CULTURALQA 05-2024-16

All the BELOW  QA are from  Quora  digest to me  on  16-05-2024.

 Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers

.Compiledandposted by R. Gopala krishnan,  on 16-05-2024

Q1             Dohumans really need friends?

A1             StefaniaMolinari, Apr 18

This is Isaac Newton.He was... a jerk.And a loner.

He had no wife, no girlfriends, dozens of enemies, and a non-existentsocial 

He had only ONE friend for his entire life.In college, he meta guy named John 

Their friendship began when they bumped into each other whiletaking walks. It 
turned out that both were fed up with their roommates, so theydecided to move 
in together.

Over the years, they studied together, and despite Isaac'soddities, Wickins 
tolerated him. He became a caring figure, always making sureNewton ate and 
slept properly.

Their discussions mostly revolved around the academic world—acommon interest. 
And occasionally, Wickins found himself helping Newton withhis crazy 

But it didn't last.

It is speculated that Newton and Wickins had a big fallout,and it's not an 
unfounded suspicion.

Newton was cold, insensitive, rude, and generally didn't havemuch time for 
people unless he needed them.

After Wickins left, he never spoke of Newton again. It's abit odd since most 
people would want to say they had known a famous/influentialguy.

But nothing… He didn't even mention knowing Newton to hisson.

After his departure, Newton realized how much work Wickinshad selflessly done 
for his laboratory.However, all he did was find a newassistant.And that was the 
end of the friendship.

The only one he ever had. Some people are not made forfriends. They can't stand 
other people and other people can't stand them.

They should just shut themselves in their rooms and makethemselves useful.

Newton didn't exactly have an easy or fun life. It was fullof hardship, 
tragedy, loss, and little joy.

But he became famous.

And, as the eternal debate between enjoying life in thepresent moment and 
working to have a lasting impact on Earth rages on, we mustthink for ourselves.

What life do we want?

You don't "need" friends.They aren't essential likeair or water. But they have 
advantages and disadvantages, like most things. Choosethe life you want to lead.

My note- For most friendship may not be longlasting for decades. After a time, 
some separation occurs. After years theybecome friends “ of the time”. New 
friendship occurs. But at least a fewfriends must be there, throughout the 
life, till  his end. No other relationship will equal tofriendship. 

 Q2            What is the moral of the legend- Whena servant made a mistake, 
he threw them to the dogs to be eaten till anincident occurred which  made him 
tounderstand “Gratitude”

A2             Amelia(Amè),Mar 14

A king had ten wild dogs. When a servant made a mistake, hewould throw them to 
the dogs to be eaten.

So, one of the older servants did something wrong. The kingordered that he be 
thrown to the dogs.

The servant said, "I have served you for ten years,please give me ten days 
before you throw me to the dogs?" The king grantedthis.

In prison, the servant told the guard that he would like toserve the dogs for 
the next ten days.

The guard agreed, and the servant was able to feed the dogs,clean the kennel, 
and bathe them with all affection.

At the end of ten days, the king ordered that the servant bethrown to the dogs 
as punishment. When he was thrown in, everyone was surprisedto see the rabid 
dogs only licking the servant's feet!

The king, puzzled by what he saw, said, "What hashappened to my dogs?" The 
servant replied, "I served the dogs for only ten days and they havenot 
forgotten my service. I served you for ten years and you forgot at my 

The king realized his mistake and ordered that the servant bereinstated to his 

Dedicated to all those who forget a beautiful word: "GRATITUDE."They forget the 
good things a person has done and when they make a mistake,they condemn them.

The gratitude of animals is very different from that of someungrateful human 
beings.(fromthe web)

Q3             Whatanimals have hidden body parts?

A3             AdelinaMeyer, Updated 4y

Have you ever wondered why penguins are mostly seen adorablyshaking their heads 
and waddling like this? Hint: it’s related to their hiddenbody part.

Allow me to explain:

Penguins have a special organ hidden above their eyes, calledthe supraorbital 

Also known simply as the salt gland, this removes sodiumchloride from saltwater 
and turns it into fresh, drinking water.

The penguin’s blood travels through the gland, where the saltis trapped before 
it travels through the rest of its body.

The excess salt is then dripped out of the penguin’s nose. Sothey often shake 
their heads to get the salt off. (Salt boogers, if you will.)

This incredibly cool feature is also present in some othermarine birds also.

Q4             Whatis the funniest joke you've been told that you still think 
about to this day?

A4             GeorgeVelasco,13h

A man is standing 3rd in line at the Pearly Gates. He hearsthe Angel say to the 
man in front, “Just tell me one good deed you did whilealive and you may 
enter.” So when his turn comes he says, “I was driving towork and stopped at a 
red light. An elderly lady with a walker was trying tocross the intersection. 
There was a gang of bikers, with leather vests andbeards. You know the type. 
Every time she went to step off the curb, they'd revtheir bikes or inch forward 
and she'd jolt back onto the curb again. They keptthis up laughing the whole 
time for 3 light changes. I finally got fed up. Iput my car in park and went 
over to the leader and said, “What the Hell!” Ipushed against his chest and his 
motorcycle fell over. The Angel said, “Wow!You did that? Did the lady get to 
cross the road?” I nodded and he said, “Comeon in.” As I entered he asked over 
his shoulder, “When did this happen?” and Ireplied, “Oh, a few minutes ago.”

