CULTURAL QA 10-2021-01

Being a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1            Arefrigerator has a marked voltage of 200 V. What will happen if 
the voltagesupplied is 50 V?

A1            RogerFentiman Doing lighting for 50 years December 5,2018

Our supply network accidentallyperformed this experiment in our village a few 
years ago - the supply wassupposed to be 240 volts, but measured around 60 
volts for an hour or so.

What happened wasthey had to replace a large number of refrigerators and 
freezers. There was sufficientvoltage to heat the motor coils, but not enough 
to start the motors anddissipate the heat around the system, so they burned 
out. Not all of them, buta sizeable fraction.

Q2            Why,when it rains, is there always lightning?

A2            2Answers Swapan Saha , former Sr Dy. GeneralManger at Public 
Sector (1981-2019) Answered 1h ago

Need not be. Whendensity of electron increases in the cloud and do not hold , 
try to come to theearth surface for neutralize.

2ND ANSWER -Ritwik Sunny , former CustomerSupport Executive at Ashok Leyland 
Answered1h ago

Lightning begins asstatic charges in a rain cloud. These electrical fields 
become incrediblystrong, with the atmosphere acting as an insulator between 
them in the cloud.When the strength of the charge overpowers the insulating 
properties of theatmosphere, Lightning happens.

Q3            ShouldBengaluru -Mysore become twin cities making the world's 
largest city in termsof area?

A3            TitusD'silva  Lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka,India Sun

Bangalore andMysore cannot be twin cities. They are too far apart.

Twin cities arecities which are very closely located and which expand and 
eventually mergeinto the same city. Examples of such cities are Hubli and 
Dharwad in Karnatakaand Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad in Maharashtra. They were 
both sperate cities andstill retain seperate status yet have functionaly become 
part of a single city.

What Karnatakaneeds is another two Bangalore like cities in South Karnataka. In 
NorthKarnataka, I am not sure whether it will give same dividends as compared 
toSouth to put large amounts infrastructure over there. A lot of money 
hasalready been invested up North. South is closer to the centres 
ofindustrialision of Karnataka which is Mysore, Dakshin Kannada and Bangalore. 

A string of fivecities should be built: Mangalore - NewCity1 - Mysore - 
NewCity2 - Bangalore.Good quality roads and railway lines should be built 
connecting these cities.

Mangalore toBangalore chain of cities.

Finally, aMangalore to Bangalore to Chennai chain of infrastructure should be 

Some people arealleging that Mangalore and Tulu Nadu region has been ignored in 
Karnataka. Itwould be good to build strong economic ties to allay such 
allegations. Rightnow large number of people from North Karnataka and Mangalore 
migrate toBangalore and this leads to overcrowding, water scarcity and croping 
up ofslums. Even spread of urbanisation in South Karnataka is what is needed 
notcrowding everything in Bangalore.

Q4            Howis it possible that Brazil, a country that is one of the 
largest food producersin the world, has ten percent of its population going 

A4            VictoriaTai Lives in Los AngelesSeptember 22

Fertile productiveland by no means indicates that people get to eat.

I lived with ayoung Brazilian couple who had vast tracts of farmland outside of 
Maringá. Likethe U.S., there can be more subtropical fruits than one can pick, 
and yet therehas to be labor performed.

This is me, havingto climb ladders with a sack to pick our sweet oranges. And 
even after doing asmuch as I can, there will still be more hanging on the trees.

(After this wholecarton, which is several hundred pounds of fruit… I am 
physically tired anddone.)

So then, this needsto be taken out of the scorching heat and put in some sort 
of refrigeratedstorage or quickly distributed because oranges piled up on each 
other will growmold or draw ants… especially if one gets crushed and the sugary 
juices get otheroranges sticky.

And if nobody doesthat with a truck or forklift within a few days, sorry, the 
crop is wasted andbrought to compost.

People living infavelas or our inner cities are problematic because they 
represent atransportation cost, but they don’t add to the food chain. If they 
came tofarms and performed some of the work, they would never go hungry. But 
theydon’t, because it costs *them* something to get their human bodies from 
Point Ato Point B, just like it would cost someone something to bring food 
stuffs tothem. Moreover, people who live in dangerous areas rife with crime 
representadded risk.

Think of all the UNfood that cannot get into Tigray region of Ethiopia. The 
mass starvation is notfor lack of food, but for manmade conflict and people 
either deliberatelypunishing other people or not bothered enough to take 
sustenance over.

So it rots and goesto waste.

Q5            Whatdisappointed you today?

A5            KanthaswamyBalasubramaniamLawyer Mon

I found out to mygreat disappointment that Shri Gopalkrishna Viswanath , 
legendary Quora userhas blocked me.

For days i found iwasn’t able to comment on his posts and wondered why?

Today i learnt thathappens when someone blocks you.

This surprised mebecause even in May 2021, Mr Viswanath had wished me best of 
luck for myvaccinations

I also found outthat Shri Prasanna Bhalerao , A quoran i admire for his 
personal finance advisealso muted me as per a quoran who told me this in the 
comments. Reason - Postsagainst India

So i guess - writingconstantly against India is causing and pissing off many 
people on Quora orwriting pro china all the time or maybe GV sir was offended 
about NeerajChopra.

Fact is i neverintend to write against India but things are not going right for 
us in myopinion which is why i point them out.

If i have to writepositively about India - I only have to get questions on 
Neeraj Chopra, ISRO,Paytm, Gen Narvane, Gadkari, SBI and Cricket - everything 
else i feel is headeddownwind.

Likewise i neverintend to praise China except to jealously hope that we can one 
day do thesame.

