
Thulamor thraas is the Malayalam word for the balance with two arms still used 
intemples for Tulabharam offering to deities. The balance is suspended 
frommiddle. Under normal position a needle in the middle would be at 90 degrees 
andboth arms in a horizontal line. 

Weweigh using different models of this type of balance from milligrams 
tokilograms (4-10 kgs) normally.   In onearm of the balance the preset 
measuring weight and the other balance arm thecommodity to be weighed are kept 
and commodity is adjusted. In villages forweighing tapioca, elephant yam, sweet 
potato etc. this type of balance is stillused. 

Beforeelectronic weighing machines became popular it was this type of balance 
mostlyin use. Now most merchants use electronic weighing machine. 

Manyscrap merchants still use this type of balance for weighing scraps, old 
newspapers and magazines since it is more convenient to them. For weighing 
heavyscraps they collect them in their vehicle and ask us to see weight in 
theirbridge balance at shop(Malayalam  Pettithras) 

Inmost temples beam balance  is  available with very big arms and chains and 
amedium sitting plank type arrangement on either side and big hook to hang 
froma strong beam. 

Theyare widely used for offering of Thula Bharam from small kids to aged 
people.They should be able to weigh from 8-10 kgs of kids to 70-80 kgs of men 
andwomen. In some temples we have separate thras for children 
comparativelysmaller in size. . 

Thisposting is about thulam or thras and of course in some detail of  
GopalaKrishnan 03-06 -2012 

Reposted on 5-10-21 after necessaryediting and updating. R. Gopalakrisnan 

1. Thulam Rasi 

Thereare 12 rasies in the rasi chakram, and starting from Mesham, thulam is the 
7thrasi. This rasi is owned by Sukra (Venus), the magnanimous Asura Guru. 

Venusis for high and intellectual learning, all round happiness and enjoyment 
andvery good relations including marital relations. 

Thetulam indicates everything measured. It should not exceed or decrease. 

Venushimself is an example of it- He was more affectionate with his 
daughterDevayani, and went to  extreme ends to fulfil her desires. From his own 
experience hewould have come for the limiting of things. 

Thoseborn in stars, Swathi and Visakham are also found to have the 
qualitiesmentioned above in general. 

2. Tulabharam 

During  Tulabharam in front of the deity the personis weighed against the thing 
offered. It could be jagerry, plantain, coins,silver, coconut, paddy, raw rice, 
even water or anything else prayed. Deityaccepts anything offered. 

 I read in a temple at Malappuram, THULABARAMIS GIVEN WITH ROPES.  Normal 
thulabharam iswith jagerry and plantains. 

Actuallythe weighed arm with item should go DOWN and person offering should 
well GO UPin Tulabharam. 

 3.Tulabharam to   Lord Krishna

 Couldbe a repetition but interesting to kids to whom elders normally read 
thesetypes of stories. Once Narada informed Sathya bhama for making a 
thulabharam toLord Krishna with Gold, so that he might be more affectionate to 
her than withRukmini. Sathyabhama felt having plenty of gold ornaments it was 
an easy affairand desired so. She was slightlypride also. 

Itis told to set right her pride, sage Narada organised the program with the 
consentof lord Krishna. 

WhenSathyabama told Krishna that she desires a Thulabharam to him with gold 
forwell being, Krishna SIMPLYagreed. On the stipulated day and time, Krishna 
smilingly came toher house and said  he is ready forThulabharam. 

Hesmilingly sat on one thulam. As if nothing big, Sathya bhama brought 
goldornaments  in a very big basket carried  by four or five  assistants. She 
felt even a quarter may notbe required for Thulabharam.  Narada wasthere 
supervising things. 

Evenafter loading the full basket the arm Krishna sitting was just keeping 
positionas it was. She brought the next basket full from the store.  Nothing 

Shefelt  sweating. She brought all theremaining ornaments and  what she 
waswearing also put on the thulam. Still Status co. She now looked at Narada 
for away out. He put a solution. Humbly go and get Rukmini’s ornaments on 
requestingher. She would give pleasingly. 

Sathyabhamawent herself and knocked at Rukmini’s door having no other 
alternative. Openingdoor, Rukmini welcomed Sathya bhama and offered seat with 
smile.  Sathya bhama was not in a mood to  welcome and formal talks. She put 
the subjectmatter requesting politely 

Rukminisaid- I am ready to give all my ornaments. There is no need of your 
polite requestingtalk. I will open the door of my ornaments room and simply 
take as much as yourequire. Is it alright for you? 

Before that - can I see thethulabharam? Sathya bhama agreed.

Rukminireached thulabharam site- A smiling Rukmini and sorrow Sathya bhama. 

Rukminilooked at Thulam and said- It need not require any more ornaments to 
add. Theweight of one thulasi leaf is sufficient. She asked Narada whether she 
could placea Tulasi leaf above the heaped gold ornaments. Narada agreed. 

Sathyabhama thought after heaping all ornaments nothing happened. Rukmini 
trying witha Tulasi leaf. How foolish she could be. 

Howevershe did not tell anything since to complete Tulabharam she required 
Rukmini’sornaments. She felt keeping silence was better. Let her also feel that 
nothinghappen in the movement of arms. 

Rukminitook a small Thulasi leaf from the nearby plant.  She just placed over 
the heap of goldornaments.  What a wonder. The arm Krishna wassitting went up 
as if double his weight is placed on the other arm. SoThulabharam was 
successfully completed. The pride of Sathya bhama washed way atthat moment. The 
heavy weight was an illusion made by Krishna for thatpurpose.  Actually by 
placing quarter abasket of ornaments Tulam arm would have gone up. 

Iam not sure the Parijatha tree planting incident was earlier or subsequent 
tothis incident. 

4. Temple Tulabharams 

Guruvayoortemple might have hundreds of tulabharam on a day. Tulabharam is 
offered forgetting cured of a disease, a successful operation, getting a good 
job, passingin examination, or simply as an offering for well being. 

Mostof the offering items are available in the temple. Devotees stand before 
theroom in the front of the Tulabharam room. With desired item Tulabharam 
isperformed to the person. Depending on the item specified charges are paid 
afterThulabhaam. No prasadam specially given. 

AfterTulabaram again devotee offers prayer at sanctum to deity  before leaving. 

I will continue with Tulam in nextposting 





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