Mr Rajaram,
Let I may be empty vessel. But clean. Things stored will not be damaged.  But 

You mean you are a good full vessel? Sorry. You are worse than an empty vessel. 

You are pride, you only know things. It is false pride. I am also well read, 
knowledgeble than you.
In future understand others and write in respectful language. Give respect and 
take respect. Poor IRS officer full of pride even after retirement. Be a 
cultured person sir. 

    On Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 at 07:28:04 pm IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
 WHO ARE YOU? Now understood; empty vessel. What is an afterthought? And what 
was that before thought? How can a thoughtless empty vessel think in a brighter 
way? You shall start thinking  when you read and hear; no one can spoon feed 
you; that shows that you understand only when spoon fed; even who are you 
meaning, must be fed? You somehow think by invoking wrong persons ,you can 
rest; but you yourself is a non genuine person. So be it. Get provoked; write 
more sluts; and get to your feed time. Have a nice day and night. Beggar in 
wealth, is not a beggar in mind, that is Brahmin. You do not know or try to 
learn the words used as  Manaseeka temple or building temple by using the funds 
of the nation and remaining it etc, since you had wasted all the years in 
writing petitions only against others,  as you are doing today. Now you desire 
to be a hih flyer aalso. But Turkey cannot become a peacock because , turkey is 
to be spoon fed. Its OK; even that is an asset to review and use. KR IRS 28524
On Tue, 28 May 2024 at 01:30, gopala krishnan <> wrote:

 Mr Rajaram,
Don't write as after thoughts.If a temple is constructed by a king and guided 
by a Brahmin, write so clearly. A begging Brahmin, out of his begging never can 
build a temple.  

    On Tuesday, 28 May, 2024 at 12:42:28 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
 Comments with grunting falls like ninepins; there was one who built the 
manseeka temple; and another out of the money of the King; so beggars can do if 
one wishes. Brahmin ruled; but why did no brahmin build any temple? That is the 
question? Had you the calibre to understand, you would not have slipped like 
this  K R IRS 27524
On Mon, 27 May 2024 at 00:16, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 
<> wrote:

 Respected friends,
Mr Rajaram Krishnamurthy, in a previous article quoted many references , where 
a Brahmin has to live by BEGGING.  He also continued with the word Begging 
instead of Bhiksha.

Now he makes a note-[ KR:  is there anytemple in India built by a brahmin?]

How a beggar can build a temple? Is not the note by Mr Rajaram ridiculing?

On Monday, 27 May, 2024 at 08:20:22 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
Sanatana dharma part 37  K R IRS27524  26524

DHANA MAHIMA  5. Skandapurana and6. Varaha Purana on Go-danaas

 5. Skanda Purana (The authenticity of Skandapuranam was proved before the 
supreme court of India in the Ayodhya case) 

     Narada described to Arjun about „Daanam‟(charity), its two „hethus‟ 
(kinds, heshyam, varieties), six „Adhishthana‟(Reasons), six „Ankas‟ 
(divisions, Parties), two „Parinaamas‟ (structures, endresults or fruits), 
three bhedas (classifications) and three „Vina- Sadhanas‟ (scattered,littering, 
negative results). The two „hethus ‟as normally perceived are aboutthe size of 
the charity-small or big- as also of the quality. But such „hethus‟are not as 
important as the „shraddha‟ or dedication and devotion are. BhagavanSiva would 
be pleased only by the sincerity and pure heart that is attached tothe charity 
rather than any other aspect. 

     Again, „Dhana- Daanam‟ or the charity of money is morepopular than „Vastu 
Daanam‟or charity of material, „VastramDaanam ‟or charity of clothes etc. since 
charity of money would buy backVastu or Vastram. Then the six „Adhishthana‟ or 
reasons of Daana are: „Dharma Daana‟ without strings attached ie. Daana givento 
the Virtuous or Dharmatmas; „Artha Daana‟ keepingin view some purpose or 
utility; „Kaama Daanaa‟like favours for women, wine or such other benefits in 
view; „Lajja Daana ( can one know the meaning of Lajja homam inwedding?)  is 
due to compulsionsof Public or Society; „Harsha Daana‟ is made onreceiving good 
news and out of happiness; and „Bhayadaana‟ out of compulsion, fear or 
avoidance of risks. The six „Ankas‟ ordonor/receiver parties are as follows: 
The Positive Donors are „Daatas‟ by nature; the „Dharmatmas‟or the Virtuous; 
those desirous of donating willingly and happily; the „Vyasana rahit‟ or devoid 
of bad habits; „Pavitra‟ or Symbols of Purity and „Anindaneeya‟ or the 
blemishless. The Negative Donorsare ill mannered, indolent, evil minded, 
persons of bad habits, persons who swear to support theEvil and persons who are 

