Dear friends,

These are information compiled from website Nampoothiri.com and posted asQA. 
Articles are posted by learnt Nampoothiries. Still BEING COMPILATION THERE MAY 

All the QA relates toNampoothiries. 


R. Gopalakrishnan, 78,Former  AGM Telecom Trivandrum   dated 23-12-2021


Q1 Who are nampoothiries? What istheir orgin? How did they came to kerala?

A1 The Brahmanans of Keralaare known as Namboothiris. Historical evidences as 
well as their owntraditions suggest that theycame from North India and settled 
down in Kerala, migrating along the WestCoast. 

It is clear that they constitute links in a longchain of migration along the 
West Coast of India, carrying with them thetradition that Parasuraman created 
their land and donated it to them Brahmanical traditions in theCanarese 
(Karnataka) and Malabar Coasts are nearly identical to one another

Parasuraman created the land between Gokarnam andKanyakumari and settled 
Brahmanans there in sixty-four Gramams or "villages". 

As a result, the Brahmanans of Kerala share severalcommon features with the 
Brahmanans of the Canarese coast; this also distinguishesthem from their 
counterparts in the rest of South India.

It is statedthat thirty two out of the sixty four gramams are in the 
Tulu-speaking regionand the remaining thirty two, in the Malayalam- speaking 
region in Kerala 

Recent historical research has identified thesesettlements on either side of 
the border It is possible that these settlements came up betweenthe third and 
ninth centuries of the Christian era, i.e., the close of theearly historical 
period in the history of South India, There is asolitary reference to the 
northernmost, and thus possibly the oldest, of thesesettlements, namely Chellur 
or Perumchellur or Taliparamba, in the Tamil"Sangam" literature with a Vedic 
sacrificial background and theParasurama tradition; but the rest of them are 
clearly products of a laterperiod

 What is important is that when webegin to get historical evidence, they were 
well established around temples,controlling the temple and the vast estates of 
land that it possessed. 

The Gramam was synonymous with the temple andvice-versa. With such Brahmanical 
control of land and the population dependenton that land, it is not surprising 
that Kerala came to be known asbrahmakshatram or where Brahmananswielded the 
power of Kshatriyas

Another element which helped them gain in power wasthe curious practice ofarms 
which a section of Brahmanans in Kerala had. 

Known variously as the Chatter or Chattirar, thesearms-bearing Brahmanans are 
seen in records from different parts of India fromthe post-Gupta periodonwards. 

In the subsequent period, however, their professionof arms lost all relevance 
and they were reduced to the status of professionalsperforming the typically 
Namboothiri entertainment, part ritual and part art,known as Sanghakkali or 
Panayam Kali there was indeed a council of Brahmanansin the Chera capital known 
as the Nalu Tali, the memory of which survives infour temples of Melttali, 
Keezhtali, Netiya Tali and Chingapuram Tali. 

Q2 Whatwas the reason for the decline of namppothiri regeme in Kerala?

A2 The period after the fifteenth century witnessedmajor changes in the course 
of the history of Kerala. Trade with the westernworld, first via Arab Muslims 
and then directly through the Portuguese and theDutch, brought about a major 

The Namboothiris failed to read the writing on thewall and adapt to the changed 
situation accordingly When the trading companies got gradually transformedinto 
political masters, the Namboothiris again lagged behind. 

Probably believing in the permanence of the landedwealth they had, they refused 
to take to English education and thus make use ofthe immense opportunities 
offered by the colonial state, unlike theircounterparts in other parts of the 

The cynicism that resulted, expressed itself in theform of the proverbial 
Namboothiri humour and the poetry of the Venmani variety.

Q3 Whendid the modernisation of  the communityfrom its decline started?

A3 It was this'Yogakshemam' movement during the early twentieth century, 
spearheaded bystalwarts like Kurur UnniNambudiripad and V.T.Bhattathiripad, 
which brought about some resemblance ofmodernisation to the community. 

When far-reaching land reforms were adopted inKerala in the post-independence 
period, the Namboothiris received a furthershock. Many of them lost their land 
and the only source of livelihood; but many others have taken tomodern 
education and qualified themselves to compete with the rest of societyin the 
modern world

Q4 Whatis the etymology of the word Nampoothiri?

A4 Definition: "Nam (vedam) poorayithiNamboothiri" is the commonly accepted 
etymology of the word Namboothiri. It means, the person whocompletes vedam is 

Namboothiri "completes" vedam as hestudies and practices vedam and performs the 
rituals, srouthakriyas (yagam) andother "Kriyas" (like Shodasakriyakal, 
Nithyakarmam, Cremation, etc.)as prescribed in vedam 

A more plausible version is said to be: Nalpu ->Nanpu -> Nampu (goodness) + 
Sree -> Thiri (Lakshmi) = Namputhiri, withthe changes confirming to Tamil or 
old Malayalam.

