Mr APS Mani,
You may post your responses to iyer 123 groups if you have guts. Not one to 
one. Then other members will respond  about your abusing. If you post through 
iyer123 groups, like Mr Rajaram, you too will have your fate. Don't make ugly 
comments. I too know to make such abusing, but my culture do not permit 

    On Monday, 24 April, 2023 at 06:03:45 pm IST, Aps Mani <> 
 The stupid is day dreaming.  It is already 27th April for him whereas it is 
24th April for all.
On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 7:58 AM Aps Mani <> wrote:

Both are stupid to the core.   That is why.    

On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 7:41 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <> 

I do not understand at this age how both twist and turn their fallacies resting 
on others, thinking the rest will agree?. KR
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 19:08, Aps Mani <> wrote:

GK is neither a man nor a woman nor an animal either.  I give him my daily 
sermons in large quantities.  
On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 7:35 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <> 

Mr Gopala, what is your straight language? Lamenting? Taking asylum? Abusing as 
a kid? Which one?. KR IRS 31323
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 18:49, gopala krishnan <> wrote:

 Mr Rajaram,
I wrote in clear language. Your response is least clear to me.
Mr APS Mani,
 I am a normal human being. For you I am always a bad person. I do not want to 
change it.But you are also very bad making such comments. Please look at your 
back before commenting on mine. 

    On Friday, 31 March, 2023 at 06:45:30 am IST, Aps Mani <> 
 Your over smartness will end soon  Mr Narada!
On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 6:17 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <> 

If you are so straightforward why do you write in Narayanaswamy and myself or 
rarely Iyer 123 wells only Discuss your knowledge openly with all. Then you 
will know your pathos and the reservations  KR IRS 31323
On Thu, 30 Mar 2023 at 17:03, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 
<> wrote:

 Sir,Thank you for the response  on the QA with added information about China 
gift on new year day. 
I really like your response to points written in  brief. 

There is a member who copy paste anything relating to a word in QA as response. 
Most will become impatient except his Yes Yes followers . Most  never bother to 
read his copy paste from books in ant size prints. 

    On Thursday, 30 March, 2023 at 07:49:49 pm IST, Narayanaswamy Iyer 
<> wrote:  
 Dear folks
A3:-  "In China, it is customary to give red envelopes filled with money as 
gifts during the Chinese New Year."
Not quite so.  
The miniature bright red envelopes, called Ang Paus, are not filled with money. 
  Instead, inserted in the envelopes which are not sealed, are 12 yuan to 
represent good wishes and prosperity for the 12 months of the coming Chinese 
New Year.
In Singapore and in Malaysia 12 dollars or 12 ringgit respectively are 
inserted.  In Indonesia, where one US dollar equals some 150,000 rupiah, two 
100,000-rupiah notes are inserted.
According to ancient custom, two red oranges should accompany each envelope.
The gifts are given only to unmarried children, no matter what their ages, by 
elders in the family.   So, not everyone gets these Ang Paus during Chinese New 
S Narayanaswamy Iyer
On 30 Mar 2023, at 7:30 PM, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 
<> wrote:

CULTURAL QA 03-2023-26

Q1           What is the difference between'electrical' and 'electronic'? 
Should one choose one over the other accordingto context? If so, which is 
better to use for what purpose?

A1           Slack-Man, Manufacturing EngineerUpdated Mar 16

Here is one related definition from Britannica:

Electricalengineering is the branch dealing with “heavy current”—that is, 
electric lightand power systems and apparatuses—whereas electronics engineering 
deals withsuch “light current” applications as telephone and radio 
communication,computers, radar, and automatic control systems.

So, in other words,electrical devices could simply refer to any application of 
electricity, butprimarily those with no active devices.

So, if all progress stopped in 1900, we would still havelights, fans, electric 
ranges, basic refrigerators and automotive ignitionsystems. For communication 
we would still have the telegraph, or even the basictelephone.

