A good article but not well founded on truth. Japan does not have teacher’s
day. But teachers are suffering in Japan as seen by the article on Apr 2023
written by a Japanese, so teachers being respected is a false alarm. And
Japan celebrates 5th oct the world teachers’ day.                   KR IRS
27 6 23


*Japanese Teachers at the Breaking Point: Long Hours Blamed for Growing
Shortage* Apr 11, 2023

Spotlighting grueling working hours as the key factor behind Japan’s
mounting teacher shortage, an education expert calls for new legislation
and funding to head off a looming public-school crisis.   *Senoo Masatoshi*

Educational researcher and school management consultant. Worked at Nomura
Research Institute before going free-lance in 2016. Provides consulting
services and gives lectures and workshops at schools nationwide. Has been
dispatched as a MEXT “school business improvement advisor” and has served
on various government panels, including the Central Council for Education’s
special subcommittee on school work-style reform. Publications include *Kyōshi
hōkai* (Teacher Breakdown) and *Sensei o shinasenai: Kyōshi no karōshi o
kurikaesanai tame ni ima dekiru koto* (Don’t Let Teachers Die: What We Can
Do Now to Prevent More Teacher Deaths from Overwork) (coauthor).

Japan is facing a shortage of teachers, with schools around the country
struggling to replace retiring educators and find substitutes for those on
leave. Daunted by reports of ever-expanding duties and long hours without
overtime pay, college students are shying away from teaching careers. We
talked to an expert about the factors behind the worsening shortage, its
repercussions, and the reforms needed to address it.

*Tracking the Teacher Exodus*

On January 16 this year, the daily *Nihon Keizai Shimbun* reported a
nationwide shortfall of 2,778 teachers affecting 2,092 Japanese public
elementary, junior high, and high schools—about 6% of the total—as of May
1, 2022. The figures, based on the newspaper’s own survey, represent about
a 30% increase from the shortages recorded a year earlier
<https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h01264/> (2,064 teachers across 1,519
schools) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
Technology (MEXT).

The trend mirrors an ongoing decline in the number of college students
sitting for the selection examinations administered to aspiring teachers.
According to a January 20, 2023, report in the *Asahi Shimbun*, 38,641
college students around Japan sat for the most recent exam to teach in
public elementary schools, 2,000 fewer than in the previous academic year.
In Ōita Prefecture in Kyūshū, there were fewer examinees than vacancies.
The drop in candidates has also affected the availability of long-term
substitutes tapped to fill in for permanent teachers on sick or maternity
leave, since the substitutes are typically chosen from the pool of aspiring
teachers who failed the examination but plan to give it another try.

In academic year 2021, according to a MEXT survey on school personnel
management, a record 5,897 public school teachers—including 2,937 at the
elementary level—took leaves of absence for mental health reasons. As of
the start of the 2022 school year on April 1, fewer than half of the 5,897
had returned to work; 2,283 remained on leave, while another 1,141 had left
the profession. What is behind this exodus?

*Dark Side of Holistic Education?*

According to education researcher Senoo Masatoshi, few workplaces have made
less progress in reducing working hours—a stated priority of the
government’s “work-style reform” campaign—than Japanese schools. In its
2018 Teaching and Learning Survey, the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development found that on average junior high school
teachers in Japan worked 56.0 hours a week and primary school teachers 54.4
hours, by far the longest among the 48 countries surveyed. According to an
online survey conducted in 2022 by the union-affiliated JTUC Research
Institute for Advancement of Living Standards, Japanese public school
teachers put in an average of 123 hours of overtime a month. This is far in
excess of the 80-hour “*karōshi* line” defined by MEXT, beyond which
employees are considered to be at risk of death from overwork.

In the past four or five years, Senoo says, most public schools have
installed time clocks or other systems to keep track of employee hours. But
teachers’ timecards rarely reflect all the hours they put into their jobs.
It is common for educators to continue working at school even after
clocking out or to take their work home with them. The substantial time
they devote to supervising sports and other club activities on weekends and
holidays often goes unrecorded.

Senoo believes that a basic factor underlying this phenomenon is the
Japanese schools’ vaunted “whole child” approach to education.

“One of the strengths of Japan’s high-performing public school
system—according to both MEXT and such international organizations as the
OECD—is that it provides a holistic education that prepares students for
life through extracurricular activities, as well as strong academics.
There’s been a lot written overseas about the ‘Japanese model’ and its
emphasis on *tokkatsu* [*tokubetsu katsudō*, or special activities],
including school clubs and events like class trips and sports days.”

In the context of this holistic approach, says Senoo, teachers are
responsible not just for classroom instruction but for the healthy physical
and mental development of the whole child. “The problem of excessive
overtime in our schools today is a by-product of this distinctive Japanese

*A Supply-and-Demand One-Two Punch*

“It’s only in the past couple of years that the teacher shortage has
surfaced as a public concern, but the problem has been brewing for longer
than that,” says Senoo. A father of five, he has children at every level of
the system, from daycare through high school. “About five years ago, one of
the teachers at my daughter’s elementary school took a medical leave of
absence, and they couldn’t find a substitute, so the vice-principal had to
take over the class. Another elementary school nearby was reportedly having
staffing problems as well.”

