CULTURAL QA 10 -2021-29

Being compilation there maybe  errors

Q1         I read once that a plugged in phonecharger uses electricity even 
without a phone attached. How can a charger drawelectricity without a load on 
the other end?

A1         LoringChien electrical engineer for 45 years Updated Sep 10

Inside of the charger it isbasically a 5 V power supply.

Each power supply has to have a voltage regulator of which there areseveral 
components running regardless of load. This is what engineers callquiescent 
current - a baseline power load for the circuit that unless itscompletely off 
will be used to control the operation of the rest ofthe load. In a power supply 
this would typically be about 1–20% of the powerused for full load and may vary 
some from zero to full load.

At low load (e.g. no phone beingcharged) the power used will probably be just a 
few percent of what is used forcharging. Its very low. Some people worry about 
it because in the millions itadds up to significant power. Other people like me 
note that charging power isa teeny tiny part of the household use and a teeny 
fraction of that whenplugged in and not used is such a miniscule fraction of 
the power used its nota problem that will result is near as much savings as 
turning off the bathroomlight when you’re not using it. In other words, the 
effort is not worth thesavings compared to putting the effort elsewhere.

I guarantee, if you unplug allyour phone chargers that are not charging vs 
leaving them plugged in 24/7, youwill not be able to detect a meaningful change 
in your electric bill.

In response to Ian Switzercomment, I calculated:

Really, 1800 W Hair drier, 10minutes use, is 300 Wh,

I just measured 2 USB chargers….06 to .33 ma AC. with no device being charged,

Assuming the worst one, it uses347 Wh when on 24/7 for a year

The better one ( a 2A charger formy Samsung) would use 63 Wh per year. One 
fifth of what the hair dryer uses in10 minutes, And would cost me a literally 
half a cent per year to leave pluggedin all year.

If you chose to have one slice ofbread toasted light instead of medium, or 
medium instead of dark, you will save48 Wh (my toaster 1150 W, 2.5 minute 
difference between levels) essentially thesame as a charger plugged in for a 
year. If you give up daily dark toast forjust bread every day you can save 1000 
plugged in chargers. Yes, there are more effective waysof saving electricity 
than unplugging chargers.

Q2         Cashew have extremely high nutritionalvalue, and are listed as one 
of the four major dried fruits in the world..

A2         LuciaGarcia What should be the daily intake of cashews?

100 grams of cashews contain 41.5grams of carbohydrates, 17.60 grams of 
protein, 38.9 grams of fat, 45micrograms of carotene, 3.5 mg of dietary fiber, 
8.2 micrograms of vitamin A,3.19 mg of vitamin E, 0.26 mg of vitamin B1, and 
0.14 mg of vitamin B2 .

In addition, cashews also containcopper, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, 
magnesium, zinc, manganese, selenium andother minerals needed by the human body.

The fat content of cashew is as high as 38.9%. The mainingredients are 
monounsaturated fatty acids. Monounsaturated fattyacids can reduce triglyceride 
and LDL-C levels, increase HDL-C levels, andincrease blood vessel elasticity 
and toughness.

Cashew are very rich in trace elements. Eating cashew cansupplement the 
nutrients the body needs, enhance immunity andresistance, and avoid the risk of 
various diseases.

But cashews are high-sugar and high-calorie dried fruits.100 grams of cashews 
contain 550 calories and 41.5 grams of sugar. 

Therefore, although cashews arevery nutritious, don'teat too many cashews, just 
eat 4 to 5 cashews a day. 

Q3         Would humans have evolved successfullywithout eating meat?

A3         Kevin TónStudies Science Major (Expected 2023)Oct 23

That depends on your genes andDNA, and where is your ancestors from.

If your heritage is from India,Indonesia, etc., Then you'll most likely can 
evolved successfully without meat.

But if you have a heritage fromCentral Asia, Northern Asia, And Native American 

Then you'll most likely need meatto survive, whether you want it or not.

Personally speaking, I have apaternal Siberian heritage. So meat will be much 
more healthier for me toconsume, so I choose to avoid some vegetables that 
aren't healthy for me suchas soy, some nuts, etc.

I used to tried the vegetarian,then vegan diet. It turned me into an Asian 
Nikocado Avocado :

And after I choose to eat a fullalmost restricted diet that consist of eggs and 
meat, this is how I looked likenow :

So, Ancestries somehow made us eat stuff differently.And where your ancestors 
used to live, it impacts your diet greatly. 

So, a meatless diet would turnedout to be deadly for me.

