Sri K Rajaram is a born Guru.His daily radiations put the torch light on

On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 11:20 AM Rangarajan T.N.C. <>

> How does anyone realise that he is a guru?
> On Monday, 4 September, 2023 at 04:03:28 pm IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>> wrote:
> A real Guru is one who is born from time to time as a repository of
> spiritual force which he transmits to future generations through successive
> links of Guru and Shishya (disciple). The current of this spirit-force
> changes its course from time to time, just as a mighty stream of water
> opens up a new channel and leaves the old one for good. Thus it is seen
> that old sects of religion grow lifeless in the course of time, and new
> sects arise with the fire of life in them. Men who are truly wise commit
> themselves to the mercy of that particular sect through which the current
> of life flows. Old forms of religion are like the skeletons of once mighty
> animals, preserved in museums. They should be regarded with the due honour.
> They cannot satisfy the true cravings of the soul for the Highest, just as
> a dead mango-tree cannot satisfy the cravings of a man for luscious mangoes.
> The one thing necessary is to be stripped of our vanities — the sense that
> we possess any spiritual wisdom —  and to surrender ourselves completely to
> the guidance of our Guru. The Guru only knows what will lead us towards
> perfection. We are quite blind to it. We do not know anything. This sort of
> humility will open the door of our heart for spiritual truths. Truth will
> never come into our minds so long as there will remain the faintest shadow
> of Ahamkâra (egotism). All of you should try to root out this devil from
> your heart. Complete self-surrender is the only way to spiritual
> illumination.
> Divine grace is needed to get the right guru. If the seeker is earnest, he
> will get the right guru at the end for sure.
> A truly realized Jnani can be a pauper like Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi or a
> king like Janaka Maharaja. Sri Krishna, an absolute total Avatar of God was
> living amidst worldly pleasures and materialism but nothing touched him.
> Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lived a poor man’s life; he could not even
> touch money with his hand. He lived such an exemplary life of renunciation.
> But think of Swami Vivekananda, his prime disciple, to whom Sri Ramakrishna
> transferred all his *shakti* before leaving his body and the way he
> “extracted work” from Vivekananda!
> Vivekananda roamed all around India as a penniless mendicant; he got the
> divine prompting to go to USA again as a penniless person. He swept the
> west like a storm, brought wealth, started Sri Ramakrishna Mission and
> Math, built Belur Mutt, built a grand temple for Sri Ramakrishna there, set
> up several branches of the mutt, engaged his brother monks into various
> social service activities, built educational institutions and other
> institutions for the welfare of the downtrodden men and women.
> Like a tempest he worked ceaselessly and built a huge institution and left
> his body when he was just 40 with total detachment as a true Sanyasin!
> Think of Swami Sivananda. He was floating in wealth as a popular doctor in
> Malaysia. He was gripped by thirst for spirituality, came to India, got
> initiated into Sanyas, did tapas at Rishikesh, lived the life of a begging
> monk and got enlightened.
> He served the poor and sick monks of Rishikesh. He started Sivananda
> Ashram – ‘Divine Life Society’ from a humble hut and built it into a huge
> Ashram comprising of a temple, a hospital, a photo studio, a Yoga
> Institute, a Vedanta Institute, a printing press and he had an office
> manned by some 40 typists with typewriters to handle all his correspondence
> and writing!
> Swami Sivananda once said, “If I can serve 100 people unobtrusively or
> serve thousands of people through advertisement, I would choose the
> latter”. Same Swami Sivananda, when his ashram was gripped with financial
> difficulty, said, “I have no qualms if we have to shut down everything and
> we can always go back to our old simple ways by taking food at
> Annakshetra”. That is the sign of a mahatma.
> Likewise, there are indeed Gurus of today that the media may project as
> billionaires rolling in luxury, materialism and worldliness, but they may
> be totally untouched by any of them even today.
> Kali yuga is such that even Ashrams cannot totally escape some pomp, show,
> commercialization and materialism. If the head of the ashram is a pure
> realized soul, everything can remain in balance. The institutions may have
> to be run by ordinary people with ordinary morals (who are yet to be
> evolved) and some of them may bring bad name to the Mahatma who runs the
> institutes too! But true Mahatmas accept all sorts of people out of
> compassion to elevate them spiritually.
> As I said, it requires divine grace — the grace to know the difference
> between the right Guru and a fake Guru, to differentiate the wheat and the
> chaff.
> Thus so many had wonderful gurus; so many had false gurus also;the best
> Guru is the books. Because the mukti, GURU cannot give but only
> individually we have to seek.  K Rajaram  IRS 4 9 23
> On Mon, 4 Sept 2023 at 14:48, 'N Sekar' via iyer123 <
>> wrote:
> Excellent message, thanks
> N Sekar
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> <>
> On Mon, Sep 4, 2023 at 12:07 PM, ARR
> <> wrote:
> Why do we need a Master? Once upon a time, a cow went out to graze in the
> jungle. Suddenly, she noticed a lion racing towards her. She turned and
> fled, fearing that at any moment the lion would sink his claws into her.
> The cow desperately looked for someplace to escape and at last, saw a
> shallow pond. Barely evading the lion's reach, she jumped into the pond,
> and in the heat of the chase, the lion blindly leaped after her. To the
> surprise of them both, the pond was extremely shallow yet filled with deep
> recesses of mud. After toppling over each other, the cow and the lion found
> themselves a short distance apart, stuck in the mud up to their necks. Both
> had their heads above water but were unable to free themselves no matter
> how much they writhed. The lion repeatedly snarled at the cow and roared,
> “I am going to enjoy the sound of crunching your bones between my teeth!”
> He thrashed about in fury but soon became fretful as he found no prospect
> of escape. The cow thoughtfully laughed as the lion struggled to free
> himself and asked him, “Do you have a master?” The lion disdainfully
> replied, “I am the king of the jungle. Why do you ask me if I have a
> master? I myself am the master!” The cow said, “You may be the king of the
> jungle, but here all your power has failed to save your life.” “And what
> about you?” Retorted the lion. “You are going to die here in this mud
> too!”’ The cow smiled mildly and said, “No, I am not.” “If even I, the king
> of the jungle cannot free myself from this mud”, snapped the lion, “Then
> how can you, an ordinary cow?” The cow gently replied, “I cannot free
> myself from this mud, but my master can. When the sun sets and he finds me
> absent at home, he will come looking for me. Once he finds me, he will
> raise me up and escort me home sweet home.” The lion fell silent and coldly
> glared at the cow. Soon enough, the sunset and the cow’s master arrived. He
> immediately recognized the plight she was in and lifted her to safety. As
> they walked home, the cow and the master both felt renewed gratitude for
> one another and pitied the lion they both would have been happy to save if
> only the lion had allowed them. The cow represents a surrendered heart, the
> lion represents an egoistic mind, and the master represents the Guru. The
> mud represents the world, and the chase represents the struggle for
> existence therein. In brief Its good to be independent and not rely on
> anyone. But don't take it to an extreme, you always need a
> partner/coach/mentor/ friend who will be always on the lookout for you.
> Having them does not mean you are weak, it's just that you can be stronger
> with their help. Make sure to share this story with your
> partner/coach/mentor/ friend and express your gratitude.
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