Q1     There are many Saptami sun worship in puranas, not only RATHA
1  On the seventh day of the bright fortnight in the month of Caitra
<>, the Sun-god is
worshipped with the observance of *Marīcasaptamīvrata.* The worshipper
feeds Brāhmaṇas <> and
makes them partake of hundred peppers with the utterance of the *mantra
<>*, *aum
khalkholkāya svāhā <>*,
etc. As the performer observes this *vrata
<>*, he never undergoes
separation from his nearest and dearest ones and becomes free from all the
  2   The Mahāsaptamīvrata is observed on the seventh day on the bright
fortnight in the month of Mārgaśīrṣa
<>. On the fifth
day, the worshipper should remain *ekabhakta*, on the sixth *nakta
<>* and on the seventh,
the fast should be observed. The Sun-god is worshipped with the Karavīra
<> flowers and red
Sandal wood paste. It lasts for one year and the whole year is divided into
three groups of four months from Māgha
<>. In each division of
four months, flowers of different colour are offered, along with different
naivedyas <> and
different dhūpas <>. At
the end of the *vrata <>*,
a chariot made of gold is to be given as the gift
 3 Mārtaṇdasaptamīvrata begins on the seventh day of the bright fortnight
in the month of Pauṣa <>:
"*pauṣe māse site pakṣe saptamyāṃ* *samupoṣitaḥ//**samyakpūjyaṃ* *mārtaṇḍaṃ
<>* *mārtaṇḍa
<> iti vai
japet/** "  *Fast
is observed on the respective day and the Sun-god is worshipped with the
muttering of the word mārtaṇḍa. The fee should be offered to the Brāhmaṇas
<> according to his
capability. Again, on the next day, the Sungod is worshipped under the name
Ravi <>. Thus the *vrata
<>* last for a year and as
the reward of it, the worshipper attains desired objects.
 4  On the *Śuklasaptamītithi*, where there is an eclipse and specially
when there is a *Saṃkrānti
<>*, the performer
eats *haviṣya <>* for
one time and bow to Varuṇa
<>. He should lie down on
a bed of *Darbha <>* grass
on the ground on that particular day. Next day, in the beginning and end,
he should sacrifice to Varuṇa. On the *Śuklasaptamī* of Māgha
<>, the sacrifice is
addressed to Varuṇa, on Phālguna
<> to Sūrya
<>, on Caitra
<> to Aṃśuman and so on
till Pauṣa <>. At the end
of the year, a golden chariot is made of, to which the seven horses of the
Sun-god are yoked, and at the midst of the chariot, a golden image of the
deity is placed on, surrounded by twelve Brāhmaṇas
<>, who represent the
twelve names of the Sun in the twelve months. The chariot along with a cow
is to be presented to the Ācārya
<>. In case of poor man,
copper chariot should be made of. ( yagna saptami).
5   The Raktasaptamīvrata falls on the seventh day of the dark fortnight in
the month of Mārgaśīrṣa
<>. Fast is
observed on the particular day and the Sun-god is worshipped with red
Lotuses, or in an image of the Sun-god with white flowers and red
Sandalwood paste, and with the round cake of pulse and *kṛsara
<>*, i.e. dish
<> of rice, peas and
spices:  …*sopavāsastu saptamyāṃ kamale pūjayedravim//  **ārcāyāṃ*
*vā* *sthale vāpi
<>* *śuklaiḥ*
candanena tu raktena vaṭakaiḥ* *kṛsareṇa ca//  *At the end of the *vrata
<>*, a pair of red
garments are to be donated.
6    On the seventh day of the white fortnight, in the month of the
Mārgaśīrṣa <>, the
Rathasaptamīvrata is observed, in devotion of the Sun-god. On the sixth
day, at night, *saṅkalpa
<>* is made and on the
seventh day, fast is observed. The performer prepares a golden or silver
car with horses and charioteer and recites a hymn to the Sun. At midday, he
should place that car in a *maṇḍapa
<>*, surrounded by
cloth. The car is worshipped with saffron, flowers, and an image of the
Sun-god is placed on it. Both the Sun-god and the car are worshipped
together along with the charioteer. The worshipper addressing the Sun in
his mantras <>, states
his desires. At night jāgara
<> is done with songs
and music. The performer should not close his eyes at night. Next day after
bath, he makes gifts and donates the car to the *Guru
<>   *
*7     *On the seventh day of the bright fortnight in the month of
Mārgaśīrṣa <>,
the Rathāṅkasaptamīvrata
is observed. On the sixth day, fast is observed and Sun-god is propitiated
with incense, flowers, etc. The worshipper sleeps before the Sun-image that
day. On seventh day, the Sun-god is worshipped and Brāhmaṇas
<> are given a splendid
meal. The same procedure should be carried on in all months and at the end
of the year a car procession is arranged in devotion of the Sun.
Q2     "Taitthaeeya upanish?     Marriage is spoken in many veda
vedanthams. Ṛg Veda Book 10 Verse 85 is commonly known as Sūryā’s Bridal
Hymn or the Wedding Hymn. In some Hindu families, this is one of the Vedic
verses recited as part of the liturgy at Hindu marriage ceremonies. It
tells a metaphorical story of the wedding of Sūryā, seemingly the daughter
of the sun-god, as bride, to soma, seemingly the moon, as bridegroom. Some
of the features of the wedding described continue to be features of Hindu
weddings today.
"Aśvins, when you came on your three-wheeler to ask for the hand of Sūrya
in marriage,