So again, genes played a hugerole in your diets. And not all diets fit for all 
people with differentAncestries and bodies.

Why is it that the acid inside asnake’s stomach can digest bone and teeth but 
it can't digest fur or hair?

Q4         Donna FernstromProfessional ball pythonbreeder from 2007 to 2014.Tue

A4         Bones and teeth are made of collagen and calcium phosphate,mainly. 
Calcium is soluble in acid. Hair, on the other hand, is made of aprotein called 
keratin. Keratinhas disulfide bonds that make it basically insoluable in all 
sorts ofcaustic solutions. Keratin is some persistent stuff. It doesn’t readily 
breakdown at all.

Q5         What would you tell someone to orderfor their first time in an 
Indian restaurant?

A5         AishwaryaKherScientific Mind | Curious Brain | Optimistic | 

First of all, I would ask whichregional cuisine does this Indian restaurant 
specialize in?

Most commonly found restaurantswould either serve North or South Indian 
varieties. Avoid the Himalayan Indiankind of restaurant because it’s a fusion 
of Indo-Nepali taste. I did not findit authentic.

Now, I would recommendfirst-timers to stick to the basics. Also, I’m going to 
suggest only vegetariandelicacies. You’ll be amazed to know how many options 
veggies have!

If you choose South Indian, here’s what your best evermeal could be:

Starter - Medu Wada OR SteamedIdli

Main Course - Masala Dosa OROnion Rava Dosa

Beverage - Filter Coffee (There’sno OR here. This is a MUST in a South Indian 
eatery if they serve in thetraditional manner. Check that first)

Sweet - Payasam OR Rava Kesari

Mysore Masala Dosa with FilterCoffee 👇

Medu wada 👇Rava Kesari 👇

If you choose North Indian, these items would definitelysatiate you:

Appetizers/Starters — Dahi PapdiChaat OR Samosa

Bread — Garlic Naan OR OnionKulcha


Gravy based Veggies — Saag PaneerOR Malai Kofta

Lentils — Dal Makhani OR DalTadka

Rice — Peas Pulao OR Jeera Rice

Sweet — Gulab Jamun OR Rasmalai

I have mentioned two optionsunder each head because it’s freakin’ hard to 
choose! Go for it all if you can :)

Garlic Naan dipped in Malai Kofta👇

Peas Pulao 👇Rasmalai 👇 

Note: This is in no way anexhaustive list. However, it covers the best glimpse 
of both the worlds forfirst-timers, in my opinion.

Q6         Are humans still evolving? Will theybecome completely hairless?

A6        Mats Andersson  B. Sc, M. Sc from Uppsala UniversitySun

Yes, we are still evolving. During the past 2,000 to5,000 years, populations 
where I live have lost much of our melaninproduciton and gained lactase 
persistence. We have also lost a cusp on ourmolars which led to tooth decay. 
Our digestive systems have become moreefficient at digesting starch, and our 
immune systems heve become attuned toliving in towns and cities.

Also, something seems to have happened to ourmitochondria—ancient texts 
regularly report feats of strength andespecially stamina that are outside what 
we can manage today, and in mannerssuggesting that this was not seen as 
anything out of the ordinary. We do knowthat our mitochondria work different 
from the other great apes, but we’resketchy on the details and history.

There’s no reason to imagine we will become hairless.There would not seem to be 
any advantage to not having hair. It mightbecome fashionable, so that hairy 
people find it difficult to find a mate, butit’s unlikely that this would last 
long enough to make a difference to ourgenetic makeup.

Q7         Why is Tripura regarded as theunluckiest state of India?

A7         BalajiViswanathan History buffWed

When you think of Northeast youthink of a mountainous remote place. What if I 
tell you that Tripura is nearly a coastalstate. 

>From the borders of Tripura to the Bay of Bengal is barelyabout 20 kilometers 
>as the crow flies. 

I’m just using a map of Bangladeshbelow to show the distance from Tripura to 
the ocean. That black arrow is allstanding between the state and the wide open 

Not just some random part of theocean, but one with rich source of historical 
trade. The major port city of Chittagong is about 2–3 hoursaway on road.

However, due to the nature of partition of India in 1947,the state is no longer 
connected to the coast, and thus their citizens have togo through a 37 hour 
drive around the hills to get to the ocean atKolkata. Makes no sense.

Now, after years of negotiations India and Bangladesh areable to come to an 
agreement to let Tripura trade through theChittagong port. If the thing takes 
off, the state could enjoy the benefits ofthe coast paired with its high human 
development index.