Even the 1890census used something called the Hollerith Tabulator that used 
punched cards tocollect data (and greatly reduced the time to complete the 
complete it)

In this context we could refer to our home wiring as“electrical wiring”

Electronic as aterm became associated with active devices, first the vacuum 
tube and then laterthe transistor (and related integrated circuit).

Now, electronicstechnology to a degree developed in parallel to our electrical 
technology. Radio and other communicationslargely defined “electronics” for 
some time.

Of course, electronics depended largely on the electricalgrid for power (you 
plugged in a radio, forexample) but it took some time before electronic devices 
were used to controlthe electrical system.

Take automobilesfor example… cars used generators and basic regulators to 
supply power tocharge a battery, as well as a simple switch (points) for the 
ignition system.These were not replaced with solid state system until the 70’s 
and early 80’s.Of course, now such systems are computerized. 

Q2           What are some of the must-visittemples in Tamil Nadu?

A2           Bhuvana Rameshwar, Tamil culture andheritage Mar 20

The must visit for tourists

Shore temple, Mammalapuram. Most visited, ruinsof the old city of Pallavas. 
UNESCO heritage. Cave temples, carvings andsculptures. Annual cultural and 
dance festival is held here.

Meenakshi temple, Madurai. (UNESCO heritage tobe recognised ) beautiful 
intricate carvings, multiple gopurams at eachentrance.

Ranganathar temple, Srirangam, near Trichy.Biggest temple, most ancient still 
functioning. UNESCO heritage to berecognised), second biggest in size after 
Angkor wat in Cambodia.

Ramanathaswamy temple, Rameshwaram. Famousin Ramayana and place where people 
pay respects to their ancestors.

Kamakshi temple, Kanchipuram, ancient temple.Beautiful sculptors.

Brahadeeshwar temple Thanjavur. UNESCOheritage. Mind blowing architecture.

Sarangapani temple in Kumbakonam. Ancienttemple. Beautiful carvings.

Airateeshwar temple, UNESCO heritage.Beautifulcarvings, musical pillars, 

Gangaikonda chola puram UNESCO heritage

This is good enoughfor starters to see and appreciate the beautiful ancient 
temples, their hugesize, the carvings, the gopurams and ofcourse for praying 
for the religious.

Other important one Annamalai temple (Shiva)

Ruins of Kailasanathar temple Kanchipuram.

After that if youvisit TN again look for the other thousands of temples in and 
around your stay.. You won't be disappointed. We have the 6 abodes of Lord 
muruga, the full bunch of temples inKanchipuram, the famous cluster in an 
around Kumbakonam, MaduraiThiruannamalai, Chidabaram to point out a few.

Q3           What are some funny facts aboutChina?

A3           Mark Rhysand, Anthropology Studies(2020–present)Mar 24

China has theworld's largest population, but only one time zone.

Ketchup was actually invented in China, not America.

The GreatWall of China is not visible from space, despite popular belief.

China's national sport is table tennis, or ping pong.

The Chinese New Year is the largest annual humanmigration, with millions of 
people traveling to be with their families.

The world's largest traffic jam occurred in China in2010, with cars backed up 
for over 60 miles.

The Chineselanguage has no alphabet, but instead uses characters or symbols.

Chopsticks were invented in China over 5,000 yearsago and are still the primary 
eating utensil in many parts of the country.

The Chinese calendar is based on the lunar cycle,which means that each year is 
represented by an animal from the zodiac.

In China, it iscustomary to give red envelopes filled with money as gifts 
during the ChineseNew Year.

China is home to the world's largest mall, the SouthChina Mall, which is so big 
that it has its own roller coaster.

The world's oldest surviving printed book, theDiamond Sutra, was printed in 
China in 868 AD.

The Forbidden City, a palace complex in Beijing,has 9,999 rooms, which was 
considered a lucky number in ancient China.

In China, it istraditional to wear red on your wedding day, as it is considered 
to bring goodluck.

China is home to the world's largest floating solarfarm, which is located on a 
former coal-mining site.

