MatsyaPurana  part16 

Postedby: "DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN" prd...@yahoo.com   prdili  Sat Sep 18, 2010 
4:32 am (PDT) 

  Kacha and Devayani

       The gods and the demons fought witheach other all the time. As you know, 
Brihaspati was the preceptor of the gods and Shukracharyawas the  preceptor of 
the demons.Shukracharya knew a wonderful art known as  mritasanjivani.This was 
the knowledge of bringing back dead people to    life. (The Harivamsha tells us 
thatShukracharya learnt this art by   prayingto Shiva and pleasing him. The 
Matsya Purana refers to this  story later.)   

Since Shukracharya knew this art,the gods were in a terrible fix. Any  demons 
whom the gods killed were promptlybrought back to life by         Shukracharya. 

But Brihaspati knew no such art. So anygods that the demons killed, stayed 
dead. The gods pondered about this problemand   finally arrived at a solution.  

Brihaspati had a son named Kacha.The gods told Kacha. "Go and become 
Shukracharyaтs disciple. Try to learnthe art of mritasanjivani from him. 
Shukracharya has a beautiful daughter namedDevayani. Try tocurry  her favour so 
that your task maybecome easier."

     Kacha went to Shukracharya."Please accept me as your disciple," he said.

       "I am the great Brihaspati’s son. I willserve you faithfully for a    
thousandyears." Since nomention was made of mritasanjivani, Shukracharya gladly 
agreed to thisproposition. Kacha lived with  Shukracharya and served his guru 
(teacher). He became friendly with  Devayani and Devayani started to fall in 
love with Kacha.        

Five hundred years passed.

       The demons got to know that Kacha wasBrihaspatiтs son. Since they  
hatedBrihaspati, they hated Kacha as well. Kacha was in the habit of 
takingShukracharyaтs cattle to the forest to graze. When Kacha was alone in 
theforest, the demons seized their chance. They slew Kacha and fed his body to 
the tigers.

      In the evening, the cattle returnedhome alone. Kacha was not with them.   
   eeing this, Devayani told her father,"The cattle have returned home   
without Kacha. I am certain that someone has killed him. I am in love  with 
Kacha and cannot survive without him. Pleasedo something."
"Do not worry,"Shukracharya told Devayani. "I will bring Kacha back to  life 
with the art of mritasanijivani. "        
As soon as Shukracharya recited themagical mantra (incantation) ,  
Kachaappeared before them, hale and hearty.   Days passed.

       Kacha went to the forest once more,this time to pluck flowers. The  
demonskilled him again. But this time they burnt the dead body and  mixed the 
ashes in a goblet of wine. They then served the wine to   Shukracharya to 
drink. When Kacha didnot return, Devayani again told her father. "I am certain 
that someone haskilled Kacha. I cannot   survivewithout him. Please do 

Through this powers, Shukracharyadiscovered what had happened. He told  his 
daughter, "We have a real problem onour hands. Kacha is inside my  stomach. I 
can revive Kacha by summoning him through mritasanjivani. But   in the process, 
he will have to tear asundermy body and I shall die.

       Tell me, beloved daughter, which do you want?Either Kacha or your  
father willlive."     

 "I refuse the choice." replied Devayani.

"Both you and Kacha must live. Icannot survive without either."
Shukracharya then decided that therewas only one way out. He addressed  Kacha, 
who was inside his stomach, and taughthim the words of the        mrtasanjivani 
mantra. He then recited the words himself and outcame  Kacha. Shukracharyaтs 
body was tornapart and the sage died. But Kacha    had learnt the words of the 
mantra. He now recited them to bring   Shukracharya back to life. Kacha 
thuslearnt what he had set out to  achieve.After spending a thousand years with 
Shukracharya, he prepared    to return to heaven.      

