CULTURAL QA12-2021-28


Q1            How many oranges can you eat daily?

A1            Lucia Garcia Worked atHospitals Fri

Oranges are cold fruits. at the same time, oranges are also known as the "good 
fruit for curingdiseases", which have the effects of promoting body fluids 
andquenching thirst, moistening the intestines and laxative, clearing heat and 

If you are hot physique, in order to let the body achieve balance, youcan eat 3 
to 4 oranges a day.

But for people with cold physique, eat up to two oranges a day.

Oranges are rich in vitamin C. A medium-sized orange weighs about 150grams and 
contains 48 mg of vitamin C.

The daily intake of vitamin C for adults is 60 to 90 mg, with an upperlimit of 
2,000 mg per day.

Two oranges can meet the vitamin C requirement for a day. Taking moredietary 
vitamin C is also harmless to the body.

Although oranges are a bit sweet, oranges are a low-calorie fruit withlow sugar 

A medium-sized orange contains only 70 calories and 15 grams of sugar. Eating 
oranges will not make youfat.

It is worth mentioning that oranges have much higher vitamin C andvitamin P 
content than most fruits. These two vitamins can increase theelasticity and 
toughness of capillaries and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Therefore, regular consumptionof oranges is very beneficial for people with 
high blood pressure, high blood lipids, arteriosclerosis and 
othercardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

Q2            What is Queen Elizabeth’s secret to a long and healthylife?

A2            Diana Donald Lives inCambridge, Cambridgeshire, UK 

Her mother lived until age 101,so in her DNA. Her fathercontracted cancer due 
to heavy cigarette smoking, but the Queen has neversmoked and in fact the late 
Duke gave it up on his wedding day out of respectfor his wife’s fear of smoking 
disease. She has always eaten moderately andnever drunk alcohol excessively. 
She has also had the privilege of owning horses so has riddenevery day when 
possible until the last couple of years. She walks a loton her estates and is 
often seen out by members of the public. Added to that she has the very best 
medical care.

Q3            Is it wrong in the 21st century to expect my bride tochange her 
last name to mine after the wedding?

A3            Bhuvana Rameshwar marriedfor three decades Sun

It is neither wrong nor right.Most girls, women add husband'sname after theirs 
to avoid confusion in jobs. Their educational certificatesremain the same with 
their maiden name, sometimes with father's name or familysurname.

I changed mine to bhuvana rameshwar from bhuvana krishnan, however my dil 
maintains thefather's name as her surname but gives our son’s name as husband 
inall documents and ID cards like passport, aadhar, PAN .

In the passport, national IDCard changes have to be made in the husband's name 
column as a married person. It is a must. Some just add on like Priyankachopra 
Jonas. This gives them a new identity.

Q4            Why do clothes under a fan dry up faster than without afan?

A4            Loring Chien, formerPrincipal Engineer at Fortune 1000 Company 
(2002-2016)Answered Jul 13, 2020

Air can only hold so much moisture, and warm air more than cool air. Ifthe air 
is still, the air next to the clothes will be saturated with moistureand cannot 
absorb more moisture. Moving air will circulate air with less moisture and and 
it will absorbmore moisture. The fan is a perfect way to move large amounts 

2ND ANSWER- SethFlannigan, Merchant (1997-present)Answered May 27, 2018

The flowing air speeds up theevaporation process. It'sactually pushing the 
water off the clothes and turning it into vapor

Try this experiment. Next time you have to line dry clothes, dry them inside 
and put a fanunderneath wherever you hang them. You'll be amazed at how fast 
theydry, without damage.

Q5            Why is the British monarchy so important, while otherworld 
monarchies are nearly unknown to the general public?

A5            Mats Andersson Visited24 European countries Dec 14

Because you'reEnglish-speaking. Here in Sweden, we know all about our own 
royals, whether wewant to or not, and the Dutch swear by their own royal 
family. TheJapanese actually believe their royals are descended from the Sun 
Goddess,which makes the House of Windsor look like plebeian upstarts.

Q6            Which foreign language did you learn in school, and howwell do 
you still know it today?

A6            GopalkrishnaVishwanath Decreasing proficiency order: 

Gujarati/Malayalam Fri

I learnt French in school fromstandard 8 to standard 11 during the years 1962 
to 1966.We were not taught tospeak at all.

Those days the TV and internet did not exist and so we could not get 
anyexposure to French spoken by a native speaker.

The teacher was a local Maharashtrian who himself did not to how to 
speakFrench.He taught usbasic French vocabulary, grammar and reading and 
writing simple sentences.

