Life itself is a zero sum game!
    On Saturday, 5 November, 2022 at 02:30:00 pm IST, Markendeya Yeddanapudi 
<> wrote:  
 Sir,My income is some one's expenditure.It is remuneration for my 
activity.There is no profit or loss there.Incomes and expenditures always 
remain equal.Income is not profit.It is remuneration to me and expenditure to 
the one paying me.
On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 1:55 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <> 

I agree with your deduction. But without any malafide intentions attributed to 
me, kindly answer, what were your income so far earned?. Whose loss?. For work 
of one nature, there are different salaries paid; so those different incomes 
have different losses; can we say that one who earned more, committed fraud and 
so earned more by cheating others , who incurred those losses?. For the winner 
killing is heroism; for the loser of the person, it is grief. Plus and Minus 
are part of life. There cannot exist a plus or minus without the complimentary 
factor. ASTI DENOTES NASTI. In Chap 10 of the B G the opposites are discussed. 
But both the positive and negative sides are in the same matter, not outside , 
hence the existence is proved in which the non-existence is hidden. Tjherefore 
by Physics or symbiosis it is inevitable to lose so others gain or otherss lose 
for you to gain; if you say it is wrong, then what you did is also wrong. KR 
IRS 51122
On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 at 12:04, Markendeya Yeddanapudi 
<> wrote:

Sir,How do you justify the concepts of Profit or Loss when your income is my 
expenditure,which means that they are always and can only be equal?YM
On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 11:20 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <> 

Darwinian and symbiotic

         I enjoyedfew lines: 1 your income is my expenditure.2 Accountancy 
today is SocialDarwinism, bluffed as representing the efficiency or 
inefficiency of anundertaking. 3 Truth needs very few words and the minimal 
neuron activity. Butbluff needs unending verbiage, the unending fight among the 
neurons, unable toaccept the bluff and there will be the perpetual neuron 
storm.  4 symbiotic Accounting, which strives tocomprehensively cover, the 
useful and harmful activities of an undertaking. 5 makingfigures and numbers 
lie.6 veer away from.

        What are Darwinians?A theory that inherent dynamic forces allow onlythe 
fittest persons or organizations to prosper in a competitive environment 
orsituation. Symbiotic is, denoting a mutually beneficial relationship 
betweendifferent people or groups.  ShortlyUNRELATED AND CLOSELY RELATED; A 

         Oppositesare the two sides of a coin; by spinning, one cannot get 
both; one’s gain isthe loss of another only. Economics is simply that. Life is 
like that. You gotthat job because many lost it. You got Your wife, only 
because the rest lost her(s).Pre-determined. Economy is like the unseen atom. 
Where will it go? no one canguess; theory of uncertainty; there is no formula 
for success; it is framed andbelieved as so many foolishly believe the 
politicians and cine and small screenactors as real. A few see it as a 
perception for that moment but read inbetween the lines; all are read, 
well-read; but a few alone, see behind thestage. Darwin believed and many till 
date believe the Darwin, after thesuccess, only the dynamic forces of the 
self-won it. But when they repeated thesame move in another occasion, they 
lose. The world represented by mad peoplesay 1 one who succeeded as a hero; 2 
one who lost later, as some problem andbetter luck next time; 3 one who lost as 
a no use man; 4 one failed again as “unlucky”5 and when succeeded as “fluke: 
The tongue is very powerful and will ask thebrain to interpret and convey to 
the mind. Hence, Darwin is correct in thecompetitive world but failed totally 
in the master-predictions. 

           Againsymbiotic, is relative to the person, society and the earth. 
Unless beneficial,there is no use of being symbiotic. But again, the weight of 
benefits, to allis again an utopia. Hence being symbiotic is also an utopia. 
Darwinian is factof life. Symbiotic is that of a sanyasis. Darwinian is that of 
a karma yogi andAdharmic, desiring deceitful earth; Symbiotic, is that of the 
Karma-sanyasis. Bothare distinct and the latter is not for this climate. 
Economy is mundane. Andone’s loss alone can be the gain of another. Truth 
definitely does not increasethe blood pressure so neurons work less. Symbiotic 
accountancy is not at allneeded since, where there is no one to lie, why there 
is an accountant and the accountancy?Symbiotic relationship is a utopia and if 
it existed today, there will not beany governance at all. Figures and numbers 
are true, but how we use them is alie. Number one can be from the front as well 
as from the back; so calling asnumber one is to be really questioned further; 
and rankings are classified andnumbered later; so number does not do anything. 
It is as if people calling 100as real 100 or 100K. And if we veer away from 
there will not be any ranking.And all will ask the other person to that chair 
which is unbelievable as ondate. A fine refined thinking but not pragmatic.  KR 
IRs 51122

On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 at 07:43, Markendeya Yeddanapudi 
<> wrote:

MarTheDarwinian Accounting

Thebasic fact is that your income is my expenditure. They are the two sides of 
thecoin. Incomes must equal expenditures. Still we bluff that there is 
profitwhich means the excess of incomes over expenses or loss which means that 
theexpenses are more than incomes!

Itmeans that when you make profit, you grabbed more incomes and shifted 
thecorresponding expenses on someone else. Similarly when you sustain loss, 
youare being victimized by being made to pay the expenses of the profit maker, 
inaddition to the expenses you have to bear. Or you make nature pay the 
expensesto facilitate your profit.

Accountancytoday is Social Darwinism, bluffed as representing the efficiency 
orinefficiency of an undertaking. No wonder every Public Sector 
undertakingcontinuously suffers from losses. Social Vultures, armed with 
political power,usually designated as Chairman or members of the governing 
Board, eat and bleedthe Public Sectors.

Truthneeds very few words and the minimal neuron activity. But bluff needs 
unending verbiage,the unending fight among the neurons, unable to accept the 
bluff and there willbe the perpetual neuron storm. The neuron storm happens in 
very large numbersof people, making trade and commerce without any social or 
environmentalresponsibility, the engines of social unrest. And you have large 
and heftyvolumes to obfuscate away the basic contradiction called profit or 
loss. Thedeadly Darwinian war routine, conceals the escape of today’s 
accounting fromits fundamental responsibility, to account for the effects on 
the environment,on the society, on the Ecology, on the pollution and poisoning 
of the air andthe resulting basic loss to social morale because the language of 
the Biosphere,the smells messages filled air (the messages of God) is poisoned 
and madedysfunctional.

Whatwe need is symbiotic Accounting, which strives to comprehensively cover, 
theuseful and harmful activities of an undertaking. But our very education 
sectoroccupied by the universities tries to make profit and is driven by the 
insensitivemechanization of perception, perception which must be essentially 
emotional andsensitive, based on breathing, smelling and sensing.

Today,accounting is the standardized system of making figures and numbers lie.

Natureis not Darwinian but Symbiotic. And nature is getting killed every day, 
whilethe Business Tycoons are making profit by polluting and poisoning nature.

Canthe Universities muster enough courage to take to symbiotic accounting and 
veeraway from the present Darwinian Accounting?




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