Q5             Canyou tell about Svāmī Vidyāraṇya?

A5             Ram Abloh,A human being Tue

(14 May) was  SvāmīVidyāraṇya Jayantī, the birth anniversary of the great Svāmī 
Vidyāraṇya. Itoccurs on Vaiśākha śukla saptamī — just two days after Śaṅkara 
Jayantī(Vaiśākha śukla pañcamī). It is also a great opportunity to remember 
hisyounger brother, the great Sāyaṇācārya.

It is unfortunate that not many Hindus know about SvāmīVidyāraṇya and 
Sāyaṇācārya, much less celebrate or remember them on this day.

If not for the irreplaceable contributions of these twobrothers, Vaidika Dharma 
aka Sanātana Dharma aka Hinduism would not havesurvived in its pristine form in 
southern India, and it would not have had achance of rejuvenation in northern 

The two brothers lived their entire lives as if they were onebody and one mind 
(ekadehanyāya). They were completely attuned to each other intheir objectives 
and life’s mission.

Svāmī Vidyāraṇya, known as Mādhavācārya in his pre-sannyāsa years, was the 
visionarywho, seeing the Hindu civilization in south India crumble under the 
Islamicinvasions of the 14th century, took steps to inspire and guide 
theestablishment of the Vijayanagara empire under the rulership of Harihara 
andBukkarāya, who were forcefully converted to Islam as captives in Delhi, 
butmanaged to escape and return to their homeland in Karnataka.

The Vijayanagara empire was the inspiration and role modelfor the later Maratha 
empire under Shivaji.

Mādhavācārya remained as the wise and able prime minister ofthe empire well 
into his seventies, after which he took sannyāsa and became theillustrious 
pontiff of the renowned Śṛṅgerī Maṭha. His contributions to Advaitaare equally 
as brilliant as his statesmanship. This is evidenced in his uniquework 
Pañcadaśī, where Vedānta is explained through painting, music and drama.

He was not only responsible for the political, economical andadministrative 
framework to protect Hindu civilization through the Vijayanagaraempire. He was 
also the inspiration for the revival of Hindu culture in all itsforms — arts, 
dance, music, etc. In fact, his work on music, Saṅgītasāra, firstpropounded the 
concept of melapaddhati as opposed to grāmapaddhati (which hadbeen followed 
since ancient times). This in turn influenced Govinda Dīkṣita,and later 
Veṅkaṭamakhin to create the janya-janaka rāga system of Carnaticmusic.

His equally illustrious brother, Sāyaṇācārya was just oneyear younger, and an 
equally great Vedic and multifaceted scholar. Under theinspiration of his elder 
brother, Sāyaṇācārya organized a group of the bestVedic scholars of the day to 
undertake a project of massive scale — writingcomplete and detailed traditional 
commentaries on every available Vedic text —something that had never been 
accomplished prior or since. Without his completecommentaries, the Vedas 
wouldn’t have come down to us at all. We owe thesurvival of the Vedic texts to 
this day, solely to the great and incomparableeffort of Sāyaṇācārya.

The verses in the introduction of the Taittirīya Saṁhitā Bhāṣyashow this —

यस्य निःश्वसितं वेदा योवेदेभ्योऽखिलं जगत् । निर्ममे तमहं वन्दे 
विद्यातीर्थमहेश्वरम् ॥

 “One whose breath isthe Vedas, and one who created the universe from the 
Vedas, I bow to him, thegreat lord of all knowledge (also a reference to his 
guru Vidyātīrtha).”

तत्कटाक्षेन तद्रूपंदधद्बुक्कमहीपतिः । अन्वशान्माधवाचार्यं वेदार्थस्य प्रकाशने ॥

 “The emperor Bukka whohas taken the form of the lord through his grace, 
ordained Mādhavācārya toelucidate the meaning of the Vedas.”

स प्राह नृपतिंराजन्सायणार्यो ममानुजः । सर्वं वेत्त्येष वेदानां व्याख्यातृत्वे 
नियुज्यताम् ॥

 “He replied to theking, O King, my younger brother Sāyaṇārya, is an expert on 
the Vedas. Pleaseengage him in writing the commentaries.”

Not only was Sāyaṇācārya a great Vedic scholar, but he wasalso an able 
administrator as well as a warrior! He is reported to havesinglehandedly 
defeated and captured a rebel Camparāya in battle!

त्यागे भोगेतथाचारेष्वाहवेषु हवेषु च । सायणार्यसमो लोके सायणार्यो न संशयः ॥

“In renunciation, in enjoyment, in right conduct, in battleand in yajñas — the 
equal of Sāyaṇārya is Sāyaṇārya himself!”

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