CULTURAL QA 11-2021-15

Being a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1            What is the contribution of AdiShankaracharya towards Sanatan 

A1            RanjivKurup Author on History and Philosophy of the HinduUpdated 

After theKurukshetra war where we lost most of our best and brightest, the true 
meaning,the bhavarth of the ancient teachings were lost. And Indian 
civilization floundered for nearly 2000 years.Bauddha and Jaina was the 
culmination of thought in this period of darkness andsignalled a reawakening 
around 3000 BCE. And Adi Shankara who came some 1200 years after the Buddhaand 
Mahavira, was the first to correctly reinterpret the ancient knowledge ofthe 
sages and Vedanta in the form of his school of thought - the Advaita 
-flourished. And he institutionalized the resurgence by establishing the 
fourPeetha, and the four Dhams, moving to the four corners of the land on foot 
witha small group of his followers, covering some 15000 km over the years until 
hisdeath at Kedarnath at the comparatively young age of 32 years. Which makes 
hislifetime achievements all the more spectacular.

And from the oceanof both abstract philosophy and practical knowledge that was 
Hinduism in histime, he extracted the body of knowledge that is now referred to 
as thePrasthanatraya - the Brahma Sutra, the 10 principle Upanishads (Katha, 
Isha,Kena, Mundaka, Svetasvatara, Prasna, Mandukya, Aitareya, 
Brhadaranyaka,Taittiriya and Chhandogya) and the Bhagavad Gita and wrote his 
Bhashya on eachof these so their true meanings could be preserved thereafter.

It was his teachings and numerous debates withscholars of different traditions 
of the time thatbrought Vedanta to the forefront of Hindu traditions once 
again. Many peopleask the question that if Vedanta is the pinnacle of Indian 
philosophy, how aremany countries still Buddhist? And the answer to that is 
that India’s influencehad waned considerably over the world by then and his 
teachings could not bespread to the full area of India’s historic influence.

Q2            Did Tipu Sultan know Kannada? WasKannada the mother tongue of 
King Tipu Sultan?

A2            GouthamR Knows KannadaWed

Tipu Sultan definitely knew Kannada. His mothertongue was not Kannada, mightbe 

He used Persianlanguage for administration, even Kannada was used.

He himself has written many letters in Kannada.

Below is the letterwritten by Tipu Sultan to Sringeri Jagadguru in 1791.(not 
attached here)

The letter iswritten in the Modi Kannada script. This script was Kannada 
written in a freeflowing style without any breaks or full stops. It was 
commonly used to keepaccounts and to communicate in letters.

Q3            How can we turn off Air conditionerin a train?

A3            AnishVarghese , Workshop Engineer at ArchirodonConstruction Co. 
S.A.Answered Dec 23, 2018

Well, you canmanually switch off A/C in a compartment. There will be control 
panel in everycompartment which you can request the train attendants to turn it 

But, this is not done because there are otherpassengers in the compartment who 
will object it.Also, the A/C inside trains is designed in such a way that the 
temperatureinside will be comfortable compared to outside TEMPERATURE. How it 
is done. IWill explain with an example.

Suppose we have asuperfast train from Trivandrum to Jammu Tawi. You are 
travelling in an AC3tier in the month of December and you are now in Trivandrum 
and your last stopis Jammu Station. Now the train is travelling through 
Trivandrum and the temperature in Trivandrum is 29degree Celsius. But as you 
are in 3rd AC, you will be comfortablebecause the temperature inside AC coach 
will be 18-24 degree Celsius, thecomfortable temperature range for humans.

Suppose, if thetrain is bearing Srinagar. As you can imagine, temperature in 
Seinagarwill bearound 6 degree Celsius in December. But even though you cross 
Srinagar in such very coldtemperature, you will be comfortable inside AC coach. 
Because temperatureinside AC coach will be around 18-24 degree Celsius.

