>From my erst deputy ( during my service ) Shri shilimkar
*Whom to Salute*???

*APJ or  Manekshaw*...

Read interesting one...
            *FIRST PART*

When Dr.Abdul Kalam was the President, he visited Coonoor. On reaching, he came 
to know that Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw was in the Military Hospital there. 
Dr.Kalam wanted to visit Sam, which was unscheduled. Arrangements were made. At 
the bedside, Kalam spent abt 15 minutes talking to Sam & enquiring abt his 

Just before leaving Kalam asked Sam "Are you comfortable? Is there anything I 
could do? Do you have any  Grievance ? or any  requirement that would make you 
more comfortable?"

        *SECOND PART*

Sam said "Yes Your Excellency, I have one grievance". Shocked with concern & 
anguish, Kalam asked him what it was. 

Sam replied" Sir, my grievance is that I am not able to get up & Salute my most 
respected  President of my beloved country". Kalam held Sam's hand as both were 
in tears.

         *THIRD PART*

But the remaining part of the tale with regarding this meeting is that Sam did 
tell APJ that he was not paid the pension of the Field Marshall’s rank till 
then, for nearly twenty years.

        *FOURTH PART*

An aghast President went to Delhi and passed the pension with arrears within a 
week and sent the cheque of nearly Rs.1.25 crores through the Defence Secretary 
by a special plane to Wellington, Ooty, where Sam was ailing.

That is the greatness of APJ.

        *FIFTH PART*

But then Sam received the cheque and promptly donated it to the Army Relief 

*Whom will you salute now?*

Indeed those real *Heroes* are Missing Today.


Sent from my iPhone

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