     Among the Good Receivers of Charity are thoseof good „Kula‟ or caste, who 
has „Vidya‟ or good Education, good „Aachaaram‟ orfamily bearing / tradition, 
earners of rightful way of life or of Satvik Life,of kind heart, „Jitendriya‟ 
or of Controlled Emotions and finally of excellentparenthood. The second 
category of receivers of donations is of pleasantvisage, of sincerity and 
thankfulness but not of demanding nature, cantankerous or mean. The donors of 
charity must havethe perspective of what kind of material is required or useful 
to the receiveror otherwise the purpose of charity would be defeated. 

     The two „Parinaamas end results/fruits areeither gain of „Punya‟ for the 
„Paralokam‟ or after death or for use in „Ihalokam‟or the current life to the 
receiver. Here we have wonderful, Tirukkurals:

1Immailkkum enai marumaikkum  THATHAM KARUMAME  kattalaik kal. The Karma 
onlydetermines the life here as well as there. Karma used as our action and 

2  Arullilarkku avvulagamilai angu Porulillarkkuivvulagamaillai. Without 
Easwara kadaksham one cannot enter swargam so toowithout reasonable money. 
Living on earth is difficult. Hence dhaanam assumesgreater importance. Earning 
is a must but not beyond the reasonableexpectations crossing the varna dharma. 

         The latter „Dannas‟ or for the use ofIhalok are of four types viz. 
Dhruva, Trika, Kamya andNaimittika. (already seen in yesterday text also) 
Dhruva is for publicuse like digging wells, construction of Temples, [ KR:  is 
there anytemple in India built by a brahmin?] {KR:  There is onlyone temple for 
Brahma in ushkar but even in Sunka dynasty temple was not builtI think}  
gardens, Choultries,schools etc. Trikha is for daily utility like 
„NithyaDaana‟, say Vidya Daan. Kamya Daan is to fulfil one ‟s own desires 
likevictory, wealth, might etc. Naimittika Daana is like Samkranti Daana, 
Grahana(Eclipse) Daana, Daana at auspicious occasions like weddings, Vrathams 
etc. orKriyapeksha Daana like Shraadh, Vratams etc.; Gunapeksha Daana like 
Vidyabhyasand so on. 

       Three „Bhedas‟or types of Daan areclassified; the best types are charity 
of houses, temples, buildings, Bhumi(farms / fields), cows, Wells, gold and 
ornaments and the best of course is togive away one‟s own life itself as 
„Daana‟. The Secondary Variety of charityrelates to Anna (Food grains), Vastra 
(Clothing), „Vahana‟ etc. The tertiarykind of Daana is to donate footwear, 
umbrellas, utensils, curd, honey, „Asana‟or seating, deepa or Light, wood, 
stones etc. Now, there are three kinds of„Daana Naashak‟ reasons viz. 
„Paschattaapa‟ or regret of having given the Daan;„Apaatra Daana‟ or charity to 
the wrong and unserved person or „Ashraddha Daana‟isto a person on account of 
laziness. Paschattapaya Daana indicates as to why the20 Daan is given at all; 
Ashraddha Daana is Rakshasa Daana and Apaatra Daana isas bad as not giving it 
away. The worst Daana is „Paisacha Daaan‟ or thecharity duly given is returned 
under duress or due to the bad behaviour of thereceiver or the donor. 
Incidentally, Apaatra Daana should be avoided to anundeserving Brahmana who is 
bereft of „Vidya‟, sells his/her conscience if hisBhumi is accepted; if he 
accepts a cow to kill it or sell it; if he acceptsgold to encash it, a horse 
that might destroy the receiver ‟s eyes; Vastram toharm his wife; ghee his 
manliness; tila seeds that might harm his children andso on. Narada seeks 
replies toa questionnaire and bestows Brahma‘s Charity to Kalaap Village:

      Sage Narad told Arjun that in the contextof ‗Daana Pradaana‘ or bestowing 
charity of a large piece of land to a well-deservedBrahmana Community; he 
travelled the World over to identify a Place wheresatisfactory replies are 
received to a Questionnaire of Twelve Queries framedby him. The questions  

1) who knows ‗Matrikas‘ well;how many ‗Matrikas‘ are there and how many 
‗Aksharas‘ or Letters? 

