Dear all

N comments:-this is a resounding "mea culpa" indeed.

KR        Undoubtedly all below par , cheaters like you, pretenders, zero
knowledge posing before the ignorant as scholarly, abuser, screechers,
unbrahminic jihadis-all are dislike not only by me but the world; only
jalras will follow you for the bones thrown by you

KR  (2)   ""SHIVA. The name Siva is unknown to the Vedas."

N My comments:-Having publicly uttered this bseless lie (which I
contradicted with reference to the yajur-veda thaithireeya samhitha) , the
feet-in-mouth idiot fumbles, stumbles, and mumbles incorrigible rubbish,
but is unable to sustain his humongous lie.

structure when yagna started are written as own; copy and paste confusion
prevails only among the three and not to others. I had produced documents
existing ,scientifically proved, which if that old haggard has proof of
originality, should have furnished evidences; not NETI NETI; after all an
Aviveki , no knowledge of anything except some slokas; and foolishly
revered by a few will not make him scholarly in front of vidwan. Shut up
you rascal.

(3)  "SANATANA DHARMA   PART 23   KR ex-IRS 13524 12524"

N    My (original) comments: - When his faux thesis was blown to
smithereens, he has no words to respond, but merely mutters incoherent
nonsense. My new comments:-  Still he has nomwords in response, but
continues to mutter incoherent irrelevant nonsense, as is his usual "hit,
run-and hide" tactic."

KR    The idiot does not know to read but only to escape to abuse is
reflected openly as his anger is seen in his butler English,”nomwords”
(what is it Narayana?). I had replied but as you are cornered and as your
grey matter is empty, think people can be fooled; but the koker is

(4)  ""The Hindu Sun god, Surya, revealed to Maya highly specific knowledge
of the cosmos, presumably to allow the people of Earth to better worship

N     My (original) comments:-  Why on Earth do we need an inferior product
like the alleged soorya-siddhantham, when all of us have the yajur-veda
thaiththireeya aaranyakam which contains 133 slokams about
soorya-namaskaaram (and the mahaa-gaayathri manthram, among other precious

"KR    The Surya Siddhanta  is a Sanskrit treatise in Indian astronomy
dated to 4th to 5th century, in fourteen chapters.(and quoted below earth
and attraction and fall is from chap 3 verses 22 and 23)..... It treats
Earth as a stationary globe around which the Sun orbits, and makes no
mention of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto."

N      My comments:-So what?  Are not other ancient treatises equally

KR     Who is he or ARE YOU?  Mad dog? One who has an authority with
evidence alone can ask “SO WHAT” You are nowhere even a beginner; and if a
fool talks like that he is termed as a rowdy. As an author,HAD YOU WRITTEN

KR  (5) "Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth.
Therefore, the earth, the planets, constellations, the moon, and the sun
are held in orbit due to this attraction."

N    My (original) comments:-A good example of thoroughly muddled thinking
by an illiterate unlearned, unschooled, vagrant idiot.  The attraction of
the miniscule Earth holds together in their respect orbits the
CONSTELLATIONS, the SUN, the OTHER PLANETS? A madman's fantasies !

KR       What was the madman fantasy on Newton? And that of Einstein?

N    My comments:-Let the unmitigated idiot be sane for a second.  Did
Newton and Einstein say that "The attraction of the miniscule Earth holds
together in their respect orbits the CONSTELLATIONS, the SUN, the
OTHERPLANETS?"Do they all revolve around the Earth?

KR   Miniscule grey matter can only question erroneously as ignorant of
even science and what they said and how einstein saw Newton wrong and now
people see fallacy in einstein. As he has no knowledge in anything, neither
he can understand the Sanskrit verse and history of the science and the net
result begging with white foams near his mouth. Okeda Narayana.

KR   (6)  ""Rahu and Ketu are called "chaya -grahas" (shadow planets) and
their orbits are opposite of the sun's and the moon's."