Then all the gods gave you consent; the Sun, a son, chose you to be fathers.

[Ṛg Veda 10.85:14; my own translation]

Based on such assent, Sūryā herself is sent to her new home with Soma, the
moon. She is accompanied in this journey by her two female friends -

Raibhī was the bridesmaid; Nārāśaṃsī was her maidservant

[Ṛg Veda 10.85:6ab; my own translation]

They make the journey in a cosmic chariot of highly symbolic imagery, which
develops the analogy between the movements of heavenly bodies and of human
rituals and customs -

Mind was her vehicle; the heaven was her covering;
The two bright ones were the oxen, when Sūryā went to her [new] home
Those two oxen moved calmly, harnessed by the Ṛg and Sāma [verses].
Hearing [the Veda] was your two wheels; your path in heaven was leading you

[Ṛg Veda 10.85:10–11; my own translation]

Sūryā now arrives at the house and there is a touching picture of the
comfortable domesticity of the Vedic household -

Go to [your new] home, to be the lady of the house;
Speak out with authority at the vidatha [gathering];
Prosper here, loved [and] with children;
In your home, watch over the household;
Join yourself with this husband;
You will address the vidatha even when you are old

[Ṛg Veda 10.85:26cd-27; my own translation]

Following this, the marriage is consummated, during which the virginity of
the bride is established, which seemingly confirms the validity of the
marriage, and gifts are given to Brahmins. The verse ends with an
exhortation to the bride to be gentle towards her husband, and a request
for a blessing by the happy couple.   Without evil eye, without striking
[your] husband, be kind to the cattle, With positive mindset and positive
energy, Giving birth to heroes, loving the gods, gentle, Be good to the
two-footed and to the four-footed. May all the gods, and also the waters,
put together our two hearts. May Mātariśvan, Dhātṛ, and Deṣṭrī support the
two of us. [Ṛg Veda 10.85:44,47; my own translation]


Q5      Brahma conceived the Gayathri Mantra ---to imagine something
but it is not so; he recited  the mantra which means that mantra existed in
Veda even before Brahma was created.

