Q1 Everybody knows Soma ( Chandra) married 27 daughters ofDaksha. Who was their 

A1  She was Vairuni. ThenDaksha and Vairuni gave birth to sixty daughters. Ten 
of them were married toDharma, thirteen to Kashyap, twenty-seven to Soma, four 
to Arishtnemi and twoto Angira and Krishasva each. 

Q2 Every body know about Viswa deva inSraddaha. Who were his parents?How he is 
related with Daksha?

A2 Vishwawas one of the 16  the wives of Dharma.Vishwa gave birth to 
Vishwadeva.It means he is grandson of Daksha.

Q3 Who are Ashta vasus?

A3 Vasu gave birthto eight Vasus 

Q4 What is the importance of Arundhati ?

A4 Arundhati gavebirth to all othercreatures that dwell on earth.(Other than 
the  living beings gave birth by sage Kasyapa)

Q5 Who is Viswakarma?

A5 Vatstree the sister of Brihaspati was the wife ofPrabhas. They had 
Vishwakarma as their son.

Q6 What is the progency of Soma and Kasyap?

A6 Sage Kashyap had thirteen wives- Aditi, Diti, Danu, Arishta, Surasa, Khasaa, 
Surabhi, Vinata, Taamra,Krodhavasha, Ira, Kadru and Muni. Their progenies are 
most of the beings in the world. 

>From the part ofKashyap, Diti gave birth to two invincible sons, 
>Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaakshand a daughter Sinhika who was married to 
>Viprachiti. Hiranyakashipu had foursons- Anuhlad, Aahlad, Sahlad and Prahlad. 

The twenty-seven wives of Soma gave birth to manytalented sons

Q7 How many devas are able to take birth at their will?

A7 Thirty-three gods includingeight Vasus, eleven Rudra, twelve Aditya, 
Prajapati and Vashatkar have beendescribed in the Vedas All of them are capable 
of taking birth at will. Just as the Sun rises and sets,similarly these gods 
also appear in different Yugas. 

Q8 What is the tale of Hiranya kasipu?

A8 Parashar says-By the boon of Brahma, Hiranyakashipu had acquired tremendous 
power and came tocontrol all the three worlds. Hehad driven the gods out of 
heaven and used to receive the oblations offered toSurya, Vayu, Agni, Varun, 
Chandrama, Kuber, Yamaraaj etc. Becauseof his fear, all those gods roamed on 

All the creaturesbegan to worship Hiranyakashipu. Beautiful and amorous elves 
danced in hispalace while Gandharvas accompanied them on instruments 

Q9 What is the leanage of Prahaladan?

A9 Prahlad had ason, Virochan. Virochanin his turn had Bali as his son 
(Mahabali of Tiruvonam legend)

Bali had onehundred sons among whom Baanasurwas the eldest.

Q 10 Who are Marudganas?

A10 After theannihilation of her sons, Ditionce again pleased Kashyap and 
sought a son who could destroy even Indra.Kashyap granted her boon but 
stipulated that she would have such a son only when she observes 
completesanctity during one hundred years of gestation period. Diti agreed 
toabide by the stipulation. Then they copulated as a result of which 

When Indra came to know thatDiti had conceived a son who would be able to 
destroy even him he arrived at Kashyap’s hermitageand began to serve Diti with 
full devotion. 

He had in factarrived there to see if by chance Diti ever violated the 
stipulation for thenhe would easily destroy the unborn child without incurring 
any sin. Sometime before the completion of gestation period, oneday, Diti did 
violate the stipulation. She forgot to wash her feet afterattending nature’s 
calland retired on the bed. Indra was waiting for the moment. He at onceentered 
Diti’s womb carrying his mace in hand. 

There he broke the foetus into seven pieces but still thefoetus survived and 
began to cry loudly.

Indra then broke each of those seven pieces into sevenpieces more and consoled 
them not to cry.

Those forty-nine pieces ofDiti’s foetus later on came to be known as Marudgana 
the assistants of Indra.

Q11 When did Brahma devided his kingdom? Whatwas the division?

A11When the great sages crownedPrithu as the king of the entire earth, Brahma 
had also divided the kingdoms.

Thus,Brahma appointed Chandramaas the ruler of all the Nakshatras, planets, 
Brahmins, vegetation, Yagya,penance etc. 

