I     The importance of Bilva patra for the worship of Lord Shiva is
commonly known.

Botanical name of Bilva    Aegle marmelos.

Origin of Bilva tree

Krishna Yajurveda Taittiriya Samhita.II.1.8.1-2 says:

There was a time when the Sun stopped shining.

Devas did a yaga, propitiated Suryadeva and he started shining again.

Bilva tree came into existence at this time.

If Bilva tree is used as yupa (sacrificial post) in yajna, then the
splendour of the yajamana

will increase.

According to Shatapatha Brahmana XIII.4.4.8-9, Bilva came into existence
from the

marrow of Prajapati.

Greatness of Bilva

Vedas connect Bilva to the acquisition of Brahma-varchas (splendor).

The use of Bilva in yaga also bestows abundance of food, prosperity, power,
and progeny.

Atharva Veda XX.136.15 describes Bilva as: Mahan vai bhadro bilvah

- Bilva is good and great.

Used for making implements and vessels in yaga

Bilva is a yaga-vriksha and is extensively used for making vessels and
implements for


The other trees used for this purpose are: Ashwattha (Ficus religiosa),
Udumbara (Ficus glomerata), Karshmarya (Gmelina arborea), Khadira (Acacia
catechu), Palasha (Butea frondosa), Vaikankata (Flacourtia sapida), and
Shami (Prosopis spicigera)

Bilva is used for making yupa, danda, and shukra-patra.

They are also used as paridhis and as samidheni sticks for igniting the

In many rituals, vessel for cooking rice is made in the shape of Bilva

The idea is that the divine qualities of Bilva will be imparted into the

In a vrata called Sriphala-kricchra, the observer of the vrata worships
Lakshmi Devi sitting

under a Bilva tree.

He sleeps under the tree and takes only Bilva fruit as food.

Bilva is used to make protective amulets.

II        Bilvopanishad

Bilva is so great that an Upanishad is there about it.

In Bilvopanishad, Lord Shiva himself teaches Sage Vamadeva about the
greatness of Bilva.

Brahma resides on the left leaf of Bilva, Vishnu on the right and Shiva on
the middle leaf.

All the other Devas reside on the stalk of the Bilva leaf.

The three leaves connected to the same stalk stand for the fact that:

1. The Trimurthis are different aspects of the same supreme truth.

2. Satwa, rajas, and tamo gunas are interrelated.

3. Iccha-shakti, jnana-shakti, and kriya-shakti are interrelated.

On the backside of the Bilva patra amrita is there.

Therefore, whenever Archana with Bilva patra for Lord Shiva is performed,
the leaf should

face upwards.

The backside should touch the lingam/idol.

Lord Shiva says that his worship will be incomplete if Bilva is not offered.

Worship with Bilva patra gives comforts, happiness, and moksha. It releases
from all sins.

Worshiping Lord Shiva with Bilva patra gives the results of undertaking

danam, tapas, yoga, and learning of Vedas.

Lakshmi Devi resides on Bilva tree

Bilva fruit is called Sri-phala. Sri Sukta says:

तव वृक्षो ऽथ बि ल्वः तस्य फला नि तपसा नुदन्तु.

Bilva fruits have got the power to remove obstacles.

Homa to propitiate Lakshmi Devi is performed with Bilva fruit

III      Bilvashtakam


Composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the famous Bilvashtakam extols the
virtues of the Bilva leaf (also spelt Vilva, Bilwa) and Lord Shiva’s love
for it. Shri Shiva Bilvashtakam is a very powerful chant that describes the
power and glory of offering bilva leaves to Lord Shiva. They are to be
offered in a group of three leaves and are said to have features that
identify them with Lord Shiva himself. The Bilva leaf is trifoliate which
signifies the holy Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. It also
signifies the three eyes of Shiva. According to Shiva Purana, The Bilwa is
the symbol of Lord Shiva. It is adored even by the Gods. it is difficult to
understand its greatness. Blessed are the ones who offer the Bilva. One
Bilva is equal to a thousand lotus, says the Siva Purana. According to the
Skanda Purana, the Bilwa (Bel) tree grew from the sweat droplets of Parvati
which fell on the Mandrachal mountain. From there the Bel tree emerged.
Hence, it is believed that the Goddess resides in this tree in all Her
forms. She resides as Girija in the roots of the tree, as Maheshwari in its
trunk, as Dakshayani in its branches, Parvati in its leaves, Katyayani in
its fruit and as Gauri in its flowers. Therefore as Parvati resides in Her
various forms in this tree, Shiva is extremely fond of its leaves.

