CULTURAL QA 05-2024-24

All the below   QA is  from  Quora  digest to me  on  24-05-2024.

Quora answers need not be 100% correctanswers.

Compiledandposted by R. Gopala krishnan,  on 24-05-2024

Q1         Can youtell about the Crown of the Tsar of Russia

A1          T Shiv Tandon,14h

he Russian imperialcrown, also known as the Grand Imperial Crown, was the 
principal symbol ofpower of Russian monarchs and the main imperial attribute 
between 1762 and1917. It was worn by all the country's sovereigns, beginning 
with Catherine IIand all the way up to Nicholas II. Created by court jeweler 
George FriedrichEckart and diamond craftsman Jeremiah Posier, it is adorned 
with no less than4,936 diamonds (a total of 2,858 carats), 75 large Indian matt 
pearls and a398.72 carats spinel.

Following theRevolution, this incredible object fortunately remained in the 
country andsurvived the tumultuous events. Nowadays, however, it is on lock in 
the DiamondFund collection, in the Moscow Kremlin, and is not accessible to the 
publicbecause its value is simply too high to take any risk. In order to 
showcase thesplendor of this crown, however, a replica of it was made in 2012 
for about onebillion rubles (13.22 million euros) and was exhibited throughout 
Russia andeven beyond its borders.

Q2         What is thelegend- Gone to Worship Lord but got Entangled in the 

A2          Dushyant, May 11

This is an oldstory. A seeker searched for Lord Vishnu and finally found him 
one day. Hegrasped his feet, overjoyed and thrilled, thinking, "I've got what 
Iwanted!" He thanked Lord Vishnu profusely and said, "Dear Lord, Justone more 
thing, Please let me do some small service for you, let me serve youin some 
way." You've given me so much - life, the ultimate celebration oflife, and now 
this eternal life too! Please Let me do something for you, so Idon't feel like 
I haven't done anything for you despite all that you've donefor me. Grant me a 
little bit of good fortune of serving you. I know you don'tneed anyone or 
anything, but my mind will be at peace if I can do something formy Lord too.

Lord Vishnu said:“But can you do it? It will be very difficult.” But the 
devotee was stubborn.So, Lord Vishnu said: “Alright, I'm thirsty. Go and get me 
a bowl of water. Afterthat, the devotee rushed off to take water for Lord. You 
might think, "Whynot just take the water from the Kshirsagar, which is right 
there?" Butwhat's nearby is often left unseen. The devotee went down to the 
earth andknocked on a door. A beautiful young woman opened it and the devotee 
asked,"Devi, can I have a bowl of cool water?" The beautiful young 
womanreplied, Yes, Ofcourse! 

But Please come in!Bless my home with your presence. Don't go away like that. 
My father has alsogone out, and I'm alone at home. If he returns and finds out 
that a Brahmincame and I didn't welcomed him in our home, he'll be very angry 
at me.”

For a moment, theBrahmin devotee feared. The woman was beautiful, extremely 
beautiful, and hehad never seen a woman as beautiful as her. Even lordvishnu 
himself seemed to fade away for a moment to the brahman devoteeand how much 
time did it took for Lord Vishnu to fade away. The devotee wasfrightened and 
worried, thinking, "Oh no, How can I forget the LordVishnu". The voice of the 
Lord seemed to be fading away. The devotee said,"No, no, this can't happen!" 
and sweat appeared on his forehead. Butthe young beautiful woman wouldn't 
listen and took the Brahmin devotee’s hand,saying, "Come inside, I won't let 
you go like this." As soon as shegrasped his hand, he completely forgot the 
Lord Vishnu. She led him inside andsaid, "You'll take the water, but first, 
please have somerefreshments." She offered him snacks and water to drink."

Solitude! Thebeauty of the young woman. The Brahmin was captivated by his charm 
and theservice given to him. Slowly Lord Vishnu was lost from his mind. 
Sometimes hewould remember that Lord Vishnu was thirsty, but then think “What 
thirst canthe lord have?, He had only said it for the sake of my request. So 
what thirstcan he have. He is in the state of supreme satisfaction, so there’s 
no hurryand he can wait for two moments”

Then the YoungBeautiful woman invited him to stay, saying :- “Now that you've 
come, my fatherwill also arrive soon and you can meet him too.” He readily 
agreed and theyoung woman continued to serve him. The beauty and form of the 
young womancaptivated his mind. Evening fell, but the father didn’t returned. 
The womansaid, “Please have dinner at least, where can you have dinner now.” 
Dinner wasprepared and the dinner was had. Night fell, the woman said, “where 
can you gonow in the night?” Even the Brahmin thought, “Where can I go now in 
the night?”He then decided to leave early in the morning in the BrahmaMuhurta 
hour. Then, several months passed, years passed but he didn’t leavethat 
place.The Brahmin stayed there and so did his family. His sons andDaughters 
grew up, and the family expanded.

