Q1   Parthasarathy temple is at Triplicane @ Thiruvallikeni not Mylapore;
and it is not 5000 years old. KR IRS 18122

On Tue, 18 Jan 2022 at 06:14, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <> wrote:

> Dear friends,
> These are information posted by members compiled as QA by me in
> 1998’s-2004’s and stored in my computer. At this date I have no information
> of the members posted.
> *I have reduced the number of questions to about 15/about 10 pages.* This
> avoids a lot of strain on me for converting the QA already prepared using
> colour letters and background  to black and white and highlight.
>  Sincerely,
> *R. Gopalakrishnan, 78, dated 18-01-2022*
> Q1 What are the attributes of Parthasarathy temple at Mylapore?
> A1 It is said that for at least 5,000 years Sri Parthasarathy temple has
> been *a resting place for pilgrims who come down from Tirupati to have a
> bath in the sea on the days of Solar and Lunar Eclipses and on other
> auspicious days.*
> According to Brahmanda Purana, the 5 deities in the temple of
> Parthasarathy are said to have been worshipped by the Sapta Rishis, Bhrigu,
> Marichi, Atri, Markandeya, Sumati, Saptorama and Jali .
>  The front gopuram and other structures are said to have been built first
> by Tondaman Chakravarti who ruled these parts having his seat of government
> at Kalahasti and to whom Sri Tiruvengada of the Seven Hills appeared in his
> dream as the Charioteer of Arjuna.
> *Srimati  Rukmini and Satyaki, Krishna’s  younger brother, are installed
> on his right and left respectively*. His elder brother Balarama is seen
> on the right side of Rukmini facing north and his son Pradyumna and his
> grandson Aniruddha are seen on the northern side of the Garbhagriha facing
> south According to Bhagavata Purana, Sri Krishna carried away Rukmini
> when she was returning from the Gauri temple where she had gone for worship
> on the eve of the proposed marriage with Sisupala. Satyaki, the younger
> brother, was driving the chariot and Balarama, the elder brother, was in
> the rear part of it to ward off the attacks of the disappointed suitor
> Sisupala and his friends.
> The temple is also famous for the tank in front of the temple known as
> Karveni. According to Puranic literature a bath in the tank would give
> all prosperity and happiness . The peculiar feature of the tank is that
> it does not get dried up at any time and also that fish do not thrive in it
> *Sarvakrati Kesava Dikshitar, the father of Sri Ramanuja,  performed
> Putrakameshti Yagam in the shrine* for being blessed with a son and Sri
> Parthasarathy appeared in his dream and blessed him that He would Himself
> be born as his son under the name of Ramanuja in order to give the real
> import of the teachings of His Geeta for the benefit of humanity.
> Q2 What is the legend behind Kapalleswar temple?
> A2 Once Brahma out of vanity and pride remained aloof and did not pay
> respect to Lord shiva and Parvati Devi, when he met them at Mount Kailas.
> Lord Siva flew into a rage and pinched off one of Brahma's heads on order
> to teach him a lesson. Brahma got frightened, felt sorry for what had
> happened and came to Mylapore to worship the Lord. He installed a
> Sivalingam and conducted penance. As lord Siva took away one of the heads,
> i.e., kapalams, of Brahma, the Sivalingam installed here came to the known
> as Kapaleeswarar.
> About 60 years ago, when there was sea erosion near Santhome area, many
> pillars and beams belonging to some old Siva temple lying buried in the mud
> were washed ashore.
> These bear ample testimony to the belief that the original temple of
> Kapaleeswarar must have been located somewhere near the seashore.
> Whether the present temple of Kapaleeswarar is the original one, or was
> built in recent years, it is a famous Siva temple attracting thousands of
> pilgrims and devotees throughout the year.
> Q3 What is the legend behind Mylapore kalpagambal temple at Chennai?
> *A3 Once Parvati Devi allowed her attention to be diverted from Siva on
> seeing a peacock dancing beautifully at a distance*. Siva got vexed and
> cursed her to turn a peahen. Parvati Devi incarnated as a peahen, came to
> Mylapore then known as Kapali-Nagar and started penance as advised by Siva.
> After many years of rigorous penance Parvati got rid of her sin and
> rejoined Siva.
> As Paravati conducted penance here in the form of a mayil. (Peahen) the
> place came to be known as Mylapore. The Mother in this temple is known as
> Kalpakavalli.
