Dear friends, 

These are information posted by members compiledas QA by me in 1998’s-2000’s 
and stored in my computer. At this date I have noinformation of the members 

Being compilation there maybe  errors. 

Posted by RGopala krishnan,78 ,on 29-10-2021

Q1  What are the details of the river Gomathi?

A1GOMATI-        River Gomati is considered as thedaughter of Sage Vashistha. 
One can get emanipated of all sins by taking a holy bath inher water. The 
virtues attained by taking a bath in the holy water of Gomati isequivalent to 
the bath taken in the river in Kurukshetra, during solar eclipse.

The performance of ‘tarpan’ ofthe deceased ancestors gives liberation even to 
the souls suffering in the hellor born as meanest of creatures like insects.

An offering of ‘tarpana’ madeeven without ‘Akshat’ (rice grain) and Kusha 
(grass), but with the holy waters of the Gomati, liberates the souls of thedead 
ancestors, and is equivalent to the ‘Shraddh’ performed at ‘Gaya’.

RiverGomati is considered as a supreme liberator of all the sins.

Gomati,finally merges into river Ganges, some 20 miles north of Varanasi.

Q2 What are the details ofthe river KAVERI?

A2 Those people who get killed byweapons, can attain heaven, if‘ 
EkodishtShradh’ is performed at the banks of Kaveri and Seasame seeds which is 
mixedwith the water of Kaveri are sprinkled in their names.

Kaveri is predominantly the riverof southern apart of India, which is 475 miles 
long, originating from the hillsof ‘Kurya’, some 20 miles away from Arabian 
Sea. It flows towards thesouth-east direction and passes through Karnataka and 
Tamil Nadu and ultimatelymerges into the Bay of Bengal, after making a delta at 
its mouth.

An island named as ‘Shiva Samudram’ and situated approximately 35 mileseast of 
Mysore, divides its course into two parts. This river is considered so 
sacredthat it is called the Ganga of the South.
Q3 What are the details ofthe river Yamuna?
A3   Yamuna, the great among the greatest riversis also known as the Queen 
consort of LordShri Krishna

Goloka the divine abode of the Lord is the home of Yamuna. When theLord 
dictated Yamuna to descend on the earth, she first went round ShriKrishna. 
Thereafter, with great force, she descended on the peak of SumeruMountain. 
Herjourney began thence towards the southern side of the great mountain chains. 
Inthe course of her journey Yamuna crosses many lofty peaks.

Right among the peaks, the dark-complexioned Yamuna parted with 
thefair-complexioned Ganga, and reached a peak Kalind, to start herjourney 
downwards since Yamuna began her journey downwards from thepeak Kalind, hence 
she got an epithet Kalindi.
 Crossing and piercing many peaksand wetting expansive planes in the way, 
Yamuna reached Khandav Vana, where themodern city of Delhi stands.
Yamuna had longed to see almighty Lord Krishna as her husband. Hencetaking the 
guise of an extremely pretty woman, she began severe penance inKhandava Vana. 

Lord Surya, Yamuna’sfather, built an under water palace there for her to take 
rest.It is believed that she still resides there. 
>From Khandava Vana, Kalindi travel fast to reach Vrindavana and Mathurain 
>Vraja region.
In Gokul, the extremely pretty Yamuna constituted a group of teenagedgirls to 
participate is Raas of Lord Krishna. She also selected an abode therefor 
permanent stay.

FromVraj, Yamuna continues her journey due south and south-east ward purifying 
manyregions in the way. 

She reached Prayag, theholiest among all the holy places of pilgrimage. 

There she meets again with Ganga. Both of them travel together fromPrayag 
onwards upto Ksheer Sagar.

Near the sea, with over whelming Yamuna says: Gangey, you are greatthat you 
originate right from the feet of Lord Krishna. You are venerable inall the 
three world. From here, I am ascending again to reach the abode of ShriHari. If 
you wish, you may also accompany me. 

 But I can’t accompany you. WithLord Krishna dictate, I now go to the Patal 

Thus, both of them greeted each other and went to their respectivedestinations. 

 Yamuna ascended in theform of jog like stream, on the tops of the peaks. 
Thence, rising skywards, she reached to the heaven. From there she reached 
Lord’s Krishna Golokavia Brahma Loka, her original abode.

Q4 What are the details ofthe river narmada?How the river is connected with 
king Pururuva?

A4 NARMADA There was a king called ‘Pururva’ in the ancient times. Hewas the 
descendant of the Chandravansh (Moon). 

One day he asked his courtiersabout the means by which a man who attracted by 
sins could attain heaven,without performing religious rites like ‘Yagya’ etc.

Thecourtiers replied that only river Narmada is capable of doing that. But, 
shewill first have to be brought down to the earth from the heaven.

Pururva decided to bring Narmadato the earth. He commenced a tremendous penance 
to please Lord Shiva. LordShiva after being pleased, appeared before him, and 
asked him to demand anyboon. Pururva demanded river Narmada to be sent down to 
the earth. 

Lord Shiva expressed hisinability, and asked him to demand anything else, by 
saying that this demand israre even for the deities. 

ButPururva did not relent. 

LordShiva then ordered to descend to the earth. 

Narmada said that how could shedescend to the earth without any base.

After hearing this Lord Shivacalled the eight mountains and asked them as to 
who was capable of giving abase to Narmada.

Themountain ‘Vinshya’ said that hisson ‘Paryank’ is capable ofachieving this 
feat. But ultimately when Narmada descended the whole earthincluding the 
mountains, Forests etc was flooded with its water 

The deities requested Narmada tomaintain some discipline, which she did by 
controlling her force. 