By memorising the text book Imanaged to pass my matriculation exam with 90% 
marks in French.

It was ironical because I got more marks in French than I got for Englishin 
which I was much better.

Ever since I left school I havehad no exposure to this language, no 
opportunities to use it, and no need forit either in my career.

I have now forgotten almost everything that I knew after a long gap of 
55years.I now remember onlya few words and popular standard phrases.

Q7            If water is H2O and there are planets were they arecovered with 
ice (water form), doesn't that mean there lies oxygen too?

A7            Steve Baker Blogger (2013–present)Dec 21

Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen - so, yes - if there ice or liquidwater - 
then there are oxygen atoms present - but that’s not necessarily breathable 

Consider Mars, for example. It has a LOT of water - and it’s atmosphereis 
almost 100% carbon dioxide - which ALSO contains oxygen. But if you tried to 
breathethe air there - you’d be unconscious in 20 seconds and dead in two 
minutes- because there is no FREE oxygen…oxygen that’s not chemically bound 
toanything else.

You can extract the oxygen from water (or from CO2 for that matter) - butthe 
energy costs to do so are considerable.

Here on earth, wehave green plants and algae - which are like little solar 
power stations -converting water and CO2 into oxygen and high-energy sugarusing 
sunlight to power that chemistry.

If we didn’t have those plants and algae - then all of the oxygen in ourair 
would gradually either be converted to CO2 or would also combine with ironin 
the soil to form rust - and so forth.

Planets that have free oxygenjust floating around and not reacted with 
something have to have some kind of active process - such as our greenplants - 
continually renewing it.

Q8            What do you do when there is literally no one to talk to?

A8            BhuvanaRameshwarmarried for three decades Thu

In such a situation I talk tomyself. We are our best friends. We keep the talk 
to ourselves. We do not spread it to others as gossip. We are our bestadvisors 

I go for my morning walks. Usually the roads are empty with only birdsand some 
stray dogs. UnknowinglyI have often found myself talking. With whom? To 
myself.. Sometimes theyare about events that happened, some explanations or 
sometimes sentences indefence of any future confrontation. It is like a good 

Our thoughts can be processedbetter when we rewind, talk about it and analyse 
everything to ourselves, like a retrospection . Such talk is good ashelps to 
think rationally, speak chosen words to the point and helps us toprepare for a 
bad situation, in future. We are also our best judges when alone.

Q9            What evolutionary purpose do slanted/smaller eyes serve?

A9            Claire Jordan Degreein biology and folklore; programmer, shop 
owner, secretary on newspaper Oct 24

The eyes themselves are notsmaller - it’s just that the opening between the 
eyelids is narrower when theyare open but at rest. It protects the eyes against 
windand glare in extreme weather conditions. East Asians developed thisfeature 
for protection as their ancestors migrated across steppes andsnowfields, before 
humans had worked out how to make horn or parchment gogglesthat would do the 
same job.

Q10         Which planet is so light that can float on water?Can Saturnreally 
float on water?

A10          Vinod Kumar TeachingS.St, GK, preparing NTSE aspirants 

Yes, if you could find a bigenough body of water for it to float on. Saturn is 
very large and is the second largest planet in the SolarSystem. However, it is 
made up mostly of gas and is less dense than water. Since it is lighter than 
water, itcan float on water. None of the other planets in our Solar System can 
dothis because they have a higher density than water. Saturn hasthe lowest 
density of all the planets, which means that it does not weigh asmuch for its 
size as the other planets do.

Q11         What is the point of an oxygen machine or giving someonepure oxygen?

A11          Steve Baker Blogger (2013–present)Dec 22

Air is only 20% oxygen. With healthy lungs andnormal respiration - that’s 

But suppose someone’s breathing is shallow - or blood flow is slow - orlungs 
are congested with fluid? Maybe a piece of a lung - or even an entirelung has 
been surgically removed due to cancer or something?

In all of those cases - you can make the remaining respiratory functionfive 
times more effective by supplyingthe patient with pure oxygen.

Q12         How does metal stick on a magnet?

A12          Ritwik Sunny FormerCustomer Support Executive at Ashok Leyland1h

A magnet is a piece of metal with the ability toattract other metals. 
Theseforces merge, and the object acts like a magnet. The north pole of one 
magnetattracts the south pole but repels the north pole of another magnet 
unlikepoles attract and like poles repel. A metal is a magnetif it repels a 
known magnet.

All the above QA are from  Quora website  on    27-12- 2021. 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan ,78, former  AGM Telecom Trivandrum 
on 28-12-2021


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