N   My (original) comments: - There are no "shadow planets".   When the
moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, we get a solar eclipse.   When
the Earth comes between the Sun and the moon, we get a lunar eclipse."After
having arrived at the end of the day it makes itself produce two opposite
effects, making night to what is below and day to what is on the other side
having reached the end of the night, it makes itself produce two opposite
effects, making day to what is below and night to what is on the other
side. In fact, the Sun never sets."

N    My comments:-A madman's mistaken reasoning based on abysmal ignorance.
At the end of the day the Sun is on the edge of the western horizon, about
to set and plunge the world into darkness.  Whennit reappears the following
day on the edge of the eastern horizon, it restores light (and heat) to the

KR     A K M  Narayana, Chaya graham is known to your chamcha jalra who
said predictions in sabha; ask him. And instead of talking about chaya
grahams pros and cons with evidence, as I gave you from our assets, you
failed and also jumpy like a fox. ?

(7)  "Rahu and Ketu are called "chaya -grahas" (shadow planets) and their
orbits are opposite of the sun's and the moon's.

N    "My (original) comments: - There are no "shadow planets".   When the
moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, we get a solar eclipse.   When
the Earth comes between the Sun and the moon, we get a lunar eclipse.

KR     "Samba Purana clarifies how the shadow of Earth is essential for
Rahu to consume his quota of the Amrita nectar from the moon........
Further, the Purana clarifies that Rahu does not cause any physical defect,
even momentarily, to the Moon during an eclipse. Rahu makes use of the
shadow of the Earth to consume the Amrita which is present in Soma (Moon)."

N        My comments:-  Abysmal ignorance combined with faulty logic and
baselessfantasy to produce absolute nonsense.  The moon is a dry, lifeless,
airless, waterless, uninhabitable wilderness of rocks and sand. Exactly
where on the moon is the so-called "amrita ' '' '' accumulated?

KR        1 If ancient doc is baseless; then how only known to you
Yajurvedam is true? It is also baseless I will say. Will your word against
my word be acceptable as truth? No. You are an Aviveki. Brute. Committing
culpable homicide. So read and find out what is that Amritha where is found
etc Spend time to learn and then present logically any argument and I shall
bow or rebut with the basis. As your group itself, only an urchin character
writing only rowdy style words, is no good to reply; but you have some
followers following ignorantly thinking you are scholarly; and they shall
understand why master does not speak with evidence if he is a scholar? That
is why I write. Thank u da Narayana Go suck yourself and sleep as Sarama. K
R IRS 16524


On Wed, 15 May 2024 at 21:58, Narayanaswamy Iyer <> wrote:

> Dear folks
> When the unmitigated idiot with both feet in his mouth has nothing to say,
> he tries to bamboozle everyone by shooting his mouth off with utter
> irrelevancies and doubtful quotes from questionable western sources, in a
> vain attempt to validate his nonsensical utterances to his more
> sophisticated and more educated readers.
> *When a totally incapable clown calling himself K R ex-IRS alias **K
> Rajaram  IRS  14524//15524 alias Karuppan-chami** puts on a show nakedly
> in the glare of spotlights, he only underlines and emphasises his lack of
> knowledge, his broken English verbosity, and his immaturity and
> childishness.*"
> His latest uncontrolled outburst of culpable avivekam, a-vidhya, and
> abysmal ignorance reinforces and highlights his lack of even primary
> education in the topics he espouses.
> (1)  "*Ma**ny words are flown through Acharya’s only, **so all the
> credits go to them**.*"
> My comments:-
> Coming from a rapscallion rebel revolutionary who denigrates all
> vaadhyaars and who voluntarily and unprovoked, abuses, insults, and
> dismisses all heads of Mutts, including Sringeri and Kaamakoti, as
> unqualified morons -- this is a resounding "mea culpa" indeed.
> (2)   ""SHIVA. The name Siva is unknown to the Vedas."
> My comments:-
> Having publicly uttered this bseless lie (which I contradicted with
> reference to
> the yajur-veda thaithireeya samhitha) , the feet-in-mouth idiot fumbles,
> stumbles, and mumbles incorrigible rubbish, but is unable to sustain his
> humongous lie.
> (3)  "*S**ANATANA DHARMA   PART 23   KR ex-IRS 13524 12524*"
> My (original) comments: - When his faux thesis was blown to smithereens,
> he
> has no words to respond, but merely mutters incoherent nonsense.
> My new comments:-  Still he has nomwords in response, but continues to
> mutter incoherent irrelevant nonsense, as is his usual "hit, run-and
> hide" tactic."
> (4)  "*"The Hindu Sun god, Surya, revealed to Maya highly specific
> knowledge of the cosmos, presumably to allow the people of Earth to better
> worship him.*"
> My (original) comments:-  Why on Earth do we need an inferior product
> like the alleged soorya-siddhantham, when all of us have the yajur-veda
> thaiththireeya aaranyakam which contains 133 slokams about
> soorya-namaskaaram (and the mahaa-gaayathri manthram, among other
> precious gems)?
> *"KR    The Surya Siddhanta  is a Sanskrit treatise in Indian astronomy
> dated to 4th to 5th century, in fourteen chapters.(and quoted below earth
> and attraction and fall is from chap 3 verses 22 and 23)..... **It treats
> Earth as stationary globe around which Sun orbits, and makes no mention of
> Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.**"*
> My comments:-
> So what?
> Are not other ancient treatises equally mistaken?
> (5) "*Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth.
> Therefore, the earth, the planets, constellations, the moon, and the sun
> are held in orbit due to this attraction."*
> My (original) comments:-
> A good example of thoroughly muddled thinking by an illiterate unlearned,
> unschooled, vagrant idiot.  The attraction of the miniscule Earth holds
> together in their respect orbits the CONSTELLATIONS, the SUN, the OTHER
> PLANETS? A madman's fantasies !
> *KR       What was the madman fantasy on Newton? And that of Einstein?*
> My comments:-
> Let the unmitigated idiot be sane for a second.
> Did Newton and Einstein say that "The attraction of the miniscule Earth
> holds
> together in their respect orbits the CONSTELLATIONS, the SUN, the OTHER
> Do they all revolve around the Earth?
> (6)  ""*Rahu and Ketu are called "chaya -grahas" (shadow planets) and
> their orbits are opposite of the sun's and the moon's.*"
> My (original) comments: - There are no "shadow planets".   When the moon
> comes between the Earth and the Sun, we get a solar eclipse.   When the
> Earth comes between the Sun and the moon, we get a lunar eclipse.
> "*A**fter having arrived at the end of the day it makes itself produce
> two opposite effects, making night to what is below and day to what is on
> the other side having reached the end of the night, it makes itself produce
> two opposite effects, making day to what is below and night to what is on
> the other side. In fact, the Sun never sets**.*"
> My comments:-