2) What are the TwentyfiveMaterials in the domestic or personal context? 

3) Who knows the art ofconverting several women into one? 

4) Who is the unique personthat knows the ‗Vaakya Rachana‘ or the Writer of 
Sentences connected withStrange Fiction? 

5) Who is the learnedBrahmana living in an Ocean with full awareness that a 
ferocious crocodile isalways around? 

6) Who is the best Brahmanapossessing the knowledge of eight-fold Braahmanatva?

 7) Which are the foremost days falling at thebeginning of each Yuga? 8) Which 
are the first days of each ‗Manvantara‘? 

9) Which was the first daythat Surya Deva rode in his chariot? 

10) Who could explain thathuman beings are put to tremendous anxiety like a 
black serpent has? 

11) Who is the mostintelligent and practical human being in the whole world and 

 12) Who is aware of the two distinct routesavailable to human beings? 

     Sage Narada could not get convincingreplies to the above questionnaire 
among the several places visited and Expertsinterviewed as the questions were 
supposed to be tough! Then suddenly itoccurred to the Sage that he could 
perhaps try out the Kalap Village thatboasted of exceptionally renowned Veda 
Pundits. On reaching there and havingposed the questions, the Elders of the 
Village commented that the questions were indeed veryelementary and could as 
well be replied by one of an unintelligent and dull boyof the village! He asked 
a boy said to be of an inferior intelligence named Suthanu who gavethe replies 
as follows: 

    In his preface before answering thequestions, Suthanu said that various 
Gurus normally tended to teach theScriptures and Mantras, generations after 
generations, only by memorizing but without necessarily providingthe meaning, 
let alone the implications and intricacies of the stanzas. Indeed, a Brahmana 
who merely memorizedthe Mantras without realizing the meaning was a mere two 

    For example, ‗AakarA‘ is known as Brahma, ‗Ukar‘ is Vishnu and ‗Makar‘is 
Siva; the Triguna form of AUM with ‗Anuswarup Artha Matra‘ on top ofAUM ( in 
Sanskrit) is Maheswara Himself! How many are aware of the significanceof Omkara 
Mantra? Coming back to the first question as to how many types of‗Matrikas‘ are 
there and of how many ‗Ahshas‘ or Letters are in the Matrikas,the reply is that 
there aretwenty letters in a Matrika. Besides there are fourteen ‗Swaras‘, 
thirty three ‗Vyanjanas‘,‗Anuswaras‘, ‗Visarga‘, ‗Jihva muleeya‘ or 
tongue-ended voice and‗Upadhaneeyas‘.Matrikas are called the essence of 
Language. The fourteen ‗Swaras‘ from ‗A Kar‘to ‗Auom kar‘ represent ‗Manu 
Swarupas‘ viz. Swayambhu, Swarochish, Auttam,Raivat, Tamas, Chakshu, Vaivasvath 
(the Present Manu), Savarni, Brahma Savarni,Rudra Savarni, Daksha Savarni, 
Dharma Savarni, Roucha and Bhautya. 

     The current Manu Vaivasvat is Rukara Swarup and his colouris Black. From 
letters ‗Bha‘ to ‗Sha‘ are eight ‗Vasus‘ viz.Dhuva, Ghora, Sowmya, Apah, Nala, 
Nila, Pratyasha and Prabhasa. The Lettersfrom ‗Ka‘ to ‗Ha‘represent thirty 
three Devatas. Actually lettersfrom ‗Ka‘ to ‗Tha‘ represent Twelve Adityas viz. 
Dhata, Mitra, Aryama, Shakra,Varuna, Amshu, Bhaga, Vivisvan, Pusha, Savita, 
Tvashta and Vishnu. From ‗Da‘ to ‗Ba‘are ElevenRudras viz. Kapali, Pingala, 
Bhima, Virupaksha, Vilohita, Ajaka, Shasana,Shasta, Shambhu, Chanda and Bhava. 
Letters ‗Sa‘ and‗Ha‘ are represented by the two Ashvini Kumars,thus accounting 
for all the thirtythree Devatas. The Letters ‗Anuswar‘, ‗Visarg‘,‗Jihva 
Muleeya‘ and ‗Upadhaneeyas‘stand for ‗Jarayuja‘, ‗Andaja‘, ‗Swedaja‘ and 

