Disclaimer : This is a work of amateur, non-profit fiction  and is not meant 
to infringe on the copyrights of Anne Rice or her  publishers. The characters 
belong to Anne Rice, except for Dominic;  he's mine, although Lestat insists 
Spoilers : Up to MtD I guess, and if you haven't read my  Demons series you 
probably won't have a clue ;)  
Dedication : To the child that lives in each of us, never  give up on your 

by Beverley
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   

The rulebook says that you don't chase after a vampire, they  are supposed to 
hunt you down.  
But I never took the easy option. If there was any way to screw  the system, 
you can bet that I would find it.  
It was snowing.  
Great, white flakes that landed soundlessly on the ground,  covering the 
tufts of grass, making everything pure, and covering  all imperfections.  
It was kind of a habit for me now to come here at this time of  year. I came 
for the snow because it reminded me of that night,  years ago, when a fucked 
up kid from the rich side of town diced  with Death. Money could buy anything, 
even protection from the  undead. I had lived in a cocoon for so long I really 
believed that.  
He didn't want to hurt, I don't think he even wanted to feed, he  was just 
curious, and I was bored.  
I felt his presence as I ambled to meet my little group of carol  singers 
wishing that I had stayed inside by the fire. I spun around  quickly as the 
stood up on the back of my neck, but there was  nobody there.but there had 
Christmas is special but my reasons are not quite the same as  everyone 
The smell of a living tree, fresh green pine, they decorate  people's houses 
trimmed with shiny baubles and strings of brilliant  tinsel.  
For me it is the smell of the damp forest as I stumbled blindly  in the pitch 
dark searching for him, my limbs snapping the  overhanging branches, and 
oblivious to the scratches on my face and  hands.  
Wreaths of holly on welcoming doorways; bright red berries  signify the blood 
of Christ they say.  
All I remember was my blood slowly dripping onto the snow,  spreading 
outwards in a circle as he drank.  
There was a star about two thousand years ago, a bright  blinding star.  
I swear I saw its light as I clung numbly to him, my frozen  fingers digging 
into the cold flesh of his neck. The night sky was  my screen and all the 
stars silently watched.  
I struggled to keep my eyes open and to fix the memory of his  face into my 
The snowflakes didn't melt as they hit his face; he was as cold  as they were 
and they lay on the surface of his skin as I tried not  to stare.  
I expected to die there, in a vampire embrace, to be found frozen  in the 
morning and maybe mourned by a few that knew that behind my  headstrong surface 
there was a kid that wanted to be loved for what  he was.  
When he pushed me away, I felt a gut wrenching ache that our  connection had 
been lost. I was sprawled there on the icy ground;  wide child eyes gazing up 
at him, with his outline finely detailed  against the crisp night sky.  
His gleaming eyes held me spellbound and the only thing I was  conscious of 
was the blood slowly crusting on my neck as the cold  air froze my wound.  
Slowly he knelt down beside me and I saw his lips move but no  words were 
spoken. Then he sighed and his breath hit the air in a  dragon-like cloud.  
"Go," he whispered in a soft, honeyed tongue. "I will not take  your life, 
child, but I will ease your soul."  
He touched my cheek with the palm of his hand and sadly smiled,  marking me 
for the dark side. Again I fought to keep my eyes open,  knowing that he had 
swept me up into his arms and that he was  carrying me. I didn't care where.  
When I opened my eyes again I was surrounded by kids that I knew,  some of 
them with anxious faces, the others laughing at me. That was  nothing new.  
They all wanted to know how I had fallen asleep on a park bench  when I was 
supposed to be meeting up with them for an evening of  caroling.  
~He had made me forget, swept away the demons that danced in  my head and 
made me strong enough to face the years ahead. He had  given me another chance 
life, a true Christmas gift.  
And I only remembered recently, and only because I thought I  caught a 
glimpse of him as I played tag with my maker through the  alleyways of Paris. 
had laughed and teased me, said I looked  as if I had seen a ghost. Then we 
had walked towards the river, me  with my eyes straight ahead and Lestat, hands 
in his pockets,  studying me with a sidelong glance. Louis slipped from the 
shadows  and immediately noticed the tension. He fell into step beside us and  
chastised me mentally for being too like Lestat for my own good.  
Happy families~  
The sound of people laughing, car doors slamming, cold  engines struggling 
into life.  
I must have been standing here for hours on the edge of the  forest 
overlooking the village, and dwelling on the past. I smiled  wryly to myself; 
this was 
way too much like Armand for my liking.  
I turned my head towards the sound, sniffing the air and catching  cigarette 
smoke, rich food and burnt pine logs.  
Thrusting my hands inside my calf skin leather jacket, I started  to make my 
way back to where I had left Lestat. I was late and I  steeled myself for 
another scolding.  
It had been another year, another pilgrimage. But don't ask me  what I was 
searching for.  
Oh yeah, if you're interested, my name is Dominic de Lioncourt,  and you 
already know most of my story. This is how it all began.  
Christmas is for hope and the future and for angels, but who said  that all 
angels had to wear white. 


**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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