
On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 at 00:46, Markendeya Yeddanapudi <
markandeya101...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now I have to concentrate and do repeated reading to understand a little.I
> did not imagine that I would ignite your big bang.The word prodigy is
> inadequate in your case.I am forwarding this to our granddaughter who is an
> UG student in the UC,Berkeley.
> YM
> On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 12:52 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> IN HIS PHASE.The gen one had the Gravitational only as force; special took
>> him to space and unexplained light but failure to count the electrons the
>> anti matter in the explosion. Quantum mechanics , movements of atoms , did
>> not accept his theory. Just the history. KR IRS 23 7 23
>> Theory of general relativity?
>> General relativity is physicist Albert Einstein's understanding of how
>> gravity affects the fabric of space-time.
>> The theory, which Einstein published in 1915, expanded the theory of
>> special relativity that he had published 10 years earlier. Special
>> relativity argued that space and time are inextricably connected, but that
>> theory didn't acknowledge the existence of gravity.LAY SOUND
>> To understand general relativity, first, let's start with gravity, the
>> force of attraction that two objects exert on one another. Sir Isaac Newton
>> quantified gravity in the same text in which he formulated his three laws
>> of motion, the "Principia."
>> The gravitational force tugging between two bodies depends on how massive
>> each one is and how far apart the two lie, according to NASA Glenn Research
>> Center. Even as the center of the Earth is pulling you toward it (keeping
>> you firmly lodged on the ground), your center of mass is pulling back at
>> the Earth. But the more massive body barely feels the tug from you, while
>> with your much smaller mass, you find yourself firmly rooted thanks to that
>> same force. Yet Newton's laws assume that gravity is an innate force of an
>> object that can act over a distance.
>> Albert Einstein, in his theory of special relativity, determined that the
>> laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and he
>> showed that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the
>> speed at which an observer travels, according to Wired.
>> As a result, he found that space and time were interwoven into a single
>> continuum known as space-time. And events that occur at the same time for
>> one observer could occur at different times for another.
>> As he worked out the equations for his general theory of relativity,
>> Einstein realized that massive objects caused a distortion in space-time.
>> Imagine setting a large object in the center of a trampoline. The object
>> would press down into the fabric, causing it to dimple. If you then attempt
>> to roll a marble around the edge of the trampoline, the marble would spiral
>> inward toward the body, pulled in much the same way that the gravity of a
>> planet pulls at rocks in space.
>> General relativity is a physical theory about space and time and it has a
>> beautiful mathematical description. According to general relativity, the
>> spacetime is a 4-dimensional object that has to obey an equation, called
>> the Einstein equation, which explains how the matter curves the spacetime.
>> General relativity explains gravity, and in this theory, it is not really
>> a "force" anymore. The gravitational field comes out of the description of
>> general relativity as a result of the curved spacetime.     G   IS
>> Minus point
>> General relativity has passed all the experimental tests so far, but its
>> applicability is expected to break down when [the] effects of quantum
>> mechanics (the theory of the very small particles) should become dominant.
>> Light bends around a massive object, such as a black hole, causing it to
>> act as a lens for the things that lie behind it. Astronomers routinely use
>> this method to study stars and galaxies behind massive objects.
>> The Einstein Cross, a quasar in the Pegasus constellation, according to
>> the European Space Agency (ESA), and is an excellent example of
>> gravitational lensing. The quasar is seen as it was about 11 billion years
>> ago; the galaxy that it sits behind is about 10 times closer to Earth.
>> Because the two objects align so precisely, four images of the quasar
>> appear around the galaxy because the intense gravity of the galaxy bends
>> the light coming from the quasar.      [ KR  BENDING OF LIGHT IS DUE TO THE
>> The orbit of Mercury is shifting very gradually over time due to the
>> curvature of space-time around the massive sun, according to NASA.
>> As the closest planet to the sun, Mercury’s perihelion (the point along
>> its orbit that it’s closest to the sun) is predicted to follow a slightly
>> different direction over time. Under Newton’s predictions, gravitational
>> forces in the solar system should advance Mercury's precession ( change in
>> its orbital orientation) is measured to be 5,600 arcseconds per century (1
>> arcsecond is equal to 1/3600 of a degree). However, there is a discrepancy
>> of 43 arcseconds per century, something Einstein's theory of general
>> relativity accounts for. Using Einstein’s theory of curved space-time, the
>> precession of Mercury’s perihelion should advance slightly more than under
>> the predictions of Newton, since planets don’t orbit the sun in a static
>> elliptical orbit.
>> The electromagnetic radiation of an object is stretched out slightly
>> inside a gravitational field. Think of the sound waves that emanate from a
>> siren on an emergency vehicle; as the vehicle moves toward an observer,
>> sound waves are compressed, but as it moves away, they are stretched out,
>> or redshifted. Known as the Doppler Effect, the same phenomena occurs with
>> waves of light at all frequencies.Y SOUND
>> Einstein predicted that violent events, such as the collision of two
>> black holes, create ripples in space-time known as gravitational waves. And
>> in 2016, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO)
>> announced that it had detected such a signal for the first time.
