
Theseare information posted by members compiled as QA by me in 1998’s-2004’s 
andstored in my computer. At this date I have no information of the 

I have reduced the number of questions toabout 15/about 10 pages. This avoidsa 
lot of strain on me for converting the QA already prepared using colourletters 
and background  to black andwhite and highlight. 



R. Gopalakrishnan, 78, dated 18-01-2022

Q1 What are the attributes ofParthasarathy temple at Mylapore?

A1 It issaid that for at least 5,000 years Sri Parthasarathy temple has been a 
resting place for pilgrims whocome down from Tirupati to have a bath in the sea 
on the days of Solar andLunar Eclipses and on other auspicious days.

According to Brahmanda Purana, the 5 deities in the temple ofParthasarathy are 
said to have been worshipped by the Sapta Rishis, Bhrigu,Marichi, Atri, 
Markandeya, Sumati, Saptorama and Jali .

 The front gopuram and other structures are said to have been built firstby 
Tondaman Chakravarti who ruled these parts having his seat of government 
atKalahasti and to whom Sri Tiruvengada of the Seven Hills appeared in his 
dreamas the Charioteer of Arjuna. 

Srimati  Rukmini and Satyaki, Krishna’s  younger brother, are installed on his 
rightand left respectively. Hiselder brother Balarama is seen on the right side 
of Rukmini facing north andhis son Pradyumna and his grandson Aniruddha are 
seen on the northern side ofthe Garbhagriha facing south According to Bhagavata 
Purana, Sri Krishna carried away Rukminiwhen she was returning from the Gauri 
temple where she had gone for worship onthe eve of the proposed marriage with 
Sisupala. Satyaki, the younger brother, wasdriving the chariot and Balarama, 
the elder brother, was in the rear part of itto ward off the attacks of the 
disappointed suitor Sisupala and his friends. 

Thetemple is also famous for the tank in front of the temple known as 
Karveni.According to Puranic literature a bath in the tank would give all 
prosperityand happiness . The peculiar feature of the tankis that it does not 
get dried up at any time and also that fish do not thrivein it 

Sarvakrati Kesava Dikshitar, the father ofSri Ramanuja,  performed   
Putrakameshti Yagam in the shrine for being blessed with a son and Sri 
Parthasarathyappeared in his dream andblessed him that He would Himself be born 
as his son under the name of Ramanujain order to give the real import of the 
teachings of His Geeta for the benefitof humanity.

Q2 What is the legendbehind Kapalleswar temple?

A2 Once Brahma out of vanity and pride remained aloof and did not pay respect 
to Lordshiva and Parvati Devi, when he met them at Mount Kailas. Lord Siva 
flewinto a rage and pinched off one of Brahma's heads on order to teach him 
alesson. Brahma got frightened, felt sorry for what had happened and came to 
Mylapore to worship theLord. He installed a Sivalingam and conducted penance. 
As lord Siva tookaway one of the heads, i.e., kapalams, of Brahma, the 
Sivalingam installed herecame to the known as Kapaleeswarar. 

About 60 years ago, when there was seaerosion near Santhome area, many pillars 
and beamsbelonging to some old Siva temple lying buried in the mud were washed 

These bear ample testimony tothe belief that the original temple of 
Kapaleeswarar must have been locatedsomewhere near the seashore. 

Whetherthe present temple of Kapaleeswarar is the original one, or was built in 
recentyears, it is a famous Siva temple attracting thousands of pilgrims and 
devoteesthroughout the year.

Q3 What is the legendbehind Mylapore kalpagambal temple at Chennai?

A3 Once Parvati Devi allowed herattention to be diverted from Siva on seeing a 
peacock dancing beautifully at adistance. Siva got vexed and cursed her to turn 
a peahen.Parvati Devi incarnated as a peahen, came to Mylapore then known 
asKapali-Nagar and started penance as advised by Siva. 

After many years of rigorous penanceParvati got rid of her sin and rejoined 

As Paravati conducted penancehere in the form of a mayil. (Peahen) the place 
came to be known as Mylapore. The Mother in this temple is known asKalpakavalli.

Q4 Why Mylapore is calledSukrapuri?

