*2) Chitpavana Brahmins: Konkanastha Brahmins*17
Chitpavan brahmins are basically from Konkan, the coastal belt of western
Maharashtra. Since they are from Konkan they are known as Konkanastha.
Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj appointed Balaji Vishwanath Bhatt as his Peshwa
or Prime Minister. It was the first time a person from Konkan appointed to
an important post in Deccan.  Eventually, many people from Konkan migrated
to join the service of Marattha kingdom.  Chitpavan Brahmin folks are
easily recognised by the certain characteristics suc as fair skin, light
coloured eyes (blue, green or grey), sharp nose, distinct jawline, and some
have light or blonde hair.

*3) Daivajna Brahmins 4) Deshastha Brahmins 5) Dhima Brahmins *The Brahmins
of Haryana are divided into four main groups: Gaurs, Saraswats, Khandelwals
and Dhima.  The Khandelwals and Dhima came into this region after Saraswats
and Gaurs, most probably from neighboring Rajasthan. The Brahmins
themselves had a ranking system between them with the Gaurs being on the
top followed by the Saraswats, the Khandelwals and the Dhima. The Gaurs
used to consider themselves to be superior to the other Brahmins and
neither ate, drank nor intermarried with them.
*6) Gaur Brahmins*
The Gaurs of Haryana claim that they come to Haryana originally from
Bengal. It is believed they came as Purohitas along with various immigrant
farming tribes. The Brahmins themselves had a ranking system between them
with the Gaurs being on the top followed by the Saraswats, the Khandelwals
and the Dhima. The Gaurs used to consider themselves to be superior to the
other Brahmins and neither ate, drank nor intermarried with them.
*7) Gouda Saraswat Brahmins*
*8) The Havyakas*
It is believed that the Kadamba kingdom had many Kshatriyas and Havyakas
were brought in to perform the royal rituals and the related functions of
the empirical government. Thus the first few families were settled in
Banavasi, the beautiful capital of the Kadambas and the place so adored by
Pampa. Since the very purpose of bringing these Brahmin families was to perform
Havana (Havya) and Homa (Gavya), they were aptly named as Havyaga or Haveega,
which has transcended to the present day "Havika" or "Havyaka." This
functionality of naming even extended to the specific role played by
families in the whole gamut of rituals. Thus originated the seven family
names given by Raja Mayooravarma. The Havyakas are the only Brahmins who
derive their surnames from the job they perform rather than by their origin
(e.g., Kota, Shivalli) or by the preacher (e.g., Madhva) or by God worship
(e.g., Shivite, Vaishnavite). Thus came the names "Hegade (Hegde)" for the
head of the village who sponsors the ritualistic activities, "Dixit" for
one who is the head of the Yajna, "Bhat", who actually performs the rituals
and so on.
*9) Hoysala Karnataka Brahmins *

*10) Iyer: *The earliest group of Brahmins to come to Tamil Nadu is largely
known as Gurukuls. They have been here from very ancient times and were
primarily invited to be temple priests in the early Chola period. Many of
them were great Vedic scholars. They conducted the coronation of the kings
and acted as their spiritual advisors and Gurus. They also acted as the
Gurus to the villages and the towns where the temples were located. They
advised people on various matters including fixing of auspicious time for
commencing important ventures. Many of them were the great exponents of
Vedic Astrology and Ayurvedic Medicine. They are supposed to be followers
of Baudhyana *sutra* and are divided as 'Kanchipuram', 'Tiruvalangadu' and
'Thirukazhakundram' Gurukuls. It is interesting that all the three are the
names of ancient towns and temples around Kanchipuram. This clearly
indicates that the earliest migration was to Kanchipuram. Kanchipuram is
one of the two most ancient cities of India, the other being Varanasi
(Kashi). The linkage between the Varanasi (Kashi) and Kanchi has existed
from earliest times and has been facilitating the migration of priests
between the North and the South. It is possible that Kanchipuram,
Tiruvangadu and Tirukalikundram were the first destinations for the
Gurukuls who arrived. They stayed and worked there till they were
redeployed to other interior temples and towns.

