Varaha Purana   part27 

Posted by: "DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN"prd...@yahoo.com   prdili        Sat Dec 18, 
2010 5:00 am (PST) 


Lord Varah then wenton to describe the greatness of Stootswami teerth and told 
Prithvi-"Ishall incarnate as Krishna at this place in the era of dwapar. I 
shall takebirth in the house of Vasudeva and Devaki. There is a pond situated 
at about 5kosas from Stootswami teerth. Anybody who   take holy dips in its 
holy water forfive days 


Lord Varah told Prithvi-"Thereis a holy place called 'Panchsar' in  Dwarka. 
Anybody who stays there for six daysand takes holy dips in  'Panchasar'enjoys 
all the pleasures of life. Dwarka is situated at the        sea-shore and the 
crocodiles living there never trouble people takingtheir bath. These crocodiles 
also have one unique characteristic-they never eat anything that isoffered to 
them by a sinner but  unhesitatingly accept anything from a virtuousperson. 
There are several other holy places in and around Dwarka-Panchpind,Hanskunda, 
Hansteerth, Chakrateerth, Raivatak, Vishnu-sankaram, etc. Vishnusankaram is the 
 very place where I ,in my incarnation as Krishna wouldbe killed by a  hunter 
named Jara


This holy place issituated between Malay mountain and the ocean. Nearby, there 
is another holyplace called Sangaman where sri Ram while   on his way to lanka 
had confronted the ocean.There are also many other  sacred placesin the 
vicinity like Shakrasar, Shurparak, etc. There are  hermitages of Sri Ram and 
Parashuramat Shurparak.


Lord Varaha toldPrithvi-"There is a region inhabited by mlecchas,    situated 
at the distance of some 30 yojans.Thisregion is surrounded by Himalaya mountain 
in its central as well as southernparts. Lohargal   teerth is situated nearthis 
region and is well protected by nature  which makes it very inaccessible. Once, 
demonstried to invade this holy place but all of them were killed by me(sri 
Hari).Ialso protected   Brahma and Rudra from the wrath of the demonsand named 
that place         Lohargal.Lohargal is the most sacred place of pilgrimage and 
spread in the area of 25yojans. It is a self manifested place and has immense   
      religious significance.

26. Varaha Purana  part 28 

Posted by: "DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN"prd...@yahoo.com   prdili         Sat Dec 18, 
2010 5:03 am (PST)       


Describing the majestyof Mathura, lord Varaha told Prithvi- "Mathura is   very 
dear to me because this is the very placewhere I shall be taking   incarnation 
asKrishna. Mathura is the most sacrosanct place and no  other holy place can be 
compared to it. Thereare many other holy places         in andaround 
Mathura-Vishranti, Surya teerth, Koti teerth, Vayu teerth,   etc. Each one of 
them has it's own religioussignificance. A holy pond   named 'Vatsa-krindan' 
lies in Mathura region.Anybody taking a holy dip  in that holypond is certain 
to attain to the abode of 'Vayu'.In the vicinity liesVrindavan, the holiest 
place which would be witness to many of my divineplays."      


It is situated to thenorth of Mathura and lord Bhadreshwar has his   dwelling 
place over there. Aperson who makes a pilgrimage to Chakra teerth and observes 
a fast for a day becomes absolved of heinous of  sins.


Describing the originof 'Kapil Varah'(an idol of lord Varah made by  sage 
Kapil) lord Varah told Prithvi-"Sage Kapil was a great devotee of  mine. He had 
made my idol and worshipped itregularly. Later on, Indra  acquired itand 
started worshipping it .The demon king Ravan took it to   lanka after defeating 
Indra in a battle. Intreta yuga I (sri  Ram)defeatedhim and made Vibhishan,his 
brother the king of Lanka. This   way, the idol came under the possession 
ofVibhishan but he agreed to partwith it at my request. This was how I brought 
that idol to Ayodhya. 

After reachingAyodhya, I presented it to Shatrughan as a reward for  killing 
Lavanasur. Later on, while Shatrughanwas going to Mathura he carried that idol 
along with him."        


Lord Varah, continuingwith the description of various holy places told Prithvi 
about the magnificenceof Govardhan parvat- "Govardhan parvat is  situated near 
Mathura. It will have greatreligious importance because   it willwitness a 
great feat of mine in dwapar yuga. I shall lift this  mountain to protect 
people from theincessant rain caused by Indra.         

There are numerousholy places of great religious significance in the  vicinity 
of Govardhan mountain like Indra teerth, Yama teerth,Varun   teerth and Kuber 
teerth.There is also a famous fresh-water lake called   'Kadamb khand' where 
people perform tarpan oftheir ancestors."

Posted to groups by R.Gopalakrishnan on 14-11-2021


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