     About the Second question regarding twenty five ‗Vastus‘ or materials 
fordomestic/personal utility, the reply is: These are ‗Pancha Bhutas‘ viz. 
Prithivi( Earth), Apas ( Water),Tejas (Radiance), Vayu (Wind) and Akash (Sky); 
Five ‗Karmendriyas‘(Mouth,hands, feet, anus and genital); Five Jnanendriyas ( 
Ears, Eyes, Tongue, Noseand Skin) and the corresponding reactions viz. Shabda 
(Sound), Rupa (Vision),Rasa (Taste), Ghrana (Smell) and Sparsha (Feeling) and 
‗Pancha Vishayas‘ viz.Man ( Mind), Buddhi (Thinking), Antaratma (Conscience), 
Ahankar (Ego), Prakriti(Nature / Maya) and Purusha (Almighty). In other words, 
the Twenty Five Tatvas of Domestic /Physical nature as above are blessed by 
Almighty to realize the Self asreflected from Paramatma. 

      The Third question concerns about thevarious forms of a woman who is 
essentially a single entity. The reply is abouta person‘s ‗Buddhi‘ ormental 
condition which is comparable to that of a woman whose forms and moodsare 
several (Frailty thy name is a woman!). Itis the single Buddhi whichtakes 
myriad kinds of feelings, reactions and impulses. 

    The Fourth question relates to a person whoexists in a ‗Samsaram‘ (World) 
and describes it as an attraction like thebeautiful phrasing of an Essay, not 
realizing that the charm of the write-up isa trap or the ‗Samsara Bandhan‘; 
hence the lure of life is but a powerfulbondage! 

     The Fifth query is about the joy of livingin an ocean, being fully aware 
of the dangerous crocodile nearby. Human beingsget enticed to swim in an ocean, 
despite the risk of life and it is that ‗Lobha‘ or attraction which 
generates‗Moha‘ (obsession) or ‗Maya‘, ‗Abhiman‘ or deep sense of Belonging, 
insensitivity to the risk involved,avarice to possess more and more, ignorance 
and sheer stupidity. All these areramifications of ‗Vyamoha‘ (possessive 
nature) like desire to secure other‘swealth, woman, and comfort, all at once 
being dishonest, undeserved andcorrupt. The sense ofLobha leads to ego, deceit, 
anger and jealousy. The lurking crocodile is surelyattractive but hazardous. 
The Sixth inquiry concerns the Eight-fold‗Brahmanatva‘ classified as Matra, 
Brahmana, Srotriya, Anuchan, Bhruna, RishiKalpa, Rishi and Muni. A normal 
Brahmana by birth and caste is invariably theone who no doubt has the advantage 
of ‗Upanayana‘ Samskara and Gayatri‗Upasesha‘called Sacred Thread Ceremony but 
with or without performing VedicKarmas or duties; this kind of an 
ordinaryBrahmana is name sake only. He who follows ‗Vedic Achara‘ or performs 
VedaPractices being soft natured, fond of loneliness, truthful and pious is 
aBrahmana in a better sense than a ‗Matra‘ type. The better category 
ofBrahmanas are ‗Srotriyas‘ whoare Ritual, Virtuous, proficient of atleast one 
Veda sakha (Branch) along withsix vedangas, pure hearted and Dharmajnanas. The 
higher class ofBrahmanas called ‗Anuchans‘ are well read, GuruType of senior 
Vidwans who preach and teach and practise ideal ‗Brahmanatva‘. The further 
higher category is calledBrahmanas with worldly wisdom to be able to interpret 
Principles to practicalsituations, authorities on Vedas, ‗Samyamis ‘who have 
restraint and poise,Tatva Gyani and Senior Guides on Rituals etc. ‗Rishi Kalpas 
‘are AshramaDwellers, Naishthies, and limited Eaters. The Rishis are Dhyana 
NishthaParayanas (Meditation-Centric) and Jitendriyas or victorious of various 
worldlytemptations. Munis are beyond the barriers of Brahmanas and the known 
norms andcontrols applicable to them, since they belong to Super Human Beings 
worthy ofworship and possess yogic powers and Siddhhis. 