Purruva performed the ‘tarpana’of his dead ancestors by the holy water of 
Narmada consequently all of themachieved liberation.

Thewater of river Saraswati purifies a man in three days. Yamuna purifies a man 
inseven days. The Ganges purifies a man instantly after taking a bath. 

Butthe Narmada absolves a man of all his sins, and makes him pure, bymerely her 
divine sight.

Narmada is the most important river of Madhya-Pradesh and Western partpart of 

Q5 Why do the Amla tree iscalled ADIROHA ?What are the sacredness of the tree?

A5 The Amla tree had many branches, and it was full of Amla fruits. Since 
theAmla tree was the first tree to manifest itself on the earth, therefore it 
isalso known as ADIROHA (Pre-eminent tree). 

This Amla tree was very much liked by Lord Vishnu and all the deitiesalike. One 
day while the deities was looking at this pre-eminent Amla tree,they heard a 
voice from the sky: 

"This Amla tree isthe supreme among all the trees because it is dear to Lord 

Mere remembrance ofthis tree gives the virtues attained by seeing this Amla 
tree are twice thandonating a cow and the virtues attained by eating an Amla 
fruit is thrice ascompared to donation of a cow. So efforts should be made 
forits preservation.

Eating the fruits of Amla is very nutritious forthe body. Taking bath by the 
water mixed with the juice of Amla fruit has greatcurative values 

Ghosts and other evilspirits do not trouble a house where Amla fruits are kept. 

One who is desirous of acquiring wealth should take bath by water minedwith the 
juice of Amla fruits daily. All the above-mentioned benefits of theamla tree 
and amla fruit has been described by sage Vyasa in 'Skanda Purana'.

Q6What are the sacrednessof the fig tree?

A6 The holy fig tree isconsidered as the most sacred. A man who plantsthis tree 
goes to the abode of almighty God after his death. He can neither betormented 
by the miseries of 'Yama-loka' nor has to face miseries in thisworld.

LordVishnu dwells in the roots of this tree, 'Keshav' (Krishna) in thetrunk, 
Narayana dwells in the branches, Lord Shri Hari in the leaves and allthe 
deities dwell in the fruits of the holy fig tree. 

This tree is the personification of Lord Vishnu

 The cutting of a holyfig tree without a proper reason is similar to cutting 
one's own ancestors.

By doing this, one destroys his descent. But cutting of this tree forsacred 
activities like 'Yagya' (sacrificial fire) is not sinful, on thecontrary it 
helps in the attainment of Heaven.

 The mere worship of this tree is worship allthe deities 

A girl who has a probability of becoming a widow according to theinauspicious 
combination of planets in herhoroscope must worship the holy fig tree

Q7 What are the sacrednessof the basil plant ( Tulasi)?

The holy basil originated from the hairs of Tulsiwho in her previous life was 
blessed by Lord Narayan.

According to the mythological point of view, aplace is considered to be the 
most sacred pilgrimage where exists the holybasil plant. 

This is the reason whyevery Hindu tries to have it in the house. 

Women have been worshipping it with the desire for good fortune andwell beings 
of her lineage.

It is believed that thelord of death does not dare to enter a place, where 
exists a holy basil plant.

Worshipping god with the new sprout of basil plants give salvation.Such a man 
is freed from the cycles of birth and death

Wearing a string of beads consisting of basil-seeds makes a man freefrom the 
fears of death. If chanting is done with the help of basil beads, thenit helps 
in the attainment of accomplishment.

Q8 What is the reason forusing the leaves of holy basil in the ceremonies like 
‘Shraddh’ and ‘Tarpan’?Why Tulasi water is given for the person on dying bed?

A8 The use of the leaves of holy basil in the ceremonies like ‘Shraddh’and 
‘Tarpan’ gives indestructible virtues to the dead ancestors. 

The tradition of offering the leaves of basil plant, to the personapproaching 
death has been continuing since time immemorial. 

 This act of offeringbasil-leaves terrifies the messenger of ‘Yama’ and helps 
the person isattaining to the abode of Lord Vishnu, after his death.

 If the last rite of a deadperson is performed in the wood of basil plant, it 
helps his soul to attain tothe abode of Lord Vishnu. 

Not only this, if even asingle wood of basil plant is kept on the burning pyre 
then all the sins ofthat person get destroyed.

Q9 Are there anyprhibition on plucking Basil leaves?

A9 There are some days on which selection of basil leaves areprohibited - 
Sunday, last day of dark lunar phase (Amavasya), twelfth dayof every Hindu 
month (Dwadashi), ‘Sanskranti’ and till the three hours aftermid night. 

Therefore the leaves should be collected, well before the abovementioned days 
and times.

Q10 What is upavas ? What are to be donated?

A10Upvaas (Religious Vows) this Sanskrit word is really made up of 2 elements 
‘Up’meaning near and ‘Vaas’ meaning staying or residing. This means that 
stayingnear to god or rather experiencing continuously beatitude of God is 
known asUpvaas.

After a vow is observed dependingupon ones financial situations one should 
donate generously. In human life one shoulddefinitely donate their things i.e. 
gold, land and cows. 

Gold and land can never bedestroyed, that is why it is beneficial. The 
greatness of a ‘cow’ is even thebeyond the above two. A person who donates 
these three things is considered tobe the donor of three worlds (Trailokya). 

Asa result a person can be liberated from the cycle of life and death, 
andattains the highest level ‘Moksha’.

 Our scriptures also speak of the greatness ofoffering of food as charity.


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