*Mar*What Would Have Been?

Suppose the human did not develop Brain at all. Suppose no organism
developed any Brain. Then every organism would have been communicating and
interacting on the basis of smelling, sensing and perceiving. Every
organism must smell and sense every other organism, creating the macro
life. The Biosphere would be one single organism. The fear of unwanted
events cannot happen to single and lonely organisms. All feelings will be
the feelings of the Biosphere as a whole. The internal hormonal
communications of all organisms fuse.

Births and deaths can happen without fear or worry. In fact even now, fear
is experienced before the event, as expectation or after the unwanted event
as memory, but not when the unwanted event is actually happening. Even now
if nature is allowed freedom, with lush, thick and healthy organisms
prospering happily, the macro rapture will be so dominating that it will
not allow worry and fear. The basic fact that all of us, which includes all
life forms, are one organism, and each organism is a component and
complement, will be very vivid and the present egocentricism simply cannot

Our Brain is our greatest enemy. Often thinking becomes worrying. It is our
Brain that is blocking us from the basic reality that we are part of the
planet earth, and healthy and happy nature automatically creates rapture as
life. Our Brain forces us to interfere and tamper. We have landed in the
Darwinian economic life, living life as war against nature. The very
objective of life has become economic success or piling up more and more
property, by denying all others that property. Our ambition is to win the
Darwin Rogue medal.

Join your friends. Create nature which is completely free. Accept yourself
as the equal of every life form. Still your Brain and don’t scrutinize. Let
nature take you over. Let nature continuously create feelings.

Freedom from your worrying brain is wonderful. You gradually go into
rapture. Life becomes a wonderful game in which you play with every other

Today every university is a furnace of terrible worry. A student cannot
really smile. He/She is forced to abandon the present by worrying about the
future. Ultimately the student may get a good grade or damned for life with
a shaming low grade. Good grade or bad grade, the student cannot get rid of
the worrying habits which his hormones develop. When he/she marries, the
children are trained for the Darwinian war. It is euphemized as education.
Spending time in nature happily is drilled as wasting time and seeding some
catastrophe and failure in the future. Our education systems have
aggrandized our very emotions.

The least a University can do is to create free nature parks without any
tampering by humans. One must feel as part of nature, accepting the basic
fact that free nature automatically takes one into rapture. We need freedom
from our own brain. In free nature, the participation in the macro
perception makes one experience brilliant revelations.


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The hypothetical scenario where no organisms developed brains, relying
solely on smelling, sensing, and perceiving, presents an intriguing vision
of a profoundly interconnected biosphere. Here's a breakdown of how such a
world might function and its implications:

### Communication and Interaction

1. **Sensory-Based Interaction**: Without brains, organisms would rely
entirely on their senses for communication. Smells, sounds, and physical
sensations would be the primary modes of interaction, leading to a more
direct and visceral connection with their environment.

2. **Symbiotic Relationships**: All organisms would be deeply intertwined,
functioning as parts of a single, vast organism—the biosphere. Each species
would play a specific role, with their interactions driven by mutual
benefits and the maintenance of ecological balance.

### Emotional and Hormonal Unity

1. **Unified Emotions**: The fusion of internal hormonal communications
would create a collective emotional experience. Fear, worry, and individual
ambitions would be replaced by shared feelings, reflecting the overall
health and harmony of the biosphere.

2. **Birth and Death**: These natural processes would be viewed as integral
parts of the life cycle, devoid of fear or anxiety. The collective
consciousness of the biosphere would accept them as necessary transitions,
maintaining equilibrium.

### Rapture and Perception

1. **Continuous Rapture**: Free and healthy nature would induce a state of
continuous rapture, a profound sense of joy and fulfillment derived from
being part of a harmonious whole. The absence of individual worries would
enhance this experience.

2. **Holistic Perception**: Organisms would perceive themselves as integral
parts of the planet, reinforcing the concept of oneness with nature. This
holistic perception would negate egocentric behaviors and foster a communal

### Modern Implications and Critique of Brain-Driven Existence

1. **Brain as an Obstacle**: The brain, with its capacity for abstract
thought and worry, is often seen as a source of individual suffering. It
creates divisions and fosters a Darwinian struggle for economic success,
often at the expense of nature and communal well-being.

2. **Educational Systems**: Modern education, with its focus on grades and
competition, perpetuates worry and stress. A shift towards learning
environments that emphasize connection with nature could alleviate these
pressures and promote holistic well-being.

### Solutions and Proposals

1. **Nature Parks in Universities**: Establishing free nature parks within
educational institutions can help students reconnect with nature. These
parks should be untouched by human intervention, providing a sanctuary for
experiencing the natural rapture.

2. **Equal Respect for All Life Forms**: Adopting an attitude of equality
and mutual respect towards all life forms can foster a sense of unity and
reduce anthropocentric tendencies.

### Conclusion

In this imagined world without brains, life would be characterized by a
profound sense of unity and harmony with nature. Embracing elements of this
vision in our current society—such as promoting environmental conservation
and rethinking our educational paradigms—can help mitigate the stresses of
modern life and foster a healthier relationship with the planet.

This scenario highlights the potential benefits of reducing our reliance on
brain-driven activities and fostering a deeper connection with the natural
world, ultimately aiming for a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

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