WRT the email Mr Gopalakrishnan started as usual to hide his guilt. Guilt
of what? He writes and so many do write. I always only address the content
and add ,modify or reveal my thoughts with the evidence from science and
religious texts. Normally every issue of a media will be addressed only as
the editor could have done that or avoided this or perhaps meant this only.
The editor must own it even if he had translated the Mahabharata. where his
line of thought as stated in the edition of that Mahabharatha did speak
like that m then what he learnt from that to write like that is content
which the ditor owns; he cannot simply walk away from as vyasa said it;
because what Vyasa said was not mentioned but what vyasa would have said
according to the editor only. So also whether on quora or Bora text,
compiler must understand better before inking as he has to face the erudite
who knows better.  I have explained this issue just now wrt a kenyan
proverb; it is written to indirectly hit thinking it served the purpose;
hasty; but the real purpose of many quotes are in different context and
situation, fitting well then. Because our mind thought it would fit now, it
may not serve the purpose at all. When one cannot explain in detail as to
why it is, the idiosyncrasy would only pull them awy to the center of the
flood only. We are responsible for our words. So also Mr Gopalakrishnan. As
long as he thinks well about what he writes to defend well, he will not
call names or indirectly write , someone will etc; even if one does not
mention name , are we foolish enough, not to know? Is he childish? How many
minutes would it take for me to present the same family language against
him? He calls me an idiot; well did I use it  first; NO; he writes un
learnt, IRS taught, etc; then against such learnt, I have to as he did it;
I always say :you have to take back what you pronounced". I wrote why
dhaba and electricity copper and alimi,ium cable pronouncements of
yesteryears are not prevalent now for which gave him the PDF current on
current.  The reasons given only one is erroneous in scientific
explanations as so many factors are there; I say it is not only that but so
many that are too subjective. That is the exactitude. WHO WRITES "NO ONE
not know the content well placed in his accounts, if he so wished, he shall
nor even back ,but refrain from bad words and observations. If no one reads
I would not be sending them the whole content once again for their asking
as they missed in between. People are supposed as having enough time; it is
incorrect; may be a current status at one time; but situation change; and
they get a lot of time to finish; so the books; in my career I bought quite
a lot of books and shelved them as then I was tightly scheduled; but I
found my breathing space and finished later; as a matter of fact the
posterity in my generation one day will wonder the date of purchase signed
and the date of reading and finish after even 6 years. Now I hold 15 books
right in front (in the next table) (bought from Dallas Swami Mukundananda)
May read one day. So content will arise only when wholly calmly read; not
when one thing is learned and the rest unlearnt. So Mr Gopalkrishnan must
know to get refined. All will set right and fit in. But one can only take
the horse to the pond. K Rajaram IRS 1x24

On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 at 06:48, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <
iyer...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Respected sir,
> With all regards, I am to intimate you the following.
> I  am tolerating Mr Rajaram's abuses like idiot, not knowing, illiterate
> etc in responses to my postings. Still as a cultured and civilized
> member, I least responds to him. But his bad comments increases day by day.
>  Once he called me *bogus ITS*. Is it a cultured behavior  for an IRS
> officer who got his IRS in one of the last candidates in the last attempt?
> I got my ITS class II in the first attempt with due seniority promoted to
> ITS class 1. Later he called me *a supervisor*
> *I never mentioned Mr Rajaram's name. I made a statement  about members
> who underestimate others. All members must think others are are having
> equal caliber.*
> *Perhaps you may forget, but as members we cannot. Mr Rajaram had a tough
> fight with you on the meaning of "Gajananam bhootha Ganathisevitham...."*
> *I give all regards to members and expects the same. *
> *I never responds to Mr Rajaram's postings. Do I ? Why he responds to my
> postings in an indecent manner? Is it ethic?  If he has got corrections let
> him simply correct and respond. Why does he comment on poster and compiler?
> *
> *All the postings I make are compiled with maximum error free language.
> But Mr Rajaram's writings are full of mistakes. Many of his forwards are
> also not correct. Am I commenting on them? *
> *Why Mr Rajaram un-wantedly poke his nose on others? *
> *Regarding Mr Sharma's language I have wrote to him not to use abusing
> language, but can use hard language.  I openly admit I gave a copy to Mr
> Sharma, for a support, in the wake of increasing abusing by Mr Rajaram. *
> *If you respect my Mail, kindly address Mr Rajaram for a decent behavior. *
> *With regards,*
> *Gopalakrishnan*
> On Tuesday, 1 October, 2024 at 04:51:43 am IST, Major Bala Iyer <
> majorbala1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mr Gopalakrishnan, some time back I wrote, abuses should not be
> permitted.Knowingly or Unknowingly, in an indirect way you invite responses
> which turn into big battles. I refer to Mr Sekhar.s quote on blade and axe.