Healso appointed Kuberas the ruler of the kings, Varun as the ruler of the 
water bodies, Vishnu as the ruler ofAdityas and Agni as the ruler of Vasus. 

Similarly,Daksha wasappointed as the ruler of all the Prajapatis, Indra as the 
ruler of Marudgana and Prahlad was appointed asthe ruler of the demons. 

DharmaraajYama became the ruler of Pitragana and Airavat became the ruler of 
all the elephants. Garud came to rule thebirds. 

Indrawas appointed as king of the gods, Uchchaisharva as the king of the 
horses, Vrishabh as the king of the cows. Lion became the king ofthe beasts, 
Sheshnaagof the snakes, Himalayabecame the king of all the landmasses, 

Kapil becamethe king of the sages and tigerbecame the king of those animals 
that have nails and long teeth. 

Q12 What is the importance of Prayag?

A12 Sanatkumar says: O Narad!Confluence of Ganga and Yamuna is the holier than 
any other place ofpilgrimage. The extremely sacred and pious Ganga rises from 
the feet of noneother than Lord Vishnu. Yamunaon the other hand is the daughter 
of Surya. Even the remembrance ofGanga is enough to do away with all the sins 
and making one peaceful. 

This place where Ganga and Yamuna merge is famous asPrayaag in the world. It is 
the sameplace where Brahma had once invoked Lord Vishnu in a Yagya. Since 
then,innumerable sages have followed Brahma and performed different kinds of 
Yagyasthere. Even a person who recites the name of Ganga hundred miles from 
Prayaagattains salvation.

Q13 Which manthra is to be recited to attain peace of mind?

A13  Recite the following mantras- 



You will definitelyattain peace of mind."

Q14 What is the origin of rivers?

A14  While Lord Vishnu was measuring the universe, it broke into two pieces 
withthe impact of His toe. With the tearing of the universe, millions ofstreams 
sprang out.

 In the course of their flow, these streamsmerged into a single mightier stream 
and, sanctifying Brahma and other deities,fell on the mighty Sumeru Mountain 

Q15 How did the Lord arrange for Bali’s food in the netherworld?"

A15 Sanatkumar says: "Oblations offered without hymnsand alms given to 
undeserving person constitute the food for Bali.

 Thus, the Lord snatched the kingdom of heavenfrom Bali without any bloodshed 
and returned it to the gods." 

Q16 Do those who commit severe sin on earth are bound to sufferequally severe 
torturing in hell ?

A16 Yes. Dharmaraaj says:"O king! Those who commit severe sin on earth are 
bound to suffer equallysevere torturing in hell. I am now describing about such 
sins and the torturesvouchsafed for them in the hells.

Tapan, Balukaakumbh, Maharaurav, Raurav,Kumbhipaak, Pramardan, Lalabhaksha, 
Vasaakup and Vaitarni are some of the prominent hells. 

My note- Vaitarni is told as a river also

Q17 Do oblations to a married woman can be made from herparents side?

A17 No. After marriage, awoman adopts her husband’s name. Hence, oblation for a 
married woman must beoffered by her son or someone belonging to her husband’s 

Q18 Do Lingapuran say any thig of Brahma and his relation to Vedas?

A18 Yes. Rigveda is hismouth, Samaveda his tongue, Yajurveda his neck and 
Atharvaveda is his heart asper Linga puran of Brahma.

Q19 What is kalpa and its relaation to end of world?

A19 The whole creationlasts for the total period equivalent to Brahma's day. 

The almighty Godcreated during daytime and annihilated during night. One day of 
Lord Brahma is equivalent to one Kalpaof this world.

Q20 How do the years of Devas and humans related to?

A20 One year of thedeities is equivalent to thirty years of this world. 
Similarly three months ofthe deities are equivalent to one hundred months of 
this world.

Q21 Do human beings are the seventh creation of brahma?

A21 Yes. In the initial phaseof his creation, Lord Brahma created immovable 
natural things like trees,mountains etc-then birds and animals. In the process 
of creation, he createdvarious things and humanbeing was his seventh creation.

Q22 Who are the nine supreme sages created by Brahama?

A22 Lord Brahma createdthe nine supreme sages---Marichi, Bhrigu, Angiras, 
Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu,Daksha, Atri and Vashishth by the help of his yogic 
powers  Saptharshis + Daksha and Brighu


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