Mr Rajaram,
Admit you were wrong in including Ayodhya temple. Just now Mr Madras Sivaraman 
former IAS responded it would take 4-5 years for Ayodhya temple to be come a 
regular temple. 

Your nature is always not admitting your mistakes and argue for what you wrote 
and prolong arguments as far as possible and use abusing words in course.
My spacious time is not for further arguing with you. Even you have not given 
any reference to your response. As long as reference is not there, your 
response is null and void.Gopalakrishnan

    On Sunday, 29 September, 2024 at 11:20:36 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
 My dear Gopalkrishnan             I know and that is what I also write then 
and now, that you do not verify anything as you do not either read or you don't 
understand the Jargon, but wants to push your elements as if they have learned. 
A learned is not one that reproduces 1921 in 2024 and still says the reader did 
not notice. Is that not funny? Had he asked a Q and answered on Jan 11th, you 
are writing it on 28 9 24. Latest facts alone shall be rendered or else you lag 
in your knowhow. And fools may live in Quora paradise whom you have every right 
to worship as you generally do for some years and then throw him out as 
useless. That is your personal right. But here Jargons like atoms and molecules 
are known to almost all. And asking a Q and A between O2 and C O is 
unpardonable. Similar blatant erroneous Q and A were earlier ones too and that 
is why I do the explanation part which you foolishly attribute as error! Funny 
fellow. Do not write the richest temples next from Quora. Today the highest 
visitors of temples are not in TNK(Tammilnadu and kerala); in both state 
atheism rules; west bengal is next in line. But Right from AP  Karnataka, up 
north Bhakti cult is higher. Had you seen Telugu films you would have heard 
sanskrit mantras spelt so beautifully. Thank you change or else you may become 
less than the change. KR IRS 29924 
On Sun, 29 Sept 2024 at 07:06, gopala krishnan <> wrote:

 Perhaps Mr Rajaram criticizer failed to note that the Ayodhaya temple was re- 
consecrated on  January 22  2024  and the answer is written on January 11 by 
Without looking in to facts, Mr Rajaram simply responds as if he is right. 
There are a few who blinds supports Mr Rajaram as if he is always 

    On Saturday, 28 September, 2024 at 09:14:19 pm IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<> wrote:  
Thanks for your observation K. Rajaram 

On Sat, Sep 28, 2024, 9:11 PM APS Mani <> wrote:

Interesting exposure of facts.  Thanks,  Mani
On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 9:03 PM Rajaram Krishnamurthy <> 

Mr Gopala krishnan writes as written in Quora without checking facts and when I 
write gets wild. Aug 2024 stat shows average per day as under and where many 
temples written by Mr G goes out of board as usual. 
THE HIGHEST FOOT FALL Indian temples per day:

1 Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi. Ram Janmbhoomi Mandir, AyodhyaDham.

   100000 to 1 50000 PD (as on aug 2024 stat)

2. TirupatiTirumala Venkateswara Temple, Tirumala, India 60-70000 perday

3. SiddhivinayakTemple, Mumbai, India 75000 to 90000 p d

4. Shirdi Sai Baba Temple, Shirdi, India 30000 to 100000 PD

5. GoldenTemple, Amritsar, India 75000 to 90000 PD 

6. Somnath Temple,Gujarat, India 30000 to 90000 (aug 2024 stat) PD

7. Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple, Kerala, India    30000to 90000 PD in season

8.Jagannath Temple, Puri, India 50000 to 100000 PD 

9. Kashi VishwanathTemple, Varanasi, India 1,50,000 average P D

10   Vaishno Devi Temple, Jammu, India     37000 to 44000 P D

11   AKSHARDHAMTEMPLE New delhi   25000to 40000 p D

12   Vaishno Devi Temple (Jammu) Mata Vaishno DeviTemple, Jammu.25000

13   Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Thiruvananthapuram, India789 to 15000 P D

14   Meenakshi Temple, Madurai, India 15000 to25000 P D

15   Ramanatha swamy temple   10000to 20000 P D

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   K RAJARAM IRS 28924

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sept 2024 at 18:49
Subject: [iyer123] CULTURAL QA 09-2024-28
To: Iyer <>

CULTURAL QA 09-2024-28

TEMPLES –Base Quora QA- Compiled

Q        Which 10 Indian temples get the mostvisitors each year?Can you provide 
legend about  the temples in nutshell?

A        Srivathsan, Best place in the world areTEMPLES Jan 4


The story of the figure of Meenakshi is alsolegendary. It describes a Pandya 
king, Malayadhvaja, who hoped for a son andheir. He carefully performed a fire 
ceremony requesting that the gods fulfilthis wish. 