>> In 2021 research published in the journal Physical Review X, challenged
>> several of Einstein's predictions by observing a double-pulsar system
>> around 2,400 light-years from Earth. Each of the seven predictions of
>> general relativity was confirmed by the study.
>> Pulsars are a type of neutron star that appears to pulse due to beams of
>> electromagnetic radiation and that are emitting from their magnetic poles.
>> The pulsar test subjects spin very fast - around 44 times a second - and
>> are 30% more massive than the sun but are only 15 miles (around 24
>> kilometers) in diameter, making them incredibly dense. This means that
>> their gravitational pull is immense, for example, on the surface of a
>> neutron star gravity is around 1 billion times stronger than its pull on
>> Earth. This makes neutron stars a great test subject to challenge
>> predictions in Einstein's theories, such as the ability of gravity to bend
>> light.
>> "We follow the propagation of radio photons emitted from a cosmic
>> lighthouse, a pulsar, and track their movements in the strong gravitational
>> field of a companion pulsar," Professor Ingrid Stairs from the University
>> of British Columbia at Vancouver said in a statement.
>> "We see for the first time how the light is not only delayed due to a
>> strong curvature of spacetime around the companion but also that the light
>> is deflected by a small angle of 0.04 degrees that we can detect. Never
>> before has such an experiment been conducted at such a high spacetime
>> curvature"
>> Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity
>> Albert Einstein's 1905 theory of special relativity is one of the most
>> important papers ever published in the field of physics. Special relativity
>> is an explanation of how speed affects mass, time and space. The theory
>> includes a way for the speed of light to define the relationship between
>> energy and matter — small amounts of mass (m) can be interchangeable with
>> enormous amounts of energy (E), as defined by the classic equation E = mc^2.
>> Special relativity applies to "special" cases — it's mostly used when
>> discussing huge energies, ultra-fast speeds and astronomical distances, all
>> without the complications of gravity. Einstein officially added gravity to
>> his theories in 1915, with the publication of his paper on general
>> relativity.
>> As an object approaches the speed of light, the object's mass becomes
>> infinite and so does the energy required to move it. That means it is
>> impossible for any matter to go faster than light travels. This cosmic
>> speed limit inspires new realms of physics and science fiction, as people
>> consider travel across vast distances.
>> Before Einstein, astronomers (for the most part) understood the universe
>> in terms of three laws of motion presented by Isaac Newton in 1686. These
>> three laws are:
>> 1.     Objects in motion or at rest remain in the same state unless an
>> external force imposes change. This is also known as the concept of inertia.
>> 2.     The force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object
>> multiplied by its acceleration. In other words, you can calculate how much
>> force it takes to move objects with various masses at different speeds.
>> 3.     For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
>> Newton's laws proved valid in nearly every application in physics,
>> according to Encyclopedia Britannica. They formed the basis for our
>> understanding of mechanics and gravity.
>> But some things couldn't be explained by Newton's work: For example,
>> light.
>> To shoehorn the odd behavior of light into Newton's framework for physics
>> scientists in the 1800s supposed that light must be transmitted through
>> some medium, which they called the "luminiferous ether." That hypothetical
>> ether had to be rigid enough to transfer light waves like a guitar string
>> vibrates with sound, but also completely undetectable in the movements of
>> planets and stars.
>> That was a tall order. Researchers set about trying to detect that
>> mysterious ether, hoping to understand it better. In 1887, wrote
>> astrophysicist Ethan Siegal in the Forbes science blog, Starts With a Bang,
>> physicist Albert A. Michelson and chemist Edward Morley calculated how
>> Earth's motion through the ether affected how the speed of light is
>> measured, and unexpectedly found that the speed of light is the same no
>> matter what Earth's motion is.
>> If the speed of light didn't change despite the Earth's movement through
>> the ether, they concluded, there must be no such thing as ether to begin
>> with: Light in space moved through a vacuum.
>> That meant it couldn't be explained by classical mechanics. Physics
>> needed a new paradigm.
>> According to Einstein, in his 1949 book "Autobiographical Notes" (Open
>> Court, 1999, Centennial Edition), the budding physicist began questioning
>> the behavior of light when he was just 16 years old. In a thought
>> experiment as a teenager, he wrote, he imagined chasing a beam of light.
>> Classical physics would imply that as the imaginary Einstein sped up to
>> catch the light, the light wave would eventually come to a relative speed
>> of zero — the man and the light would be moving at speed together, and he
>> could see light as a frozen electromagnetic field. But, Einstein wrote,
>> this contradicted work by another scientist, James Clerk Maxwell, whose
>> equations required that electromagnetic waves always move at the same speed
>> in a vacuum: 186,282 miles per second (300,000
>> Instead, Einstein recounted, he sought a unified theory that would make
>> the rules of physics the same for everyone, everywhere, all the time.
