon

Account Number - thats all that matters in the CBS world The A/cno is unique 
and the proceeds of the Cheque will be deposited to the accountnumber. Nobody 
caresabout the Branch anymore. 

Q3         When did many peoplestop dressing up to go out of the house such as 
going to the doctor or simplybeing seen in public?

A3         Bhuvana Rameshwar Observe humans July15

Peoplestopped dressing up when others stopped looking. That is the main reason.

If I get well dressed but there is noone look at me or appreciate me I might as 
well go out in the same home clothesor my comfortable clothes as long as it is 
decent .


WhenI was in college I took a whole 45 minutes to get ready because we had lots 
ofadmirers in friends, college mates and even professors. Each day, what to 
wear was anart in itself.

Theaccessories, the hand bag the colour of the dress or sari was important 
too.Even now you see the college going and high school students are the 
onesshowing us the trends and what is latest in fashion. Visit any mall they 
stand out as the ones askingfor admirers.

Afterthat age it is formal dressing for jobs or uniform in some places. So most 
people are comfortable toget out for groceries or to the supermarket in home or 
casual clothes. 

NowI take only 3 min to get ready.. All I need are the keys, handbag and a 
touchup of lipstick. Home clothes will do. Here in Bangalore acosmopolitan 
city, no one looks, at others. 

Allare too busy or not bothered. Now the smart phone is also a good excuse to 
notlook at others, what withthem forever engrossed in the phone.

Someget up from bed and come straight to the shops for groceries or to the self 
-service restaurant. Nobodycares as long as they are wearing decent clothes.

Onlyif it is a wedding invite or a birthday party do people wear good, 
colourful clothes, silks with ornaments etc.Otherwise it is the same boring 
blacks and greys in unisex t-shirts, jeans orshorts, some in pyjamas or jogging 

Q4         Was your mother a stayat home mom? Did it make any difference to how 
you were raised?

A4  Ratnamala Kamath M'com from KarnatakUniversity, Dharwad (Graduated 1988)Sun

Yes, my mother was a stay at home mom.

Inthe 1960s, 70s and early 80s, there were no TV, no mixer/grinder, no 
waterheaters/geysers, no washing machines, microwaves. Most cooking and 
heatingwater for bath was done on firewood. Gas was used sparingly and only 
inemergencies. Clothes were hand washed, grinding was done on grinding stones.

Consequently even though my mother was astay at home mom, she was more busier 
than the working women of today.

Butshe was always there to welcome us home when we returned from school. 
WheneverI was sick she was by my bedside caring for me. We could share our 
fears andschool anecdotes with her(when she had the time).

Iwas raised with sound values and in a protective environment. I was 
neverlonely or depressed because couples in those days had more than one kid 
and ifnot parents I had my siblings, friends and pets for company.

The only drawback was I never learnt tobe independent until I got married 
probably because of the over protective environment at home.

Ican't comment on whether it made any difference to how I was raised because 
Idon't know how the kids of working women are raised today. 

Q5         What is the differencebetween solid water and liquid water?

A5         Shamsundar PerumalAnswered Wed

Theyhave, conventionally, different names though the chemical compound is H2O. 
In solid form it is called ice (you may also call it as solid water);in liquid 
form it is called water and in vapor form it is called steam or watervapor.

Moleculesof solid have least freedom of movement, have least energy and they 
tend tostick together unless provided with additional energy.


Molecules of vapor have high energylevels and move out randomly unlessprovided 
with physical barrier like pipe, drum, etc. They would move within theconfined 
space freely till they start losing energy.

The liquid is confined to it’s definedspace and takes shape of container itis 
put in to. Gravity acts on it to bring it down to lowest possible 
potentialenergy levels, given the physical constraints. Till liquid temperature 
isuniform, it keeps moving within the boundary space defined by 
physicalconstraint, gravity and intermolecular forces.

Q6         What is a watersoftener loop?

A6         Ritwik Sunny, former Customer SupportExecutive at Ashok 
LeylandAnswered Sun

A soft water loop is a copper pipingsystem that reconnects your home's internal 
water distribution pipes to the water softener. The main use of awater loop is 
to keep the inside and outside of home's water systems separated.

Q7         If you are servingunder two senior officers who always give 
conflicting orders, what would youdo?


A7         Sharda Prasad Former OSD MOS Ministryof Tribal Affairs Govt. Of 
India (2013–2014)9h ago

Normallyit does not happen that way. Between the two seniors one is bound to be 
moresenior. Secondly both cannot be your immediate boss. You are bound to be 
officially reporting only toone of them. 

Solisten to everyone who is senior to you but follow your immediate 

Inofficial work we also abide by rules of business and circulars.

My note- Though reporting officer isimmediate superior, many times officers 
from top level gives instructions. So in my case I would tell myimmediate 
superior and proceed to carry out the instructions from top level.The immediate 
superior simply agree and ignore if any instructions given bythem. 

Q8         Why does rain turn tosnow instead of ice?

A8         Karl Brace , Phd Electrical andComputer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon 
University (1992) Answered 12h ago

When rain gets cold it DOES turn intoice. It’s called sleet, or freezing rain, 
or hail, depending on the conditions.

Snow was never rain. Snow started out aswater vapor that condensed at 
below-freezing temperatures. 

Soinstead of the water vapor particles condensing onto an existing droplet 
ofwater, they condense onto an existing ice crystal. And because water 
moleculeshave a microscopic structure, they preferentially condense onto 
certainportions of that ice crystal, building the crystal into an intricate 
form - A snowflake! 

Eventually the snowflake gets largeenough that the updrafts in the cloud can no 
longer support it and it falls out of the bottom of the cloud and falls tothe 
ground as snow. 

Q9         If soap and water makesthe body clean, what makes a towel dirty?

A9         2 AnswersJulie Ann, Stay at Home Mom to2 yr old son at Stay-at-Home 
Parents (2019-present) Answered 3h ago


Imay be completely wrong here…but I would think it would be the dead skin and 
left over dirt you washedoff in the tub or shower

BobIrelan, Still advocating the use of common sense.Answered 3h ago

Q: If soap and water makes the body clean, what makes a towel dirty?

A: Failure to scrub off the dirt anddead skin when using the soap and water.

My note- The soap washes the dirt withthe help of water. But water fullydoesnot 
fall out during bath. The sticking water is swiped. It contains dirt,dead skin 

All the above QA are based on Quoradigest to me on 22-7-2021/Answered byme. 
Quora answers need not be100% correct answers 

Compiler- R. Gopala Krishnan, 76 dated 23-07-2021 


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