Instead, he was granted a daughter, Meenakshi, whowas born with three breasts. 
The gods told the king not to worry, but to raiseMeenakshi as a brave warrior, 
just as he would a son, and that when she grew upand met her true lover, her 
third breast would disappear. Meenakshi provedherself gifted in battle, 
conquering armies in all directions. When she soughtto attack the north, 
however, she was confronted by the god Shiva, who dwellson Mount Kailasha, deep 
in the Himalayas. Upon seeing him, one of her breastsfell off and the prophecy 
was realized.

Kumaraguruparar, a great seventeenth-century Tamilpoet and devotee of Shiva, 
described this moment:

When you saw Shiva on the battlefield, your thirdcurving breast disappeared. 
You bowed to him shyly and were amazed to see thatsuddenly you had only two 

Your heart was filled only with him. You looked athim sweetly with a 
nectar-like side glance, and felt shy.

Another principal god in the Hindu pantheon, Vishnu(in the guise of Meenakshi’s 
brother), presided over the wedding of Shiva andMeenakshi, and the divine 
couple made their home in Madurai, where they ruled(and continue to 
symbolically rule) as queen and king.


The Pandya dynasty, expelled by Thirumala Naicker,found refuge in places like 
Valliyur, Tenkasi, and Sivagiri, later gaininginfluence in parts of Travancore. 
King Rajashekara, foster father of LordAyyappa, belonged to this lineage.

Desperate for an heir, Rajashekara and his queenprayed to Lord Shiva. 
Simultaneously, demons caused havoc, leading to battleswhere deities sought 
Durga's help.

Mahishi, seeking revenge, obtained a boon allowingonly Vishnu and Shiva's 
offspring to defeat her. Vishnu, as Mohini,orchestrated the birth of a child, 
Manikandan, raised by Rajashekara.

Manikandan, growing up exceptionally gifted, facedopposition, particularly from 
the ambitious Diwan. Amid plots and attempts onhis life, Manikandan sustained 
an unhealable injury, cured by Lord Shiva.

The Diwan, aspiring for his own candidate,manipulated the queen into feigning 
illness, claiming only tigress' milk couldcure her. Manikandan fetched it, 
defeating Mahishi along the way.

Returning, Manikandan revealed his divine nature toRajashekara. Realizing the 
truth, the king sought forgiveness. Manikandangranted the boon of a temple, 
leading to the establishment of Sabarimala, arevered pilgrimage site for Lord 
Ayyappa devotees of all backgrounds.


Legend of Pandavas: It is said that thePandavas, the heroes of the Hindu epic, 
the Mahabharata, built the Kedarnathtemple as a way to atone for their sins. 
According to the legend, Lord Shivatried to evade the Pandavas by taking the 
form of a bull, but was finallycornered by the Pandavas at Kedarnath. Lord 
Shiva then disappeared into theground, leaving only his hump on the surface. 
The temple is believed to bebuilt on the spot where Lord Shiva disappeared into 
the ground.

Legend of Nara and Narayana: It is believed that thesages Nara and Narayana 
meditated at Kedarnath for many years, and Lord Shivawas so pleased with their 
devotion that he granted them a permanent dwellingplace at the temple.

Legend of the Lingam: The lingam, a symbol of LordShiva, at the Kedarnath 
temple is said to have been formed naturally by theelements of earth, air, 
water, and fire.Also the great ADI SHANKARACHARYA attained moksha here.


Srimad-Bhagavatam describes the history of Tirumalathat during Satya yuga, 
Hiranyaksha, due to his exploitative activities createda situation where the 
earthwas drowned to the bottom of the Garbhodaka ocean. At that time, 
thedemigods approached Lord Brahma who prayed to Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu then 
appeared from thenose of Brahma in the form of Sri Varahadev. He killed 
Hiryanaksha and liftedthe earth, ‘Bhudevi’ with His tusks, and brought her to a 
safe position on topof the Garbhodaka ocean.

Bhudevi, the goddess of the earth, being an expansionof Goddess Laxmi was very 
much pleased to be reunited with Her Lord, Hereternal consort in the form of 
Sri Varahadev. In Vaikuntha ‘BhuVaraha’ resides eternally,so Bhudevi, who is 
the goddess of this earth, pleaded Lord Varahadev to remainwith Her on this 
earth planet. Sri Varahadev decided to satisfy her desire andcalled for Garuda 
to fly to Vaikuntha and bring one of His favourite mountainsdown to the earth, 
so that He and Bhudevi could reside here together on thatmountain. That 
mountain was brought down, and it is today called ‘Tirumala’. It is the 
mountainthat was carried from Vaikuntha by Garuda himself.

There is also a story of Sesa, the divine expansionof the Lord who sometimes 
appears as His couch, sometimes as His bed, andsometimes as His slippers, the 
same Adisesha incarnated on this earth as theseven hills in which Tirumala is 
situated. Therefore the seven hills are calledSeshadari. Knowing thatthe 
Supreme Lord would come to live on these hills, Sesha wanted to be there 
tosupport His divine pastimes.