 It also conforms to other names like Adithiri,Bhattathiri, Nambyathiri, etc. 

Forexample, there is Mangalath Mana and Mangalath Illam. While documenting, the 
usage of the word Mana or Illam depends onthe traditional style followed by the 
respective Graamam to which the familyoriginally belongs to

Forexample, all families in Sukapuram Graamam use only the word Mana in 
officialdocuments. However, duringconversation, generally a Namboothiri refers 
to his family name as Illam only.

My note- I recollect a TV discussion. While referringto a  long pending work, 
the oppositionMLA made a comment- The work is like- “Illathu ninnu purappettu, 
ammathu ottu etthiyum illa”

Rough translation- A nampoothiri started from illamto see  his mother in her 
home, but thoughmuch time lapsed, still not reached her mother’s home. 

Most politicians in Kerala are very much educated. 

Q5 Who are Thamprakkal?

A5 lifestyles, rituals and rights vary from Graamamto Graamam. EachGraamam had 
a Namboothiri administrative chief by name Thampraakal

The Thampraakal of Sukapuram Graamam is Aazhvaancheri Thampraakal, just to name 

Under each Thampraakal, there are two Vaidikans. OneVaidikan does "Karmam 
Vidhikal" or prescribes and solves doubts onrituals to be performed by 

My note- He is like an acharya clearing doubts. Allkarmas has to be done by 
Nampoothiries. There is no one among nampoothiries like our sasthrikal/vadhyar.

The other Vaidikan is for "PraayaschithamVidhikal" or prescribing rectification 
processes in case something goeswrong in ordinary life or Vedic life.

Since even the last expired member of AazhvaancheriMana led more or less a 
perfect vedic life, they have become the onlyThampraakal in modern era. 

Q6 Howmany generations have to be seen for interrelation among them for 

A6 Modern medicine also believes that after sevengenerations, it may not create 
major casualties

Q7 DoNampoothrires are Rigvedies only?

A7No. Each Namboothiri family is traditionally and strictly a follower of  only 
one of the three Vedams, namely, Rigvedam, Yajurvedam andSaamavedam. 

Q8 Whatare the sub divisions of Rig and yajur vedam observed by 
Nampoothiries?Are theydifferent from iyers?

A8 Followers of Rigvedam are called Rigvedis.Two sub-divisions ofRigvedis are 
Kousheethakan and Aswalaayanan. 

Followers of Yajurvedam are called Yajurvedis, with two sub-divisions, 
Boudhaayanan and Baadhoolakan. 

There is nosub-division for Saamavedis. Each of these five divisions has its 
own unique style ofperforming certain or all rituals

Q9 Whatare the specialities of Nampoorthires with respect to death related 

A9 If the critical stage is reached in the morningor evening in the case of a 
male, another Namboothiri should touch him, takebath and perform 
Sandhyaa-Vandanam and chant "Gaayathri" on hisbehalf

It is customary for all the close relatives toprostrate before the person and 
ask for forgiveness, and to get blessed byplacing the person's palm on their 
heads (assisted by a by-stander, if needed).

Cheveelothu" consists of a one-timechanting of selected 25 Riks from Rig Vedam 
if a Rigvedi, the same except forthe last part if a Yajur-Vedi and the 16th 
Saamam of the 33rd chapter ofSaama-Veda-Samhitha, if a Saama-Vedi. The essence 
of Cheveelothu is : "Lead me kindly toconnect to Vishnu".

Q10 What was Kaimukkal atSucheendram temple?

A10 Dipping the palm in boiling ghee (Kaimukkal) at Suchindram Temple 
wasperformed by Namboothiris in order to prove the innocence and integrity in 
caseof punishment by excomm -unication (Bhrashtu).

 It isnot known when this practise started, but there are evidences in the 
templerecords to show that it was held as early as 802 ME (AD 1626-27) and 
continuedtill 1019 ME (AD 1843-44). Laterit was prohibited by a law of the 
Government of India in 1036 ME (AD 1860-61) 

The"Thanthri" and the chief priests of the temple, now situated in theState of 
Tamil Nadu, belonged to Irinjalakuda, Sukapuram and Perumanam"Graamams". The 
trustees were also Malayalee Brahmanans and henceNamboothiris had a close 
connection with this temple. 

As per records kept in the temple, most of the"kaimukkal" functions were 
performed to prove innocence in cases ofsuspected immorality. 

Generally "kaimukkal" used to be performedwhen a Namboothiri was awarded 
excommunication after "smaarthavichaaram" for having sexual relationship with 
another man's wife.

