On Wed, 17 Jul 2024 at 02:11, 'gopala krishnan' via KeralaIyers <
keralaiy...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Respected sir,
> Why we beat the * bull* again and again? Without understanding he will be
> charging,charging, charging....It is better to leave the stick after 2-3
> beatings.
> Gopalakrishnan
> On Wednesday, 17 July, 2024 at 10:49:17 am IST, Narayanaswamy Iyer <
> iyern...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear folks
> The craven coward and crazy weirdo again runs and hides when caught
> flagrante delicto.  Even if he tries to sit on the fence, he needs beware
> that the sharp fence will pierce through his aged useless genitals and make
> him bleed at his secret spots.
> S Narayanaswamy Iyer
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 9:41 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You senile idiot Even if you jump like a fox that is the truth which I had
> proved already. But your assertions and claims you are yet to prove. No
> point in your personal versions. No one will print it and sell. Thank you
> da oldman KR
> On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 at 20:14, Narayanaswamy Iyer <iyern...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Dear folks
> Ever delirious and mentally incompetent, sleep-deprived KR ex-IRS 16724
> babbles his usual incurable nonsense.  For example:-
> "*The only one Veda that is Rig became SAMA with 90% of the Rigs, and
> then KYV with 60% of the Rig."*
> My comments:-
> He desperately tries to hide the truth that the r'g, saama, and Yajur
> emerged at one and the same time, and that he himself has admitted in
> these columns that 900 and more verses in r'g were wholesale copies
> from yajur-vedam.
> His persistence in his monumental but transparent bluffs only confirm his
> advanced insanity and his utter stupidity in trying to suppress the truth.
> He has retracted his earlier assertion without proof that "this (the
> atharva vedam) also is not the work of a human author", and confessed that
> it was composed by a human:-
> "*Later The Rishi Atharvan classified the mind concerned differently to
> the matter in consonance to lead the body life. Thus the Atarva did not
> make any fresh*."
> Once a crazy weirdo, always a crazy weirdo.
> S Narayanaswamy Iyer
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 9:45 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mr Narayanasamy, your unauthentic assertions are your rights to write but
> in vain as your stuff is in the open forum stark naked. The very nature of
> your classification of the Atharva vedam as MYSTIC shows how unwise you
> are. Of Course the verses of original ,might have been later mixed up by
> the no-knowledge printers when sruthi became smrithi. But The only one Veda
> that is Rig became SAMA with 90% of the Rigs, and then KYV with 60% of the
> Rig . Later The Rishi Atharvan classified the mind concerned differently to
> the matter in consonance to lead the body life. Thus the Atarva did not
> make any fresh but extracted such verses from the Rig and called it by his
> name. And all the verses of the Rig vedam were useful for the day to day
> life. The opening verses of the Atharva veda speaks about i all. Your
> haughtiness will make you less than a worm creature. Have a nice sleep KR
> IRS 16724
> On Mon, 15 Jul 2024 at 21:18, Narayanaswamy Iyer <iyern...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Dear folks
> Erroneous assumptions, even if repeated a thousand times, cannot be
> transformed into truth any more than lead can be turned into gold.
> Totally uneducated super bluffologist K RAJARAM ex-IRS 15724 16724
> trumpets atop the chicken-coop roof:-
> "*The Vedic character of the Atharva cannot be denied, because, like the
> other Vedas, this also is not the work of a human author, it helps to make
> known man’s duties, it is free from mistakes, it prescribes the Jyotiṣṭoma
> and such other rites exactly in the same manner as the other Vedas do.*"
> My comments:-
> Utterly untrue.
> The atharva vedam was composed by fallible humans --  rishi atharvana and
> rishi aangirasa and their group.
> It cannot ever be compared with r'g, yajur, and saamam, all of which were
> partitioned from the primordial mass of Vedic verses originating from
> Brahma and transmitted to Brahma's mind-born sons Sanaka, Sanandana,
> Sanaatana and Sanat Kumaara.
> The atharva vedam, because of its mystic content, requires a different
> upanayanam from the upanayanam for the other three vedams.
> S Narayanaswamy Iyer
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 9:32 AM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> PART 8 KR IRS 15724 16724
> We shall see now what these terms mean according to the Commentators and the
> more important Digest-writers.