As the narration continues, Narada Muni onceapproached great sages who 
performed yagna. Narada Muni enquired from them, “Towhom are you offering the 
fruits of yagna? Of all the devathas or demigods, whois the greatest?” Some 
rishis considered Brahma to be the greatest of the gods,some considered Vishnu, 
and some considered Siva to be the greatest. In anintriguing dialogue that 
followed among them, to decide who is the greatest,they all concluded that the 
greatest of the persons must be one, who iscompletely transcendental to the 
modes of material nature. Thus they allunanimously elected Bhruga Muni to test 
these guna avatars, to see the greatestof the three.

Bhruga rishi first went to the abode of Brahma.Brahma, the father was very 
happy to see his son, Bhruga Muni. But Bhruga Munidid not say anything to 
honour his father. In fact he outright ignored him. When Brahmaunderstood that 
his son was completely breaching all etiquette and basic humanmanners, he 
became very angry. Still, somehow or other he contained his angerand didn’t say 
anything. But Bhruga Muni noticed that his father was veryangry, and he left 
the place. Lord Brahma had failed the test, being come under the influenceof 

Then Bhruga Muni went to mount Kailash where LordSiva sat with Mother Paravati. 
When Siva, Bhruga Muni’s elder brother, saw hisyounger brother, he came up 
saying, “Oh, Bhruga , I am so happy to see you.Welcome to Kailash.” He came to 
embrace Bhruga Muni but Bhruga Muni stopped himsaying, “Get away from me. Don’t 
touch me. You smell terrible. You have ashesfrom dead bodies smeared all over 
your body. You wear skulls as garlands. Youassociate with ghosts and 
untouchables. If you were to touch me, I would haveto immediately take bath in 
the Ganges, just to purify myself from the intensecontamination.

Lord Siva, upon hearing Bhrgu’s insulting wordsbecame very angry. He picked up 
his trident and was about to punish Bhrgu whenParavati intervened and said, 
“No, my Lord, he is your brother.” Lord Siva thencooled himself down and Bhrgu 
Muni left the place. Even Lord Siva had failed the test.

Vishnu began to very gently massage the lotus feet ofBhrgu Muni, who being so 
treated began to weep, and tears flowed from his eyesas he spoke “You are the 
Supreme Personality of Godhead. You are completelytranscendental to the modes 
of material nature. You are all merciful,allcompassionate even to an offender 
like me, please forgive me.” According to SriCaitanya Bhagvat, after begging 
forgiveness, Bhrgu Muni seeing the qualities ofLord Vishnu, began to dance in 
ecstasy. He danced and wept and cried as hishairs stood on end and he went on 
loudly chanting theholy names Hare KrishnaHare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare 
Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama HareHare. Bhruga Muni then blissfully 
returned to all the sages and narrated hisreport. Everyone from that day on 
wards consistently worshiped Lord Vishnu byconstantly hearing His glories and 
chanting His Holy Names. Everything wasblissful, but Laxmi devifelt very 
depressed and angry. Although Lord Vishnu had tolerated theoffence committed by 
Bhruga Muni with a very gracious heart, Laxmi devi being achaste and faithful 
wife, could not tolerate the offence that was done to herhusband. She said to 
Lord Narayana,“You may forgive this person for that isyour nature.

But I have seenthis Brahmana whimsically kicking You right in the chest. And 
because I have seen thisabominable act, I have incurred a very heavy 
unforgivable sin and the sin ofwitnessing You accepting this offence is so 
great that I cannot live here anylonger. I must go away from here. I must 
perform severe penances in order towash away the sin that was incurred by my 
seeing this offence to You.


It is believed that Varanasi is the firstjyothirlinga to manifest itself. 
According to the legend, it was at this placethat shiva (the Hindu god of 
destruction) manifested as an infinite column oflight (Jyotirlinga) in front of 
Brahma (the Hindu god of creation) and Vishnu(the Hindu god of preservation) 
when they had an argument about theirsupremacy.

In order to discover the origin of the luminouscolumn, Vishnu took the form of 
a boar (Varaha) and tracked the column beneaththe ground, while Brahma, who 
assumed the shape of a swan, scoured the heavensin an attempt to locate the 
apex of the column. However, both of them wereunsuccessful in identifying the 
source of the luminous column. Yet, Brahmadeceitfully asserted that he had 
discovered the summit of the column, whileVishnu humbly admitted his inability 
to find the starting point of the radiantcolumn. Due to Brahma's deceit over 
the discovery of the originof the luminous column, Shiva penalised him by 
cutting his fifth head andplacing a curse upon him.This curse entailed that 
Brahma would no longer receive reverence,whereas Vishnu, being truthful, would 
be equally venerated alongside Shiva andhave dedicated temples for eternity.