*11) Kandavara Brahmins 12) Karade Brahmins 13) Karhada Brahmins 14)
Kashmiri Saraswat Brahmins 15) Kayastha Brahmins 16) Khandelwal Brahmins *The
Brahmins of Haryana are divided into four main groups: Gaurs, Saraswats,
Khandelwals and Dhima.  The Khandelwals came into this region after
Saraswats and Gaurs, most probably from neighboring Rajasthan.

*17) Konkanastha Brahmins 18) Kota Brahmins 19) Koteshwara Brahmins 20)
Nagar Brahmins 21) Namboothiri Brahmins 22) Padia Brahmins 23) Rajapur
Saraswat Brahmins 24) Saklapuri Brahmins 25) Sanketi Brahmins 26) Saraswat

*        a) The Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmins*
The Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmins represent a relatively small group of
Brahmins who firmly established their identity as a unified group in the
year 1708. The history of migration of their ancestors from Kashmir to a
variety of places all over the country of India serves to demonstrate how
their strong religious and cultural beliefs developed into the present
century. Today, members of this group are in Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka,
and Tamilnadu.

*      b) Kashmiri Saraswat Brahmins or Kashmiri Pandits*
According to accepted traditions in the rest of the country, Kashmiri
Brahmins are believed to be a branch of the Saraswat Brahmins who were so
called because they were believed to have settled along the course of an
ancient river in the North-West Indian Continent (Indo-Pak region) called
Saraswati. When this river dried up, these Brahmins migrated. A large
section of this uprooted community was settled in the Western Konkan coast
of the present state of Maharashtra. Others moved further North into the
Valley of Kashmir. The first Prime Minister of the Indian Union, Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru, belongs to the Pandit community.  The Nehru dynasty ruled
the Union for almost half a century.  Yet, Kashmiri Pandits are subjected
to a genocide, which under UN resolution, means any of the following acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to
bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. (Article
2 of *Convention* *on the Prevention and Punishment* *of*
<http://www.preventgenocide.org/law/convention/text.htm>*the Crime of
Genocide* <http://www.preventgenocide.org/law/convention/text.htm>*, *adopted
by Resolution 260 (III) A of the U.N. General Assembly on 9 December 1948.
Entry into force: 12 January 1951. *U.N.T.S*. No. 1021, vol. 78 (1951), p.

          *Genocide in Kashmir*

   - 400,000 Kashmiri Pandits, constituting 99% of the total population of
   Hindus living in the Kashmir Valley, were forcibly pushed out of the Valley
   by Muslim terrorists, trained in Pakistan, since the end of 1989. They have
   been forced to live the life of exiles in their own country, outside their
   homeland, by unleashing a systematic campaign of terror, murder, loot and
   - Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits has reached its climax with Muslim
   terrorism succeeding in 'CLEANSING' the valley of this ancient
   ethno-religious community.
   - With the completion of 11th year of their forced exile, this peace
   loving, culturally rich community with a history of more than 5000 years,
   is fighting a grim battle to save itself from becoming extinct as a
   distinct race and culture.

*        Main Refugee Camp Sites in Jammu: * Muthi Camp, Transport
Nagar, Purkhoo Camp, Stadium Camp,  Jhiri Camp,  Nagrota Camp,  Mishriwala
Camp,  and Battalbalian Camp, Udhampur

*        Main Camp Sites in Delhi: * Nandnagri, Sultanpuri, Kailash
Colony, Maviya Nagar, South Extension, Palika Dham, Lajpat
Nagar, Aliganj, Bapu Dham, Amar Colony, Mangol Puri, Patel
Nagar, Sultanpuri, Moti Nagar and Begampura.)

    * c) Rajapur/Balawalikar Saraswat Brahmanas*
Rajapur/Balawalikar Saraswat Brahmanas,as they are known, belong to the
"Pancha (five) Gauda Brahmana" groups or "Gaudadi Panchakas".  The
Saraswats of all subsects of today are said to have originated from the
Saraswath region, from the banks of river Saraswati. In Rigveda, references
to river Saraswati has been frequently made in the shlokas praising the
river as the most mighty river and describe her as "limitless, undeviating,
shining and swift moving". But the Saraswati vanished from the region.
    *d) Haryana Saraswat Brahmins*
The Saraswats of Haryana are original settlers of this region, taking their
name from the Saraswati river.