त्रिदलं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिनेत्रं च त्रियायुधम् ।

त्रिजन्म पापसंहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva

Which has three leaves (a Bilva leaf has 3 leaves as a cluster)

Which represents the three Gunas (Satva, Rajas, Tamas)

And represents three eyes of Shiva

Which is like the triad of weapons he bears

And whose very thought or uttering of names destroys one’s accumulated sins.

त्रिशाखैः बिल्वपत्रैश्च अच्छिद्रैः कोमलैः शुभैः ।

तवपूजां करिष्यामि एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva

Which has three shoots

Which are not defective in any manner

Which are soft and tender

Which are auspicious.

कोटि कन्या महादानं तिलपर्वत कोटयः ।

काञ्चनं शैलदानेन एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

Gifting of millions of daughters in marriage or

Offering mountains of Sesame seeds or

Donating a mountain of Gold,

Such virtue can be earned by the

Offering of a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

काशीक्षेत्र निवासं च कालभैरव दर्शनम् ।

प्रयागे माधवं दृष्ट्वा एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

If one stays at the holy city of Kasi, and then

Has darshan of the Lord Kalabhairava there

Visits Prayag and has darshan of Lord Madhava there

And also offers worship to Lord Shiva with the Bilva leaf

He is assured of the Lord’s grace.

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.

इन्दुवारे व्रतं स्थित्वा निराहारो महेश्वराः ।

नक्तं हौष्यामि देवेश एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

On Monday, I shall observe a spiritual fast and worship you

I shall consume food only at night O Lord of Lords

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.

रामलिङ्ग प्रतिष्ठा च वैवाहिक कृतं तथा ।

तटाकानिच सन्धानं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

The divine bliss attained by Lord Rama by installing a Shiva Linga

Such divine bliss can be attained by offering

A single leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.

अखण्ड बिल्वपत्रं च आयुतं शिवपूजनम् ।

कृतं नाम सहस्रेण एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

Lord Shiva should be worshipped with a whole (unblemished) Bilva leaf.

Having chanted his name a thousand times

I offer a Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

उमया सहदेवेश नन्दि वाहनमेव च ।

भस्मलेपन सर्वाङ्गं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

O Lord, you are seated beside Parvati

Nandi is your mount

Your entire body is smeared with ash

O Lord Shiva, I offer a Bilva leaf to you.

सालग्रामेषु विप्राणां तटाकं दशकूपयोः ।

यज्ञ्नकोटि सहस्रस्य एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

By offering the Salagrama stone to a Brahmin who has realised the Self

Or by performing countless Yagnas

One acquires great virtue

Such virtue can be earned by

Offering a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

दन्ति कोटि सहस्रेषु अश्वमेधशतक्रतौ च ।

कोटिकन्या महादानं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

The virtue earned by donating a thousand elephants

Or by performing a hundred Aswamedha sacrifices

Or by giving away in a marriage a countless daughter

Such virtue can be earned by offering a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

बिल्वाणां दर्शनं पुण्यं स्पर्शनं पापनाशनम् ।

अघोर पापसंहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

Even having a look at the Bilva tree or

Even just touching it

Destroys the most horrible sins one might have committed.

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.

सहस्रवेद पाटेषु ब्रह्मस्तापनमुच्यते ।

अनेकव्रत कोटीनां एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

Chanting the Vedas a thousand times

Is said to elevate one to a great spiritual height

And so with performing spiritual fasts crores of times

Equal to all of these is

Offering a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

अन्नदान सहस्रेषु सहस्रोपनयनं तधा ।

अनेक जन्मपापानि एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

The virtue earned by donating food to thousands

Or by performing a thousand thread ceremonies

Such virtue is attained

By offering a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva

Which washes away the sins of many lives.