The rest are repetitives   KR IRS 16522

On Mon, 16 May 2022 at 08:57, 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty <> wrote:

> QUES ANSW DIVINE 05-2022-13
> Dear friends,
> These are information compiled as QA by me in 1998’s-2004’s and stored in
> my computer. They are posted by *very  learnt members*.
> Sincerely,
> *R. Gopalakrishnan, 78, dated 16-05-2022*
> Q1 What is Ratha sapthamai?
> A1 Ratha Saptami marks the birthday of Lord Surya Narayana(Sun) who was
> born to sage Kashyapa and his wife Aditi on this day.
> Ratha Saptami Festival is also known as Surya(Soorya) Jayanthi or Magha
> Sapatami or Rathasapthami.It is believed that Sun God is eye-witnessed
> God and Arogya pradatha. Significance of  Ratha Saptami
> The Sun god travels in the north and south directions in a year. These are
> called Uttarayanam (the first half of the year) and Dakshinayanam (the
> second half of the year). Ratha Saptami festival marks the beginning of
> Uttarayanam(Uttara means North and Ayanam means Movement). On this day
> the Sun moves from Dhanur Raasi(Sagittarius) to Makara Raasi(Capricorn)
> represents Sun's movement towards Northern Hemisphere in a north-east
> direction.
> It is symbolically represented in the form of the Sun God Surya turning
> his Ratha (Chariot) drawn by seven horses, with Aruna as the charioteer,
> towards the northern hemisphere, in a north-easterly direction.The
> symbolic significance of the ratha and the seven horses reigned to it is
> that it represents the Seven Colours of the Rainbow. The Seven Horses are
> also said to represent the Seven Days of a Week starting with Sunday, the
> day of Sun god Surya. The chariot has 12 wheels, which represents the 12
> Signs (each of 30 degrees) of the Zodiac (360 degrees) and constituting a
> full year, named Samvatsara.
> The Question answer is based on a posting by esteemed member  Sri Jabali
> muni on16-2-2013
> Q2           What Taitthaeeya upanish say about MARRIAGE (VIVAAHA)?
> A2           One who does not marry becomes yajnaheena and condemnable
> says taitthareeya Brahmana ( brahmin has to fulfill his Rishi
> Runa by Brahmacharya, Deva Runa by yajnas and pitrRuna by getting children,
> says the samhitha (
> Q3          What are the four types of SANNYAASA?
> A3           There are four types of sannyaasa. Krama sannyaasa,
> Sannyaasa without vaanaprastha, sannyaasa while in grihastha stage itself
> and sannyaasa directly from Brahmacharya stage.
> Q4           What are the pre-reqisites for sannyasa?
> A4             Relinquishing Kaama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Mada and
> Maatsarya is a prerequisite for sannyaasa.
> He will not have shikha and yajnopaveetha. Saffron clothes with a stick in
> hand and begging without any remorse etc., and guiding others towards
> moksha are the duties of a sannyaasi.
> Before one takes sannyaasa, he has to eschew solid food for three days and
> spend time praying alone.
> On the fourth day getting up at braahmi muhoortha after due prayers etc.,
> hairs are cut and bathed. Standing in a river or tank turning to east he
> utters,
> “Putraishana, viththaishana,lokaishana mayaa parithyaktaa matthaha sarva
> bhoothebhyo abhayamasthu” and keeping fire as a witness, becomes a
> sannyaasi.
> The above Question answer Is   based on a posting about Shodasha
> samskaras by esteemed member Sri Shivashankara rao in USB group on 7-1-2013
> Q5           Is it correct that Brahma conceived the Gayatri mantra
> consisting of 24 letters before he created the world?
> A5           Yes. Brahma conceived the Gayatri mantra consisting of 24
> letters before he created the world.
> Q6   What is ADBHUTA RAMAYANA and its contents
> A6  Adbhuta Ramayana is a smaller work with only 27 chapters.
> Bharadwaja approached Valmiki to explain the hidden teachings of his
> Ramayana.
> Valmiki explains that Rama is Brahman and Seeta, the Prakriti, his power.
> Rama descended to the earth apparently because of the curse of sage
> Naarada. The real intention was to destroy the wicked and to save the good
> people.
> Seeta was the daughter of Ravana, but abandoned by his wife Mandodari. She
