
These areinformation compiled as QA by me in 1998’s-2004’s and stored in my 
computer.They are posted by very  learnt members.



R. Gopalakrishnan, 78, dated 14-03-2022

Q1 Do we have a book on Krishna yajurvedam?

A1   Sri ASubbaraman, No 9, 5th Cross, C I T Colony, Chennai - 4, wrote     
books of various volumes of "KrishnaYajur Veda Saram", approved by   
MahaPeriyaval, of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peedathipathi Jagathguru Sri 
SankaracharyaSri Madam Samasthanam, about the karma anushtanam, of   various 
karmas by "Vaithikars",(The person who practice karma as   saidin the Veda). 
This book is written in Tamil, is available, may  be at kanchi Madam or at the 

 Q2 Do any school in London has Sanskrit a compulsorylanguage to larn?

A2  Yes is the answer. In the heart of London, a British school has 
madeSanskrit compulsory   subject for itsjunior division because it helps 
students grasp math, science and otherlanguages better. 

"Today's Europeanlanguages do not use many parts of the tongue and mouth while 
speaking or many finger movements while writing, whereasSanskrit helps 
immensely to develop cerebral dexterity through itsphonetics." 

Q3 How to dispose excess wealth?

A3 "When the wealthin the house increases, when water fills a boat, throw  
themout with both hands! 

Q4 Do Walking can lower Alzheimer's risk. ?

A4 Yes. Walking lowers Alzheimer's risk. One study showedthat men between the 
ages    of 71 and 93who walked more than a quarter of a mile a day had half the 
incidence ofdementia and Alzheimer's disease compared with those who   walked  

Q5 Do fruit juice is acidic?

A5 It is incorrectly presumed that some fruits likeorange and lemon are  acidic 
and willenhance acidity in the stomach. Research however shows that all fruits 
become alkaline in our body.

Q6 How to use fruit?

A6 When you need to drinkfruit juice  drink only fresh fruitjuice, NOT  from 
the cans. Don't drinkjuice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked fruits 
because you don't getthe nutrients at all. You only get  totaste. So stop 
making 'durian porridge' if you want nutrients. Cooking fruitdestroys all the 

Eating the pulp or whole fruit is far better than drinkingthe juice as  the 
fibre is good for you. 

If you should drink thejuice, drink it   mouthful by mouthfulslowly, because 
you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. 

Q7 What is fruit fast?

A7 A 3-day "fruit fast" is a very simpleand effective way to cleanse and 
de-toxify your body. Just eat fruits and drinkfruit juice throughout the 3 days 
and you will be surprised when your friendstell you how   radiant you look !  
During the "fruit fast" you can eatdifferent fruits at different times, 
although occasionally mixed fruit salad would also be permissibleand  more 

 Q8 Which are the villages usingSanskrit  for day to day village?

A8100 families had come from two villages of Karnataka- Muttur andRoshahalli, 
Mohad and Giri villages of Madhya Pradesh. 

Thefamilies, which include elders as well as young children, chaste Sanskrit.

TheSanskrit-speaking villagers will discuss various issues regarding 
usingSanskrit in their day-today life. 

Q9 Is there any legend that Ramanujar entered throughGomukhi and placed Sankhu 
and chakram in the hands of Balaji? Do Gomukhi isclosed in Tirupathi temple?

A9 Ramanujar, being the reincornation of Adhi Sesha, took the shape of    a   
snake, entered in the Moolasthanam through "Gomugi" (the place by which  
Abhishega water comes out) and decorated theDeity with Vaishnava symbol.

On the next day, when theMoolasthanam was opened by Priests, they witnessed  
that the Lord was wearing the Vaishnavistssymbols. By their supernatural   
powers,they understood what had happened during the in between time and  
immediately closed the "Gomuki" (becauseat the time religions like Jain,  
Samanam, Budha, Kabaligam were entering India, they do not want to  exhibit  
their commnunal feelings). After that the Abhishega Water is collectedin 
vessels still now.