बिल्वाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेश्शिव सन्निधौ ।

शिवलोकमवाप्नोति एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम् ॥

Whoever reads these sacred verses of Bilvashtakam

In the proximity (presence) of Lord Shiva

Will be freed of all sins

And will attain the abode of Lord Shiva.


विकल्प सङ्कर्पण

त्रिदलं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिनेत्रं च त्रियायुधम् ।

त्रिजन्म पापसंहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ 1 ॥

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva

Which has three leaves (a Bilva leaf has 3 leaves as a cluster)

Which represents the three Gunas (Satva, Rajas, Tamas)

And represents three eyes of Shiva

Which is like the triad of weapons he bears

And whose very thought or uttering of names destroys one’s accumulated sins.

त्रिशाखैः बिल्वपत्रैश्च अच्छिद्रैः कोमलैः शुभैः ।

तवपूजां करिष्यामि एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ 2 ॥

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva

Which has three shoots

Which are not defective in any manner

Which are soft and tender

Which are auspicious.

दर्शनं बिल्ववृक्षस्य स्पर्शनं पापनाशनम् ।

अघोरपापसंहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ 3 ॥

Even having a look at the Bilva tree or

Even just touching it

Destroys the most horrible sins one might have committed.

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.

सालग्रामेषु विप्रेषु तटाके वनकूपयोः ।

यज्ञ्नकोटि सहस्राणां एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ 4 ॥

By offering the Shaligrama stone to a Brahmin who has realised the Self

Or by performing countelss Yagnas

One acquires great virtue

Such virtue can be earned by

Offering a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

दन्तिकोटि सहस्रेषु अश्वमेध शतानि च ।

कोटिकन्याप्रदानेन एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ 5 ॥

Gifting of thousands of crores of elephants, or

Performing hundreds of great sacrifices like the Vajapeya (sacrifices made
by kings) or

Gifting of millions of daughters in marriage

Cannot be compared with the offering of a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.

एकं च बिल्वपत्रैश्च कोटियज्ञ्न फलं लभेत् ।

महादेवैश्च पूजार्थं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ 6 ॥

By performing countelss Yagnas

One acquires great virtue

Such virtue can be earned by

Offering a single Bilva leaf to Lord Shiva.

काशीक्षेत्रे निवासं च कालभैरव दर्शनम् ।

गयाप्रयाग मे दृष्ट्वा एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ 7 ॥

If one stays at the holy city of Kasi, and then

Has darsan of the Lord Kalabhairava there

Visits Prayag and has darsan of Lord Madhava there

And also offers worship to Lord Shiva with the Bilva leaf

He is assured of the Lord’s grace.

I offer one leaf of Bilva to Lord Shiva.

उमया सह देवेशं वाहनं नन्दिशङ्करम् ।

मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यो एकबिल्वं शिवार्पितम् ॥ 8 ॥

O Lord, you are seated besides Parvati

Nandi is your mount

Your entire body is smeared with ash

O Lord Shiva, I offer a Bilva leaf to you.

इति श्री बिल्वाष्टकम् ॥

K Rajaram IRS  29724 30724

IV           Mambalam is believed to have derived its name from the
existence of Maha vilvam trees in the locality, which in due course become
Mavilam and then Mambalam.

Alternatively, in ancient times it was descriptively known as Mylai mel
ambalam (place located on the west of Mylai). It was shortly referred as
mel-ambalam, finally converging colloquially over time as Mambalam.

With the Mambalam railway line dividing the locality into East Mambalam and
West Mambalam, and with East Mambalam having renamed as "Thyagaraya Nagar",
the western part continues to be known as "West Mambalam" today.


Prior to its inclusion in the then city of Madras, Mambalam was a village
in the Saidapet taluk of Chingleput district. The oldest surviving
reference to Mambalam is believed to be in a 1726 stone plaque commemorating
the construction of the Marmalong Bridge (now known as Maraimalai Adigal
Bridge) across the Adyar river by the merchant Coja Petrus Uscan. The
bridge is believed to have been named after the village of Marmalong or
Marmalan identified with Mambalam. The village was, then, a zamindari
administered by zamindars belonging to a Telugu-speaking Reddi family.