I cannot change mystyle but to the other eminent quorans like Nagaraj Sir, 
Ambrose, Bhuvana Mdm,Samantha etc - If some posts anger or offend you - pls 
make it clear in thecomments so i can moderate the language and tone as far as 

Q6            Whydo current account balances get paid zero interest? Is it 
because thesebalances are volatile and unstable?

A6            KanthaswamyBalasubramaniam Lawyer Wed

No no-Because its aquid pro quo with the businessmen.

Unlimited depositsand withdrawals are granted by the bank plus ease of 
liquidity (Big cashdeposits - no issues, Big cash withdrawals - Lesser 

Plus based onCurrent accounts, Overdraft is provided to many businessmen

In lieu of theseadvantages businessmen allow the bank to lend this money with 
100% spread gain(0% interest to customer)

Q7            Canan electrical engineer help in the construction of road 
Yes/No? If yes, how?

A7            2Answers Stephen Meeks, I have over 67 years experience in 
hundreds ofcategories. Answered 44m ago

Yes, electricalengineers are trained in university in all of the basic 
engineering skills.They are similar to doctors of medicine in this way. They 
learn the basics andspecialize in electrical as they progress. They know basic 
design, drawing,planning, and blueprint making. They have a better than usual 
understanding ofthe mathematics disciplines.

2ND ANSWER- Gopala Krishnan, formerAssistant General Manager 1996-2004 
atDepartment of Telecom (1966-2004)

Answered just now

Yes. In the firstyear of engineering all types of engineering are taught to 
students. 2nd yearonly specified subject is selected.

During mytelecommunication engineering in the first phase we were taught basic 
,electrical, mechanical and civil engineering were taught. Small 
buildingextension, electrical works there etc. had to be carried out by 
localengineering supervisor. In my native I constructed a home. All 
electricalw.orks were planned by me and executed by two electrical knowledge 

Q8            Whathappened to the popular child artists of yesteryear Tamil 
cinema like MasterSridhar, Prabhakar, Sekar, Manohar, Suresh, Pakoda Khader and 
Haja Sheriff?

A8            KanthaswamyBalasubramaniam Lawyer Updated 3h ago

Haja Sharif - Heowns Sharif Tour Organizers in Koyambedu where he organizes 
tours to Haj andalso books tickets for Stars to fly to Dubai or US etc for 
functions andperformances.

Pakoda Khader-Sadlyhe passed away in 1997–1998. Prior to this he was a real 
estate agent whoworked with Singamuthu and sold plots to many actors like Arjun 
Sarja andMohnlal in Chennai.

Sekar-He owns hisown dance troupe and travels to USA regularly. He also 
choreographs songs. Heowns petrol bunk near Gachibowli

Prabhakar-Prabhakarworked in Doordarshan Tamil Dramas until the middle 1980s. 
He worked withNadigar Sangam was a paid administrator until the 2010s. Now 
hesdisappeared.According to some commenters he owns a Xerox Shop in Chennai

MasterSreedhar-Sadly he is deceased.e had property left to him and their sale 
madehim quite wealthy. He sold a plot to Sarat Kumar

Q9            Isit harmful to swans to feed them seeded bread?

A9            KenSaladin Textbook author and professor emeritus September 15

Ducks and swans(and other wildlife) should not be fed bread at all. They love 
it and they’llgobble it up, but it’s unhealthy for them, and filling up on 
bread dulls theirappetite for what they should be eating. Feeding waterfowl 
bread is like givingyour children a big bag of candy in place of a balanced 

Q10          Whattype of electricity is supplied to the home?

A10          VenkateswaraSwamy Swarna, former Scientist, Metallurgist, Quality 
/ NDT Manager atDepartment of Atomic Energy, India (1967-2008 )Answered 2h ago

It is 230V, 50Hz ACin India. The voltage and frequency may be different in the 
place that youlive.

Most of the supplyis AC only. If you are getting DC supply to your house, that 
is an exception.

2ND ANSWER- Gopala Krishnan, formerAssistant General Manager 1996-2004 
atDepartment of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now

Now a days havingmore electric equipmemnts like borewell motor, Air condition 
units. three phasesupply 440v is supplied.Each phase will carry 230V.

Three-phase powerprovides three alternating currents, with three separate 
electric services.Each leg of alternating current reaches a maximum voltage, 
only separated by1/3 of the time in a full cycle. In other words, the power 
output of athree-phase power remains to be constant, and it never drops 

Q11          Why,when it rains, is there always lightning?

A11          2Answers Swapan Saha, former Sr Dy. GeneralManger at Public Sector 
(1981-2019)Answered 2h ago

Need not be. Whendensity of electron increases in the cloud and do not hold , 
try to come to theearth surface for neutralize.

Ritwik Sunny,former Customer Support Executive at Ashok LeylandAnswered 2h ago

Lightning begins asstatic charges in a rain cloud.These electrical fields 
become incrediblystrong, with the atmosphere acting as an insulator between 
them in the cloud.When the strength of the charge overpowers the insulating 
properties of theatmosphere, Lightning happens.

hree-phase electricpower is a common type of alternating current used in 
electricity generation,transmission, and distribution. It is a type of 
polyphase system employing 3wires and is the most common method used by 
electrical grids worldwide totransfer power. Wikipedia

Q12          Whatis an example of the best communicator?

A12          GopalaKrishnan, former Retired Assistant GeneralManager 1996-2004 
at Department of Telecom (1966-2004) Answered 23h ago

Fluent talk insimple language in short sentences

All the above QA are based onQuora  digest on 30-09- 2021. Quoraanswers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 01- 10-2021


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