> appreciating the last line(no Problem) but adding some in the group is not
> warranted with a person like you .I am sorry.
> Regards
> Major Bala
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 9:13 PM Laxminarayan Sarma <
> laxminarayan.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Yes you Thengalai*
> *Mother fucking*
> *Thengalai Pundey*
> *Indeed, it is family' *
> *Language..   the LANGUAGE of Your *
> *Whoring family.. (YOUR MOTHER TONGUE)*
> *And the ONLY LANGUAGE you understand *
> On Mon, 30 Sep, 2024, 9:06 pm Laxminarayan Sarma, <
> laxminarayan.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Brother
> Begginh
> Your
> Pardon
> And apoligising to
> A lesrned  gentleman like
> You
> Let me repeat
> There's no
> Harm in calling s spade
> A spade
> I would be a hypocrite
> If I didn't speak
> The Truth
> And
> Call  a
> Mother fucker
> Born out of incest
> A bastard
> On Mon, 30 Sep, 2024, 8:47 pm gopala krishnan, <gopa4...@yahoo.in> wrote:
> *I endorse  your theory. *There is no meaning to advise Veda to the
> buffalo coming to attack.
> Still it can be hard  language than abusing language. We should not be
> equal to Mr Rajaram  in abusing.
> On Monday, 30 September, 2024 at 08:36:05 pm IST, Laxminarayan Sarma <
> laxminarayan.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Dear Brother *
> *I respect*
> *Your*
> *Sentiments*
> *Cultured language is*
> *Only for *
> *Cultured Civilised gentlemen *
> *Not for*
> *Basterds like*
> *The IRS shit cleaning *
> *Pimp*
> *Like*
> *This*
> *Thengalai bastard *
> On Mon, 30 Sep, 2024, 8:22 pm gopala krishnan, <gopa4...@yahoo.in> wrote:
> Dear Mr Sharma,
> I just included you  in the address  to show Mr Rajaram's  true nature. If
> Mr Narayanaswamy was active , he would have responded in such a manner, Mr
> Rajaram would not play his sticks.
> Respond please in a c
> *cultured language. *
> *Gopalakrishnan*
> On Monday, 30 September, 2024 at 06:52:15 pm IST, Laxminarayan Sarma <
> laxminarayan.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *You bastard thengalai pundey, i thought the devil had taken you to hell
> with your whore-mother. But you're still around, sadly. I too am back now,
> SoB, if you have the balls, reveal your whereabouts. I wiil come and beat
> the shit out of you, you eunuch-whore.*
> On Mon, 30 Sep, 2024, 6:35 pm Rajaram Krishnamurthy, <
> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mr Gopalakrishnan then you keep on lamenting directly and indirectly? You
> do not read does not mean none read. If cat closes the eyes will there be
> darkness? K Rajaram IRS
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2024, 6:26 PM gopala krishnan <gopa4...@yahoo.in> wrote:
> Mr Rajaram,
> Reading your response makes me remember the Malayalam saying "Kinnam
> kattathu Jnan alla".( I have not stolen the bowl) Did I mention any where
> about you in my response?.
> No member in the groups ever appreciate either your forwarding trash or
> any response with the lines below the dignity of the position held or of
> your education.
> You are one of the members keeping below the status of a civilized or
> cultured member. Any correspondence with you is *fruitless.*
> Gopalakrishnan
> On Monday, 30 September, 2024 at 02:42:23 pm IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
> keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well said By Mr Sekar wrt Mr Gopalakrishnan. Axe and blade are two
> different functionalities tools. Only idiots will try to use the tools
> wrongly. Definitely vandi on odam and odam on vandi means
> transportatiopns.  A peon's place is outside the officer's room and one
> cannot sit exchanging their spots; also a peon cannot become an officer ,
> even though an officer if he opts may serve even as a peon. Qualifications
> do matter. Unless there is relevant qualification for both  and serves only
> temporarily, VANDI is VANDI & ODAM is ODAM; AE is AXE; BLADE is BLADE. Can
> an eighth standard become an officer? never.  For that Bangalore Sai
> repeated only the Vedic words VIDYA DHADETHI VINAYAM. aDI sHANKARA ARGUING
> The Sanskrit <https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Sanskrit> word of excessive
> pride is Mada <https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Mada>. It means excessive
> vanity about one's accomplishments including education,
>  finances, family heritage or social status. It is one of the six
> formidable enemies of the mind <https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Mind> which
> are not easy to
>  conquer. Śankarācharya
> <https://www.hindupedia.com/index.php?title=%C5%9Aankar%C4%81charya&action=edit&redlink=1>
>  defines
> this word in the following way - "*vidyaadinimittaatsvasmin
> aadhikyabuddhih*” meaning   "
>  The mental attitude born in the form of 'I am a great person. I am
> healthy, rich and a great soul and who is equal to me on
>  this earth,' is spoken of as Mada <https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Mada> or
> Pride by the learned ones."  (We use the word mada sambrani is the root
> word of
>  Mada)
>           All pride is not bad. A true Sadhu does not even have these two
> types of pride but most of us are not Sadhus. The
>  common person must have the following two types of pride, otherwise we
> are not even fit to be called human being.