Urbanisation of Mambalam was started in 1911 with the construction of the
Mambalam railway station on the Madras-Kanchipuram railroad. The Long Tank,
which formed the western frontier of Madras city, was drained out in 1923.
The same year, the administration of Mambalam was handed over to the
British by its zamindar. The township of Thyagaraya Nagar, popularly known
as T. Nagar, was constructed in the southern part of the zamindari during
1923–25. The townships of Mambalam and Thyagaraya Nagar covering an area of
1.008 sq. miles were included in the Mambalam division of Madras city.
These outlying residential suburbs were connected to the rest of the city
by an effective bus service. The areas surrounding Arya Gowda Road
(originally the Ari Gowder Road) were obtained from Badaga leader and
politician H. B. Ari Gowder. In its early days, Mambalam was affected by
sanitation issues and was notorious for its filaria epidemics. This area
was annexed to Chennai in 1946.   Starting from the 1960s, Mambalam grew
into a middle-class residential neighbourhood in counterbalance to the
sister-township of Thyagaraya Nagar which was evolving into a busy shopping

V    This was with me for quite some time; today Mr Jambu reflected my
attachment to Mambalam the T Nagar side, born brought up grew with no
traffic once, jay walked in Pondy bazaar to thickest crowded    T Nagar.
Seen its growth where the 5 ground 2 floored big building were sold once
for just Rs 12000; now not less than 5 to 8 crores value. The T nagar Bus
stand, Krishnaveni theatre, walk across the road where now police station I
there, will land you in West Mambalam. Those were days when we a dozen
loitered all over T Nagar; studies in Ramakrishna; Played for Jolly Rovers,
1st Div Cricket; all of us grew together and diverted into many fields
where headed the top of the office; now we meet in USA and all parts of the
Indian Nation whenever we can; in touch in emails. WA. Thank you
Perumal.                                             K   Rajaram IRS 29724
30724 from USA

On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 17:57, Jambunathan Iyer <n.jambun...@gmail.com>