> A madman's mistaken reasoning based on abysmal ignorance.
> At the end of the day the Sun is on the edge of the western horizon, about
> to set and plunge the world into darkness.  Whennit reappears the following
> day on the edge of the eastern horizon, it restores light (and heat) to
> the world.
> (7)  "*Rahu and Ketu are called "chaya -grahas" (shadow planets) and
> their orbits are opposite of the sun's and the moon's.*"
> My (original) comments: - There are no "shadow planets".   When the moon
> comes between the Earth and the Sun, we get a solar eclipse.   When the
> Earth comes between the Sun and the moon, we get a lunar eclipse.
> "*Samba Purana clarifies how the shadow of Earth is essential for Rahu to
> consume his quota of the Amr**ita nectar from the moon........** Further,
> the Purana clarifies that Rahu does not cause any physical defect, even
> momentarily, to the Moon during an eclipse. Rahu makes use of the shadow of
> the Earth to consume the Amrita which is present in Soma (Moon)**.*"
> My comments:-
> Abysmal ignorance combined with faulty logic and baseless
> fantasy to produce absolute nonsense.
> The moon is a dry, lifeless, airless, waterless, uninhabitable wilderness
> of rocks and sand.
> Exactly where on the moon is the so-called "amrita"" accumulated?
> S Narayanaswamy Iyer
> On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 9:36 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Real members with the sense of pride
>> KR     I happen to read today the clown Narayanasamy blabbering as usual
>> in his neti style unaware of the truth and only clapped by a handful in
>> these columns; so far, I was laughing within myself. But what are the
>> records available researched and accepted by the universe, will not be
>> considered otherwise, only because, a couple of avivekis dance around. So,
>> in order to clear the doubts in the minds of members I have to write these.
>> As I assert always, I do not write anything without basis; and scriptures
>> cannot be written in self-version other than comments if any which is one’s
>> thought process; even Sayana Sringeri Mutt head did the same; Adi Shankara
>> power , a normal mortal like me cannot have; and may be Narayanasamy and
>> his clowns may call Vyasa as shudra , curse Yagna valkya, but not me; and
>> many words are flown through Acharya’s only; so all the credits go to them
>> as well as the vulgar pronouncements against me also. Quora can be written
>> originally as 80% are gossips. But even that Gossips are copied and pasted.
>> When a totally incapable clown Narayanasamy puts on a show nakedly in the
>> glare of spotlights, he only underlines and emphasises his lack of
>> knowledge, his broken English verbosity, and his immaturity and
>> childishness.
>> (1)   "SHIVA. The name Siva is unknown to the Vedas."
>> My comments: -KR:
>> According to Jamison and Brereton, in their 2014 translation of the
>> Rigveda, the dating of this text "has been and is likely to remain a matter
>> of contention and reconsideration".( viz whether 1200 BCE or earlier)  The
>> dating proposals so far are all inferred from the style and the content
>> within the hymns themselves. Philological estimates tend to date the bulk
>> of the text to the second half of the second millennium BCE. Being composed
>> in an early Indo-Aryan language, the hymns must post-date the Indo-Iranian
>> separation, dated to roughly 2000 BCE. A reasonable date close to that of
>> the composition of the core of the Rigveda is that of the *Mitanni
>> documents of northern Syria and Iraq* (c. 1450–1350 BCE), which also
>> mention the Vedic gods such as Varuna, Mitra and Indra. Other evidence
>> also points to a composition date close to 1400 BCE.
>> According to Michael Witzel, the codification of the Rigveda took place
>> at the end of the Rigvedic period between c. 1200 and 1000 BCE, in the
>> early Kuru kingdom. Asko Parpola argues that the Rigveda was
>> systematized around 1000 BCE, at the time of the Kuru kingdom.
>> The Rigveda is far more archaic than any other Indo-Aryan text. For this
>> reason, it was in the center of attention of Western scholarship from the
>> times of Max Müller and Rudolf Roth onwards. The Rigveda records an early
>> stage of Vedic religion. There are strong linguistic and cultural
