CULTURAL QA12-2021-01


Q1         What are some of the simplest yetamazing innovations?

A1          Priyan Bopitiya Bsc.Electronics Engineering (SLIIT) 2019-2023Nov 22

Nigerian Houses are being BottledUp! 14,000 Plastic Bottles to Build a House of 
size 1200-square-feet.

The plastic bottle houses have proven to be a success in Nigeria,converting 
plastic waste into a cost-effective housing material. They were ableto 
construct considerably more durable homes that were even resistant 

Every day, more than 125 million plastic bottles are thrown in the 
UnitedStates, with 80 percent of them ending up in landfills.

This quantity of trash may bereused and utilized to build roughly 10,000 
houses. Considering that home of size 1200-square-feet requires an average 
of14,000 plastic bottles to construct.

Q2         Did Shah Jahan cut off the hands of the40,000 workers who built the 
Taj Mahal?

A2          Devansh Sharma . Studiesat La Martiniere College, Lucknow (Expected 
2024) Sat

First and foremost, Shah Jahan employed 20,000 workers to build the TajMahal. 
The amputation of the hands is classified asa myth. It will be 40,000 hands. 

Some state he amputated their hands whereas some say he didn’t. My beliefsays 
he did not amputate their hands. A Moral bond was imposed on the workerswho 
worked for him by which theywill not work for ANY OTHER EMPEROR. The reason was 
that no one should be ableto make a more marvelous structure like Taj Mahal. 

Some accounts even state that the whole kingdom was pushed into faminejust to 
feed them 20,000 workers. If they are taken care of so well, why willthey be 

A living example of how obsessed Shah Jahan was to build Taj Mahal is 
theDiwan-e-Khas in Amer Fort of Jaipur. The designs on the exterior of the 
sheeshmahal were supposed to be made of marble but due to the construction of 
TajMahal, all marble was transported from there to Agra. Rajasthan was and is 
theprimary source of Marbles. 

Thereby you see Belgian Plaster of Paris with glass embedded in it.(AmerFort, 

One prime example of obsession with Taj Mahal.                                  

Highly skilled artisans who executed the Pietra Dura. Their generationsare 
still alive.

So practically, Amputating 40,000 hands, that too of skilled craftsmen 
ispractically baseless. Its a myth around it. In real, Shah Jahan imposed a 
moralcode on them. 

However, if you ask me that itis the ONLY magnificent thing in India, you are 
wrong. Visit the temples ofKhujraho.

Q3         Can coal melt aluminum?

A3         StevenHaddock        Studied at York University(Canada)Nov 20

Yes. The problem is that the molten aluminum willimmediately react with the 
oxygen in the air and form aluminum oxide. That’s why in early daysaluminum was 
more expensive than silver. Aluminum ores are verycommon but it takes a lot of 
heat to keep it from becoming an oxide again.

That’s why you use massiveamounts of electricity to refine aluminum. You run a 
current and molten aluminum accumulates on the cathode, whilethe oxygen 
accumulates near anode. You do this in a nitrogen atmosphere. . Analuminum bar, 
foil or can always has an oxide layer, but this protects theunderlying aluminum 
from being in contact with more oxygen.

An aluminum bar, foil or can always has an oxide layer, but this protectsthe 
underlying aluminum from being in contact with more oxygen.

Q4         What are some ancient Egyptianinventions that are still used today?

A4       JasonAlmendra   I took "Greek & LatinRoots of English" in college Nov 

The shadoof is a counter-weightsystem used for raising water. 

Geometry was invented by theEgyptians. The Nile used toflood every July. It 
would leave a half meter or so of mud. So farmland had tobe resurveyed every 
planting season.

However for stone masonry, weare discovering far older stone structures. Then 
again, the oldest writing was found in Abydos. They were bone tagswith 
hieroglyphs. They were dated to c. 3300 BC.

Q5         Does an air conditioner lose its gaswhen you move them from one 
place to another?

A5      3Answers Adwitia Pal,studied at Julien Day School Answered Apr 7, 2018

It is not at all a necessary thing to happen, as re-installation or 
transportation does notaffect an A/C’s loss in gas. But however, even if its in 
runningcondition, and at the same place as it was, still it may lose the gas 
due to aleakage. The only reason for an a/c losing its gas has to be a leakage 
ineither of its pipes or the body, or compressor. Now its likely to happen 
whenthe a/c is moved from one place to another as the handling and shifting of 
thea/c may lead to a leakage. Itsalso necessary to repair the leak before 
recharging the gas as otherwise thegas will leak out again.