*27) Shivalli Brahmins 28) Smarta Brahmins 29) Sthanika Brahmins 30) Tuluva
Brahmins*: The ancient Tulu nadu extended from Gokarna in the north, all
along coastal Karnataka up to Kasargod in the south. This included both
coastal Uttara Kannada district as well as all of Dakshina Kannada
district. Over many centuries the principal language of Tulu nadu was Tulu.
Today Tulu is spoken only south of River Kalyanpur in Udupi and Dakshina
Kannada districts of Karnataka. This is the heartland of Tulu nadu today.
While Udupi is the religious center of Tulu nadu, Mangalore is the
commercial hub. Innumerable smaller towns and villages comprise of a green
landscape within the mountainous range of the Western Ghats as well as
along the coastal Karnataka with access to Arabian Sea. Here Tulu language,
one of the five main Dravidian languages of the South, with its extinct
script is spoken. For historical purposes the regions settled by Brahmins
are three in number. Haige or Haive (Uttara Kannada), Taulava (Dakshina
Kannada) and Kerala.
*31)Vaishnava Brahmins*

*Some of the content above may need the following notes to understand:*
* Notes and References*
     1Tribe (Lat., tribus: the tripartite division of Romans into Latins,
Sabines, and Etruscans), a social group bound by common ancestry and ties
of consanguinity and affinity; a common language and territory; and
characterized by a political and economic organization intermediate between
small, family-based bands, and larger chiefdoms. Some anthropologists
believe that tribes developed when more stable and increased economic
productivity, brought on by the domestication of plants and animals,
allowed more people to live together in a smaller area. A tribe may consist
of several villages, which may be crosscut by clans, age grade
associations, and secret societies; each of these crosscutting institutions
may, at different times and in different ways, perform economic, political,
legal, and religious functions. Tribes are popularly believed to be
close-knit and parochial, but some anthropologists now argue that they are
flexibly defined communities of convenience.

1b *Japan*: Tthere are 4 castes (sections) in Japanese society.  It is
called Shi - Nou - Kou - Chou system.
1. Byshi (Samurai) = Kings and Soldiers
2. Noumin = Farmers etc. (large section)
3. Kou = Artisans and Workers
4. Choumin = Merchants
Varnas and Hindu Gods could have spread through the visitors.
A Japanese Male can never change his caste. But, a woman can climb up by
marrying a man of upper caste. But, she can be only a 2nd wife of upper
caste. May be her children are considered as upper caste, but some
difference in minds will be there.

Those who work in Temples are not included in any of these. They are called
Bouzu. The bouzus can not marry. They adopt people from other castes (not
Samurai in general) and train as Bouzus.

There are UNTOUCHABLES, called Era Hina. This community is called BARAKU.
These people are not considered as HUMAN BEINGS. They live far from the
society.  It seems about, nearly, 150-200 years back, American army
captain- Pierre went to Japan.  At that time, Japan was closed to outside
world by the Emperor for the fear that others spoil their society. But,
when American captain went there, the Emperor was not given any choice. He
had to obey or fight. So, American army entered and they forced the Emperor
to make some system like in UK. King, his family, some Lords as higher
section, rest of the society as Lower section. This existed till 2nd world
war after which due to American pressure again, the present system came
into existence. Source: A friend from Japan.
.   2According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, a tribe is a
social group consisting of people of the same race who have the same
beliefs, customs, language etc. and usually live in one particular area
ruled by a chief.  Illustrated Oxford Dictionary defines a tribe as a group
of (especially primitive) families or communities, linked by social,
economic, religious, or blood ties, and usually having a common culture and
dialect, and a recognized leader.  Webster’s dictionary defines a tribe as
a system of social organization comprising several local village bands,
districts, lineages, or other groups and sharing a common ancestry,
culture, language, and name.  It is also a group of persons sharing a
common occupation, interest, or habit. However, a tribe means, in general,
a group having marital social relationship within the group and won’t allow
any matrimonial relationship outside the tribe, e.g. Marriage between a
Yeruka and a Lambada or other tribe is not common.


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