>> similarities with the early Iranian Avesta, deriving from the
>> Proto-Indo-Iranian times, often associated with the early Andronovo
>> culture of c. 2000 BCE.
>> The Rigveda offers no direct evidence of social or political systems in
>> the Vedic era, whether ordinary or elite. Only hints such as cattle raising
>> and horse racing are discernible, and the text offers very general ideas
>> about the ancient Indian society. There is no evidence, state Jamison and
>> Brereton, of any elaborate, pervasive or structured caste system. Social
>> stratification seems embryonic, then and later a social ideal rather than a
>> social reality. The society was semi-nomadic and pastoral with evidence of
>> agriculture since hymns mention plow and celebrate agricultural divinities.
>> There was division of labor and a complementary relationship between kings
>> and poet-priests but no discussion of a relative status of social classes.
>> Women in the Rigveda appear disproportionately as speakers in dialogue
>> hymns, both as mythical or divine Indrani, Apsaras Urvasi, or Yami, as well
>> as Apāla Ātreyī (RV 8.91), Godhā (RV 10.134.6), Ghoṣā Kākṣīvatī (RV
>> 10.39.40), Romaśā (RV 1.126.7), Lopāmudrā (RV 1.179.1–2), Viśvavārā Ātreyī
>> (RV 5.28), Śacī Paulomī (RV 10.159), Śaśvatī Āṅgirasī (RV 8.1.34). The
>> women of the Rigveda are quite outspoken and appear more sexually confident
>> than men, in the text. Elaborate and aesthetic hymns on wedding suggest
>> rites of passage had developed during the Rigvedic period. There is little
>> evidence of dowry and no evidence of sati in it or related Vedic texts. On
>> the contrary, Yajur Vedam shows through the procedures of Yagnam, weakening
>> off the women and power of the brahmins more than the King. These
>> changes are time bound and LATER TO RIGVEDAM.
>> Some of the names of gods and goddesses found in the Rigveda are found
>> amongst other belief systems based on Proto-Indo-European religion, while
>> most of the words used share common roots with words from other
>> Indo-European languages. However, about 300 words in the Rigveda are
>> neither Indo-Aryan nor Indo-European, states the Sanskrit and Vedic
>> literature scholar Frits Staal. Of these 300, many – such as kapardin,
>> kumara, kumari, kikata – come from Munda or proto-Munda languages found
>> in the eastern and northeastern (Assamese) region of India, with roots in
>> Austroasiatic languages. The others in the list of 300 – such as
>> mlecchas and Nir – have Dravidian roots found in the southern region of
>> India, or are of Tibeto-Burman origins. A few non-Indo-European words in
>> the Rigveda – such as for camel, mustard and donkey – belong to a possibly
>> lost Central Asian language. The linguistic sharing provides clear
>> indications, states Michael Witzel, that the people who spoke Rigvedic
>> Sanskrit already knew and interacted with Munda and Dravidian speakers.
>> [Yajur veda Sanskrit is refined than the Rig vedam hence the orders of
>> priority]
>> There are, for example, 30 manuscripts of Rigveda at the Bhandarkar
>> Oriental Research Institute, collected in the 19th century by Georg Bühler,
>> Franz Kielhorn and others, originating from different parts of India,
>> including Kashmir, Gujarat, the then Rajputana, Central Provinces etc. They
>> were transferred to Deccan College, Pune, in the late 19th century. They
>> are in the Sharada and Devanagari scripts, written on birch bark and
>> paper. The oldest of the Pune collection is dated to 1464. The 30
>> manuscripts of Rigveda preserved at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research
>> Institute; Pune were added to UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in 2007
>> .
>> Of these thirty manuscripts, nine contain the samhita text, five have the
>> Padapatha in addition. Thirteen contain Sayana's commentary. At least
>> five manuscripts (MS. no. 1/A1879-80, 1/A1881-82, 331/1883-84 and 5/Viś I)
>> have preserved the complete text of the Rigveda. MS no. 5/1875-76, written
>> on birch bark in bold Sharada, was only in part used by Max Müller for his
>> edition of the Rigveda with Sayana's commentary.
>> Müller used 24 manuscripts then available to him in Europe, while the
>> Pune Edition used over five dozen manuscripts, but the editors of Pune