MEXT conducted its first survey on teacher shortages in the 2021 academic
year, but Senoo maintains that the government has been aware of the problem
for years. Why, then, has it failed to act?

“Since the end of World War II, the trend in Japanese education has been
toward decentralized control, with an emphasis on local autonomy. Public
school teachers are hired and assigned by the prefecture, or by the city in
the case of government-designated cities, and MEXT is strongly inclined to
view personnel issues like staff shortages as the local government’s

However, it is difficult for prefectures and cities to recruit more
teachers without support from the central government. “Additional hiring
incurs huge labor costs,” says Senoo. “And given the declining birthrate,
local governments are afraid they’ll end up with a teacher surplus.”

But while the number of schoolchildren may be dwindling, the need for
teachers continues to rise.

“There’s a growing number of special-needs children who require closer
attention owing to some disability,” Senoo explains. “While an ordinary
Japanese class will have around thirty-five students, the maximum for
special-needs classes is eight. And if there’s even one child with a
different type of disability, they need to add a new class, which means
additional instructors.”

Meanwhile, the supply of teachers is dwindling, resulting in a “one-two

“Fewer college students are sitting for the selection exams, and many of
those who do are just using it as a backup in case they fail to qualify for
a job in private business or government, so they don’t end up teaching
after all. A decline in the number of examinees also means fewer people
failing, so the pool of substitute teachers is shrinking as well.”
Meanwhile, a large number of educators are reaching retirement age, and the
young ones who replace them are more likely to take maternity or childcare
leave, increasing the need for substitutes.

“Telling teachers they can’t take maternity leave or limiting the number of
special-needs classes isn’t an option. The only answer is to attract more
people to the profession.”

That could be a tall order, given the schools’ growing reputation for
intolerable labor conditions.

*Hidden Casualties of Overwork*

Charged with overseeing children’s growth and development from all angles,
Japanese teachers may be the world’s busiest multitaskers, says Senoo.

Inside the classroom, their burden has increased substantially over the
past decade or so owing to an ever-expanding curriculum, including
compulsory English and computer programming at the elementary school level.
Many teachers say they are too busy preparing lessons to take breaks during
the day.

During recess and after-school activities, teachers must be alert to any
signs of bullying. Food allergies require constant vigilance as well. The
growing number of students with special needs has made their job that much
more challenging.

“Even when they’re off work, teachers are always getting calls from
concerned parents. If students cause trouble after school, as by loitering
in convenience stores, people complain to the school. The roles and
responsibilities that we impose on our schools and teachers are just too

Amid these pressures, death from overwork is a real but often unrecognized
problem, according to Kudō Sachiko, with whom Senoo coauthored the 2022
book *Sensei o shinasenai* (Don’t Let Teachers Die).

In 2007, Kudō’s husband, a junior high school teacher, died of a brain
hemorrhage at the age of 40 after months of overwork. In addition to
teaching health and physical education, Kudō Yoshio was responsible for
dealing with problems like bullying and school refusal. Dedicated to his
job, he worked late into the night on weekdays and helped coach the soccer
team on weekends. After his death, Sachiko filed for compensation, arguing
that her husband died from overwork, but it was more than five and a half
years before her claim was recognized. Although she acknowledges that the
government is working on the issue, she is frustrated with the pace of
change and believes that teacher deaths resulting from overwork and suicide
are grossly underreported.

Teaching was one of the jobs targeted for government study and information
management under the Act on Measures to Prevent Death and Injury from
Overwork, which went into effect in 2014. But it has been six years now
since the government published its first survey on teacher working
conditions. Moreover, Kudō is concerned that such studies fail to gauge the
full extent of the problem. As she explains it, many educators feel their
work is a sacred mission. Steeped in an ethic of selfless service, the most
hardworking of them are also the least apt to complain about their
sacrifice or suffering. As a result, physical and emotional problems tend
to remain hidden from view. Kudō is convinced that the handful of teacher
deaths and suicides officially reported as job-related in recent years
represents only a small fraction of the total casualties from overwork and

*A Need for Legislation and Funding*

“If we want the schools to keep doing their job of supporting our
children’s physical and emotional health and growth,” says Senoo, “then we
need to lighten the brutal load of multitasking our teachers bear.”

Senoo argues that society needs to “take an inventory” of teacher duties
and narrow the scope of schools’ and teachers’ responsibilities. “At the
same time, we should gradually increase the number of teachers and reduce
their average class hours. Ideally, we should beef up non-teaching staff as
well and transfer some of the workload to them. There’s a particular need
for more full-time school counselors and social workers, assigned on the
basis of each school’s size and needs, to work with parents and deal with
problems like school refusal.”