Q10 Do Tirupathy was a Devi temple?

A10 Some evidences arestill there in still there to say that the Deity at   the 
 time was BALA THIRUPURA SUNDARI (Adhi Parasakthi) which name was changed  as  

The main entry is"KALI GOPURAM". The Thirumanjanam (Abhishegam) to Deity is on 
Friday.The cloth decorated to Deity is 18 yards (9 yards saree). 

Even the Anangarachariarin a statement accepted that the Deity is having 
Alagabaram (Ladies type hairgrowth) and Sthanabaram (breasts) which  is covered 
by various ornaments. 

My note- I have not checked authority. For academic informationonly.

Q11 What is the most important prasada of Vaikamtemple?

A11 The most important prasada of VAIKKATHAPPAN isBhasma –Vibhoothi or Ashes. 
It is taken from the fire place of the big Kitchenwhere Sri Vaikkathappanis 
believed to do work in the disguise of a Brahmin.  

The legends proclaim this Bhasma as a holy remedy forfear, poison, wounds and 
even Hysteria.Thebelief of the miraculous power of the Bhasma is testified by 
the devotees inplenty

Q12 What is manya sthana in Vaikkam temple?

A12 In the temple court ofnorth we could see a very holy place called the 
‘Manya Sthana’ where Vaikkathappan was seen eating Prathal dressed like a 
Brahmin, by VilwamangalathuSwamiyar. To preserve the memory a stone is  placed 
with Ashta dala and around it thefollowing sloka is inscribed.

Q13 What is the legend behind permanently closedwestern nada of Vaikkam temple?

A13  The doors of The Vaikom Temple was in theownership of one hundred and 
eight families  in olden days. The owners were divided into two groups and 
onegroup   joined the ruler’s side. Theirdisputes and quarrels increased day by 
day. One day a section of the dividedgroup came to the temple at noon. The  
chiefamong them a certain Njallal Namboothiri was prepared to stop the  pooja 
in the noon. At that time the Nivedyawas used to be placed in the  westernside 
of the Namaskara Mandapa. There was an entrance in the   western courtyard. The 
Njallal Namboothiri after keeping hisapron (Randam  Mundu) above the 
westerndoor came near the Nivedyas and spat the remains of his betel chewing on 
theNivedya.(Do a numpoothiri with all costs   coulddo it?)

So the pooja was disrupted. On  return, while he was taking his apron fromthe 
door top it is stated that  a highlypoisonous snake bit him to death. He 
crawled himself outside the  west and died. The Western door of the temple 
courtyardautomatically closed itself then and a voice was heard from inside 
theSreekovil thus  “This door should not beopened any more”. The door remains 
closed to this   day to show the wrath of the Great Lordagainst the disruption 
of His   poojas.

Q14 What is the speciality of pooja for snake godsinstalled in vaikkam temple?

A14 To the south of templeyard the Sarppas (Snake Gods) are worshipped. 
Ritualsand poojas are performed here only once a year. There was a pipal 
treeand a surrounding elevated platform, which was destroyed some years  ago. 
However a new tree has been planted andthe platform rebuilt inrecent years.

 Previously Pampumekkad Illom was in charge ofthe poojas.  Now after so many 
changesthe Parampur Bhattathiri of Thiruvalla is having the right to do the 
poojas inthis Sarppa Sanidhya. In the Malayalam month of Kumba (Feb-March) 
special poojas for the Sarppas are performednowadays.

 Q15 Who are the thanthries of Vaikkam temple?

A15 Even today the flag is hoisted on either side ofthe mast in accordance  
with who ishoisting the flag. If Mekkattu Nampoothiri is hoisting, it is done 
on thesouthern side and if Mattappalli, it is on the northern side.  

The custom of keeping somerice and water intending for the Bhootha Gana at the 
right side of plantain leaf before eating is still continued bythe  Karanavar 
(chief) of Bhadra KaliMattappalli Nampoothiri’s family. 

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