 "Where are you going?" askedDevayani. "Do you not know that I am in love with 
you? Please marry me." Iam   afraid that I cannot do that,"replied Kacha. "You 
are my guruтs daughter. Therefore, you are my superiorjust as my guru is my 

       I cannot marry you. Moreover, I have spentsome time inside his body. And 
when I came out, it was as if a son had been born from him. Youare         
therefore my sister. How canI possibly marry you?"

 Devayani became very angry."You are playing with words," she said. "I  curse 
you that although you have learnt theart of mritasanjivani, it   will prove 
tobe of no use to you."

       "You have needlessly cursedme," retorted Kacha. "I too curse you that  
no brahmana will ever marry you and that you will never get whatever it is that 
you wish for.

       "Sharmishtha and Devayani As you alreadyknow, Sharmishtha wasthe   
daughter of Vrishaparva, the kingof the danavas.Sharmishtha and   Devayani were 
greatfriends, until Indra played some mischief.       

 The two friends had gone to bathe in a pondand had left their clothes on the 
bank. Indra adopted the form of a breeze and mixed up theclothes. When 
Sharmishtha donned her clothes after having had her bath, sheput on Devayani’s 
clothes by mistake.        

Devayani said, "How dare youwear my clothes? My father is your  father’steacher 
and you are my inferior in every respect. You have no    business to put on my 

 "I am not your inferior." repliedSharmishatha. "It is you who are my  
inferior. My father is the king and yourfather thrives on my father’s   

The two friends started to quarrel. Sharmishtha flung Devayani intoa   well and 
left her there, taking her to bedead.
At that time, King Yayati came tothe forest on a hunt. He was thirsty and 
looked for some water. When he found the well, hediscovered   Devayani inside 
it.He rescued Devayani. Yayati also fell in love with   her, so that the two 
got married.Shukracharya got to know about allthis and was furious at the 
treatment that Sharmishtha had meted out to his daughter. He threatened toleave 
   the demons. Vrishaparva did hisbest to persuade Shukracharya not to leave 
them, but Shukracharya insisted that he wouldstay only if  Devayani was 
pacified.Vrishaparva promised to give Devayani whatever it   was that she 
wished for.       
 "Sharmishtha has insulted me," saidDevayani. "She has called me her inferior. 
My mind will be set at rest only if Sharmishtha serves as a servant. 
Vrishaparvaagreed to this condition and "Sharmishtha became Devayaniтs 
servant,together with one thousand other demon women.        

After Yayati and Devayani gotmarried. Shukracharya told Yayati, "Sharmishta is 
Devayaniтs servant andyou are married to Devayani. Under no circumstances marry 
Sharmishtha, otherwise I am going tocurse. 
In due course, Devayani gave birthto Yadu and Turvasu. Sharmishtha had  
secretly married Yayati and she too gave birthto Druhya, Anu and Puru.       
 "How came you to have sons? Who is yourhusband?" Asked Devayani.       

 "My husband is a brahmana," replied Sharmishtha."I do not know his   name." 
Butwhen Devayani asked Druhya, Anu and Puru about their father,  the truth came 
out. They told her that theywere King Yayati’s sons.       

 "You have insulted me," Devayanitold Yayati. "I will remain your wife   no 
longer. You have married my servant." Shukracharya was also  furious. Yayati 
had gone against his wishesand had married         Sharmishtha.       

Shukracharya cursed Yayati that old age would set upon the king,    although he 
was still in the prime ofyouth.

 "Please do not curse me," said Yayati. "I am married toyour daughter. I  wish 
to live with heras her husband. Do you wish your son-in-law to be         an 
old servant?"
 "My curse cannot be lifted," repliedShukracharya. "But I will try and   
mitigate the effects. I grant youthe power that you can pass on this   oldage 
to whomsoever you wish." It was this old age that Puru accepted. The Matsya 
Purana nowdescribes   the descendants of Yadu,Turvasu, Druhya, Anu and Puru. 

Iwill continue in next posting. Posted to google groups by R. Gopalakrishnan 

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