Thank you 👋🌹KR IRS 21021

On Sat, 2 Oct 2021 at 02:07, 'venkat giri' via iyer123 <> wrote:

> *Respected Sir/s,*
> *Q1    A refrigerator has a marked voltage of 200 V. What will happen if
> the voltage supplied is 50 V?*
> *           The motor will not  start, as  the voltage  is insufficient to
> initiate the rotational motion. It may try to start and draw a large
> current from the 50V supply, tripping the supply on the circuit breaker.
> That is why Voltage stabilisers are recommended, which steps up the
> voltage. *
> *Q11  Why, when it rains, is there always lightning?*
> *    A cloud that produces lightning will tend to also have rain falling
> out of it. The precipitation process within a cloud is a reason lightning
> occurs. As ice and water develop in clouds there is an electrical buildup.
> ... Lightning occurs to balance the electrical build in the clouds or
> between the clouds and the ground.  *
> *                              Lightning is a flash of light created by
> electric discharge. It is extremely bright for a brief moment in time even
> at great distances. One could  probably see static electricity while seeing
> a small spark. Lightning is similar except of course on a much bigger
> scale. Lightning requires a big vertically developing cloud complex. A
> cloud that produces lightning will tend to also have rain falling out of
> it. The precipitation process within a cloud is a reason for
> lightning.  As ice and water develop in clouds there is an electrical
> buildup. The electrical buildup on each ice and water drop is very small
> but the huge number of ice crystals and water drops creates a large
> electrical difference between different portions of the cloud. Lightning
> occurs to balance the electrical build up in the clouds or between the
> clouds and the ground.                         Thunder is created by a
> rapid expansion of air. When lightning moves through the air it increases
> the temperature of the air dramatically in a very short period of time. The
> air then cools rapidly. This rapid expansion and contraction of the air
> gives off the sound waves that is heard from the lightning.Lightning is
> very dangerous. Make sure to stay inside when there is lightning.
>         Lightning begins as static charges in a rain cloud. Winds inside
> the cloud are very turbulent. Water droplets in the bottom part of the
> cloud are caught in the updrafts and lifted to great heights where the much
> colder atmosphere freezes them. Meanwhile, downdrafts in the cloud push ice
> and hail down from the top of the cloud. Where the ice going down meets the
> water coming up, electrons are stripped off.                           It's
> a little more complicated than that, but what results is a cloud with a
> negatively charged bottom and a positively charged top. These electrical
> fields become incredibly strong, with the atmosphere acting as an insulator
> between them in the cloud.             When the strength of the charge
> overpowers the insulating properties of the atmosphere,  Lightning
> occurs.LIGHTENING   can happen only when clouds are prevalent. Lightning
> can be either cloud to ground or cloud to cloud strikes; both require
> clouds. Thunder is the audible portion of a lightning strike. And finally,
> rain requires clouds containing water.....*
> *"Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does
> the work."*
> Mark Twain
> *"They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning."*
> *Clint Eastwood*
> “*Electricity is really just organized lightning”*
> *― George Carlin*
> *“Thunder roars but does not strike. Lightning strikes but does not roar.
> Choose to be lightning.”*
> *― Matshona Dhliwayo*
> *Regards*
> *V.Sridharan*
> *Trichy*
> On Friday, 1 October, 2021, 05:35:42 am IST, 'gopala krishnan' via
> Thatha_Patty <> wrote:
> *CULTURAL QA 10-2021-01*
> *Being  a compilation there may  be errors*
> *Q1            A refrigerator has a marked voltage of 200 V. What will
> happen if the voltage supplied is 50 V?*
> *A1            Roger Fentiman Doing lighting for 50 years** December 5,
> 2018*
> *Our supply network accidentally performed this experiment in our village
> a few years ago - the supply was supposed to be 240 volts, but measured
> around 60 volts for an hour or so.*
> *What happened was they had to replace a large number of refrigerators and
> freezers. There was sufficient voltage to heat the motor coils, but not
> enough to start the motors and dissipate the heat around the system, so
> they burned out. Not all of them, but a sizeable fraction.*
> *Q2            Why, when it rains, is there always lightning?*
> *A2            2 Answers Swapan Saha , former Sr Dy. General** Manger at
> Public Sector (1981-2019) Answered 1h ago*
> *Need not be. When density of electron increases in the cloud and do not
> hold , try to come to the earth surface for neutralize.*
> *2ND ANSWER -Ritwik Sunny , former Customer Support** Executive at Ashok
> Leyland Answered 1h ago*
> *Lightning begins as static charges in a rain cloud. These electrical
> fields become incredibly strong, with the atmosphere acting as an insulator
> between them in the cloud. When the strength of the charge overpowers the
> insulating properties of the atmosphere, Lightning happens.*
> *Q3            Should Bengaluru -Mysore become twin cities making the
> world's largest city in terms of area?*
> *A3            Titus D'silva  Lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka,** India Sun*
> *Bangalore and Mysore cannot be twin cities. They are too far apart.*
> *Twin cities are cities which are very closely located and which expand
> and eventually merge into the same city. Examples of such cities are Hubli
> and Dharwad in Karnataka and Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad in Maharashtra. They