The game of Mahjong,a popular Chinese tile-based game, has been around for over 
1,000 years.

The world's largest radio telescope, the Five-hundred-meterAperture Spherical 
radio Telescope (FAST), is located in China.

The Chinese have been making ice cream for over 2,000 years,using a mixture of 
ice and milk.

China has the world's largest population of internetusers, with over 900 
million people online.

The Chinese government banned the use of time travel asa plot device in TV 
shows and movies in 2011,citing the need to protect history and prevent 
distortions of the past.

My note- Many good information

Q4           What surprised you today?

A4           Sameeksha, Sharing from personalexperiences and learning. Mar 22

Two days back I saw an egg lying in my balcony in onecorner.

I was surprised atfirst. But then I understood that it's of a pigeon as they 
keep visiting mybalcony daily. Seeing the egg, I thought of giving it 
protection because eggsneed warmth before hatching.

Within a range of35 to 40.5°C (84.5 - 104.9°F) there is the possibility of eggs 

Thus, I first moved the egg into a plastic basedcover and surrounded it with 
twigs brought by the pigeon as is visible in thepicture above.

By evening the pigeon came and sat on the egg butcouldn't sit properly so it 
moved the egg out ofthe plastic and tried to adjust but it couldn't. And how do 
I know it couldn't?It's because she must be brooding (sitting on the egg) 
during this periodconsistently.

So, next I didwas to make an artificial nest out of paper and clothes. And i 
placed the eggin it.

I placed the twigsat the front so the mommy pegion could use it in the way she 
wants to.

Next morning, Iobserved and found this.She layed one more egg. Actually 
Igoogled and found out that pigeons lay eggs in pair. Also, there can be gap 
of1 to 3 days between the period of laying each egg.

Next, she keptsitting on the eggs comfortably and she has been brooding since 
morning. I feelso overwhelmed about the fact that she liked the artificial nest 
and she is noteven afraid of me when I go a bit near to capture pictures.

For me it's anoverwhelming experience to let nature go with the flow.

Some facts about pigeons :

The male provides nesting material and guards thefemale and the nest.

Pigeons are highly dependent on humans toprovide them with food and sites for 
roosting, loafing, and nesting.

It is estimated that there are 400 million pigeonsworldwide and that the 
population is growing rapidly together with increased urbanization.

The young are fed pigeon milk, a liquid/solidsubstance secreted in the crop of 
the adult (both male and female) which isregurgitated.

All I would say is,‘I love watching the sunrise and sunset and the sky, the 
birds.’I love mothernature 

Will update soonwhen the baby pigeons will hatch out. Spread love and kindness.

Edit :I alreadyknow about the health issues associated with pigeons and which 
is why I useprecautions like mask and hand gloves whenever in need in order to 
stay safe.

Q5           How did ancient Egyptians cut a rockmountain into three-ton stones 
without dynamite?

A5           Jason Almendra, I took "Greek& Latin Roots of English" in college1y

How did ancientEgyptians cut a rock mountain into 3-ton stones without 
dynamites (sic)? 

Here's an ancientsecret among quarrymen. That’s only passed down from father to 
son. You onlyuse dynamite. If you plan to make gravel, not intact stones.

So ancient quarry men lit fires in a row on a bare rocksurface.

They quench it with water and/or vinegar. Theychip away the weakened material 
with diorite balls. It's a type of stone harderthan granite.

The dolerite ballon the left was found inside the Great Pyramid along with that 
copper artifact.

They repeat the heating, quenching and chipping untilthey have a line of holes.

They inserted dried wooden wedges into the holesand poured water into the 
cavities. The wood absorbs the water and swells. Thus cracking ablock. This 
would be trimmed down into a building block.

To trim the stones, the Egyptians imported copper fromCyprus. They drilled a 
line of holes in the stone.Then they inserted copper wedges into the holes and 
hammered them in a series.In one hole there would be two feathers and one plug 

Modern quarrymenuse diamond wire saws and water to cut through rock.