> Q4 Why Mylapore is called Sukrapuri?
> A4  Mahabali legend…. Then the Brahmin (Vishnu) took a Darbha and
> inserted it into the nozzle so as to clear the passage. In this operation 
> *Sukra
> lost one of his eyes. Then he went to Mylapore and prayed to Kapalesswarar.
> He got back the lost eye and at last attained salvation. *So this place
> is also known as Sukrapuri.
> There are no inscriptions in Mylapore temple whereas in the temples at
> Tiruvottiyur and Tiruvanmiyur and other places, which are more than 1000
> years old, inscriptions are found.
> The tank opposite the temple is believed to have been constructed by
> devas and hence the water is considered very holy
> Q5 What is the story associated with Vasishta, Kamadhenu and temple at
> Tiruvanmiyur?
> A5 Once Sage Vasishtha decided to offer worship to Lord Viswanatha of Kasi
> for one Mandalam (45 days). He therefore requested Indra to spare
> Kamadhenu, the divine cow, for the purpose. Indra granted the request of
> Vasishtha and with Kamadhenu Vasishtha reached Kasi where he performed
> pooja for Lord Viswanatha. One day, while grazing, Kamadhenu was
> attracted by the hillside and spent a day there. As a result, sage
> Vasishtha's pooja was interrupted. He became angry and cursed Kamadhenu
> to turn into a wild cow and wander about. Kamadhenu roamed about many
> places and at last came to Tiruvanmiyur.
> The moment the cow stepped in this place, which was a forest, it got a
> spiritual revelation. It found a Shivalinga in a bush in the forest and
> daily poured its milk on the linga. This went on for a long time. One day
> King Sadayur, in the course of his hunting expedition, chased a lion, which
> disappeared, in a dense forest. There, the wild cow challenged the lion
> and killed it. When King Sadayur came to know of this phenomenon, he went
> in search of that wonderful cow.
> After noticing it in a bush, he sent an arrow at it. The cow immediately
> jumped out of the place. In that act, the hoof of the cow unintentionally
> hit the Shivalinga. The cow felt extremely distressed for the sin of
> neglect and wanted to atone for it. But Lord Siva, full of grace, came out
> of the linga and said, "I look upon you as my son Skanda", and lifted the
> curse on the wild cow which became Kamadhenu immediately.
> Q6 How did Tiruvanmiyur got the name so?
> A6 Valmiki started Pradakshina and when he came to the west of River Palar
> along the seacoast of the Bay of Bengal, a voice from above cried out, "I
> am here". Valmiki stayed on there and offered worship to Lord Siva. *Lord
> Siva was pleased with the worship of Valmiki and gave him darsan on the
> 'sacred bull by the side of the Vanni tree*. Valmiki was very happy and
> from that day onwards the place was ordained to be named Tiruvanmiyur.
>  Q7 What ar the attributes of Kamakshi temple at Kancheepuram?
> *A7 Kamakshi is said to be the Supergoddess, Parasakti, having Saraswati,
> Lakshmi and Parvati as her eyes*. She blesses all that dedicate
> themselves to her The tradition says that there was a delightful grove of
> Champaka trees around the main temple now known as Gayatri Mandaparn. The
> Devas took the form of parrots and worshipped Sri Devi here
> The Kamakoti Peetham is enshrined in the Sri Chakra just in front of Sri
> Devi and *all pujas and sacrifices are offered to the Sri Chakra.*
>  It is said that Sri Devi after giving protection to the Devas enshrined
> herself in the Sri Chakra in Sookshma (subtle) form. There is a great
> concavity to the right of Sri Devi.
>  It is said that Sri Devi appeared through the great concavity called
> Bilakasa to save the Devas from, the Asuras. Sankaracharya who prayed
> devotedly to Kamakshi appeased her wrath and extracted a promise that she
> would not go out to the town without his permission. Even now whenever
> processions of Kamakshi are taken out from the temple, they are halted
> before the shrine of Sankaracharya with the intention of getting permission
> from him to go outside the temple*, in a true spirit of fulfillment of
> the promise* once given to Sri Sankaracharya by Kamakoti Amman
> Q8 Do there was any occasion Lord subramonia took creation in his hand?
> A8  when Lord Brahma was *unable to explain the meaning of the sacred
> letter OM*, Lord Subrahmanya put Brahma under custody and took charge of
> the work of creation
> --
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