> were both sperate cities and still retain seperate status yet have
> functionaly become part of a single city.*
> *What Karnataka needs is another two Bangalore like cities in South
> Karnataka. In North Karnataka, I am not sure whether it will give same
> dividends as compared to South to put large amounts infrastructure over
> there. A lot of money has already been invested up North. South is closer
> to the centres of industrialision of Karnataka which is Mysore, Dakshin
> Kannada and Bangalore. *
> *A string of five cities should be built: Mangalore - NewCity1 - Mysore -
> NewCity2 - Bangalore. Good quality roads and railway lines should be built
> connecting these cities.*
> *Mangalore to Bangalore chain of cities.*
> *Finally, a Mangalore to Bangalore to Chennai chain of infrastructure
> should be built.*
> *Some people are alleging that Mangalore and Tulu Nadu region has been
> ignored in Karnataka. It would be good to build strong economic ties to
> allay such allegations. Right now large number of people from North
> Karnataka and Mangalore migrate to Bangalore and this leads to
> overcrowding, water scarcity and croping up of slums. Even spread of
> urbanisation in South Karnataka is what is needed not crowding everything
> in Bangalore.*
> *Q4            How is it possible that Brazil, a country that is one of
> the largest food producers in the world, has ten percent of its population
> going hungry?*
> *A4            Victoria Tai Lives in Los AngelesSeptember** 22*
> *Fertile productive land by no means indicates that people get to eat.*
> *I lived with a young Brazilian couple who had vast tracts of farmland
> outside of Maringá. Like the U.S., there can be more subtropical fruits
> than one can pick, and yet there has to be labor performed.*
> *This is me, having to climb ladders with a sack to pick our sweet
> oranges. And even after doing as much as I can, there will still be more
> hanging on the trees.*
> *(After this whole carton, which is several hundred pounds of fruit… I am
> physically tired and done.)*
> *So then, this needs to be taken out of the scorching heat and put in some
> sort of refrigerated storage or quickly distributed because oranges piled
> up on each other will grow mold or draw ants… especially if one gets
> crushed and the sugary juices get other oranges sticky.*
> *And if nobody does that with a truck or forklift within a few days,
> sorry, the crop is wasted and brought to compost.*
> *People living in favelas or our inner cities are problematic because they
> represent a transportation cost, but they don’t add to the food chain. If
> they came to farms and performed some of the work, they would never go
> hungry. But they don’t, because it costs *them* something to get their
> human bodies from Point A to Point B, just like it would cost someone
> something to bring food stuffs to them. Moreover, people who live in
> dangerous areas rife with crime represent added risk.*
> *Think of all the UN food that cannot get into Tigray region of Ethiopia.
> The mass starvation is not for lack of food, but for manmade conflict and
> people either deliberately punishing other people or not bothered enough to
> take sustenance over.*
> *So it rots and goes to waste.*
> *Q5            What disappointed you today?*
> *A5            Kanthaswamy BalasubramaniamLawyer Mon*
> *I found out to my great disappointment that Shri Gopalkrishna Viswanath ,
> legendary Quora user has blocked me.*
> *For days i found i wasn’t able to comment on his posts and wondered why?*
> *Today i learnt that happens when someone blocks you.*
> *This surprised me because even in May 2021, Mr Viswanath had wished me
> best of luck for my vaccinations*
> *I also found out that Shri Prasanna Bhalerao , A quoran i admire for his
> personal finance advise also muted me as per a quoran who told me this in
> the comments. Reason - Posts against India*
> *So i guess - writing constantly against India is causing and pissing off
> many people on Quora or writing pro china all the time or maybe GV sir was
> offended about Neeraj Chopra.*
> *Fact is i never intend to write against India but things are not going
> right for us in my opinion which is why i point them out.*
> *If i have to write positively about India - I only have to get questions
> on Neeraj Chopra, ISRO, Paytm, Gen Narvane, Gadkari, SBI and Cricket -
> everything else i feel is headed downwind.*
> *Likewise i never intend to praise China except to jealously hope that we
> can one day do the same.*
> *I cannot change my style but to the other eminent quorans like Nagaraj
> Sir, Ambrose, Bhuvana Mdm, Samantha etc - If some posts anger or offend you
> - pls make it clear in the comments so i can moderate the language and tone
> as far as possible.*
> *Q6            Why do current account balances get paid zero interest? Is
> it because these balances are volatile and unstable?*
> *A6            Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Lawyer Wed*
> *No no-Because its a quid pro quo with the businessmen.*
> *Unlimited deposits and withdrawals are granted by the bank plus ease of
> liquidity (Big cash deposits - no issues, Big cash withdrawals - Lesser
> questions)*
> *Plus based on Current accounts, Overdraft is provided to many businessmen*
> *In lieu of these advantages businessmen allow the bank to lend this money
> with 100% spread gain (0% interest to customer)*
> *Q7            Can an electrical engineer help in the construction of road
> Yes/No? If yes, how?*
> *A7            2 Answers Stephen Meeks, I have over 67 years experience in
> hundreds of categories. Answered 44m ago*
> *Yes, electrical engineers are trained in university in all of the basic
> engineering skills. They are similar to doctors of medicine in this way.