2ND ANSWER- LSGanapati, Chartered Engineer&Independent Consultant 
(1969-present) Answered Apr 30, 2020

The chances for an AC to loose gas in transportation is remote, unlessthere was 
huge physical impact on the unit due to accidental fall or damagesotherwise. 
Many timescorrosion which has almost brought the tubes to the point of rupture 
at theoriginal point of use, when impacted in transit, yields to the 
forcecaused, and gas leaks out.

3RD ANSWER- SubashChandra Bose, studied at Government College of Technology, 
Tamil Nadu, India (2000)Answered Apr 6, 2018

Definitely not. In Air conditioner or refrigerator the refrigerantthat’s 
actually responsible for cooling(or sometimes heating) never escapes out unless 
thereis a leakage in the pipe mainly in condenser due to poor logistics.

Q6         What is a rare animal that is sospecial and rarely seen?

A6          Journey into theWildKane Nov 22

Worlds, full of wonders. Just like in a small number of black people,there is a 
certain chance of developing albinism, and the body will have unevenwhite 
free-shaped skin. The seemingly uneven skin tones exude a unique charm inthe 
eyes of some artists. Similarto albinism is melanosis. It is said that the 
leopard is suffering from thisdisease.

Why does leopard suffer frommelanosis? Experts say it may be because of 
mutations in their coat color genes. A single recessive gene controls the coat 
color ofdomestic cats and leopards. Therefore, mutations in the coat color gene 
maycause female leopards to produce black leopards.

The black variants are nodifferent from regular leopards and jaguars. The 
leopard's head is smaller than a tiger's, its ears are shorter, andits tail is 
about 70 to 95 cm long. It weighs approximately the same as anadult and has 
many black hollow patches on its yellow-brown body. It is distributed in Asia 
andAfrica and is one of the rarest animals in the world. The longest life span 
can reach25 years

Q7  What are some countries across the world thatare extremely cheap to live 
in? How much do rent/homes and food cost?

A7          Peter Wade, visited 79countries, all 7 continents Answered Sat

Cheapest nations in which toreside

Perhaps you’re looking to retire in another country where daily expensesare 
much lower. Maybe you’d just like a change of scenery and a new line ofwork.

Whatever the reason, I ran the numbers on all 193 independent 
countriesrecognized by the United Nations, and even threw in a few territories 
thataren’t officially countries (including Bermuda, Hong Kong, Kosovo, 
Palestine,and Taiwan).

 (Burundi, pictured above, offersthe lowest cost of living)

Based on cost of living in late2021, the most affordable nations in the world 
are listed below (with average monthly cost of living listed,including rent in 
U.S. dollars, for a single person).

1.) Burundi US $300

2.) Kyrgyzstan US $430

3.) Kiribati US $511

4.) South Sudan US $519

5.) Haiti US $531


6.) Central African Republic US$538

7.) Comoros US $568

8.) Nauru US $584

9.) Pakistan US $612

10.) India US $622

Honorable Mention: Eswatini US $711

Hopefully readers notice a serious problem when perusing this list.Before you 
pack your things and move off to one of these places, South Sudan iscurrently 
ranked the 4th most dangerous country on the planet, and the CentralAfrican 
Republic ranks 9th. Pakistan ranks 14th. India, Burundi, and Haiti 
haverelatively poor ratings on the Global Peace Index.

The issue with affordability isthat countries with a low cost of living are 
often plagued by violence andcrime, while safe countries charge a steep price 
for such peaceful living.

But two countries above - Comoros and Nauru - are actually quite safe,which 
leads us to a logical idea. I’ve performed some data analysis - median,standard 
deviation, safety index, cost of living index, etc. - to create a moreuseful 
list that will benefit people who don’t have a death wish. Below, I’ve listed 
ten nations with theworld’s best combination of affordability and safety.

 (Comoros, pictured above, is bothsafe and affordable)

1.) Comoros (7th cheapest, 4th safest)

2.) Nauru (8th cheapest, 20th safest)

3.) Malaysia (60th cheapest, 23rd safest)

4.) Romania (57th cheapest, 35th safest)

5.) Portugal (111th cheapest but 7th safest)

6.) Czech Republic (99thcheapest, 16th safest)

7.) Sierra Leone (13th cheapest, 60th safest)

8.) Hungary (79th cheapest, 28th safest)

9.) Bulgaria (66th cheapest, 37th safest)

10.) Bhutan (78th cheapest, 33rd safest)

Honorable Mention: Poland (75th cheapest, 34th safest)

Imagine living near gorgeous Prague, or Lisbon, or Sofia, places with 
totalsafety that won’t break the bank for residents. I’ve been to all of them 
andI’ve even lived in Budapest, Hungary. They are all splendid choices!