> (A) Śruti
> Medhātithi on Manu, 2.6.—The word ‘Veda’ stands for the Ṛgveda, Yajurveda,
> and Sāmaveda (also Atharva Veda), along with their respective Brāhmaṇas,
> There are 21 Recensions of the Ṛgveda, 100 of the Yajurveda, 1,000 of the
> Sāmaveda and 9 of the Atharvaveda. The Vedic character of the Atharva
> cannot be denied, because, like the other Vedas, this also is not the work
> of a human author, it helps to make known man’s duties, it is free from
> mistakes, it prescribes the Jyotiṣṭoma and such other rites exactly in the
> same manner as the other Vedas do. [This is denied by Vīramitrodaya on
> Yājñavalkya; see below.] Though there are certain texts that forbid the
> study of the Atharva Veda, yet all that this means is that one should not
> confuse the teachings of the other Vedas with those of the Atharva; for
> instance, at the performance of rites in accordance with the three other
> Vedas, one should not use Mantras of the Atharva Veda.
> This ‘Veda’ is the ‘root,’ i.e., source, cause, of dharma, in the sense
> that it makes it known, and it does this by means chiefly of such passages
> in the Brāhmaṇas as contain injunctive expressions; sometimes also by means
> of Manras. And the other parts of the Veda—the Arthavāda or Declamatory
> Passages—have their use in eulogising what is enjoined by the corresponding
> injunction; Mantras and names help in indicating the details of the acts
> prescribed.
> Sarvajñanārāyaṇa on Manu, 26.—When Manu speaks of the ‘entire Veda,’ he
> means to include the Arthavādas, commendatory and condemnatory
> exaggerations, also.
> Kullūka on Manu, 26.—‘Veda’ stands for the Ṛk, Yajus, Sāman and Atharvan;
> the whole of these, including the injunctions, Mantras and Arthavādas, the
> last also serving the purpose of helping the injunction by persuasion. Both
> Mantras and Arthavādas serve the useful purpose not only of persuasion, but
> also of reminding the agent of the details of the action undertaken. The
> authority of Śruti and the rest also rests upon.the fact of their having
> their source in the Veda.
> Rāghavānanda on Manu, 2.6.—Ṛk, Yajus, Sāman and Atharvan are the
> authority for Dharma.
> Viśvarūpa on Yājña, 1.3-7.—‘Śruti’ is to be taken, not in the strictly
> limited sense of the ‘Mantra and Brāhmaṇa texts,’ but for all the fourteen
> ‘Sciences’—the Four Vedas, their six ‘subsidiaries’ or ‘limbs,’ Purāṇa,
> Nyāya, Mīmānsā, and Dharmaśāstra.
> Mitākṣarā on Yājña, 1.7.—‘Śruti’ is Veda.
> (I) Aparārka on Yājña, 1.7.—‘Śruti’ is Veda—it is the only determining
> factor in all matters relating to the Agnihotra and other rites. As Vyāsa
> says, this is the only pure authority (i.e., entirely trustworthy), all the
> rest being ‘adulterated,’ i.e., of doubtful authority; that law is the
> highest which is learnt from the Veda, what is propounded in the Purāṇas
> and other works being of a lower grade.
> Says Manu—‘The Veda embodies all knowledge’ (2.7).
> ‘The learned man should enter upon his own duties, resting upon the
> authority of the Revealed Word’ (2.8). ‘The Veda should be known as the
> Revealed Word, Śruti’ (2.10).
> Vīramitrodaya-Tīkā on Yājña, 1.7.—‘Śruti’ is Veda—as in Manu (2.10). It
> is the sole authority in regard to Agnihotra and such rites.