>> Edition could not procure many manuscripts used by Müller and by the Bombay
>> Edition, as well as from some other sources; hence the total number of
>> extant manuscripts known then must surpass perhaps eighty at least. [HOW
>> Rigveda manuscripts in paper, palm leaves and birch bark form, either in
>> full or in portions, have been discovered in the following Indic scripts:
>> Devanagari (Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Nepal)
>> Grantha (Tamil Nadu)
>> Malayalam (Kerala)
>> Nandinagari (South India)
>> Sharada (Kashmir)
>> The various Rigveda manuscripts discovered so far show SHAKA VERSIONS.
>> Broadly, the most studied Śākala recension has 1017 hymns, includes an
>> appendix of eleven valakhīlya hymns which are often counted with the
>> eighth mandala, for a total of 1028 metrical hymns. The Bāṣakala version
>> of Rigveda includes eight of these vālakhilya hymns among its regular
>> hymns, making a total of 1025 hymns in the main text for this śākhā. The
>> Bāṣakala text also has an appendix of 98 hymns, called the Khilani,
>> bringing the total to 1,123 hymns. The manuscripts of Śākala recension of
>> the Rigveda have about 10,600 verses, organized into ten Books (Mandalas).
>> The Rigveda is the largest of the four Vedas, *and many of its verses
>> appear in the other Vedas*. Almost all of the 1875 verses found in
>> Samaveda are taken from different parts of the Rigveda, either once or as
>> repetition, and rewritten in a chant song form. Books 8 and 9 of the
>> Rigveda are by far the largest source of verses for *Sama Veda**.* Book
>> 10 contributes the largest number of the 1350 verses of Rigveda found in
>> *Atharvaveda,* or about one fifth of the 5987 verses in the Atharvaveda
>> text. A bulk of 1875 ritual-focussed verses of *Yajurveda*, in its
>> numerous versions, *also borrow and build* upon the foundation of verses
>> in Rigveda  Musicians and dance groups celebrate the text as a mark of
>> Hindu heritage, through incorporating Rigvedic hymns in their compositions,
>> such as in Hamsadhvani and Subhapantuvarali of Carnatic music, and these
>> have remained popular among the Hindus for decades.
>> KR
>> [image: image.png][image: image.png]
>> [image: image.png][image: image.png]
>> GOSSE   CIVA was later to Rudra that too only from Yajurvedam yagna
>> Hence Narayanasamy ignorance is flying sky-high except his verbose
>> abuses.
>> (2)  SANATANA DHARMA   PART 23   KR  IRS   13524   12524
>> My comments: -When his faux thesis was blown to smithereens, he has no
>> words to respond, but merely mutters incoherent nonsense.
>> KR     Who did the faux pas? What did he offer to blow to smithereens?
>> Anything so far in 25 years NO. Empty vessel making a big sound.
>> (3)  "The Hindu Sun god, Surya, revealed to Maya highly specific
>> knowledge of the cosmos, presumably to allow the people of Earth to better
>> worship him."
>> My comments:-  Why on Earth do we need an inferior product like the
>> alleged soorya-siddhantham, when all of us have the yajur-veda
>> thaiththireeya aaranyakam which contains 133 slokams about
>> soorya-namaskaaram (and the mahaa-gaayathri manthram, amomg other precious
>> gems)?
>> KR    The Surya Siddhanta  is a Sanskrit treatise in Indian astronomy
>> dated to 4th to 5th century, in fourteen chapters.(and quoted below earth
>> and attraction and fall is from chap 3 verses 22 and 23)  The Surya
>> Siddhanta describes rules to calculate the motions of various planets
>> and the moon *relative* to various constellations, (theory of relativity
>> done by Einstein is also only later to Surya Siddantha) diameters of
>> various planets, and calculates the orbits of various astronomical bodies.[in
>> which earth rotational and akarshana is narrated but hasty-generalisation N
>> being an ignoramus assumes so much) ] The text asserts, according to
>> Markanday and Srivatsava, that the Earth is of *a spherical shape*.[Let
>> G instead of Quora learn from here] It treats Earth as stationary globe
>> around which Sun orbits, and makes no mention of Uranus, Neptune and 
>> Pluto.[Stationary
>> means, wrt the globe and the rest being calculated as potential and Kinetic
>> energy] It calculates the Earth's diameter to be 8,000 miles (modern:
>> 7,928 miles), the diameter of the Moon as 2,400 miles (actual ~2,160) and