    The Seventh query was about the first daysof each Yuga. Kartika Sukla 
Navami was the first day of Satya Yuga, VisakhaSukla Tritiya was of Tretha 
Yuga, Marga Krishna Amavasya was of Dwapara Yugaand Bhadra Krishna Trayodasi 
was the opening day of Kali Yuga. Charities and‗homas‘ performed on the Yugadi 
Days are stated to be hundred days superiorcompared to normal days.

          The Eighth question was about theopening days of each of the Fourteen 
Manvantaras. These are Asvayuja SuklaNavami, Kartika Dwadasi, Chaitra and 
Bhadra Tritiya, Phalguna Amavasya, PaushyaEkadasi, Ashadha Dasami, Magha 
Saptami, Shravana Krishna Ashtami, AshadhaPournami, Kartika Pouranami, 
Phalguna/Chaitra/Jeyshtha Pournamis are all worthyof charities and homams.

      That Lord Surya mounted his chariot for thefirst time was on Magha Sukla 
Panchami, known as the ‗Ratha Saptami‘ was thereply to the Ninth question and 
austerities and charitiesare stated to be highly fruitful bestowing Lord 
Surya‘s blessings to destroypoverty and improve happiness of the devotees. 

     The Tenth question was about the anxietyof life of any human being; the 
reply was that whoever has to beg for food eachand every day was indeed the 
most unfortunate one in the world; such a personnot only had constant worry 
throughout his/her life but is destined to go tohell after death too. 

     The Eleventh query was about the Superexpert in this frightful world. The 
reply given by Suthanu stated that the bestDaksha of Dakshas was he who 
realized as to what would happen after death andtried to equip him to perform 
pious acts so as to minimize the impact ofcurrent life and possibly of the 
previous lives. If a person devotes at leasteight months and one day before 
death or in other words of the last leg of lifeand possibly as many days of 
life as possible, would be considered as an Expert.

      Finally, the Twelfth question seeks replyabout the two alternative routes 
of attaining Salvation viz. the normal ‗KarmaMarg‘/ the Dharmic route of 
enjoying life as also of attaining the high blissof Moksha after death and 
alternatively adopting the ‗Vihanga Marg‘ ( The Skyroute) or straight-away 
adopt the ‗Naishkarma‘ Marg or the ‗Jnana Marg. If onewere not to opt for 
either route, the concerned human being is as good as a ‗Pakhandi‘or ignorant 

      Having received the replies to all theTwelve Questions, Sage Narada was 
thrilled that Lord Brahma (his father) oughtto be complemented as the latter‘s 
‗Srishti‘ (Creation) was indeed amazing,since a boy was able to reply the 
queries. Pursuant to Brahma‘s behest, theprocess of selection was completed and 
a substantial charity was declared as aGift to the ‗Kalaap Gramvaasis‘ or the 
Villagers ofKalaap a Huge Area viz. Mahi Sagara Sangama Maha Tirtha. This 
Tirtha wassituated from Kalap Gram by about hundred yojanas by Akash Marg (The 
Sky Route)and by the Grace of Kartikeya all the residents of Kalaap Gram could 
be shiftedby a long jump. This most Sacred Tirtha was such that there were no 
proverbial thieves viz.Kama (desire), Krodha (anger), Lobha (avarice) etc. who 
could rob the immensewealth of Gyan in the Holy Region. Kalaap Gram itself was 
some hundred yojanason the mountains of Kedarnath Tirtha. As a result of the 
Great Charity of LordBrahma by Sage Narada, some Thirty Thousand Brahmanas of 
immense quality whowere versatile in ‗Adhyayan‘ of Vedas and Scriptures and 
‗Anushthaan‘(Ritualistic Meditation) got transferred to Mahi Sagara.

K Rajaram  IRS   26524     27524


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