> Vīramitrodaya-Paribhāṣā, pp. 8-25.—‘Śruti’ stands for ‘Veda,’ which,
> according to Āpastamba’s definition, is the name given to the ‘collection
> of Mantra and Brāhmaṇa texts’;—the ‘whole’ of this authoritative, i.e., the
> direct, texts themselves, as also those that are deducible from the
> implications of ‘Indication,’ ‘Syntactical Connection,’ ‘Context,’
> ‘Position’ and ‘Name,’ and also the transformations undergone by the
> original texts under well-recognised principles. Another implication of the
> epithet ‘entire’ is that the Atharva Veda also is to be accepted as
> authoritative, and not only the ‘trinity of Vedas,’ as one might be led to
> suppose from the words of Āpastamba, who says that ‘Dharma is to be
> learnt from the three Vedas.’ It would be wrong to deny the authority of
> the Atharva Veda, because, even though it has nothing to say regarding the
> setting up of the Sacrificial Pires or the details of the Agnihotra and
> other rites, yet on certain matters it is our only authority; such
> propitiatory rites for instance as those relating to the *‘Tulāpuruṣa’
> and* the like, which affect all the castes. When we speak of these being
> the ‘source of dharma,’ ‘means of knowing what Dharma, Right, is,’ it
> follows that they are the means of knowing also what ‘Adharma’ ‘wrong’ is;
> it is necessary to understand what is ‘wrong’ in order to discard it and
> thereby prepare the mind for perceiving what is ‘right.’
> This ‘Śruti’ operates in the following seven forms:
> (1) The Injunction or Mandatory text—e.g., ‘one shall sacrifice the goat
> to Yāyu’—this is a trustworthy guide as to what one should do.
> (2) The Prohibitive Text—e.g., ‘one shall not eat the flesh of an animal
> killed by the poisoned arrow this is a guide as to what one shall avoid.
> (3) The ‘Declamatory’ text of two kinds: the commendatory and the
> condemnatory; the former serves the purpose of delineating the excellence
> of the course of action enjoined by the Mandatory text; e.g., the text
> ‘Vāyu is the eftest deity,’ serves to indicate the excellent properties of
> the deity Vāyu to whom the offering of the goat has been enjoined; the
> condemnatory text serves to deprecate the course of action prohibited;
> e.g., the assertion that ‘the tears of weeping Rudra became silver’ is
> meant to deprecate the giving of silver as the sacrificial fee, which has
> been forbidden by a prohibitive text. Texts of this declamatory kind are of
> use sometimes in settling a doubtful point: e.g., it having been enjoined
> that one should place wet pebbles under the altar, and the injunction being
> silent as to the substance with which the pebble is to be wetted, the doubt
> on this point is settled by a subsequent ‘declamatory’ text, ‘clarified
> butter is glory itself,’ which clearly indicates the clarified butter as
> the substance with which the pebbles are to be wetted.
> (4) The Mantra text—e.g., ‘Devasya tvā savituḥ,’ etc., serves to remind
> the performer of the details of the performance in the shape of the deity
> and so forth.
> (5) The proper names of particular sacrifices help in the determining of
> the exact action connoted by the common root ‘yaji,’ ‘to sacrifice’
> occurring in the injunctive text.
> (6) The meaningless syllables, stobhas, introduced in the Sāma-chant,
> serve the purpose of marking time and cadence;
> And
>  (7) the Upaniṣad text serves to promulgate that knowledge of Brahman
> which desroys all evil.
> -----------------------
> *Parāśara, 1-20—speaks* of the ‘propounders of Śruti’ appearing at the
> beginning of each kalpa. From the words it would seem as if the three
> gods—Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Maheśvara were the said ‘propounders.’ But Mādhava
> (p. 98) takes the ‘propounders of Śruti, Smṛti and Sadāchāra’ separately
> from Brahmā, etc., and he supplies a peculiar account of the ‘propounders
> of Śruti’—which extends the scope of the authority of this source of
> knowledge. He says that by the ‘propounders of Śruti’ here are meant
> (1) Vyāsa, who divided the Vedic text into the several recensions;
> (2) the expounders of those Recensions—such as Kaṭha and Kuthuma;
> (3) the contents of Kalpasūtras, such as Baudhāyana, Āśvalāyana, aud
> Āpastamba, and also the ‘authors’ of the Mīmāṃsāsūtras, Jaimini and the
> rest.
> Nṛsiṃhaprasāda-Saṃskara-Sāra MSS.—The Veda is the main authority for
> Dharma. Any inconsistencies that may be found in it can be easily explained
> away. This authority belongs not only to the Injunctions, but also to
> Mantras, names and declamatory passages.
> Smṛticandrikā, p. 3.—The Veda is authoritative as it is independent of
> human authorshp.