>> This, wrote the physicist, led to his eventual musings on the theory of
>> special relativity, which he broke down into another thought experiment: A
>> person is standing next to a train track comparing observations of a
>> lightning storm with a person inside the train. And because this is
>> physics, of course, the train is moving nearly the speed of light.
>> Einstein imagined the train at a point on the track equally between two
>> trees. If a bolt of lightning hit both trees at the same time, the person
>> beside the track would see simultaneous strikes. But because they are
>> moving toward one lightning bolt and away from the other, the person on the
>> train would see the bolt ahead of the train first, and the bolt behind the
>> train later.
>> Einstein concluded that simultaneity is not absolute, or in other words,
>> that simultaneous events as seen by one observer could occur at different
>> times from the perspective of another. It's not lightspeed that changes, he
>> realized, but time itself that is relative. Time moves differently for
>> objects in motion than for objects at rest. Meanwhile, the speed of light,
>> as observed by anyone anywhere in the universe, moving or not moving, is
>> always the same.
>> One of the most famous and well-known equations in all of human history,
>> E = mc^2, translates to "energy is equal to mass times the speed of light
>> squared." In other words, wrote PBS Nova, energy (E) and mass (m) are
>> interchangeable. They are, in fact, just different forms of the same thing.
>> But they're not easily exchanged. Because the speed of light is already
>> an enormous number, and the equation demands that it be multiplied by
>> itself (or squared) to become even larger, a small amount of mass contains
>> a huge amount of energy. For example, PBS Nova explained, "If you could
>> turn every one of the atoms in a paper clip into pure energy — leaving no
>> mass whatsoever — the paper clip would yield [the equivalent energy of] 18
>> kilotons of TNT. That's roughly the size of the bomb that destroyed
>> Hiroshima in 1945."
>> One of the many implications of Einstein's special relativity work is
>> that time moves relative to the observer. An object in motion experiences
>> time dilation, meaning that when an object is moving very fast it
>> experiences time more slowly than when it is at rest.
>> But at speeds approaching the speed of light, the effects of time
>> dilation could be much more apparent. Imagine a 15-year-old leaves her high
>> school traveling at 99.5% of the speed of light for five years (from the
>> teenage astronaut's perspective). When the 15-year-old got back to Earth,
>> she would have aged those 5 years she spent traveling. Her classmates,
>> however, would be 65 years old — 50 years would have passed on the much
>> slower-moving planet.
>> GPS devices work by calculating a position based on communication with at
>> least three satellites in distant Earth orbits. Those satellites have to
>> keep track of incredibly precise time in order to pinpoint a location on
>> the planet, so they work based on atomic clocks. But because those atomic
>> clocks are on board satellites that are constantly whizzing through space
>> at 8,700 mph (14,000 km/h), special relativity means that they tick an
>> extra 7 microseconds, or 7 millionths of a second, each day, according to
>> American Physical Society publication Physics Central. In order to maintain
>> pace with Earth clocks, atomic clocks on GPS satellites need to subtract 7
>> microseconds each day.
>> With additional effects from general relativity (Einstein's follow-up to
>> special relativity that incorporates gravity), clocks closer to the center
>> of a large gravitational mass like Earth tick more slowly than those
>> farther away. That effect adds microseconds to each day on a GPS atomic
>> clock, so in the end engineers subtract 7 microseconds and add 45 more back
>> on. GPS clocks don't tick over to the next day until they have run a total
>> of 38 microseconds longer than comparable clocks on Earth.
>> Special relativity and quantum mechanics are two of the most widely
>> accepted models of how our universe works. But special relativity mostly
>> pertains to extremely large distances, speeds and objects, uniting them in
>> a "smooth" model of the universe. Events in special (and general)
>> relativity are continuous and deterministic, wrote Corey Powell for The
>> Guardian, which means that every action results in a direct, specific and
>> local consequence. That's different from quantum mechanics, [KR atomic
>> jumping] Powell continued: quantum physics are "chunky," with events
>> occurring in jumps or "quantum leaps" that have probabilistic outcomes, not
>> definite ones.
>> Researchers uniting special relativity and quantum mechanics — the smooth
>> and the chunky, the very large and the very small — have come up with
>> fields like relativistic quantum mechanics and, more recently, quantum
>> field theory to better understand subatomic particles and their
>> interactions.
>> Researchers striving to connect quantum mechanics and general relativity,
>> on the other hand, consider it to be one of the great unsolved problems in
>> physics. For decades, many viewed string theory to be the most promising
>> area of research into a unified theory of all physics. Now, a host of
>> additional theories exist. For example, one group proposes space-time loops
>> to link the tiny, chunky quantum world with the wide relativistic universe.
>> K Rajaram IRS  23 7 23 (TO BE CONTD)
> --
> *Mar*

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