Sugar Mountain
by Katrina
Rated PG-13

Gabrielle and I, we wandered to all the ancient  lands together. One of the 
adventures I didn't touch on in my novel was  our adventures in the North West, 
in Asia.  
She was beginning to shy away from me, to leave my company for the  great 
forests and monstrous jungles to which she would one day leave my  side for 
Indeed, I had never felt so alone as I journeyed to Asia and lay eyes  on the 
strangest devil I had yet to see. Bear in mind, Gabrielle and I had  
witnessed supernatural evidence such as poltageists and werewolves, but  never 
had we 
seen another of our kind like this. No, not like this. His  skin shone with 
dark tan, and his eyes sparkled with uncommon mischief and  humour. I read the 
name of this mysterious stranger from his mind, for in  truth, as ancient as he 
was he was still weaker than myself.  
Stooped in his own twisted religious ideas, Azim seemed the very  creature I 
detested in his needless destruction of mortal life. I saw his  revolting 
ceremonies from my vantage point above his villages and  residence and felt my 
stomach churn. Death at its cruelest. Not the sweet  and merciful death I often 
gave to the scum of the mortal world, but  sickening and bone crunching 
displays of strength and power. He enjoyed  the power and domination over his 
followers. He enjoyed ravishing their  minds and destroying what little dreams 
possessed before tearing  their bodies to shreds. Bloated on human blood, he 
rose above his  followers and watched mercilessly as they bowed and scraped 
their knees,  drawing blood.  
I was perched high above this carnage, watching the scene with narrowed  
eyes. They called this structure Sugar Mountain, the way it rose high  above 
villages on a large mound, giving the God an all seeing  advantage over his 
Hopping down, I walked through the melee of human carnage and reached  down 
among the helpless mortals to pick up one who had fallen and was  being 
trampled to death. The very image of Nicholas stared before me, the  only 
being darker skin. His sunlit days had accorded him a  substantial tan.  
Smiling affectionately, I guided him out of the crush of the mortal  crowd 
and told him to leave.  
"But .. but .. my God ..." He muttered, his eyes closed in fear of  
displeasing the ancient God of Asia.  
"He is no God" I confirmed. "Neither should he pretend as such. We are  
demons, devils. We take blood, we enjoy it. We kill, we love it. But we  are no 
Gods! Leave now" Baring my teeth at the young man I watched him as  he fled 
from me and Azim.  
Then I felt *his* prescence behind me. Azim.  
"I do not resent you for what you have done" Azim said slyly, his  golden 
eyebrows furrowed. "I only wish to know why".  
I whirled to face him, my hands catching his attire and flinging him  with 
preternatural force against the wall behind him. It shattered like so  much 
glass through the force of my actions. Women wailed and scattered as  they 
the two God's wage war upon each other.  
"Why?" I seethed. "Why???! I will tell you why. You are throwing random  
images to these pathetic mortals. You are destroying their very spirit  only to 
live in a blood bath each night. You do not need it or even truly  enjoy it. 
Death is the ultimate pleasure for us, but it need not mean we  take life in 
vain. For all the death's I have initiated in this world I  still maintain a 
and respect for all things living".  
"Respect" Azim spat angrily. "We are life eternal. They are nothing!"  
"They are our sustenance, yes. But they are not to be trampled upon.  You 
strive to be some useless God, and you cannot heal your followers. You  only 
bring them death and dismay".  
Azim freed himself indignantly and turned away from me. "You know,  Lestat, I 
have heard about the way you destroyed the theatre in Paris. You  will not 
destroy my way of life to suit your own twisted morals".  
"I will return" I vowed "One day, I shall return. Not only to destroy  you, 
but to destroy all you hold dear 

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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