It seems that in erstwhile North Malabar there was asimilar practice where 
Namboothiris used to swear in the nearby Bhagavathytemple to prove his honesty 
and truthfulness. 

ButNamboothiris of South Malabar, Cochin and Travancore preferred 
SuchindramTemple for proving their innocence in such cases. 

This is not only because the priests of SuchindramTemple were Namboothiris, but 
also because of the story that Lord Indran once dipped himself inboiling ghee 
and cleared of the curse (imprecation). 

Nine Pottis (a sect of Namboothiris, especiallybelonging to Travancore area) 
head it

Q11Where do Adi sankaracharya has his Samadhi?

 A11 According to the Kerala legends, the greatAadi Sankaracharyar achieved his 
Mahaasamaadhi at Thrissivaperoor (Thrissur)and his Panchabhouthika is at 
Thrissur Vadakkumnatha Temple where Sanghu ChakraThara exists. 

 Mynote- There are many other versions also

 Q12 Do there is any restriction for nampoothiriesfor not crossing the sea like 

A12 No. Do not cross the "Desam" without"Dandu" and towel ("Thorth").

Q13 What are a few general restrictions tonampoothiries?

A13 Do not look atanimals and insects when they are mating; avoid them as 

Masturbation corrupts"Brahma charyam".

Q14 Doa Nampoothiri permitted to sandhaya vandan during Pula?What are the 
otherrestrictions during pula?Can a daughter do bali to her father?What is 

A14Yes. Udakakriya: During those10 days, after performing the daily rituals 
like  Sandhyaa-vandanam(silently performed during this period), male 
Shesahakriyakkaar and othershaving Pula have to do "Udakakriya".

Food: The Seshakriyakkaar eat only once a day during those10 days, and thattoo 
without using salt. Rice, banana, curd, ginger, coconut and"Avil" (flattened 
rice) are the allowed food items. 

Pindam(and Bali by daughters): Onthe 11th day, sons and sons of daughters 
perform Pindam, while Bali is performed by daughters.

Both Pindam and Bali have standard, algorithmic,long processes, that require 
atleast 3 hours. 

In the case of an unnatural death, instead of theusual "Pindam", 
"Naaraayanabali" has to be performed. 

Namboothirisshould not touch the dead body. Cremation and"Sanchayanam" are done 
by "Soodrans" and not by the"Pindakarthas" or other Namboothiris. 

SeveralManthrams are chanted to show to the inner soul a safe path to 
Vaikuntam, to make it immortal inVaikuntam, for cleansing the funeral pyre by 
sending off previous souls presentthere, etc

There are Manthrams to God to help burning the bodyso as to enable the 
participants to take out bones later.

What constitutes unnatural death - is purelysubjective. Suicide, murder, dog / 
snake bite, being gored to death by anelephant, etc. are all considered 
unnatural, requiring Naaraayanabali,

Unlike the normal 10/3-day "Pula" (click- "Defilement caused by Birth or Death 
of a Relative), unnatural deathresults only in pollution ("Asuddhi") for the 
husband / wife andchildren similar to "Uppupula 

During the first year of an unnatural death, onlythe Naaraayanabalineeds to be 
performed, whereas, with natural death, 16 "Shodasa-pindams"are to be performed 
before the first anniversary 

Sraadhham. The Sraadhham ritual isidentical to the normal one. 

Deeksha"(period of mourning and abstinence) is for one year, during which 
"Pindam" is tobe performed on 16 specified days. These are collectively 

Q15What is the difference in conducting Sapindi among Iyers and 
nampoothiries?Whatare the details of srardham among Nampoothiries. 

A15 Sapindi: Sapindi is the process of integrating the inner soul (Aatman or 
Aatmaavu) to GodVishnu's abode (Vaikunttham). Sapindi of father has to be done 
first beforedoing it for mother. Hence,if the mother dies first, the process of 
Sapindi for mother is usually delayedtill father's death. 

Sapindi" for the dead is performed withthe goal of ritualistically merging his 
soul or spirit with those of theimmediate three paternal forefathers - father, 
grandfather and greatgrandfather. 

 Ifany of the three are alive at the time, Sapindi is postponed until after 
thedeath of all three. In the case of married women, the three will be her 
husband, his fatherand grandfather. 

Two of them(pindam) represent Viswadevathaas" (gods ofearth) for receiving 
their blessings, three represent the three immediate forefathers,one, the 
departed soul, and one, a passer-by ("Vazhipokkan").

Sraadham: Sraadham is another stepby step process to be performed by 
Seshakriyakkaar, on the death anniversaryday, every year. It also has several 
Manthrams and processes. 


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