> (B) Smṛti
> Medhātithi on Manu, 2.6.—‘Smṛti’ is Recollection and ‘Śīla’ denotes
> freedom from love, hatred and such improper feelings; this latter,
> according to one explanation, is a means of accomplishing Dharma, and not a
> means of knowing it; and it has been separately mentioned in the present
> connection only with a view to emphasise its importance. Not satisfied with
> this, he has taken the two terras ‘Smṛti’ and ‘Śīla’ in the compound as
> inter-related; and as together standing for a single means of knowing
> Dharma, in the shape of ‘Recollection during that state of the mind when it
> is calm, free from all disturbing influences of love, hatred and so
> forth’,—i.e., ‘Conscientious Recollection.’ The authority of ‘Smṛti’ thus
> becomes qualified. Even though a certain writer may be a Ṛṣi versed in
> Veda, yet if his ‘recollection’ and its compilation come about at a time
> when his mind was perturbed by discordant feelings, much trust cannot be
> placed upon such ‘Recollection.’
> This again has to be taken along with ‘Sādhūmām’; so that we have a
> threefold condition for the trustworthiness of a writer of Smṛti:—
> he must be learned (‘tādvidām’),
> he must be ‘conscientious,’ ‘free from love and hatred’ (‘Śīla’),
> and he must be ‘righteous’ (‘Sādhūmām’), be habitually engaged in carrying
> out the injunctions of the Veda.
> The upshot of the whole is that when a person is found to be recognised
> and spoken of by all wise and learned persons as endowed with the said
> three qualifications—and a certain compilation is also recognised as made
> by that person,—the word of such a person as found in his recognised work,
> should be recognised as an authoritative exponent of Dharma. Sc that even
> at the present day if there were such a person and he were to compose a
> work, then for all later generations that work would be regarded just as
> highly as those of Manu and others. This is the reason why Medhātithi is
> averse to the practice of enumerating the authoritative ‘Smṛtis.’ (Trans.,
> p. 204.)
> Sarvajñanārāyaṇa on Manu, 2.6.—In cases where no Vedic texts are
> available, the law can be determined with the help of the Smṛti of persons
> learned in the Veda—the term ‘Smṛti’ standing for the reflections over a
> certain subject, as also the treatises embodying those reflections.
> Kullūka on Manu, 2.6.—The Smṛti of ‘persons learned in the Veda’ is
> authoritative,—this last qualification being added for the purpose of
> indicating that the authority of Smṛti is due to its having its source in
> the Veda.
> Rāghavānanda on Manu, 2.6.—‘Smṛti’ stands for the work of Manu and
> others. It stands here for only such Smṛti as is not incompatible with tho
> Veda. All the rest are to be rejected whenever they are found to be
> repugnant to any direct text of the Veda. But where there is no such
> repugnance, we are justified in assuming that the Smṛti must be based upon
> a Vedic text now lost to us; and it is on this assumption that its
> trustworthiness rests.
> Nandana on Manu, 2.6.—The ‘Smṛti of men learned in the Veda.’ This stands
> for Smṛtis, Purāṇas and Itihāsas.
> Viśvarūpa on Yājña, 1.7.—‘Smṛti’ and ‘Dharmaśāstra’ are synonymous terms.
> “How do we know that the Smṛtis are all based upon the Veda, from which
> they derive their authority? Certainly we do not find Vedic texts in
> support of everything that is ordained in the Smṛtis. As for the Vedic
> texts that are found to support some Smṛti assertions, such support is
> found also in the case of the heterodox scriptures.”—The simple answer to
> this question is that in the face of the direct assertion of Manu and other
> Smṛti-writers that their work is ‘based on the Veda,’ we have no
> justification for thinking otherwise. They being great Vedic scholars,
> could not have lied on this point. As a matter of fact also we find that
> every one of the injunctions contained in the Smṛtis has its source in the
> Veda; in some cases the connection is direct, in others indirect; for
> instance, we have the single Vedic injunction ‘one should study the Veda’;
> now studying is not possible without teaching, hence the injunction of
> teaching is implied by the former—the teaching cannot be done without some
> one to teach; this implies the receiving and initiating of a pupil; this
> implies the necessity of having children; this again that of marrying and
> so on; most of the other injunctions may have their source traced in the
> single Vedic text.
