8. Jata. (Interglot)
 Ifthe hair is more grown in rare people they stick together forming a jata, 
notable to separate. If at all cut and removed, still it develops again. 

9. Hair cutting in men.

 Duringhair dressing for uniformity the barber use a comb while cutting with 
scissor.The barber uses a thick comb first and thin comb later while cutting 
the hair. Thisis in addition to machines (Similar to trimmer) applying 
nowadays.   Themachine cutting was called earlier as CREW CUTTING. 

 10. Hair cutting in women.

 By1990’s the cutting of hair to present day styles started for women. 
Beautyparlours started appearing.  Invariablycomb is used in all beauty 
parlours for cutting hair to the styles and trimmingthe bottom. 

11 Use of combs today.

 Thoughfor females   combs with teeth on both sidesare there, it is mostly used 
by aged women nowadays.  The one sided comb is now universal and usedby all. 
The mini comb too is universal. 

Combis not a priced very high. Now in a home each individual may have 3-5 
combs.  After 3-4 months they are thrown to dustbin. 

12. Comb in hand bag

 Womenkeep one or two combs in hand bag. Young men keep in back pocket of pant 
or in theirhand bag keep a small comb. 

Nowadaysmore oil is not applied in hair. Creams are used by many. Hair has got 
tuned to new lifestyle and bend and remains, absorbing the oil required from 
the food contentswe eat?...  Combs with cover are there to sizes sothat oil 
from hair may not spread to other items.

 13. Hair styles

 Menhave the hair style of cropping; few Hindus grow kudummi (tuft), many 
fromNorth India keep a few strands of hair as kudummi. 

Whilecombing men keep a vakitu (Parting of hair). Most keep in the centre and 
few onside and comb back.  For small children alittle bit to side is more 

Afew comb their hair to back only. Most women part the hair from centre to 
twosides of the face. Some keep the parting slightly to one side which could 
identifythem quickly. Most married woman apply kumkum (singar) in the 
nirukai(Beginning of the vakitu) 

The pony tail was a style at one time, combing to back and tying hair at back 
and theremaining fall down just like the tail of a pony. No tying at the end. 
Lengthypony tail was more attractive than the tying in the end. 

Braidingin to two plats was very common in 1968’s. Young women used to keep one 
plat tofront another to back or sometimes both to back/front. In old cine films 
ormarriage photos we can see the two plats   made byyoung women. 

Combingto back give more length to face and a different look. For stout women 
as such,it appeared more good looking. 

Thepresent style where hair is cut  in anoval manner   at bottom and always a 
fewfall on sides and face, and the hands have no rest other than putting it 
back,  makes me laugh some times. 

Ifwe look at an interview of modern women in TV channel, we can see in every 
2-3minutes we can observe the lady placing back the fallen hairs on face 
towards backusing hands. Probably the style is designed for hand and finger 

14. Combing importance.

 Unlessthe hair is combed and dead hairs are removed, every possibility is 
thereaccidental falling of hair in food stuffs and go unnoticed.  Normally 
women tie the hair on this accountwhile cooking. Due to the present hair style, 
this falling of long hairs has reduced. 

14a. Cooking for sraadha.

 Inolden days every care had to be taken to ensure hairs do not fall 
whilecooking. The hairs were tied only after the srardha. 

 Thisproduced many difficulties to women and in my boyhood days itself  hair  
was tied and cooked, then released before thefunction and tied after the 
sasthrikal announced hair can be tied.   

15. Curling hair.

 Aspecial type of comb using fibre bristles all around in a cylindrical holder 
isused to curl the hair. Natural curling would be there forever.  These curling 
too remain for some period.Curling hair gives beauty to hair. 

16. Comb cleaning.

 Thecombs were cleaned by putting in hot water with washing soda and cleaned 
aftera period of about 15 days. (In my childhood days). This removed the dirt 
andinsects if any sticking in the combs. 

Ahair sticking to comb is considered as irritating and inauspicious. The 
samewhile in the head had all admiration. 

Combcleaners with bristles came by about 1980’s.  While rub through the teeth 
for two or threetimes it removed all dirt and comb appeared neat. I am to 
admire the inventor.Whatever it is, hygiene of comb is more important. 

Earliercombs were kept on top of mirror, now sets of combs are kept in a 
container ina shelf at the bottom of the mirror. After use, hair if any is 
removed, combcleaned and kept nowadays. 

Stillit is fancy for women and men to purchase new combs. Old ones are simply 

17. Prize in competitions.

 Itwas a practice to give a comb pack or comb for winning a competition in 
oldendays. Quality comb. 

18. General 

Nowwe get combs in fancy stores, in fibres and one looks better than the 
other.Either among women or among men, sharing of comb is least done.  The 
combs are fairly priced, available inabundance. 

Normallynowadays we purchase not as one or two, at least as half dozen combs    
at a time. 

19. Comb with blade fixing facility. 

Itis a comb having two parts one sit over the other in the teeth area, with 
ahandle. A blade can be placed over the bottom teeth area and the other 
pressedand locked. While combing without much pressure, the edge of the blade 
minutelyavailable in the end of teeth, would cut excess length of hair in men. 

Itcould be convenient in places where barber shops are rare for hair cutting. 
Ifmore pressure is given it would shave the hair in that place!! However it 
hasnot become a big success. Still if we ask for blade comb, shops would give 

Re posted on 23-10-21 after editing .R.Gopalakrishnan



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