My note- I have heard in India the quarry menpoured extract of a secret plant 
and after a time the granite stone simplysplit along the line. We at present 
have no knowledge of the plant. Heard in mycollege days(1964)

Q6           What are the most mind-blowing factsabout New York City?

A6           Mark Rhysand, Studied at Occultism Sun

The iconic Empire State Building was built in just oneyear and 45 days, and was 
the tallest building inthe world until 1971.

In the 19thcentury, some New Yorkers used to drink "swamp tea," which was made 
by steepingtea leaves in water from the Collect Pond, a former body of water 
that was usedas a dumping ground and eventually filled in.

The oldestbuilding in New York City is the Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum, which was 
built in1652 and is located in Brooklyn.

In the 18th century,New York City was the second largest slave market in North 
America, afterCharleston, South Carolina.

Central Park was originally designed to be a"greensward," or a flat expanse of 
lawn that wouldprovide a peaceful retreat from the bustling city.

The first traffic light in New York City was installed in1920 at the 
intersection of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.

The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883 and was the longestsuspension bridge in 
the world at the time. It was alsothe first bridge to use steel cable wire 
instead of iron.

The American Museum of Natural History has ahidden bunker inits basement that 
was used during World War II to store precious artifacts anddocuments.

The High Line, a park built on an old elevatedrailway line in Manhattan, was 
originally built in the 1930s to keep dangerousfreight trains off the street 

The New York Stock Exchange was founded in 1792under a buttonwood tree on Wall 
Street, which is why it is sometimes called the"Buttonwood Agreement."

My note- For those who have not gone to USA andlived there for long time, these 
could be curious information. 

Q7           What are the benefits of having arefrigerator in our home? What 
would happen if we didn’t use one in our house?

A7           Gopala Krishnan,Former AssistantGeneral Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966–2004)Just now

Most importantbenefit I can say is when iceis required for a treatment  it can 
beprepared with out much delay in the freezer. 

Many medicines are to be kept in low temperature  like fridge. An exampleis 

Without decay onecan keep milk and such diary products. Vegetables and fruits 
can be kept fresh.

Fridge becamethe reach of common man by 1990’s at homes in India.Medical stores 
used to keep such medicines to be kept in lowtemperature. I have seen a fridge 
in 1960’s when a medical shop was open in my town. .  

Before that  people purchased what was required forimmediate use. Ice was 
purchased from shops at that time when emergencerequirement for it.

Though I started family life in 1969, I could afford topurchase a small fridge 
only in 1990.

Q8           What interesting thing did you readtoday?

A8           Sharmila Thaj, Former Freelancer,Blogger, Writer Updated 5y

He Scoredonly an average mark of 750 in his 12th Board Exam. But he was awarded 
as a‘Young Scientist’ by NASA! (These Headings in the News paperattracts me 
towards the best read today)

World’s lightest and smallest Satellite.

Mohammed RifathSharukh, a 17 year old young scientist made the World’s Lightest 
and SmallestSatellite!Pallapatti born, Karur district; Tamilnadu.

NASA organised acompetition. Over 8000 students from 57 countries participated. 
He was the onlyIndian who was selected among the 80 final selections.

About his Satellite:

He named theSatellite ‘ KALAM SAT’ in memory of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul kalam.

It weighs only 64 grams.(0.1 kg and 3.8 cm in size)

 “Space Kidz India” supported him.    It was a complete Indian made Satellite.


It will be used to detect the radiation in Space,and the changes in the 

It will stay only 240 minutes in space,then it will automatically fall in to 
the specified ocean. Finally, it will betaken out for research.


On June 22nd, 2017it will be launched through the SRK Rocket.

If they launchsuccessfully, then it will be used for Agriculture and Weather 

I wondered when I saw Mohammed Sharukh’s 12th Board ExamMark Details:

    In Mathematics:92/200.

    In Physics:89/200(Practical Mark: 50)


(For the rest, he wrote only for 39 marks in theory!(Less than my marks!))

