Dear friends,

These are informationposted by members compiled as QA by me in 1998’s-2004’s 
and stored in mycomputer. At this date I have no information of the members 
posted. Some of theQA are repeat, but refreshing.



R. Gopalakrishnan, 78, Former  ITS( AGM TelecomTrivandrum)   dated 13-01-2022

Q1 Whether conch sound candestroy micro organisams?

A1After research, made in Berlin University in 1928, on the conch shell’s 
soundit is proved that it's sound is one of the best ways to destroy micro 
organismsthat create sound disturbance.

The resonanceproduced from conch shell it destroys the bacteria with in the 
range of 1200ft.and small organism with in the range of 2600 feet. 

Q2 Whatare the attributes of tulasi and what are its details?

A2 The Botanical name of Tulsi is Ocimum tenuiflorum(commonly known as Holy 
basil in English, Thiruthuzhai in Tamil and Tulasi or Tulsi in Sanskrit);this 
plant is a close cousin of the Thai Basil It is a well known naturalaromatic 
plant in the family of Lamiaceae. Apart from its culinary uses, forwhich it is 
known across the world, it is also used as a medicinal plant, andhas an 
important role within many traditions of Srivaishnavites and alsogenerally with 
every Hindu Household. 


Native to India, it is a short lived perennial herbal, grown atmost Hindu 
homes. The foliage is green or purple, strongly scented. Leaves havepetioles, 
and are ovate, up to 5cm long, usually somewhat toothed There is alsosome 
confusion among the users, that Thai basil is mistakenly sold as Sacredbasil 


The factis, the Sacred Holy basil – The Tulsi is little hairy wherein Thai 
Basil issmooth and hairless and slightly different in its color.

 For all Srivaishnava's,  Thulasi (Tulsi)is known as Thiruthuzhai.  Every Hindu 
is well aware of this plant andknows its value too!

Q3 What Rg Veda,Charaka Samhita state about Holy or Sacred basil – Tulasi?


A3 The name "Tulasi" inSanskrit literally means "the incomparable one". The 
Tulasi plant isknown in India is available and grown in two forms viz. dark 
Krishna or Shyama Tulsi andWhite or light green known as Rama Tulasi or White 

TheCharaka Samhita  - a nodal Ayurvedic script and The Rg-Veda,  bothmentions 
Tulsi as a life saving one herb which contains a kind of ‘elixer oflife' and 
promotes longevity. 

In the ancient medical scripts, such as Padaartha Guna Chinthamani,Agasthiyar 
Kural. Dhanvantri, Sushrutha Samhita, Charaka Samhita,Ashtangahridya, etc., the 
medicinal values and qualities are mentioned. 

Even today, Thulsi(Tulsi) is  used as a traditional medicine as an integral 
part ofhousehold medicine

Q4 What are the legends and details of Tulasi?

A4 Tulasi is regarded as Lakshmi (TheGoddess of Wealth) - a consort of Sri Maha 
Vishnu. A garland of tulasileaves is the first offering to the Lord, in many 
Srivaishnavite Temples, aspart of the daily ritual

Tulsi is ceremonially married to Vishnu annually on the eleventh bright dayof 
the month of Karthika in the Luni/Solar Calander. 

This festival continues for five daysand concludes on the full moon day, which 
falls in mid-October. This ritual, calledthe "Tulsi Vivaha", inaugurates the 
annual marriage season in mostparts of India. 

In the Christians traditions, it is said that Tulsi grew around the placeof 

Researches has proved that the Thulsi Plant has the capacity to emitozone along 
with oxygen thus reducing the air pollution.

Essential oilextracted from Karpoora Tulsi is mostly used for medicinal 
purposes and inherbal toiletry. For centuries, the driedleaves of Tulasi have 
been mixed with stored grains to repel insects. 

Researchesalso give Tulsi to be effective for diabetes, by reducing blood 
glucose levels.

The same study showed significant reduction intotal cholesterol levels with 
Tulsi. Another study showed that Tulsi'sbeneficial effect on blood glucose 
levels is due to its antioxidant properties.


Many Hindus — along with the ancient tradition ofAyurveda — believe that the 
healing properties of sacred herbs such as Tulsiwere given by the Lord Himself, 
and can be used as a medicine out of reverence.

Q5 Do there any restriction in pluckingTulasi leaves?