A4  Mahabali legend…. Then the Brahmin (Vishnu) took a Darbha andinserted it 
into the nozzle so as to clear the passage. In this operation Sukra lost one of 
his eyes. Thenhe went to Mylapore and prayed to Kapalesswarar. He got back the 
lost eye andat last attained salvation. So this place is also known 

There are no inscriptions in Mylaporetemple whereas in the temples at 
Tiruvottiyur and Tiruvanmiyurand other places, which are more than 1000 years 
old, inscriptions are found.

The tank opposite the temple isbelieved to have been constructed bydevas and 
hence the water is considered very holy 

Q5 What is the story associatedwith Vasishta, Kamadhenu and temple at 

A5 OnceSage Vasishtha decided to offer worship to Lord Viswanatha of Kasi for 
oneMandalam (45 days). He therefore requested Indra to spare Kamadhenu, the 
divinecow, for the purpose. Indra granted the request of Vasishtha and with 
KamadhenuVasishtha reached Kasi where he performed pooja for Lord Viswanatha. 
One day, while grazing,Kamadhenu was attracted by the hillside and spent a day 
there. As aresult, sage Vasishtha's pooja was interrupted. He became angryand 
cursed Kamadhenu to turn into a wild cow and wander about. Kamadhenuroamed 
about many places and at last came to Tiruvanmiyur. 

The moment the cow stepped in this place, which was a forest, it got aspiritual 
revelation. It found a Shivalinga in a bush in the forest and dailypoured its 
milk on the linga. This went on for a long time. One day KingSadayur, in the 
course of his hunting expedition, chased a lion, whichdisappeared, in a dense 
forest. There, the wild cow challenged the lion and killed it.When King Sadayur 
came to know of this phenomenon, he went in search of thatwonderful cow. 

Afternoticing it in a bush, he sent an arrow at it. The cow immediately jumped 
outof the place. In that act, thehoof of the cow unintentionally hit the 
Shivalinga. The cow feltextremely distressed for the sin of neglect and wanted 
to atone for it. ButLord Siva, full of grace, came out of the linga and said, 
"I look upon youas my son Skanda", and lifted the curse on the wild cow which 
became Kamadhenu immediately.

Q6 How did Tiruvanmiyur gotthe name so?

A6 Valmiki started Pradakshina and when he came to the west of RiverPalar along 
the seacoast of the Bay of Bengal, a voice from above cried out,"I am here". 
Valmiki stayed on there and offered worship to LordSiva. Lord Siva was 
pleasedwith the worship of Valmiki and gave him darsan on the 'sacred bull by 
the sideof the Vanni tree. Valmiki was very happy and from that day onwardsthe 
place was ordained to be named Tiruvanmiyur. 

 Q7 Whatar the attributes of Kamakshi temple at Kancheepuram?

A7 Kamakshiis said to be the Supergoddess, Parasakti, having Saraswati, Lakshmi 
andParvati as her eyes. Sheblesses all that dedicate themselves to her The 
tradition says that there was adelightful grove of Champaka trees around the 
main temple now known as GayatriMandaparn. The Devas took the form of parrots 
and worshipped Sri Devi here 
The Kamakoti Peetham is enshrined in the Sri Chakrajust in front of Sri Devi 
and all pujas and sacrifices are offered to theSri Chakra.
 It is said that Sri Devi after giving protection tothe Devas enshrined herself 
in the Sri Chakra in Sookshma (subtle) form. Thereis a great concavity to the 
right of Sri Devi. 

 It is said thatSri Devi appeared through the great concavity called Bilakasa 
to save the Devasfrom, the Asuras. Sankaracharya whoprayed devotedly to 
Kamakshi appeased her wrath and extracted a promise that she would not go out 
to the townwithout his permission. Even now whenever processions of Kamakshi 
aretaken out from the temple, they are halted before the shrine of 
Sankaracharyawith the intention of getting permission from him to go outside 
the temple, in a true spirit offulfillment of the promise once given to Sri 
Sankaracharya by Kamakoti Amman

Q8 Dothere was any occasion Lord subramonia took creation in his hand?

A8  when LordBrahma was unable toexplain the meaning of the sacred letter OM, 
Lord Subrahmanya putBrahma under custody and took charge of the work of 

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