*Mar**The Microcosm and the Macrocosm*

The Universe consists of the Microcosm and the Macrocosm.The Microcosm is
the world of atoms,subatomic particles,electrons,photons,neutrinos
etc,where our eyes cannot create seeing by making our brain build the 3D
shapes.We call it the invisible spectrum,because our eyes cannot see them
by creating the 3D shapes.

The Macrocosm,is the world of Galaxies,stars in the Galaxies,planets going
round the stars of the galaxies and the moons going round the planets.These
the eyes can theoretically see by building the 3D shapes.They belong to the
visible spectrum.May be the Quasars also form part of the Macrocosm,bodies
which radiate gigantic radiation of energies.

If all the bodies of the Macrocosm are given the weightage of one,then the
weightage which the arena of the Microcosm has to be given
is,35,00,000.(Microcosm: Macrocosm=35,00,000:1) ( In Cosmos by Karl Sagan)

In the Microcosm no organism can live and exist as an individual entity of
consciousness.When a body achieves the speed of light,its volume becomes
infinite.In that infinity there are mainly the electromagnetic waves.When
something happens in this great ‘Nothing’,the basic seeds of matter sprout
and it called the notice of consciousness in Quantum Physics.Is the
Microcosm,the ocean of Pre-consciousness?

Consciousness consists of the awareness of the 3D bodies which can be seen
and the vast invisible Microcosm which are not amenable to seeing but

But we want to understand mainly by creating the 3D shapes everywhere,but
how to create them,when they are massless?They are mainly energy
waves,which cannot have forms,unless frozen by being separated from the
ocean of waves.

When you close your eyes,you confront this situation,where you have to feel
the Universe,as seeing is misrepresenting distraction.

In the TOE we want to understand the vast Microcosm,in the 3D language of
the Macrocosm.We want the computers to do the job and also understand for
us,so that we can note the mathematical reduction.

The Sage method is to strive to understand by using all the mental and
physical faculties.In his work,’The Tao of Physics’,Fritzof Capra attempted
to create the blending of the Scientific approach,with the Sage approach.


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