>    - *Constructive Pride:* Pride is not always bad and constructive pride
>    is good. The latter helps us to overcome our
>    -  weaknesses so that we can excel in our work. Constructive pride in
>    the overall performance of our sports or academic
>    -  team, for example, instills in us a sense of belongingness to the
>    group and motivates us to put in our best in the team
>    -  effort for the victory of the entire team. When we take pride in
>    our work, we try to improve our skills further, and put
>    -  in greater effort so that the task can be completed perfectly.
>    Pride in our country can inspire us to practice and uphold
>    -  our glorious national heritage and traditions. But excessive pride
>    can be destructive, especially when we try to make
>    -  others look bad or make then look small in comparison to us. This
>    type of pride leads to arrogance, boastfulness and
>    -  conceit. For example, it is OK to be proud of our country, but this
>    pride should not lead us to insult people from other
>    -  countries. It is acceptable to be proud of our cultural heritage
>    and our religion, but we should not tease others by
>    -  saying that theirs is inferior.
>    - *Self-Respect:* Secondly, pride does not mean that we should have no
>    self-respect. If we allow everyone to humiliate
>    -  us and make fun of us, then they will do it even more and will
>    totally crush us. Self-respect means that we walk away
>    -  from situations or people where we are insulted constantly.
>    Continuing to stay where we are always insulted or making
>    -  friends with people who always tease us and criticize us can have a
>    negative effect on our self-esteem. Such a person
>    -  will then lose confidence and faith in his own abilities because
>    people around him are always criticizing, insulting and
>    -  ridiculing him. Bhagavān Krishna
>    <https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Krishna> therefore says that we should
>    not be ‘atimānī’ (excessively proud) and instead we
>    -  should have just enough pride that is sufficient for self-respect.
>    In His own life, when Duryodhana
>    <https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Duryodhana> invited him to a
>    -  feast, Krishna <https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Krishna> chose to
>    reject his invitation and go to Vidura
>    <https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Vidura>’s home for a simple vegetable
>    dinner saying, “We should
>    -  eat in other’s homes when we are in trouble, or when that other
>    person loves and respects us. I am not in trouble
>    -  right now, and you have no respect or love for me.”
>                The above distinctions are unknown to many as they
> generally think all quotes only to their advantages and as they think it
> fits. So having pride depends on that situation. Pride is not bad after all
> as long as it reveals the knowledge which would appear as bad pride ONLY TO
> THE NUTS. K Rajaram IRS 30924
> On Mon, 30 Sept 2024 at 12:41, 'N Sekar' via KeralaIyers <
> keralaiy...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Thanks Sri G K.
> I have heard Sri Sathya Sai saying
> " End of education is humility".  Education should not make one haughty.
> Not to look down on others is said in so many different ways.  That's why
> I argued no caste is superior or inferior. Each has it's own unique
> characteristics. Each has a role to play.
> There is a Tamizh film song
> " vandiyum oru Nal odathil erum, odamum oru Nal vandiyil erum"
> Meaning rules can easily be reversed.
> What goes up comes down and what is down goes up.
> N Sekar
> Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
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> On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 11:02 AM, Rajaram Krishnamurthy
> <keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Poor satisfaction as expected K. Rajaram IRS
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2024, 10:59 AM 'gopala krishnan' via Thatha_Patty <
> thatha_patty@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Dear Mr Sekar,
> I admire the last line. In our groups there are few members looking down
> on others. Let them read the line again and again.
> Gopalakrishnan
> On Monday, 30 September, 2024 at 08:12:03 am IST, 'N Sekar' via
> KeralaIyers <keralaiy...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
> <https://mail.onelink.me/107872968?pid=NativePlacement&c=Global_Acquisition_YMktg_315_EmailSignatureGrowth_YahooMail:Search,Organize,Conquer&af_sub1=Acquisition&af_sub2=Global_YMktg&af_sub3=&af_sub4=100000945&af_sub5=OrganizeConquer__Static_>
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