A5  Thulsior Tulsi just cannot be plucked simply from the plant. There is a 
specific slokha thatis to be recited and only after offering the prayer one can 
take theleaves, and that too, one should not use his/her nails to cut the 

Thulasi amrudajanmaasisadaa Dwam Kesavapriye |

Kesavaarththam lunaamiDwaam varadhaa bhava shobane ||

As by chanting the name of The Ganga(River Ganges), one becomes free from all 
kinds of worldly sins; if someonechants the name of Tulasi or chants the 
glories of Lord Sri Hari with devotion,he gets the same merit." – Quote from 
The Naradiya Purana

 Q6 Is it coeect Tulasi was a Gopi andnot lied by Radha?

A 6Yes. There is astory like that. According to the  story,Tulasi was a servant 
(known as Gopi) who fell in love with Lord Sri Krishna andso had a curse laid 
on her by His consort Radha. She is very dear to Vishnu. 

Q7 What are the mentions in the puranas about Tulasi? Isit told that one waters 
her or makes her wet, the fear of Yama Dharma Raja (Thedeath personified)  is 
destroyed in any Puranas?
A7  "Just by touching Tulsidevi one's bodybecomes pure. By praying to her, all 
diseases practically become removed. If one waters her or makes herwet, the 
fear of Yama Dharma Raja (The death personified)  is destroyed." – ThaSkanda 
“Vishnu Tulasi Priya” -  Krishna Yajur Veda 

Tulsi asworshiped in deity form. The presence of a Tulsi plant in a home is 
consideredas presence of Goddess Lakshmi herself; it symbolizes the religious 
bent of aHindu family 

Q8 can we grow Tulasi gardens?

A8 Yes. Affordablepersons even cultivate it in their garden forming a 
"Tulsi-van" or"Tulsi-vrindavan" — a mini- basil garden.   

 Q9 Where do we have Tulsi Manas Mandir ?

A9 The Tulsi Manas Mandir at Varanasi is one such famous temple, whereTulasi is 
worshipped along with other devas (demi-gods/goddesses). 

Vaishnavites, or followers of Vishnu,revere the Tulasi leaf because it pleases 
Lord Sri Maha Vishnu the most andthus is as an inherent part of offerings of 
naivedyam and then offer theseTulsi to the devotees as Prasad.

 Q10 Why Vilvam isoffered to Siva and Tulasi to Mahavishnu?

A10 Shiva , the vilvam leaf isoffered which is cooling effect as he has a fiery 

For Thirumal (Sri Mahavishnu),the Tulsi leaf has the heating effect as he was a 
cooling star.That's why, itis not advised to present Tulsi (Thulsi) leaf to 
Shiva or vice versa.

Q11 Whatis the importance of Brihaspati Gayatri (Rig Veda 3.62.6)?The 
mantra-Vishwamitra Rishi, Gayatri Chhand, Brihaspati Devata

A11 A classic example is the decision of Yudhisthira (eldest Pandavabrother) 
when for a murder, he pronounced different punishment for the fouraccused.

The Brahmin was given the death penalty, the Kshatriya was incarcerated,the 
Vaishya was fined and the Sudra was let off with a light punishment. The reason 
was therelative ability of the four to distinguish between the result of their 
actionas a sin.

In the Bhagavat Gita,Krishna teaches that among priests He is Brihaspati. So, 
worship of Brihaspatiis the worship of Bhagavan

Thus any mantra Siddhi can be achieved by adding OM to the beginning ofthe 
mantra and reciting it.

  Secondly all errors or flaws in any mantracan be removed by adding OM at the 
beginning (prefix) and end (suffix) of themantra thereby enclosing it

Q12What is a kalpa?

A12 One thousand Mahayuga are equal to one Kalpa. Thus, the Kalpa is thebasic 
Vedic Cosmic cycle equal to 12,000,000 Daiva Varsha or 4,320,000,000Earth 
years. This is also called the "Day of Brahma". The "Nightof Brahma" is of 
equal length to the "Day of Brahma". 

 Thus, the Ahoratra (Day & Night) of Brahma is 24 MillionDaiva-Varsha or 8,640 
Million earth Years

Q13 What is aManvanthara. What is the relation of Manu with Manvanthara?

A13 EachManvantara, which is the Yoga of Brahma with one of the Rasa's, is 
forone-fourteenth the period of the Kalpa which is approximately 71 Mahayuga's.

Manu isthe progenitor of the human race and a Manu appears at the begining of 
eachManvantara. We are presently, in the seventh Manvantara of the Kalpa 
started byManu Vaivasvata. Thus, he is our penultimate forefather as far as 
this materialexistence is concerned.

The Manu Smriti has statedthat "A DAY OF THE GODS IS EQUAL TO A YEAR IN HUMAN 
LIFE" . 

Q14 What is Satwa Guna ,Rajas Guna,and  Tamas Guna. 