> They learn the basics and specialize in electrical as they progress. They
> know basic design, drawing, planning, and blueprint making. They have a
> better than usual understanding of the mathematics disciplines.*
> *2ND ANSWER- Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant** General Manager
> 1996-2004 at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)*
> *Answered just now*
> *Yes. In the first year of engineering all types of engineering are taught
> to students. 2nd year only specified subject is selected.*
> *During my telecommunication engineering in the first phase we were taught
> basic , electrical, mechanical and civil engineering were taught. Small
> building extension, electrical works there etc. had to be carried out by
> local engineering supervisor. In my native I constructed a home. All
> electrical w.orks were planned by me and executed by two electrical
> knowledge persons.*
> *Q8            What happened to the popular child artists of yesteryear
> Tamil cinema like Master Sridhar, Prabhakar, Sekar, Manohar, Suresh, Pakoda
> Khader and Haja Sheriff?*
> *A8            Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Lawyer Updated 3h ago*
> *Haja Sharif - He owns Sharif Tour Organizers in Koyambedu where he
> organizes tours to Haj and also books tickets for Stars to fly to Dubai or
> US etc for functions and performances.*
> *Pakoda Khader-Sadly he passed away in 1997–1998. Prior to this he was a
> real estate agent who worked with Singamuthu and sold plots to many actors
> like Arjun Sarja and Mohnlal in Chennai.*
> *Sekar-He owns his own dance troupe and travels to USA regularly. He also
> choreographs songs. He owns petrol bunk near Gachibowli*
> *Prabhakar-Prabhakar worked in Doordarshan Tamil Dramas until the middle
> 1980s. He worked with Nadigar Sangam was a paid administrator until the
> 2010s. Now hes disappeared.According to some commenters he owns a Xerox
> Shop in Chennai*
> *Master Sreedhar-Sadly he is deceased.e had property left to him and their
> sale made him quite wealthy. He sold a plot to Sarat Kumar*
> *Q9            Is it harmful to swans to feed them seeded bread?*
> *A9            Ken Saladin Textbook author and professor emeritus
> September 15*
> *Ducks and swans (and other wildlife) should not be fed bread at all. They
> love it and they’ll gobble it up, but it’s unhealthy for them, and filling
> up on bread dulls their appetite for what they should be eating. Feeding
> waterfowl bread is like giving your children a big bag of candy in place of
> a balanced dinner.*
> *Q10          What type of electricity is supplied to the home?*
> *A10          Venkateswara Swamy Swarna, former Scientist, Metallurgist,
> Quality / NDT Manager at** Department of Atomic Energy, India (1967-2008
> )Answered 2h ago*
> *It is 230V, 50Hz AC in India. The voltage and frequency may be different
> in the place that you live.*
> *Most of the supply is AC only. If you are getting DC supply to your
> house, that is an exception.*
> *2ND ANSWER- Gopala Krishnan, former Assistant** General Manager
> 1996-2004 at Department of Telecom (1966-2004)Answered just now*
> *Now a days having more electric equipmemnts like borewell motor, Air
> condition units. three phase supply 440v is supplied.Each phase will carry
> 230V.*
> *Three-phase power provides three alternating currents, with three
> separate electric services. Each leg of alternating current reaches a
> maximum voltage, only separated by 1/3 of the time in a full cycle. In
> other words, the power output of a three-phase power remains to be
> constant, and it never drops into zero.20-May-2020*
> *Q11          Why, when it rains, is there always lightning?*
> *A11          2 Answers Swapan Saha, former Sr Dy.** General Manger at
> Public Sector (1981-2019)Answered 2h ago*
> *Need not be. When density of electron increases in the cloud and do not
> hold , try to come to the earth surface for neutralize.*
> *Ritwik Sunny, former Customer Support Executive at Ashok LeylandAnswered
> 2h ago*
> *Lightning begins as static charges in a rain cloud.These electrical
> fields become incredibly strong, with the atmosphere acting as an insulator
> between them in the cloud. When the strength of the charge overpowers the
> insulating properties of the atmosphere, Lightning happens.*
> *hree-phase electric power is a common type of alternating current used in
> electricity generation, transmission, and distribution. It is a type of
> polyphase system employing 3 wires and is the most common method used by
> electrical grids worldwide to transfer power. Wikipedia*
> *Q12          What is an example of the best communicator?*
> *A12          Gopala Krishnan, former Retired Assistant** General Manager
> 1996-2004 at Department of Telecom (1966-2004) Answered 23h ago*
> *Fluent talk in simple language in short sentences*
> *All the above QA are based on Quora  digest on 30-09- 2021. Quora answers
> need not be 100% correct answers *
> *Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 01- 10-2021*
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