>> the distance between the Moon and the Earth to be 258,000 miles(now known
>> to vary: 221,500–252,700 miles (356,500–406,700 kilometres). The text is
>> known for some of the earliest known discussions of fractions and 
>> trigonometric
>> functions The text was influential on the solar year computations of the
>> luni-solar Hindu calendar. The text was translated into Arabic and was
>> influential in medieval Islamic geography. The Surya Siddhanta has the
>> largest number of commentators among all the astronomical texts written in
>> India. It includes information about the mean orbital parameters of the
>> planets, such as the number of mean revolutions per Mahayuga, the
>> longitudinal changes of the orbits, and also includes supporting evidence
>> and calculation methods.
>> Textual history
>> Further information: Jyotisha
>> In a work called the Pañca-siddhāntikā composed in the sixth century by
>> Varāhamihira, five astronomical treatises are named and summarised:
>> Paulīśa-siddhānta, Romaka-siddhānta, Vasiṣṭha-siddhānta, Sūrya-siddhānta,
>> and Paitāmaha-siddhānta.: 50 Most scholars place the surviving version of
>> the text variously from the 4th-century to 5th-century CE,[19][20] although
>> it is dated to about the 6th-century BCE by Markandaya and Srivastava
>>    Revealed the ignorance of Narayanasamy wrt SURYA SIDDANTHAM. It is not
>> mere namaskara; it is mathematics; it is astronomy; and it is an epic
>> revelation of astrology; and Maha Periyava in his wisdom says so that Surya
>> to Maya the Ravana lineage. In west they used these to compare the
>> astronomy prowess of the Maya civilisation too. On the contrary except
>> gossip there are no records of Subramanya as authority of astrology; that
>> too Siva was asking his future; there is one Subramanya pronouncing
>> upadesam to father on AUM; but never such reel as spun by the small group.
>> Taitriya Aranyakas has few numerals and maths which when founded, only,
>> Yagnam alters were designed, which itself would show the difference in
>> times. All scripture is proclaimed as GOD given only. May be given to
>> thinking the SOMA. However all verses were expressions of the Rishis, who
>> are supposed to respectfully submitted that they had nothing to do out of
>> humbleness. But the truth lies in recording the mandala and the verses as
>> to whom does it relate and chhandas. If GOD wrote, why would Rishis own it
>> too? Vedas thus called Apaurusheya SANATANA. END.
>> (4)  "Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth.
>> Therefore, the earth, the planets, constellations, the moon, and the sun
>> are held in orbit due to this attraction."
>> KR-  A good example of thoroughly muddled thinking by an illiterate
>> unlearned, unschooled, vagrant idiot.  The attraction of the miniscule
>> Earth holds together in their respect orbits the CONSTELLATIONS, the SUN,
>> the OTHER PLANETS? A madman's fantasies !
>> KR       What was the madman fantasy on Newton? And that of Einstein?
>> They are verses from SURYA SIDDANTHA. Sanskrit knowing may see below
>> extracted:
>> [image: image.png][image: image.png]
>> 3rdline word akarshana.
>> [image: image.png]
>> Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid —(Rig Veda XXX. IV.V).
>> “The sun has tied Earth and other planets through attraction and moves
>> them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses around itself
>> holding their reins.” — (Rig Veda 10.149.1)
>> “The Sun does never set nor rise. When people think the Sun is setting it
>> is not so. For after having arrived at the end of the day it makes itself
>> produce two opposite effects, making night to what is below and day to what
>> is on the other side having reached the end of the night, it makes itself
>> produce two opposite effects, making day to what is below and night to what
>> is on the other side. In fact, the Sun never sets” — (Aitareya Brahmana
>> 3.44)
>> The gravitational effect of solar system makes the earth stable- (Rig
>> Veda 1-103-2, 1-115-4 and 5-81-2).
>> The axle of the Earth does not get rusted, the Earth continues to revolve
>> on its axle- (Rig Veda 1-164-29).
>> The Sun never sets or rises and it is the Earth, which rotates- (Sama-Ved
>> 121).
>> ” – Rig Veda 8.12.28 “ O God, You have created this Sun. You possess
>> infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them