A14 Narayana with Sri Shakti is called Vishnu and is of pure Satwa 
Guna;Narayana with Bhoo Shakti is called Brahma and is of Rajas Guna; 
whileNarayana with Kali Shakti was called Shiva and is of Tamas Guna. 

Q15 How many charkasare there in human body? How it is related to planets?

A15 There are seven  charkas.The first or lowest Chakra issituated at a level 
below the sacrum bone and is called the Mooladhara. This is the repository of 
the entire KundaliniShakti. Ruled by Mercury, this is the child-like 
disposition in every personand its main aspect is innocence. It gives purity in 
thoughts andrelationships. Rules by Prithvi Tatwa, it controls the feet and 
movementthereby giving clear directions. Smell is associated with this Chakra.  
Itis also the root cause of speech as Mercury rules it.

Swadishthan Chakrais the second Chakra ruled by Venus gives creativity, 
attentiveness (i.e. a keen eyefor details) and Apara Vidya (practical knowledge 
as Venus is the Asura Guru).We learn to differentiate and admire beauty. It 
indicates the power toconcentrate and is also the source of renewed life and 
vigor. This region ofthe Chakra contains the private parts and the procreative 
abilities of Venusmanifest. The worship of the Shiva Linga for the fulfillment 
of all desires aswell as the Mritunjaya mantra for renewed life and vigor are, 
consequentlyindicated by Venus. Jala Tatwa extends from this Chakra to the next 
and rules‘taste’.

The third Chakra isNabhi Chakra ruled by Mars is the one that gives us physical 
strength. Before birth thisfeeds the body through the umbilical chord attached 
to the navel and hence,Mars the co-significator (Sthira karaka) for Mother.

The fourth Chakra  is Anahata Chakra  in the region of the heart, is the place 
where the Atma resides with theParamatma (like two parrots – the teacher and 
the pupil).

The fifth Chakra is Vishuddhi Chakra ruled by Saturn is in the region of the 
throat. This region of speech causesgreat loss of energy. Mauna Vrata[11] is 
practiced by saints to end enmity and recouptheir energies.

The sixth Chakra  is Agya Chakra ruled by Jupiter is in the region between the 
eyebrows and ispopularly called the third eye. It gives compassion for all 
beings and saintlyqualities and wisdom besides sixth sense


The seventh chakra is SahasraraChakra The Sun rules this Chakraand is the cause 
of brilliance and great intelligence. It is the ultimatevictor as it is the 
crown portion of the head. 

These seven rays are represented by theseven planets with bodies from the Sun 
to Saturn. Rahu andKetu, the nodes of the Moon do not find a place in this 
scheme, as they do nothave a body. 

Q16How many devas are there?

A16 Most scholars misinterpret the word ‘Deva’ asmeaning ‘God’. In reality, 
there are 33 Deva’s with about 330 million forms. (We)speak of the thirty three 
(Deva) of which eight Vasu, eleven Rudra and twelveAditya add up to thirty one. 
Indra and Prajapati included bring their number tothirty three.

The Sathapatha Brahmanagives the list of eight Vasu as (1) Agni (2) Prithvi (3) 
Vayu (4) Antariksha(5) Aditya (6) Dyou (7) Chandrama and (8) Nakshetra.

Prima facie this may seem a bitcontradictory as Aditya has also been mentioned 
separately but here it refers to the Sun, Chandra refers to theMoon, Nakshetra 
are the lunar mansions or the constellations and the remainingfive represent 
the states of material existence. These eight form the primarysource of 
enlightenment about the self

Q17 Who are rudras?What is their importance in the life?

A17 The eleven Rudraare defined as Deva’s. Ten ofthese are Rudra are 
responsible for holding the ‘Prana’ (vital life force orair) within the body 
that sustains the breathing and life. Thus, their natureis akin to Marut or 
storm god and in a sense like Vayu (the air element). The eleventh Rudra 
isMaheswara and is responsible for the Atma (soul).

In the first stage there is the destruction of the physical body by the‘going 
away’ of any of the ten Rudra. Thereafterthe Atma (soul) is separated from the 
Mana (mind) by Maheswara (Shiva) theeleventh Rudra. 

Q18 Whatare The Fourteen spiritual worlds? Are we recollecting them every day?

A18 There are sevenheavens and seven hell. The heavens called loka are in seven 

Thus, the seven heavens are Bhu, Bhuva, Svah, Maha, Janah, Tapah &Satya loka 
and the deities of the planets Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon,Saturn and 
Jupiter respectively, preside over these loka.