Landmark movement of goodsbetween Bengal to north-east India via Bangladesh 
flagged off

This will greatly benefit India’snorth eastern states by cutting transportation 
time and cost through landroutes to the north east.

EDIT: There are a lot of bizarrecomments below on how India could have captured 
the coastline during 1971 war.I don’t know what century they are in. You cannot 
just go and capture someterritory like in the 17th century. This is what Saddam 
Hussain did in 1990 —destroying his country. Even China is careful trying to 
take on Taiwan and US iscareful about Cuba.

In 1971, US was looking for theexcuse to bring UN Security Council and any 
territory capture in would havebrought the full weight of the world on us — 
making us lose the war, withsevere sanctions and lose whatever territory we 

Q8         Do animals talk between themselves?

A8         ClaireJordan Degree in biology and folklore; programmer, shop owner, 
secretary onnewspaperMon

Possibly a basic one. We now know chimps and bonoboshave at least basic sign 
language (differing slightly between the species) withwhich they can say things 
like “Climb on my back” or “Give me that”.Deciphering it is slow because we 
have to watch them and see if the samegestures always elicit the same 

Both species have also been taught human signing. On oneoccasion a researcher 
was watching a fight which broke out among agroup of signing bonobos, and one 
of them wandered over and told him, in humansigning, what the others were 
fighting about.

That shows that a bonobo was capable of a basic level ofconversation using 
human signs, so it’s quite likely they can also do sowith their own signs, even 
though we don’t yet understand many of them. Thatdoesn’t mean they sit around 
discussing philosophy, but they can probably makecomments on the events of the 

Q9         Can you see the Sun?

A9         ZaneScheepersjust a regular guy with lots of time to think about 

Most people would dismiss thisquestion as being obvious. Everyone can see the 
sun, right? Actually, the answer is no. Wecan't see the actual sun. 

There are 3 layers separating the actual sun and what weactually see. 

Firstly, the sun is too bright. We are actually blindedby it's brightness. We 
need special light filters to limit the amount of lightreaching our eyes, to 
actually see anything. This is the result.

The second factor is time. Light takes over 8 minutesto travel from the sun to 
the earth. What we see, is an image from the past.It's not the sun as it 
currently is. It's like a picture. A picture created byour mind.

This brings us to the third layer. It's called indirectrealism. You see, the 
way vision works is that our mind creates a picture basedon the light currently 
striking our eyes. This is how we see things. We neversee the actual thing, but 
only the mind model. Strangely, this is somethingwhich some people grasp very 
easily, while it makes no sense to others. I haveyet to find a satisfactory 
explanation why some people don't get it.

What this means is that some people insist that wecan see the actual sun, while 
those who understand indirect realism know thatwe only see a representation of 
the sun. A simulation of reality.

Q10       What is something that you read recentlyand is worth sharing?


A10       Afshar Ahmad    MBBS from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU 

This is a small thing I noticedafter using something for such a long time.

I have been using “Kissan Mixed Fruit Jams” foryears. Today I noticed, on the 
top of its lid, it was writtenhow to check if it is properly vacuum sealed or 

We just need to press the centerof the cap, if it makes sound, it means it's 
not properly vacuum sealed. So,just try it before you buy one😄.

Q11       What happens when water is cooled from 4degrees Celsius to 0 degrees 

A11       2 AnswersPrathamesh Mayekar  , assionateMechanical EngineerAnswered 
Sep 16, 2020

Behavior ofwater is much different than other substances…

Every substance expands onheating and contract on cooling …but in case of water 
it contracts when youheat it upto 4°c and then expands 4°c it has minimum 
volume and maximumdensity.

Coming to your question..

As water get cool from 4c to 0 It's volumeincreases.. and density 
decreases..this because of hydrogen bonding inside it. 

So in science all the propertiesof water are take are at 4°C.

2ND ANSWER Bhanu Kode, B.Tech MechanicalEngineering, National Institute of 
Technology Silchar (2024)Answered Sep 16,2020

It expands. Liquid water converts to solid ice. Waterdensity decreases and it 
crystallizes into the shape of ice.

The crystal structure of ice is more 'spacious' thanthe hydrogen-bonded water 
molecules structure. I mean, the crystal lattice ofice occupies more volume 
than the structure of liquid water, the result beingice less dense than liquid 

This is also the reason why icefloats on water, making life possible in aquatic 
places in winter when thetemperatures are freezing.

Allthe above QA are based on Quora digest to me on 28-10-2021. Quora answers 
neednot be 100% correct answers 

Compiler-R. Gopala Krishnan, 78 dated 29 -10-2021

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