> (I) Aparārka on Yājña, 1.7.—‘Smṛti’ is that ordinance which, in matters
> relating to Dharma, has its source in the Veda; its authority is
> ‘adulterated,’ i.e., not so absolute as that of Śruti; it supplies us with
> information regarding the duties of all castes and the four life-stages;
> one should carefully do all that has been ordained, Smṛtam, by persons most
> learned in the Veda and eschew what is forbidden by them. [This writer like
> Kumārila makes a distinction between ‘Smṛti’ and ‘Purāṇa.’] There are
> chances of our going astray in the matter of interpreting a Vedic text and
> learning the law from it; but there is no fear of any such mistake being
> committed by the Smṛti-writers who were thoroughly well-versed in the Vedic
> lore. [From this it would seem that this writer flourished during the
> transition period, when the centre of gravity was beginning to shift from
> the Veda towards the Smṛti.]
> Mitākṣarā on Yājña, 1.7.—‘Smrti’ is Dharmaśāstra.
> Vīramitrodaya on Yājña, 1.7.—‘Smṛti’ is ‘Dharmaśāstra’—‘Legal Ordinances’
> (Manu 2-10); it is the sole authority regarding the Aṣṭakā and such rites.
> Vīramitrodaya-Paribhāṣā, pp. 8-25.—‘Of persons learned in the Veda’; this
> has been added with a view to make clear that the authority of the Smṛtis
> does not rest upon themselves: it is derived entirely from the fact of
> their having their source in the Veda. The name ‘Smṛti’ stands for the
> legal ordinances, ‘Dharmaśāstra,’ compiled by Yājñavalkya and others.
> Madanapārijāta, p. 11.—Manu is the most important of the expounders of
> law. Among others, some are mentioned by Yājñavalkya (see above). But this
> list is not exhaustive. Though all these ‘expounders’ do not always agree,
> yet, on the main principles, they are all agreed; the differences, if any,
> are confined to minor points; and these latter discrepancies can always he
> explained.
> Nṛsiṃhaprasāda-Saṃskāra MSS.—“How can any authority attach to the Smṛtis
> of Manu and others, which being of human origin are open to the suspicion
> of the possibility of all those defects to which human writers are liable;
> and for this reason these cannot be regarded as authoritative in the same
> manner as the Vedas are, whose authority is above suspicion.”—The answer to
> this is that inasmuch as these Smṛtis are found to be mere reproductions of
> what is contained in the Veda, they must be regarded as duly authoritative.
> The very name ‘Smṛti,’ ‘Recollection,’ implies that they only reproduce
> what the authors have learnt elsewhere; and as Manu and others are known to
> have been learned in the Veda it stands to reason that knowing as they did
> that the Veda was the sole authority on Dharma, when they proceeded to note
> down for the benefit of others what the laws were that regulated Dharma,
> they could not but have drawn upon the Veda. It is true that they arc found
> to contain many rules that we cannot trace to the Veda as known to us; but
> if they were mere reproductions of whatever is found in the Veda, no one
> would care for them. So we are led to the inference that as on most of the
> points dealt with by them, their assertions are found to be based on Vedic
> texts, the other points also must have had their source in the Veda; but in
> those Vedic texts that have become lost to us. We have the Veda itself
> testifying to the trustworthy character of at least one Smṛti-writer,
> Manu—‘Whatever Manu has said is wholesome.’
> Smrticandrikā, pp. 1 et scq.—The ordinances composed by Manu and other
> writers, being based on the Veda, are our sole authority on Dharma. That
> the Smṛtis have their source in the Veda is deduced from the fact that they
> only expound what is contained in the Veda. Says Bhṛgu—‘Whatever Dharma has
> been expounded by Manu has all been set forth in the Veda.’ Śaṅkara also
> says that ‘the Smṛtis have their source in the Veda.’ But this refers to
> only what the Smṛti says regarding spiritual matters, and not to what they
> lay down regarding temporal matters; as is distinctly declared in the
> Purāṇa—‘All these (smṛtis) have their source in the Veda—save those
> portions that deal with visible (tempoal) matters.’
> ----------------End of part 8 --------------------------------K RAJARAM
> IRS 15724  16724
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