The spiritual Hindu recites the mantra “Om Bhur- Om Bhuva – Om svah – Om Maha – 
Om Gyana – OmTapah – Om Satyam” everyday as a prefix to the Gayatri mantra 
aspiring for thehighest heavens.

Q19 What is the meaningof Narayana?

A19Narayana is composed of two words ‘ Nara’ meaning ‘ any body ‘ and ‘Ayana ‘ 
meaning ‘ Goal ‘. Thus the composite word Narayana means the ultimategoal of 
every body both living and non-living or mobile and immobile

Q20 What is the importance ofMrityunjaya manthra? What are its details?

A20 Thereare many mantra for warding off evils like death and other suffering 
given inthe sacred literature of the Hindu's. These mantra are of various types 
but theMrityunjaya mantra has been extolled in sacred literature as being the 

 This mantra is addressed to Lord Shiva and istaught in the Rig Veda (7 mandala 
59 Chapter) as well as the Yajur Veda (3-60)showing that it is a Sruti having 
been received by Maharishi Vasistha, the KulaGuru of Bhagavan Sri Ramachandra.

TheMahamrityunjaya mantra was taught by Lord Shiva to Sukracharya the preceptor 
ofthe demons after he succeeded in the impossible test of hanging upside 
downfrom a tree for twenty years (Vimsottari dasa period) with smoke blowing 
intohim from a fire lit beneath 

After thepenance Lord Shiva taught the Mahamrityunjaya mantra to Sukracharya, 
who undervery compelling circumstances had to teach this to the son of 
Brihaspati andthat is how the devas also got the mantra. 

This mantra was given (sruti)to Vasistha Maharishi for the welfare of this 
world. The mantra and explanation given by Sukracharya toRishi Dadhicha when 
the latter's body was cut and thrown by Raja Kshuva isrecorded in the Shiva 

Themantra is in Anusthub Channdah and accordingly, is divided into four 
padascomposed of eight syllables each.  

The firstpada is and means - we worship or sing the praise of LordTrayambaka. 
Tryambaka is the name of Lord Shiva as the father of the threeworlds - bhu, 
bhuva and svarga lokas. 

"Thesecond pada of the mantra," continued Sukracharya, "is . Sugandhim refers 
to the fragrance of theflower that spreads in all directions, and in a similar 
way Shiva is present inthe entire creation, both animate and inanimate.

 Having explained the first two pada of themantra, Sukracharya continued to 
explain the remaining two pada. He said "the next two pada (consisting of 
sixteen syllables) is meaning - Prabhu! just as the ripe cucumber issevered 
from the bondage of the creeper, in the same manner may we be deliveredfrom 
death for the sake of immortality (moksha). 

Rudradeva is like amrita (nectar of immortality). Those who worship Him with 
goodkarma, penance and repentance, meditation, contemplation, prayer or 
praise,will surely renewed life and vigor. 

The strength of truth force(in this mantra) is such that Lord Shiva shall 
definitely free the worshipperfrom the bondage of death because Shiva alone is 
the giver of bondage andmoksha. 

Q21 What is energised pyramids ?

A21 Energised pyramids  are for Vastu corrections by neutralising thenegative 
energy by strong positive energy radiating by these pyramids.'Pyramid' really 
means Energy Nucleus so powerful that it cannot be changed byany Energy 

Q22 What is the yantra?

A22 The Yantra  is designed to removethe afflictions to obtain a particular 
result eg. to have a child, to have apositive balance in the bank, or to have 
the awareness to control one's temperin order to enhance one's performance at 
work etc.

Q23 What is the Mantra?

A23 The sounds involved in a Mantra are themselves significant for theygenerate 
in the individual an unusual mystic power. Mantra, a set of vibrationin the 
surrounding atmosphere & its force depends on the attitude of theperson as well 
as the intensity of concentration.

Q24 Is fish a religious symbol?

A24 Fish : The fish is considered as areligious symbol in various religious 
rites. Due to itsgreat fertility, it is a sign of wealth and prosperity. Many 
people wear littlecarvings of fish as a means of ensuring wealth and good luck.

Q25 What do  Swastika represents?

A25 Swastika represents the union of male and female  together in action 
producing motion 

Q26 What is one eyed coconutand its benefits?

A26The coconut is always used on all auspicious occasions and religious rituals 
bythe Hindus.  Generally there are twoblack spots on  a coconut known aseyes.  
But luckily, on a coconut there is only one black spot-such a coconut is called 
one eyed coconut that is rarely found. 

 If one is lucky enough to get this coconut, hemust worship it as Lakshmi 
andGanesha.  The goddess of wealthand the killer of evils and hindrances. 


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