Hindu scriptures describe Vishweshara as the sacreddeity of Varanasi, holding 
the position of king over all the other deities aswell as over all the 
inhabitants of the city and the extended circuit of thePanchkosi, an area (the 
sacred boundary of Varanasi) spreading over 50 miles.


According to the REGIONAL LEGEND, the deity Rama isregarded to have performed 
pooja to Vishnu's idol. He is regarded to havegranted the idol to Vibhishana to 
take back with him to Lanka. Rama informed him that he could notset the idol 
upon the earth; if he did so, the idol would become boundupon the site. While 
travelling towards Lanka, he came upon the banks of theriver Kaveri. He placed 
theidol on the banks while an utsavam was in progress. When the utsavam 
gotover, the idol refused to move, according to some accounts because Vishnu 
grewfond of Srirangam. 

When Vibhishana requested the deity to come alongwith him, Vishnu refused, but 
promised to bless Vibhishana by always facing thesouth (the direction of Lanka, 
home to Vibhishana). It is due this reason the idol of the deity (in areclining 
posture) is believed to face the south.

 The Cholakings Dharmavarcholan and Killivalavan developed the shrine into the 
presentsize of the temple, with the contributions of Thirumangai lawar. They 
built thebasic foundations and main buildings.

After the rise of the Vijayanagara empire, theemperor Krishnadevaraya offered 
his patronage to the city,treating it on par with Tirupati and bequeathing 
plenty of treasures, jewelsand lands to the Srirangam temple. During his period 
the Srirangamtemple was restructured, and many plans were executed for its 
growth andwelfare of the people.


Counted among one of the Shakti Peetha’s, this is theplace where the Navel or 
Nabhiof Goddess Sati fell when Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshana Chakra touched 
GoddessSati’s body.

The temple is also believed as the center of theearth or eastern hemisphere. 

There is a belief that after taking birth for killingAsur Bhandasur, Devi sat 
here taking “Kanya Swarup.” The idol is “Swayambhu,”which signifies it has 
appeared and not created. She is believed to have threeSwarups in the temple. 
These include Sthula, Sukshama, and Shunya.

Goddess Kamakshi created the mud idol of Lord Shivain Kanchi to worship him. To 
test her worship, Lord Shiva incarnated himself asKamba River that has high 
tides. But the Goddess did not let the mud idol erodeaway in tides. She grasped 
it closely with her hands.

She also prayed on a needle tip that is surrounded by5 fires (Panchakagni) to 
free her from the livelihood interest. Lord Shivabecame happy with her worship 
and married her.

There are various Shiva temples in Kanchi, but “SriKamakshi Amman Temple” is 
the only one with the Goddess Sanctorum. Eight ShaktiGoddesses also surround 
the temple.

There was astanding image of Kamakshi Devi in Gold. This is a pose in which she 
prayed and is calledBangaru Kamakshi. An attack was expected at the temple, so 
the image in Goldgets shifted to Thanjavur.

Lord Shiva and Vishnu surround Kamakshi templesituated in the heart of 
Kanchipuram. On one side, there are various Shivatemples and few Vishnu temples 
and is referred as big or Shiva Kanchi. Theother side of the Kamakshi temple 
has big Vishnu temples and some Shiva templestoo. This side is known as small 
or Vishnu Kanchi.


The origin of the Temple of Sree Padmanabhaswamy islost in antiquity. It is not 
possible to determine with any exactitude, fromany reliable historical 
documents or other sources as to when and by whom theoriginal idol of Sree 
Padmanabhaswamy was consecrated. 

The Temple has references in Epics and Puranas.Srimad Bhagavatha says that 
Balarama visited this Temple, bathed inPadmatheertham and made several 

Nammalwar, 9th century poet and one among the 12Vaishnavite saints of the Alvar 
tradition, has composed ten hymns in praise ofLord Padmanabha. 

Some well known scholars, writers and historians,like the late Dr. L.A.Ravi 
Varma of Travancore, have expressed the view thatthis Temple was established 
onthe first day of Kali Yuga (which is over 5000 years ago). The legendsof the 
Temple are handed down through the centuries. One such legend whichfinds a 
place in the old palm leaf records of the Temple, as also in the famousgrantha 
entitled “Ananthasayana Mahatmya”, mentions that it was consecrated by a 
TuluBrahmin hermit named Divakara Muni. 

On the 950th year of Kali Yuga a reinstallation ofthe idol was done. In 
the960th Kali year King Kotha Marthandan built the Abhisravana Mandapam.

My note- There is a legend associated withVilwamangalam swamikal about the 
origin of the temple, known to most in Kerala.

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