I shall put a stop to the topic and this is my last post as there appears
to be no possibility for agreement.I think I landed in the
controversy,started by Karl Marx long back,that profit is just
robbery.Wages and Profit are not same.

On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 2:46 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <keyarinc...@gmail.com>

> Dear Sri YM
> Before you harp on words please think what exactly those words might mean.
> Profit and loss is Income and expenditure only. Suppose you were a lecturer
> of English ( I presumed only ) in a college whose grade is A and there are
> similarly qualified lecturers in Grade B ,Grade C and Grade D colleges, the
> fees collected by those colleges and the pay structures for the
> similar postings do differ. According to you, the college made profit or
> loss; while all of you who shared a share under the nomenclature of the
> remunerations only incurred income and expenditure, while such things
> differed between similar persons. You only said there shall not be
> darwinian accounting but only symbiotic accounting; but now you write the
> accounts one for the college as Darwenian but shared booty is symbiotic?.
> KR IRS 51122
> On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 at 14:29, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
> markandeya101...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sir,
>> My income is some one's expenditure.It is remuneration for my
>> activity.There is no profit or loss there.Incomes and expenditures always
>> remain equal.Income is not profit.It is remuneration to me and expenditure
>> to the one paying me.
>> On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 1:55 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I agree with your deduction. But without any malafide intentions
>>> attributed to me, kindly answer, what were your income so far earned?.
>>> Whose loss?. For work of one nature, there are different salaries paid; so
>>> those different incomes have different losses; can we say that one who
>>> earned more, committed fraud and so earned more by cheating others , who
>>> incurred those losses?. For the winner killing is heroism; for the loser of
>>> the person, it is grief. Plus and Minus are part of life. There cannot
>>> exist a plus or minus without the complimentary factor. ASTI DENOTES NASTI.
>>> In Chap 10 of the B G the opposites are discussed. But both the positive
>>> and negative sides are in the same matter, not outside , hence the
>>> existence is proved in which the non-existence is hidden. Tjherefore by
>>> Physics or symbiosis it is inevitable to lose so others gain or
>>> otherss lose for you to gain; if you say it is wrong, then what you did is
>>> also wrong. KR IRS 51122
>>> On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 at 12:04, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
>>> markandeya101...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sir,
>>>> How do you justify the concepts of Profit or Loss when your income is
>>>> my expenditure,which means that they are always and can only be equal?
>>>> YM
>>>> On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 11:20 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>>>> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Darwinian and symbiotic
>>>>>          I enjoyed few lines: 1 your income is my expenditure.2
>>>>> Accountancy today is Social Darwinism, bluffed as representing the
>>>>> efficiency or inefficiency of an undertaking. 3 Truth needs very few words
>>>>> and the minimal neuron activity. But bluff needs unending verbiage, the
>>>>> unending fight among the neurons, unable to accept the bluff and there 
>>>>> will
>>>>> be the perpetual neuron storm.  4 symbiotic Accounting, which strives to
>>>>> comprehensively cover, the useful and harmful activities of an 
>>>>> undertaking.
>>>>> 5 making figures and numbers lie.6 veer away from.
>>>>>         What are Darwinians? A theory that inherent dynamic forces allow
>>>>> only the fittest persons or organizations to prosper in a competitive
>>>>> environment or situation. Symbiotic is, denoting a mutually beneficial
>>>>> relationship between different people or groups.  Shortly UNRELATED AND
>>>>>          Opposites are the two sides of a coin; by spinning, one
>>>>> cannot get both; one’s gain is the loss of another only. Economics is
>>>>> simply that. Life is like that. You got that job because many lost it. You
>>>>> got Your wife, only because the rest lost her(s). Pre-determined. Economy
>>>>> is like the unseen atom. Where will it go? no one can guess; theory of
>>>>> uncertainty; there is no formula for success; it is framed and believed as
>>>>> so many foolishly believe the politicians and cine and small screen actors
>>>>> as real. A few see it as a perception for that moment but read in between
>>>>> the lines; all are read, well-read; but a few alone, see behind the stage.
>>>>> Darwin believed and many till date believe the Darwin, after the success,
>>>>> only the dynamic forces of the self-won it. But when they repeated the 
>>>>> same
>>>>> move in another occasion, they lose. The world represented by mad people