The worst

On the flip side, if you’re curious which 10 nations would be the 
worstcombination of affordability and safety, read on.

 (The unusual nation ofTurkmenistan, pictured above)

1.) Turkmenistan (2nd highest cost of living, 61st most dangerous)

2.) Democratic Republic of Congo (56th highest cost of living, 7th 

3.) Yemen (83rd highest cost ofliving, 2nd most dangerous)

4.) Israel (14th highest cost of living, 24th most dangerous)

5.) Republic of the Congo (it’s the other Congo, 6th highest cost ofliving, 
47th most dangerous)

6.) Libya (79th highest cost of living, 8th most dangerous)

7.) Afghanistan (16th cheapest but the single most dangerous country)

8.) Lebanon (48th highest cost of living, 22nd most dangerous)

9.) North Korea (73rd highest cost of living, 13th most dangerous)

10.) Federated States of Micronesia (10th highest cost of living, 63rdmost 

Honorable Mention: Bermuda isn’t a country, but with the highest cost ofliving 
and only the 67th safest in exchange, it would rank as the second 

Q8         If Egypt is so fertile because of theNile river, why is there no 
jungle/forest in Egypt, instead most of Egypt isdesert?

A8          Saleh A. Al-Sulaimon Studiedat Takushoku University Fri

The Nile River flows in a desertarea, so you find that agriculture is only 
around the course of the Nile, and the area around the Nile is a dry, sandy 

Of course, there are some oasesin the Egyptian desert, but itdoes not change 
that it is a barren desert. 

Q9         Why is dermatology such a popularresidency choice among medical 

A9          RickVonderBrink·Physician (1997–present)Updated 18h

  It pays a lot. Dermatologists can see a lot ofpatients in a typical day, 
there are a lot of procedures that are mostlywell-reimbursed, and there is a 
lot of opportunity to do cosmetics (whicharen’t covered by insurance and for 
which patients will willingly paythemselves).

The lifestyle is pretty good -it is 100% office based, there areno after-hours 
emergencies, there is no ER or hospital coverage, and you onlywork evenings and 
weekends if you want to.

It pays a lot.    The specialty is in high demand pretty much everywhere. A 
brand-new dermatologistcan open an office or join a practice and be 
consistently busy within a matterof weeks to months.    

It pays a lot. Because of thesefactors, dermatology isincredibly hard to get 
into. The typical dermatologist probably placed higherin his or her med school 
class than the average cardiothoracic surgeon.

Q10              Which is the worst South Indianfood item in India?

A10        Naveen Subramanian Livedin Chennai, Tamil Nadu, IndiaSun

Any food that’s commercializedsucks. ExIdly - A freshly prepared hot steamed 
idly made of rice batter tastesgood. But restaurants to gain more profits, use 
rava instead of rice batter.That makes those idly’s hard, dry, tasteless, and 
powderish. It lacks itsoriginal essence. Theycall it ‘ Rava Idly”, similarly “ 
Khusboo idly’ for the same reason. 

Thayir vada (curd vada) - Youcook a crispy vada and soakit in a curd which is 
naturally sour, add salt which makes it bitter, addsliced green chilies which 
are spicy and add some coriander which dilutes thesetaste and serve it. 
Restaurantsinvented this dish to get rid of leftover vada that turned wet. To 
me,it's like having a lamb biriyani with a chocolate sauce.

This list can go on and on and…..                                               
         Thething is ….

As long as the food isauthentic and original it’sgood. Either you like it or 
dislike it, that's your personal choice. But,commercialized food is the worst. 
The reason I call it worst is that it spoilsits authenticity and originality 
which is equal to “destroying its identity”.That’s not improvizing, but 

In case you wish tocommercialize, have a different name altogether. Don’t call 
it Idly and Vada.

There are food items which I don’t like for various reasons, but thatdoesn’t 
mean the food itself is worst. 

If you want to experience the worst food, as Anbazhagan Ambrose sirmentioned, 
it has to be worst cooked. Visit a govt Anganwadi or “WomenRehabilitation 
Center” run by govt. You can understand how worst a normal sambhar can be 

This not may be the appropriate answer to this question, but I justwanted to 
highlight about “commercialization spoils the authenticity of food”.

All the above QA are from  Quora website  on    30-11- 2021. 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan ,78, former  AGM Telecom Trivandrum 
on 01-12-2021


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