He is one of theinspirations to the Students, who scored average marks in their 
Board Exams.

For Parents:Marks don’t determine your Children, who they are. Every Child is 
born withtalents.

This will be thefirst time Indian student’s experiment will be flown by NASA. 

Q9           How good is curd rice for yourhealth?

A9           Bhuvana Rameshwar, Smart cook, nothardworking 1h

We Indians ofsouthern part of India have curds or curd - rice everyday. For 
lunch. We avoid curds and curd rice fordinner. We actually do not feel like 
having curds in the evening.

The eternalpartners curd rice and spicy mango pickle.

Curds are good forhealth so is rice. Curd rice is an excellent food to cool 
your body in summers.We keep away from curds in winters and when we havecough 
and colds. Everybody knows that. But it is must for heat boils,indigestion, 
food poisoning, prickly heat, chicken pox, typhoid, paratyphoidand for hot 
summers to cool our body.

Toddlers are given curd rice. Little children like curdrice too compared to the 
spicy gravies their mothers make.

There is good bacteria in curds as it is a fermentatedproduct . It is rich in 
vitamins of B group, D,minerals and rich in folates. It has less sugars like 
lactose and galactosecompared to milk. Good for people who want to cut on food 

I am keeping off curd rice of late to cut down my weight.So I finish with a 
starter like greens- rice or flax seed powder rice, thenrice and curry or 
sambar with some shallow fried veg and a curd - cucumber-onion salad. (raitha). 
Here i cut down on the last cup of rice. This helps melose weight.

But a day comes when I start craving for curd rice . Itis kind off a birth 
right! That day it is only rice andcurds full plate , mango or lime pickle, 
fried curd - chillies (more milagai)or a masala vada as accompaniment. It feels 
heavenly on a hot tiring day. Whatfollows is a good, afternoon sleep. This is a 
monthly rejuvenation for me. Itgives rest to my stomach of the daily sambars, 
spicy veg or non veg andcurries.

My note- I eatrice with diluted curd ( not buttermilk ) in the night. 

Q10         What are some mind-blowing facts thatsound unreal but are actually 

A10         Mark Rhysand, Studies philosophy,humanities, anthropology and 
metaphysics Sun

Mount Everest, thehighest peak in the world, is getting taller every year by 
about a quarter ofan inch due to tectonic plate movements.

The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast ofAustralia, is the largest 
living structure on Earth and can be seen from space.

The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% of theworld's oxygen and is home 
to over 10% of theworld's known species.

The speed of light is approximately 299,792,458meters per second, and nothingin 
the universe can travel faster than it.

Black holes are so dense that their gravitational pullis strong enough to warp 
space and time around them, creating a phenomenonknown as "gravitational 

The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, andscientists believe that 
dark energy, an unknown form of energy, is responsiblefor this expansion.

The human brain isthe most complex structure in the known universe, with over 
100 billion neuronsand trillions of synapses.

The oldestknown human skeleton, called "Lucy," is 3.2 million years old and 
wasfound in Ethiopia in 1974.

Humans share over98% of their DNA with chimpanzees, making them our closest 
living relatives.

The placeboeffect is a phenomenon in which a person experiences a positive 
effect from atreatment or medication even though it has no active ingredients.

Studies have shown that people who have experiencedtrauma or adversity in their 
lives can developpost-traumatic growth, which involves increased resilience, 
personal growth,and a greater appreciation for life.

The bystander effect is a social phenomenon inwhich individuals are less likely 
to intervene in an emergency situation whenthere are other people around.

Theshortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar in 1896 and 
lastedonly 38 minutes.

Cleopatra livedcloser in time to the invention of the iPhone than she did to 
the building ofthe Great Pyramid of Giza.

There is a species of jellyfish, called Turritopsisdohrnii, that is 
biologically immortal and canpotentially live forever by reverting back to its 
juvenile form after reachingmaturity.

All the above QA are from Quora  website  on   30-03- 2023. 

Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers .

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan, former ITS,  on 30-03-2023

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