> Kasi Vishwanathar Temple West Mambalam,chennai
> The Kasi Viswanathar is located in Kasi Viswanathar Koil Street, West
> Mambalam, Chennai. The temple is very near to the T. Nagar bus terminus.
> The Rajagopuram of the temple lies in the eastern entrance of the temple
> which is a majestic seven tiered structure. Next to it is the
> dwajasthambha, and the Nandi Deva The roof of the shrine is well crafted
> with beautiful paintings and images of God.
> Kasi Viswanathar Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva located in the
> neighborhood of West Mambalam in Chennai City. The temple is named after
> the Vishwanathar Temple at Varanasi. The Temple is believed to be
> constructed in the 17th century. The temple is also known as “Mahabilva
> Kshetra”.
> Presiding Deity is called as Kasi Viswanathar and Mother is called as Kasi
> Visalakshi.
> The main sanctum houses the Shiva Linga of Lord Shiva who graces here as
> Kasi Viswanatha facing the east. There is a small Nandi statue in front of
> the sanctum. To the right of the main sanctum is the sannidhi of Lord
> Vinayaka. Next to that is Lord Muruga along with his consorts Valli and
> Devyani. Next on the line is the sannidhi of Mother Visalakshi who looks
> kind and graceful.
> The wall surrounding the main shrine has the small niche images of
> Ganesha, Dakshina Murti, Vishnu, Brahma, and Durga. Beautiful stucco
> reliefs of design and flowers are made on the ceiling of the mandapam.
> Stucco images of Shiva’s dance as Nataraja & Urdhava Thandavar on both
> sides of Shiva & Parvathy Kalyana Kolam can be seen on the north wall of
> the mandapam.
> Sculptures of Nandhi, Sankaranarayana, Sarabeswarar, Prathiyangara Devi
> seated on Lion, Yoga Narasimhar, Sanjeeviraayar (Hanuman), Garudalwar,
> Kamakshi Amman and Artha Nareeshwarar can be seen on the pillars of this
> Mandapam.
> There are shrines of Ganesha, 63 Nayanmars, Naalvar, Arunagirinathar,
> Sekkizhar, Pattinathar, Vallalar, Ramalinga Adigalar, Kala Bairavar,
> Chandikeswarar, and Lord Murugan with his consorts Valli Devasena,
> Navagrahas and Ganesha & Nagas under a Bodhi tree in the Temple premises.
> The Temple’s Chariot is kept in a shed at the end of the temple street.
> I live in Westmabalm/Kodambakkam and Visit this Shiva Temple very often
> and Our famil mebers all too Visit. We are involved in festivals and
> renovation work. Mambalam is believed to have derived its name from the
> existence of Maha Vilvam trees in the locality, which in due course become
> Mavilam and then Mambalam.
> The prahara (precinct) containing these sannidhis is quite spacious and
> enables the devotees to comfortably get darshan of deities. There is also a
> Vasantha mandap and a Navagraha mandap within the temple complex. Beautiful
> figures of Nandi Dev are made in the surrounding walls of the temple.
> Around 400 years ago, the locality of West Mambalam was merely a small
> village hamlet with enormous vilwa trees. The place was then called the
> Mahabilam which over the years colloquially became Mambalam. A Swayambu
> lingam is believed to have appeared in the area for which the local
> residents built a temple.Researchers are of the opinion that the temple
> might have been built by a Nayakka king of Vijayanagar Empire.
> Lord Shiva is said to have appeared in the dream of a Nayakka king, after
> he worshipped the deity Vishwanathar at Kasi. The deity had instructed the
> king to build a temple in south India. Thus the king built the renowned
> Kasi Viswanatha temple at Tenkasi.
> According to Sthala Purana the temple at Mambalam, Chennai was also built
> sometime during the same period by the Nayakka king. Usually the temples
> built by the Nayakkas carry a fish emblem. This temple at Mambalam too has
> figures of fishes on the roof. This stands as a proof that the temple was
> indeed built by a Nayakka king.
> The Maha Sivarathri and the Arudra dharisanam are the two major festivals
> celebrated in this temple with much joy and devotion. The auspicious
> occasion of Pradosham is also celebrated here every month. Every Year the
> Pangni Bromtshavam celebrated in a Great mannar and all the 10 Days Lord
> Viswantah a, Visalakshi, Vinayaga, & Shanumga been taken on different
> vahana. The Athigara Nandhi, Arbath Muvar, Thiruther are the Major Fetivals
> of this temple and attract huge devotees to witness the same.
> Opening and Closing Timings: The temple is opened from 6.30 a.m. to 11.00
> a.m. and From 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
> How To Reach Arulmigu Kasi Viswanathar Temple, West Mambalam
> Airport: The nearest located Airport is the Chennai International Airport.
> Railways: The nearest Railway Station is the Mambalam station which is 1/2
> km from the temple.
> Road: The temple is hardly a kilometer away from the T. Nagar bus
> terminus. The Koyambedu main bus stand us about 7 km requler Buservice is
> available to Thiagaraya Nagar (T.Nagar) bus stand from all part of Chennai
> and it suburb.
> Devotees visit this temple to seek fulfillment of Salvation Wealth Relief
> from diseases, Purchase of vehicles, Gain Knowledge
> Kailaasarana Shiva Chandramouli Phaneendra Maathaa Mukutee Zalaalee
> Kaarunya Sindhu Bhava Dukha Haaree Thujaveena Shambho Maja Kona Taaree
> Oh Lord Shiva who is seated on Mount Kailash, where the moon decorates his
> forehead and the king of serpents crown his head, who is merciful and
> removes delusion, You alone can protect me. I surrender to thee.
> Aum Trayambakam Yajaamahey Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam Urvaarukamiva
> Bandhanaath Mrutyor Muksheeya Maamritaat
> We worship the fragrant Lord Shiva, who has 3 eyes and who cultivates all
> beings. May He free me from death, for immortality, as even a cucumber is
> separated from its bond with the vine.
> N Jambunathan Rengarajapuram-Kodambakkam-Chennai-Mob:9176159004
> *" What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you
> become by achieving your goals. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to
> a goal, not to people or things "*

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