Fifty-Sixty years passed.His sons had children. Then, a flood came to the 
village. A terrible flood! Thebrahmin had grown old till that time. He tried to 
save his children and grandchildren from the flood, but the entire village was 
drowning. The flood wasterrible! Unseen and Unheard of! While trying to save 
his family, his wife (whowas the young beautiful woman before) was swept away 
by the flood. He ran tosave her, but the hand of the child he was holding 
slipped away. As he reachedthe shore, the entire family was lost in the flood. 
On the shore, the Brahminwas stood up on a stone slab and a massive wave of the 
floodwater wasapproaching towards him. Onthe crest of the wave, Lord Vishnu was 
seated and said “I am still thirsty, andyou haven’t brought water for me yet?

 I had told you earlier that you would not beable to do it because you had 
abandoned the world and ran away. One who abandonsthe world and runs away like 
you did are left with attachments.

This Story is verydear……because you had abandoned the world without realising 
and rising aboveit. You had just closed your eyes and ran away from the world. 
So, even for asmall task, if you go into the world, you will get entangled. You 
had gone tofetch some water but settled the whole world there. You had gone to 
worshipLord Hari but got entangled in the world and kept getting more and 
moreentangled. The entanglement of world is such that it never ends!

Q3         What aresome amazing one liners on India?

A3          Gopalkrishna Vishwanath, I know lotsof them. But most can't be 
narrated without spoiling my good name.22h

Enjoy these, whichI received in a WhatsApp forward.

 One-liners about India that are completelytrue :

    1. If you want to know how divided we are,just look at the matrimonial page 
in our newspapers.

    2. India is running the software oftomorrow on the hardware of yesterday.

    3. If the mobile gets spoiled, blame thechild, if the child gets spoiled, 
blame the mobile.

    4. If someone is asking for a dirty clothto clean something, then you are 
in India!

    5. It's the only country where people fightto be termed 'backward'. 

    6. In India, you don't cast your vote, youvote your caste.

    7. An incredible country where actors arehugely involved in politics and 
politicians are always acting.

Q4         Whoinvented the well? Where was it invented?

A4          Silk Road, Studied at Generative PreTraining Tue

No oneknows exactly for sure.

I doubt somecaveman woke up one morning, rubbed his knuckles together, and 
said,"Eureka! I shall invent the well!

The well, myfriend, is older than the dirt you walk on.

It's a primal,gut-level response to thirst, a survival tactic as old as 
humanity itself.

Go back far enough– way before iPhones and electric toothbrushes – and you'll 
find our ancestorsfiguring this stuff out.

Evidence suggests that wells were in use as early as theNeolithic period 
(approximately 10,200 to 4,500 BC),appearing independently in various parts of 
the world.

And they didn'tneed a blueprint or a degree in hydrology.

They saw the waterpooled after a rainstorm, scratched their heads, and thought, 
"Hey, maybeif we dig down a bit..."

Likely developedthrough trial and error by communities rather than individuals.

But, it's not justabout who, it's about when and where.

And the answer iseverywhere, and probably since the Stone Age. The Middle East, 
the Indus Valley – these places werelike the Silicon Valley of well technology.

They didn't justdig holes; they built entire civilizations around them.

Q5         What aresome traditional Russian jokes translated into English?

A5          Dražen Pečnik, May 4

American, Frenchand Russian are talking about the definition of happiness in 

American: “Plentyof money, big house, blonde wife with huge titis, big car, 
couple of cute kids,and a fine bottle of bourbon, that's what I call happiness”

French: “No, no,no… Happiness is when you have a beautiful wife, even more 
beautiful mistress,and a full cellar of fine vine in a nice house in Provance!”

And the Russiansaid: “You two don’t even have a clue what true happiness is. 
When you hearknocking on your door at 4 AM, and you look through the peephole 
to see somemean people with hats in leather coats, and they ask “Does Ivan 
Ivanovich livehere?”, and you tell them “No, Ivan Ivanovich is one floor up”, 
now that is areal happiness!”

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