>>>>> say 1 one who succeeded as a hero; 2 one who lost later, as some problem
>>>>> and better luck next time; 3 one who lost as a no use man; 4 one failed
>>>>> again as “unlucky” 5 and when succeeded as “fluke: The tongue is very
>>>>> powerful and will ask the brain to interpret and convey to the mind. 
>>>>> Hence,
>>>>> Darwin is correct in the competitive world but failed totally in the
>>>>> master-predictions.
>>>>>            Again symbiotic, is relative to the person, society and the
>>>>> earth. Unless beneficial, there is no use of being symbiotic. But again,
>>>>> the weight of benefits, to all is again an utopia. Hence being symbiotic 
>>>>> is
>>>>> also an utopia. Darwinian is fact of life. Symbiotic is that of a 
>>>>> sanyasis.
>>>>> Darwinian is that of a karma yogi and Adharmic, desiring deceitful earth;
>>>>> Symbiotic, is that of the Karma-sanyasis. Both are distinct and the latter
>>>>> is not for this climate. Economy is mundane. And one’s loss alone can be
>>>>> the gain of another. Truth definitely does not increase the blood pressure
>>>>> so neurons work less. Symbiotic accountancy is not at all needed since,
>>>>> where there is no one to lie, why there is an accountant and the
>>>>> accountancy? Symbiotic relationship is a utopia and if it existed today,
>>>>> there will not be any governance at all. Figures and numbers are true, but
>>>>> how we use them is a lie. Number one can be from the front as well as from
>>>>> the back; so calling as number one is to be really questioned further; and
>>>>> rankings are classified and numbered later; so number does not do 
>>>>> anything.
>>>>> It is as if people calling 100 as real 100 or 100K. And if we veer away
>>>>> from there will not be any ranking. And all will ask the other person to
>>>>> that chair which is unbelievable as on date. A fine refined thinking but
>>>>> not pragmatic.  KR IRs 51122
>>>>> On Sat, 5 Nov 2022 at 07:43, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
>>>>> markandeya101...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Mar*The Darwinian Accounting
>>>>>> The basic fact is that your income is my expenditure. They are the
>>>>>> two sides of the coin. Incomes must equal expenditures. Still we bluff 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> there is profit which means the excess of incomes over expenses or loss
>>>>>> which means that the expenses are more than incomes!
>>>>>> It means that when you make profit, you grabbed more incomes and
>>>>>> shifted the corresponding expenses on someone else. Similarly when you
>>>>>> sustain loss, you are being victimized by being made to pay the expenses 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the profit maker, in addition to the expenses you have to bear. Or you 
>>>>>> make
>>>>>> nature pay the expenses to facilitate your profit.
>>>>>> Accountancy today is Social Darwinism, bluffed as representing the
>>>>>> efficiency or inefficiency of an undertaking. No wonder every Public 
>>>>>> Sector
>>>>>> undertaking continuously suffers from losses. Social Vultures, armed with
>>>>>> political power, usually designated as Chairman or members of the 
>>>>>> governing
>>>>>> Board, eat and bleed the Public Sectors.
>>>>>> Truth needs very few words and the minimal neuron activity. But bluff
>>>>>> needs unending verbiage, the unending fight among the neurons, unable to
>>>>>> accept the bluff and there will be the perpetual neuron storm. The neuron
>>>>>> storm happens in very large numbers of people, making trade and commerce
>>>>>> without any social or environmental responsibility, the engines of social
>>>>>> unrest. And you have large and hefty volumes to obfuscate away the basic
>>>>>> contradiction called profit or loss. The deadly Darwinian war routine,
>>>>>> conceals the escape of today’s accounting from its fundamental
>>>>>> responsibility, to account for the effects on the environment, on the
>>>>>> society, on the Ecology, on the pollution and poisoning of the air and 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> resulting basic loss to social morale because the language of the
>>>>>> Biosphere, the smells messages filled air (the messages of God) is 
>>>>>> poisoned
>>>>>> and made dysfunctional.
>>>>>> What we need is symbiotic Accounting, which strives to
>>>>>> comprehensively cover, the useful and harmful activities of an 
>>>>>> undertaking.
>>>>>> But our very education sector occupied by the universities tries to make
>>>>>> profit and is driven by the insensitive mechanization of perception,
>>>>>> perception which must be essentially emotional and sensitive, based on
>>>>>> breathing, smelling and sensing.
>>>>>> Today, accounting is the standardized system of making figures and
>>>>>> numbers lie.
>>>>>> Nature is not Darwinian but Symbiotic. And nature is getting killed
>>>>>> every day, while the Business Tycoons are making profit by polluting and
>>>>>> poisoning nature.
>>>>>> Can the Universities muster enough courage to take to symbiotic
>>>>>> accounting and veer away from the present Darwinian Accounting?
>>>>>> YM
>>>> --
>>>> *Mar*
>> --
>> *Mar*


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