Why the temperatureinside AC coach is around 18-24 degree Celsius? Because 
there is a special sensor in IndianRailways A/C called thermostat. There will 
be two thermostat in an AC Coach.One for cooling and one for heating. These 
theromstats will have amercury filled thermometer system with a feedback 
mechanism. As I told you,temperature inside a AC coach is around 18-24 degree 

As soon as thetemperature crossed 25 degree Celsius, the thermostat for cooling 
engaged andforces the AC system to run cooling the temperature inside coach. 
When thetemperature inside the AC is between 18-24 degree Celsius, the 
thermostat cutsoff cooling qnd only the blower fan will run to maintain the 

Similarly, whentemperature goes below 18 degree Celsius, the thermostat for 
heating engages,thus heating starts in our AC starts. As soon as the 
temperature crossed 18degree Celsius, the thermostat cuts off AC heatings 
system and Only the blowerfan will run.

Thus, thermostat is the device in AC system whichmakes the temperature of any 
AC system in the comfortable range.

Since, thetemperature inside the AC will be in comfortable range, no need to 
switch offAC.But if you really want to switch off AC, there will be a control 
panel forAC in every AC coach which will have switches to switch on or off AC 
manually,which mostly train attendants know.

Q4            What rare fact do you know about ananimal that would change a lot 
of people's perceptions of that animal?

A4            Priyan Bopitiya Wed

Northern Snakehead: A terrifying predator fish thatcan survive on land for up 
to 4 days and their dominance disrupts theecosystem's balance.

Northern snakehead fish are carnivorous predators,eating fish, small birds, 
reptiles, and a variety of other species. Accordingto the studies, Snakeheads 
can breathe oxygen via an air bladder that acts as abasic lung, allowing them 
to survive for up to 4 days on land without water andeven further in some cases.

The snakeheads havethe ability to reproduce at a rapid pace as well, each time 
depositingthousands of eggs. However, they can lay a lot more eggs at times, up 
to 50,000each year. These unique adaptations give snakehead a competitive edge 
overother fishes in securing habitat and expanding their range as an 

Q5            What is a healthier choice of carbsthan potatoes or rice, and why?

A5            AliceTwain Eating and cooking for 40 years.Thu

Potatoes and rice are perfectly healthy carbs. Soare bread, pasta, 
polenta,corn, and whatever else. What may not be completely healthy are the 
amounts and how these carbscombine with other foods. A moderate portion of 
complex carbs (likeany of the above), a moderate portion of a protein (meat, 
fish, dairy, eggs,beans…), and a couple large portions of vegetables or a large 
portion ofvegetables and one piece of fruit constitute a perfectly healthy meal.

Q6            Why do Australian houses not haveattics?

A6            JohnFenn Australian by birth, citizen of the world. Updated Nov 1

We don’t need themand dont have room for them,

We don’t need an attic because our houses are largeand we don’t need the 

Because it does notsnow here the pitch of the roof is not as steep as a house 
built to be snowedon. Standard pitch is 15° - 22°. In Europe it is not uncommon 
to see pitches of45°. Hence our attic spaces are generally only a metre or 2 

Many Australian homes have solar panels on the roof. Alow pitch, or even a 
skillion roof is ideal forthis, especially if the house has been oriented to 
the north.

Q7            Why is speed at sea measured in knots?Is it because of maritime 
tradition or is there a specific reason?

A7            ChrisHarrington Lifelong crafter, with a Bachelor’s Degree in art 
Nov 1

“Why is speed atsea measured in knots? Is it because of maritime tradition or 
is there aspecific reason?”

Nautical speed is measured in “knots” because of tradition,yes, but also 
because “knots” currently means “nautical miles per hour.”

A “nautical” mileis much more useful for navigation, because 60 nautical miles 
is one degree oflatitude, (and pretty close to one degree of longitude at the 
equator.) Andknowing how many degrees your position is changing per hour is 
very useful.This is the same reason airplanes use “knots” too.

Q8            What are some popular paired foods,like ghee riceand dal tadka?