A boost in teacher hiring will require action from the central government,
says Senoo, starting with a revision of the Compulsory Education Standards
Act, which prescribes matters like the number of teaching staff and class
size. An increase in the education budget is also essential, he says.

“There’s only so much local governments can do on their own. The central
government needs to set the basic policy, design the systems to implement
it—including training for non-teaching staff—and allocate the necessary

*Reduce Teacher Workload to Save the Public Schools*

At the junior high and high school levels, extracurricular activities
account for much of the excess workload, says Senoo. With this in mind,
MEXT has instructed local governments to gradually transfer the management
of weekend and holiday sports activities to other community entities,
including private clubs.

But Senoo is most concerned about the plight of elementary school teachers.

“It’s not uncommon for elementary schools to immediately put new teachers
in charge of their own homerooms. Suddenly they have to handle a whole
range of tough challenges, from communication with parents to bullying.
Other faculty and staff are too busy to help out, so struggling young
teachers often feel isolated.”

As a consequence, exhaustion and mental illness are on the rise among
teachers in their twenties and thirties. “A lot of them quit at that
stage,” says Senoo.

He warns that unless steps are taken to create a more teacher-friendly work
environment, the profession will have a hard time attracting new college
graduates, let alone people in other lines of work.

In fiscal year 2022, MEXT embarked on a survey on teacher working
conditions for the first time in six years. The results will be used to
inform deliberations on a revision of the special measures law governing
teacher salaries. Under the current law, teachers receive a special
“adjustment payment” equivalent to 4% of their monthly salary in place of
the overtime premiums required of most employers under the Labor Standards

Senoo agrees that teachers are not paid enough for the work they do. But he
feels strongly that the first budgetary priority should be adding teaching
and non-teaching staff. “I think aspiring and current teachers are more
interested in improved working conditions than in a hike in their overtime
pay,” he says. “They need more time to prepare for classes, and they surely
want more time to themselves.”

Senoo believes that a lighter workload will not only make the profession
more attractive but also improve the quality of teaching.

“Sleep-deprived teachers can’t be expected to perform well in class, and
they don’t have the time or energy to give individual students the advice
and support they seek. Furthermore, at the elementary school level, the
teacher shortage is creating a situation where homeroom teachers keep
changing. In the end, it’s the children who suffer the most.”

Many believe that school personnel problems are at least partly to blame
for the rise in school violence and classroom chaos reported at elementary
schools nationwide. For anyone worried about the breakdown of public
education in Japan, measures to improve school working conditions and
address the teacher shortage should be an urgent priority.

*(Originally written in Japanese by Itakura Kimie of *Nippon. Com*. Banner:
© Pixta.)*

On Tue, 27 Jun 2023 at 08:00, 'venkat giri' via iyer123 <
iyer...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Respected Sir/s,
> In Japan , there is no TEACHER's DAY?
>                    One day, I asked my Japanese colleague,  teacher
> Yamamota:
> - How do you celebrate Teacher's Day in Japan?
> Surprised by my question , he replied :
> - We don't have Teacher's Day .
> When I heard his reply , I was not sure whether I should believe him or
> not.  A thought passed through my mind : " Why a country , which is so
> advanced in economy,  sciences and technology, so disrespectful towards
> teachers and their work ? "
> ***
> Once,  after work,  Yamamota invited me to his house . We took the metro
> since it was far away . It was the evening  peak  hour, and the wagons in
> the metro train wire overcrowded . I managed to find a space to stand,
> holding tightly the overhead rail. Suddenly, the elderly man who was seated
> beside me offered me his seat.  Not understanding this respectful behaviour
> of an elderly man , I declined,  but he was persistent, and I was forced to
> sit . Once we were out of the metro , I inquired Yamamota to explain what
> exactly the whitebeard did . Yamamota smiled and pointed towards the tag of
> teacher I was wearing and said :
> - This old mine has seen the tag of a teacher on you and as a sign of
> respect towards your status , offered you his seat .
>    Since I was visiting Yamamota for the first time ,  I felt
> uncomfortable going there with empty hands so o decided to buy a gift . I
> shared my thoughts with Yamamota,  he supported the idea and said that
> little further, there is a shop for teachers , where one can purchase goods
> at reduced prices.  Once again , I couldn't hold my emotions :
> - Privileges are offered only to teachers ? I asked .
> Confirming my words , Yamamota said:
> - In Japan,  teaching is the most respected profession and the teacher is
> the most respected person.  The Japanese entrepreneurs are very happy when
> teachers come to their shops,  they consider it an honour .
> ***
> During my stay in Japan,  I've observed multiple times the utmost respect
> of the Japanese towards teachers. They have special seats allocated for
> them in metro , there are special shops for them , teachers there dint line
> up in queue for tickets for whatever type of transport.  That's why the
> Japanese teachers don't need a special day , when every day in their live
> is a celebration.
>  ------
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> -------
> Regards
> V.Sridharan
> Trichy
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