> was found by Mithila's king Janaka in his field.
> Rama's marriage, Parashurama's humiliation, Rama entering the forest with
> Seeta and Laksmana, Seeta's abduction, Rama striking friendship with
> Sugreeva and Hanuman etc are described in brief.
> Hanuman's question to Rama, "who are you" brings Rama's answer thus:-
> "I am Atman, Parameshwara, Mayaavi and Antaryaamin".
> Then there is a discourse on Bhakti(devotion), and a mixture of
> philosophical and mythological topics. Hanuman's prayer to Rama is very
> good hymn here.
> Yuddhakaanda is very briefly described and at the end Seeta tells Rama
> that there is a brother of Ravana with a thousand heads.
> Rama invades Pushkara dveepa where this 1000 headed rakshasa lived. In
> this war, Rama falls unconscious.
> Seeta then assumes the terrible form of Kaali and destroys him and his
> followers.
> On regaining consciousness, Rama was surprised, but praises her with a
> long hymn of 1008 names. This is called the Seetha sahasranaama.
> She now regains her original form of calmness and returns to Ayodhya with
> Rama. Rama is crowned then.
> Q7   What is the speciality of kadanthethi temple?
> A7           Kadanthethi temple - one of the famous temples of Sastha.
> Sastha is seen in this temple with Poorna & Pushkala. It is a must-see
> temple for every sastha bhakta in his life-time... The temple is located @
> Vedharanyam, almost tip of the Tamil Nadu.
> Q8           What is Subhashita?
> A8           Subhashita means good speech. They are wise sayings,
> instructions and stories, either in poetry or in prose composed in Sanskrit
> language which is the oldest language in world and considered as "Mother of
> all Languages".
> Subhashitas were composed by ancient saints and scholars which can be
> dated back to 5000 BC
> Some of the well known sanskrit scholars include Bhartrhari, Subhashita
> Ratna bhandagara and Somadeva Bhatta.
> The Panchatantra and the Hitopadesha also belong to this category. This
> compilation draws from all these sources in addition to Bhagvad Geetha and
> other Puranas, Ramayana, and Mahabharata.
> Subhasitas act as teacher in formulating the sense of morality and
> character, which sums up the total of a persons virtues including
> dispositions, behaviors, habits,likes, dislikes, capacities, traits,
> ideals, ideas, values, feelings, and intuitions.
> By understanding the meaning one can cultivate a strong and morally
> superior character
> Q9           Do amla is better to banana and orange?
> A9   Yes. One Amla is equal to 20 bananas or 4 oranges
> Q10 What are the details of Shri Swaminarayan Mandir complex in Toronto
> Canada?
> A10 The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir complex in Toronto has become the
> focus of interest and wonder for local citizens and visitors to Toronto.
> The Hindu temple is located at the intersection of Finch Ave. and Highway
> 427 in Etobicoke, just northwest of Toronto, Ontario.
> The 2nd largest Hindu temple outside India, this Mandir is a masterpiece
> of intricate design and workmanship. The Mandir was constructed in a record
> 18 months. Built at a cost of $40 million raised by the Hindu communities
> worldwide, without a penny of government money.
> No steel was used in building this architectural and engineering marvel.
> It's all stone on stone; using 24,000 pieces of Turkish limestone and
> Italian marble. The temple was constructed by 2,000 Indian craftsmen.
> The QA is based on a forward by esteemed member Sri Bhalchandra Thattey on
> December 24, 2012  in  USB group
> Q11 What is the Meaning of Ekadasi:?
> A11 Every month of the Hindu calendar has two auspicious days of Ekadasi. It
> falls on the eleventh day of the fortnight of the lunar cycle. The first
> Ekadasi occurs when the moon is closest to the earth and the second Ekadasi
> occurs when the moon is farthest from the earth.
> The Ekadasi days are also indicators of the high and low tides of the sea.
> There are 24 Ekadasis in a year and each Ekadasi has a unique name. Ekadasi
> is observed as a day of fasting and devotion.
> --
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