A8            NagarajanSrinivas The best way to peoples' hearts is through 
their stomach22h

Like good pacebowlers in cricket, food items / dishes also invariably come in 
pairs to bereally effective. Some such combinations off the top of my head ( 
Basicallyvegetarian from Tamil Nadu) :

1 Pongal – Vadai 2 Idli – Sambar 3 Idiyappam -Coconut milk. 4 Poori - Potato ( 
Poori - Shrikand if you are in Maharashtra)

5 Chappati – Kuruma  6Parotta – Chalna 7 Adai – Avial 8 Set Dosai- Vada curry 9 
Curd Rice - Lime / Mango pickle 10 Hot Gulab jamoons - Vanillaice cream (as 

I deliberately avoided mentioning Masala - Dosa because,it is not even a pair, 
but in the true Advaitintradition of Jivatma (Dosa) and Paramatma (Masala) 
reaching the divine fusion /merger into Liberation/ Nirvana of hyphen less 

Q9            Why are store-bought tomatoes sotasteless and unpleasant to eat? 
Why are attempts to ripen them doomed tofailure?

A9            VictoriaTai Sep 30

The tomatoes we grow on the farm, we wait forthem to ripen on the vine until 
the very last minute when they are bright red…and pick them when they are about 
to burst. They have a slight juicy squeeze tothem and they are very aromatic. 
These are ready to eat.

We also never refrigerate them. Even if we havetoo many to consume, we prefer 
to stack them in atower single layer indoors, carefully over a basin of water 
on an “island” sothat ants don’t get to them, and give away tomatoes without 
ever cooling themin storage.

Stores that carrythem cannot afford the astronomical cost of tomatoes that are 
so juicy and ripethey have to be consumed immediately. Instead, they have firm 
tomatoesartificially ripened with ethylene, which doesn’t improve flavor. 

Q10          Why color of dabur, lion and Patanjalihoney are differ from each 
other, aren't they pure?

A10          KarthikK Updated Thu

Check these honeysamples I got from different sources in India

Honey color depends on presence/levels of naturalpigments, acids and minerals, 
which, in turn, depend on:

The plant/flowersthat bees collect nectar from to make honey

Weather/temperatureof the area.

Honey is classifiedby Pfund color grader ( 0 to 65, light; till 114, amber; 
114+, dark). See myhoney collection in the pic.    Ex:Litichi tree honey is 
light, neem tree, tulsi, ajwain, plant honey is dark andhoney from Kashmir 
region (acacia) is very light    

Similar to color, the aroma, flavour also slightly vary. Ingeneral 
light-colored honey has mild flavor,dark-colored honey has strong flavor, 
higher antioxidants. Individual preferencevary as taste is a personal judgement 

I don’t know about these brands but many popular brandssimply blend multiple 
types of honey, may add somecolors, flavors to have a standard look. That’s why 
many don’t know honeytypes.

Disclosure: I sellhoney on my website/blog (No Mix Kart) but my answer is 
unbiased. Check myprofile for other fact based answers.

Q11          We can eat leaves, seeds, roots, andfruits of different plants. 
Why can't we eat flowers then?

A11          BhuvanaRameshwar Thu

Of purse we eat flowers of some plants. Looks like youforgot the famous but 
most eaten cauliflower !We also eat broccoli another flower though green, from 
the same family.

Then we also eat flowers of banana, pumpkin, zucchinisome greens although small 
etc. Artichokeis also a flower bud commonly eaten in many countries. 

Spices saffron and cloves used in biryanis, Indian sweetsand kurma are also 
flowers. Rose petals areconsumed in sweets and used to produce essence for 
sweets, syrups etc. Peaflowers is used for colouring foods blue.

Q12          What is the most underrated inventionin the ancient time but the 
most useful in the present time?

A12     Archaeology Unearthed Answered by Hamid Wed

Probably plough  invention. It has become socommon, so much so that we have 
forgotten that it revolutionized our world. Andthat it is the basis of many 
great civilizations :

The swing plough is a light harnessed culture instrumentthat complements manual 
tools (hoe, spade). Associatedwith an animal (ox, donkey, horse or tractor...), 
it allows the conquest of newcultivated areas as well as an intensification of 
the agriculturalexploitation.

The traces of theoldest fossil furrows, attesting to the use of the swing 
plough, have beenspotted in Lower Mesopotamia, and are dated around 5000 to 
4500 BC. It isduring the fourth millennium that the use of the swing plough 
seems to spreadto the Middle East, before reaching the Mediterranean rim and 

For thousands ofyears the principle has been the same, except that this 
ploughing tool has beenmodernized and mechanized.

All the above QA are from  Quora  website on   14-11- 2021. Quora answers need 
not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on 15 -11-2021


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