>> steadfast by your power of attraction. ” – Rig Veda 1.6.5, Rig Veda 8.12.30
>> “ The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the
>> mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction
>> यदा ते हर्यता हरी वावृधाते दिवेदिवे । आदित्ते विश्वा भुवनानि येमिरे ॥
>> yadā te haryatā harī vāvṛdhāte dive-dive | ād it te viśvā bhuvanāni
>> yemire ||RV 8 12 28
>> यदा सूर्यममुं दिवि शुक्रं ज्योतिरधारयः । आदित्ते विश्वा भुवनानि येमिरे ॥
>> yadā sūryam amuṃ divi śukraṃ jyotir adhārayaḥ | ād it te viśvā bhuvanāni 
>> yemire
>> ||R V 8 12 30
>> (Incidentally from where the word EMIRATES (CONCENTRATED TOGETHER) AROSE
>> FROM?}
>> ----------------------------------
>> (5)  "Rahu and Ketu are called "chaya -grahas" (shadow planets) and their
>> orbits are opposite of the sun's and the moon's."
>> Narayanasamy-My comments: - There are no "shadow planets".   When the
>> moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, we get a solar eclipse.   When
>> the Earth comes between the Sun and the moon, we get a lunar eclipse.
>> KR   STUPIDITY THY NAME IS NARAYANASAMY. How can a shadow be a planet?
>> Can shadow qualify to be an object? What is the logic behind the part
>> snake, part human representations of Rahu (Earth’s shadow) and Ketu (Moon’s
>> shadow)?
>> The Sanskrit word Graha is very unique. Its English equivalent, namely
>> planet.  Graha is a reference to a holder of an energy of some sort..
>> European translators, two centuries ago, made the hurried assumption that
>> the word Graha means Planet. The widespread use of the word planet to refer
>> to Graha today. An overview of the related Sanskrit words gives us a better
>> idea about the phrase Chaya Graha. Something that grasps, holds or seizes
>> is Graha. According to Sri Sri Ravishankar, an expert on the terminology in
>> Vedic texts, the entire universe constantly moves, fast. In this context,
>> whatever has the ability to hold any part of the universal energy qualifies
>> to be a Graha (QNA Nov 2015). *According to this, a planet is a Graha.*
>> For example, Saturn grasps and redirects an inertial type of universal
>> energy while Jupiter an uplifting kind of energy. Secondly, the Sun and the
>> Moon also qualify to be a Graha. Certainly, the renowned set of Nine (Nava)
>> Grahas includes the Sun and the Moon. Thirdly, the Nava-Graha set
>> includes two Chaya Grahas.The Samba Purana distinguishes the Sun and the
>> Moon as Mandala-Graha. These Grahas have an aura field or a Mandala. Rahu
>> and Ketu are Chaya-Grahas, because they act through shadows or Chaya.
>> The remaining Grahas are Tara-Graha, because they, namely, the planets,
>> appear like stars or Tara. Further, Samba Purana clarifies how the shadow
>> of Earth is essential for Rahu to consume his quota of the Amrita nectar
>> from the moon.Samba Purana – Chapter 23 – Chaya Graha  Further, the Purana
>> clarifies that Rahu does not cause any physical defect, even momentarily,
>> to the Moon during an eclipse. Rahu makes use of the shadow of the Earth to
>> consume the Amrita which is present in Soma (Moon). The following verse
>> explains this with the analogy of the Bee. A Bee sucks in the nectar from a
>> flower without causing any physical defect to the latter. Similarly, Rahu
>> usurps the Soma nectar which is meant for other Devas during an
>> eclipse.Samba Purana – Chapter 23 Rahu is half bodied per Vedic metaphor
>> but so is Ketu. The lower half of Rahu’s body is depicted as the snake’s
>> tail (Earth shadow). In addition, the upper part of a Snake becomes Ketu’s
>> head (Moon shadow). Secondly, the human half of Rahu and Ketu are their
>> tangible portions. Astronomy textbooks teach us about the important roles
>> of shadows in the creation of an Eclipse. The snake half representation of 
>> the
>> two Chaya Grahas suggests a shadowy nature. Besides, the two shadow
>> representations complement each other. The shadow of one reaches a million
>> Kilometers, like the tail of a snake. The other is short like the face
>> section of a snake. Secondly, it clarifies that this shadow to be पार्थिवी
>> in nature. This adjective can refer either to a shadow falling on the
>> Earth or a shadow originating from the Earth.
>> K Rajaram  IRS  14524//15524
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